There's a chance, but as googleeyesultra points out, we don't need to worry about it for quite a while. The odds that nobody will be able to master it, with our guidance, in the next thirty to fifty years? Well, it strikes me as unlikely.
how many people mastered it in exile history? Or at all?
King kai, Goku, Gohan, Kakara. And Gohan only learned it after he died and became a god, because ruined it when Gohan didn't get it.
Of those 4 Kakara is the only person in history to ever manage to control the spirit saiyan. Goku went berserk. King Kai probably never considered it. Gohan... he likely never tried to be fair.
Kakara can't give much help, and it's not the kind of technique we can really teach.
As for the knowledge thing, I was thinking "recreate two destroyed places that happen to involve a lot of tech" would fall under the purview of one wish, in the same way that resurrecting multiple people does. The katchin thing is honestly the more dubious aspect, but then again, it might not be necessary - there's a reason neither Goku not Vegeta just blew the darn thing up with a ki blast.
in that case in canon it took an extra wish to "bring their place of death to earth" instead of Namek.
If we wished back the lab, IF Porunga can do it after all those centuries (bringing back people mostly involves building a body and bringing a soul back to it. A lab doesn't have a soul) with only one wish he'd likely rebuild it on earth.
There's also a chance that, if the knowledge of this tech had to come from heaven or hell, that the barrier on heaven might stop Porunga from getting the info.
I thought Makyo Star was the Japanese name for it. Anyway, you may have a point about gamebreaking - even though this is Dragonball - but my read of Poptart is that they wouldn't be upset with us for trying.
maybe. Porunga, on the other hand...
Now where to start, personally I think it's a horrible idea to give another clan power, if you asked me why it's because the current system didn't fail. The Duopoly has kept both clans under control for a long time and is still doing so now. The Dandeer situation happened because she went directly against the system. She mind controlled her lord and son, killed a lot of people, tried to sow discord between the saiyans and humans, and continues to do worse even now. Calling for a revamp on a system that hasn't failed would set a bad precedent, since it would be saying that we failed which if we think of it from a certain angle we did. We could of killed Dandeer at anytime but for the sack of our values we've elected not too, does that mean we were wrong to do so? No but that doesn't exactly make it right ether. The knighthood plan isn't a bad idea though, I'd personally be for it if it wasn't for the fact that Clan Sanzu is part of the Vegeta Clan meaning whatever position of power they get would be through Juaffer not us. Not only that but I honestly think we need more lore on saiyan history before we even consider trying to revamp an age old government so we don't fall into any pit traps along the way. We need more then they did good lets rearrange our government, we need evidence of a systemic problem in order to actually change it. The prejudice against Sorcery and Seer's would probably be at in all time high after this so we would need to stomp that in the curve before even attempting to suggest a school for Seer's and Sorcery.
the system is explicitely failing because there are too many saiyans to rule with the current system. We already have enough lore from the lore threadmark itself I think, though we certainly need to hear the IC opinion of Berra/Apra/Yammar.
As for the the trinity thing, Gohan is part of the Goku family as Trunks is part of the Vegeta Family if you did Gohan you'd need to do Trunks too. It would only be fair if you're using that reasoning.
Gohan became a god. He went blue against the Enemy. He's prayed to. He's one of the THREE super saiyan gods.
Present trunks never went god, I think he barely reached ssj2 against the Enemy, and future trunks was
maybe somewhat close to it (his form against Zamasu) but he's also in a different timeline and there aren't as many stories about him. None of the exiles are HIS descendants anyway.
The only problem with that is that then we'd have no argument to keep Dandeer alive, like how are we even going to pull that anyways?
"She'll suffer more alive and powerless seeing everything she ever wanted taken away from her. Her husband, her children, her reputation. A miserable life for a miserable person".
Or something like that.
Maybe add a "we met our godly ancestors. They are ashamed of you too."
Like if we can reform an age old dragon that kills planets how hard could it he to do the same to our hated enemy that we've been fighting against for years?
At this point it would be easier to redeem Dazarel, Frieza (if he's still alive) and the whole arcosian family threatening Namek then redeeming Dandeer.
Dazarel might hate us, but he also respects us somewhat. He at least respects strenght
Dandeer respects nothing. In her deranged mind everything that happens to her is our fault. Especially Jaffur's hate for her. We made it
It would be easier for.. I don't know, past Gohan to redeem Cell or Babidi. VEGETA took some 15 years, two deaths, and a betrayal, before he became good. Dandeer would likely be even harder than that in my opinion.