Hm. This is going to be my only post until some time in the mid-afternoon, so based on past experience I'm about to lose a fair amount of ground in any vote debates. Eh well. Man's gotta work, what can you do?
[Please everyone remember I can't do anything to stick up for my ideas until some time about eight or ten hours from now]
[x] RUN! A war zone is not the place for a squishy human!
-[] At human pace. Don't raise any tricky questions. If you get caught and have to fight, then that's all there is to it, but let's not make things harder on ourselves and show Jaron things he's not supposed to see.
--[] but power up enough to stop bomb shrapnel and bullets, but no higher than necessary for that purpose.
i would rather not die to a lucky shot, thanks. and i see no reason for us to cause additional political instability or tip our hand about Jaron via showing him the truth.
Is there a reason you used different vote wording than me? I'm curious.
Right now we are going through a existential crisis. It would be really good for us to us our powers in a constructive way.
In principle, but it would
also be good for us to not jump the chain of command and, y'know,
ask permission first. Again, the Masquerade is the cornerstone of saiyan society on Garenhuld, and the two clan leaders' authority over Masquerade-related decisions is among the most critical elements of
their power. Just laughing the Masquerade off to go be a superhero is tempting and maybe we can do it without getting caught, but that's not the way to bet.
And Saiyans have participated in human wars. Senzu made their fortune in human society in part through doing so, in fact.
And the point of said write-in is to do so secretly, and it's limited to saving lives.
I would bet you ten internet dollars that the Senzus
asked permission of House Vegeta's leadership before doing so, assuming they were doing this after the rise of the House structure. Maintaining the Masquerade is a coordinated action and a core privilege of the House leaders; expect them to guard it jealously. This is precisely why Berra has been using Maya's status as a way to gain political leverage, because he
is technically the only person on the planet who has the legal right to make decisions regarding Maya and the Masquerade.
So, can anyone provide a reason not to go out and save lives.
There is only one person IC who could possibly do so. I recommend asking him,
then doing it.
Only flaw is that we'd be restricted to a lower PL due to Maya and the Scouts. 100 to 200 thousand should be more then sufficient anyway though.
Yes, it certainly should.
...Several flaws with that:
1) Dandeer has no legal authority to do so to us, and if no one would support her in such a measure.
2) Why would she even do so in the first place?
Let's just replace "Dandeer might try to harm us" with all the many bad things that could happen with respect to saiyan society if the Masquerade falls apart because someone figured out that the common thread in all those "I was saved by a superhero" threads is Kakara.
This isn't me saying "we shouldn't do it," this is me saying "let's at least take time to find out what Berra's plan is and if he's set anything in motion we need to be aware of"
before doing it. We already know he has a problem with forgetting to brief his 'soldiers' on things that he doesn't think of as directly affecting them, or forgetting to give them important information until a little later than appropriate.
3) There is no intention to break the Masquerade. There's numerous ways for us to help without causing any issues.
Public use of powers always has this risk.
Someone may notice anything we do, and the more miraculous it is the more conspicuous it will be. "And then a wall of shrapnel just stopped in midair, and there was this schoolgirl standing there, and then
blur." "And I was trying to push aside the burning wreckage to get to my baby, and then this schoolgirl handed little Susiebell to me and then she just
vanished." And so on.
I mean, I'm not saying we
would force a Masquerade breach unless we do something drastic like flying around above the city lobbing ki blasts at incoming gravity bombs to blow them up before they hit the ground. But doing this carries an inevitable risk of breaking the Masquerade, which makes this a policy issue, and Berra should at least be
4) The adults are current disrupting the invasion. We'd be focused on saving lives.
If he didn't have humane intentions regarding the war he wouldn't be trying to stop it- but unlike Kakara, he can't be in two places at once. I think he'll make the right choice.