I think I'd like to run that idea past Berra or wait a little longer before acting on it. He's trusting us to consult him before we do anything he'd consider an "infohazard" risk, and blowing that trust isn't going to be a good thing for us in the long run.
The problem is that if you think in narrative terms, the two skill sets are closely related- the ability to construct plausible falsehoods, the ability to model how other people will respond to various categories of stimuli and provocations, the ability to recognize other people's motives and tailor one's position and words to match... All of that comes into play in both skill sets.
It's going to be hard to coach someone about 'how to lie convincingly' without the context of who they're lying to, what information they'd be trying to protect, and why it's important that they be able to do so.
I mean, Maya could figure a fair amount from just that alone: "...wait, why is your grandma teaching you to keep up a better poker face?"
[Cue us trying to come up with an explanation and probably failing because this happened near the beginning of our Deceit lessons]
Bringing Fennella along is probably a good idea, but I'm nervous about bringing Maya into the social circle of Masqued saiyans without talking it over with Lord Berra... and we probably don't want to tell dad we're taking lessons in how to conceal the truth, especially if he might ask why he's not the one being asked to do it (again, forcing us to lie about why we need to learn to lie better, when we don't already know how).
I never suggested not telling Berra? Lying, or at least being able to keep things to ourself, is an important skill, especially for such an important skill.
And the context of "Deceit" is lying in general. Hypotheticals can be used. And Maya is going to be expected to keep the existence of the "monsters"/"aliens" from people, and keep Ki a secret.
As for why we're not getting lessons from him? He's got an important job so we don't want to take up more of his time(True), it'll give us a chance to spend more time with Grandma(true), and we want to introduce our friends to Grandma(true).
Because have you
seen the rate planets and moons get destroyed in Dragon Ball? And the Supreme Kai's obviously aren't doing their job right.
...Well, that and just waving your arms and a planet appears would be
really cool.
Er... you mean that the actual amount of power manipulation involved scales with, say, e to the power of the power level?
Jeez I hope not. Because (for example) a power differential of 700 versus 1000 is a major gap. But if power scales exponentially with power level, then...
The thing is, in an exponential function, increasing the power level by a fixed additive increase would ALWAYS multiply the power level by a fixed amount.
If adding 300 to a base power level of 300 to get 600 is a large gap in power level (say, in increase by a factor of two), AND if power growth is exponential as a function of level... Raising power level from 600 to 3600 is implementing that same increase of a factor of two ten times. So 3600 is 1024 times as powerful as 600.
By the same logic, 6600 is 1024 times as powerful as 3600, and over a million times more powerful than 600. But it gets worse.
1,000,003,000 is ALSO 1024 times as powerful as a power level of exactly one billion. "A billion and thirty thousand" is (1024^10) or roughly 10^30 times more powerful than "a billion." "A billion and three hundred thousand" is roughly 10^300 times more powerful than "a billion." And so on.
I'm pretty sure Poptart has explicitly said it does not work this way, and power levels are additive. I hope they did.
Nah, that was just me applying RL science to Space Magic, which wouldn't really apply. But in case you're worried, the exponential rate is 1.2255385652743034421643062829407*10^-8. It's pretty minor if you're within 10 million or so.
But yeah, upon calculating with that, Kakara would indeed have enough raw energy to produce enough mass for a moon, calculated through e=mc^2.
For those wondering: through e=mc^2, the moon is 6.6037592413026551656653076e+39 joules. Through the wonders of math and power scaling, Kakara at full power(non Oozaru) can generate at least 9.0749175170522001811580654872525e+40 joules.