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Well, personally I am against anything that reduces our monopoly of force. We had enough clan battles and super saiyan rebellions with only two families allowed it, so I am not eager with opening the floodgates again.

Not to mention that the Senzu clan is super loyal to Jaffur and while he is our ally and has us in high steem, he is not the most stable individual so I am not eager about empowering clan Vegeta that much or weakening clan Goku.

I doubt clan Senzu will manage to get super saiyans before we return but in the case they do, we should stop the super saiyan transformation from spreading and taking steps to stop them from training it further, not legitimazing it.

I mean, some of the proposed ideas seem to come from "we might need more super saiyans in the future" which I am not sure is the case. I could be necessary due to the population boom we are experiencing making it more difficult to policy it but that increase came from Apra's and Yammar's ambitions and their plan called for further centralization of clan authority (as Berra's efforts show), not by further diluting it as training more super saiyans would.

The second part of their plan was to start expanding outside of Garenhuld which might be the solution to this. The Senzu also have the exile's spaceship so if we end in a position in which Raditz is super saiyan... well depending on their numbers, I see two options: either put Raditz as steward for Jaffur and we keep Vegeta sealed (if Yammar died), or, as suggested, raise them to clan status but on a space colony outside of Garenhuld (does anyone remember what we agreed on with the namekian elder? Was it trade, embassy or colony?)
Okay, so, as a tl;dr I am very opposed to a council, moderately opposed to elevating House Senzu to clan status, and basically ambivalent about a knight system limited to 1-2 knights per clan. I'll go through those in that order.

I think a council is a really bad idea. Kakara is ambitious and controlled by us - the creation of a council with any kind of governmental power is basically handing away power from us as players and from Kakara. Would a council have approved training Maya? We got to do that because Berra was basically unilaterally in charge of masquerade matters at the time. Will a council approve trading off seer visions, combat techniques, etc. to New Namek in exchange for wishes, magic techniques, and information about the galaxy? I doubt it. Will a council let us manage emergencies like the Garenhuld nuke situation as we wish? We could have easily been told to stand down in a situation like that based on masquerade concerns (or just Dandeer subverting some council members), resulting in countless deaths. If we want to move the Exiles to a more distributed power system, let's do so well after we've had the opportunity to make other changes using the power we have. Kakara is 13 - we can make republican reforms in 30+ years, after she's got a kid who's a scion approaching an age where they might replace her. There's no reason to cripple ourselves now.

House Senzu has indubitably done us and the Exiles as a whole a huge service. They deserve a huge reward. Nonetheless, I think we should avoid giving them clanship. For one, I think we have plenty of options to reward them with, ranging from speeches telling everyone how important they are, to massive monetary rewards, to personal favors, to making a national Senzu Day or otherwise pinning medals on them, etc. If we do the knight thing, we could pick one of the first knights from House Senzu (or clan Vegeta could). The existing Super Saiyan Senzus, minus any knights we appoint, would be told to limit their power level to 15 million (the cap without having gone Super Saiyan) outside of other emergencies or with express permission from the lords (so we could recruit them for another Dazarel situation, reasonably). For one, making a third clan is going to diminish our own power, but that's not a huge issue. More importantly, though, I don't think it's good governance. It'd be like if the US made a third branch of congress made up of a few war heroes. You don't get good rule by appointing people based solely on heroics to leadership positions. Furthermore, it sets a problematic precedent. Next time there's a disaster (and there will be), if Tabe, using his trick, steps in and saves the day at a crucial moment, are people going to expect us to create a new clan in recognition of that? I also think that trying to pry back the Senzu bean monopoly from House Senzu while trying to reward them is going to look pretty bad and generally take a lot away from a gift of clanship.

I have no particularly strong feelings about a knighthood. A tightly controlled number of knights (with a limit of 1 or 2 per clan, so less than the number of Super Saiyans per clan already), appointed by the clan Lords and verified by seers shouldn't destabilize things or weaken the clans' power. They would have no governmental authority, but would have an honorary and combat position, and the greater number of Super Saiyans in the official clan leadership, plus the fact that they'd be appointed by the leadership and screened by seers, should make overthrowing the leaders unlikely. It isn't necessary, but it shouldn't break anything.

I don't think we need to do anything huge in order to deal with the increased number of Super Saiyans. These are exceptional circumstances, and people are going to understand and accept that, letting people like Perika and the Senzus slip by without requiring any overhaul of the system to accommodate for allowing even more Super Saiyans.
What no. They used the training hall. They rented it in scheduled blocks and people just didn't catch on that it was for SSJ training.
oh. my bad there.

Still Dandelor is the probably the best sorcerer after Dandeer. If anyone could make wards like the ones in the training hall it's probably him.

the counterarguments

various quick thoughts

I see the point about the council, as I think I've already said. I'm strongly in favour of Clan Senzu, and I think that any other reward would feel like "not enough".

We already have a precedent about offering clanship as a reward. Endivan. Yeah, he refused, but that doesn't mean much, the offer WAS made anyway.

I understand that removing the senzu bean monopoly would look bad, but I think the offer is still a net positive. I'd want to hear Berra's, Yammar's and Apra's thoughts on this though. Maybe I'm underestimating or overestimating the importance/ power of the monopoly, maybe I'm underestimating the value of clanship, or maybe I'm ignoring something else.

Generally speaking I'd like the senzu bean cultivation method to be a secret shared between the clans instead of one kept only by the Senzu, and I think giving up the monopoly is, on balance, worth the clan status to them. I may very well change my minds after we talk with the other saiyan leaders.

More importantly, though, I don't think it's good governance. It'd be like if the US made a third branch of congress made up of a few war heroes. You don't get good rule by appointing people based solely on heroics to leadership positions. Furthermore, it sets a problematic precedent. Next time there's a disaster (and there will be), if Tabe, using his trick, steps in and saves the day at a crucial moment, are people going to expect us to create a new clan in recognition of that? I also think that trying to pry back the Senzu bean monopoly from House Senzu while trying to reward them is going to look pretty bad and generally take a lot away from a gift of clanship.

to be fair the saiyans are not humans. To them strenght is at least half of what is needed in a good leader. Even the current system was basically established because a ssj stomped everyone else in the past and decided that no, nobody else gets to transform except her two children and their descendants, and only one each.

About Tabe, it would depend, but half the point of having more super saiyans around is that he should not get the chance. And to be fair his trick puts him maybe at around a basic ssj level at most.

I'd go with making him a knight mostly because, at least as he is right now, he'd make a pretty bad clan leader. Raditz wouldn't.

Also three clans will likely sound appealing to the saiyan cult. I mean, it's the TRINITY: Goku, Vegeta, Gohan.

I'd be surprised if there hasn't been at least some grumbling that Gohan got ignored like this.
Going to say right here and now: I highly doubt that this is even remotely plausible. Remember how Shenron was unable to turn Androids 17 and 18 back into humans? This wish would require Porunga to do a lot of technological things, and I doubt he's capable of doing that. In fact, I will go out on a limb here and say that this wish is more than likely impossible.
My read of his inability to detransform them is that it's an effect of "can't affect things with a power level greater than about 425 without their consent". Since this would be a creation/resurrection effect, it might dodge that issue entirely.
The problem with spirit saiyan is it's unworkable as monopoly of force. Because of the need for prep time, it does nothing to stop a royal guard coup or whatever.

Like, if we can preserve power/legitimacy without at will monopoly of force, then we don't need Spirit Saiyan as a basis of it, and if we need it, Spirit Saiyan doesn't give us it.

I'd have far more respect for an argument around vetting but weakening our monopoly of force than one that views Spirit Saiyan as a substitute for Super Saiyan in the lord system paradigm. I wouldn't necessarily be swayed by such, of course, but fundamentally Spirit Saiyan does not do anything that actually allows it to slot in as Basically Super Saiyan.
Not a straight replacement; rather, a way to give appointed governers approximately the same degree of firepower and legitimacy.
Just learning Genkidama is incredibly hard, basically the equivalent of reaching enlightenment in some ways.

Getting Spirit Saiyan permanently stable was the result of a nat100. we needed at least a 98 to not lose control if I remember right.

Spirit Saiyan is not a good requirement for rulership because there's a good chance NOBODY in our generation OR the next one will manage to master it.

Also Kakara's approval was at least partly the result of her strenght. I'll remind you that she was considered weak and weird before she attained the ssj form. Her words have weight today because she's strong. The fact she's also good, nice and everything else helps, but without power she'd be ignored.
There's a chance, but as googleeyesultra points out, we don't need to worry about it for quite a while. The odds that nobody will be able to master it, with our guidance, in the next thirty to fifty years? Well, it strikes me as unlikely.
I think you mean Big Gete Star. Makyo Star was Garlick Jr.'s

Also I can't see such a wish working. It's, simply put, gamebreaking. Also I can imagine Porunga going "that's not one wish, that's, at least 4!"

Without going OOC, Porunga has to take the knowledge he gives from somewhere or someone, and nobody alives knows how dr. Gero's tech works, though i suppose he might be able to take it from dead Gero or dead Bulma...
I thought Makyo Star was the Japanese name for it. Anyway, you may have a point about gamebreaking - even though this is Dragonball - but my read of Poptart is that they wouldn't be upset with us for trying.
As for the knowledge thing, I was thinking "recreate two destroyed places that happen to involve a lot of tech" would fall under the purview of one wish, in the same way that resurrecting multiple people does. The katchin thing is honestly the more dubious aspect, but then again, it might not be necessary - there's a reason neither Goku not Vegeta just blew the darn thing up with a ki blast.
House Senzu has indubitably done us and the Exiles as a whole a huge service. They deserve a huge reward. Nonetheless, I think we should avoid giving them clanship. For one, I think we have plenty of options to reward them with, ranging from speeches telling everyone how important they are, to massive monetary rewards, to personal favors, to making a national Senzu Day or otherwise pinning medals on them, etc. If we do the knight thing, we could pick one of the first knights from House Senzu (or clan Vegeta could). The existing Super Saiyan Senzus, minus any knights we appoint, would be told to limit their power level to 15 million (the cap without having gone Super Saiyan) outside of other emergencies or with express permission from the lords (so we could recruit them for another Dazarel situation, reasonably). For one, making a third clan is going to diminish our own power, but that's not a huge issue. More importantly, though, I don't think it's good governance. It'd be like if the US made a third branch of congress made up of a few war heroes. You don't get good rule by appointing people based solely on heroics to leadership positions. Furthermore, it sets a problematic precedent. Next time there's a disaster (and there will be), if Tabe, using his trick, steps in and saves the day at a crucial moment, are people going to expect us to create a new clan in recognition of that? I also think that trying to pry back the Senzu bean monopoly from House Senzu while trying to reward them is going to look pretty bad and generally take a lot away from a gift of clanship.
They're fighting a war against literally all the authorized super saiyans except us. That's not "held off five stronger opponents and saved the day", that's "without us you wouldn't have a government, and also we've just proven that we can stand up to you."
My biggest concern, honestly, is what happens if Kakara then proceeds to marry Jaffur. (Or Betarel, for that matter.) My guess is that we just name two different heirs and keep the positions legally distinct, but it could still be messy.
Now where to start, personally I think it's a horrible idea to give another clan power, if you asked me why it's because the current system didn't fail. The Duopoly has kept both clans under control for a long time and is still doing so now. The Dandeer situation happened because she went directly against the system. She mind controlled her lord and son, killed a lot of people, tried to sow discord between the saiyans and humans, and continues to do worse even now. Calling for a revamp on a system that hasn't failed would set a bad precedent, since it would be saying that we failed which if we think of it from a certain angle we did. We could of killed Dandeer at anytime but for the sack of our values we've elected not too, does that mean we were wrong to do so? No but that doesn't exactly make it right ether. The knighthood plan isn't a bad idea though, I'd personally be for it if it wasn't for the fact that Clan Sanzu is part of the Vegeta Clan meaning whatever position of power they get would be through Juaffer not us. Not only that but I honestly think we need more lore on saiyan history before we even consider trying to revamp an age old government so we don't fall into any pit traps along the way. We need more then they did good lets rearrange our government, we need evidence of a systemic problem in order to actually change it. The prejudice against Sorcery and Seer's would probably be at in all time high after this so we would need to stomp that in the curve before even attempting to suggest a school for Seer's and Sorcery.

As for the the trinity thing, Gohan is part of the Goku family as Trunks is part of the Vegeta Family if you did Gohan you'd need to do Trunks too. It would only be fair if you're using that reasoning.

I definitely think we should use the dragon ball to bring back the dead Sorcerers, it would probably nick the shortage of sorcerers problem while giving us leverage for the school idea. The only problem with that is that then we'd have no argument to keep Dandeer alive, like how are we even going to pull that anyways? The only thing I could think of is pleading for her to just stop and give up before clashing with her again. We've already made our case after all there's no reason for her to continue this fight when it would only get worse for her. If she gave up we could promise not to kill her but seal her the same way she did Lord Vegeta and just be done with it from there. We could even push that despite everything she's done we don't want her dead. Like if we can reform an age old dragon that kills planets how hard could it he to do the same to our hated enemy that we've been fighting against for years?

basically I agree with @googlyeyesultra we don't need to give them power there are other rewards we could give them.
There's a chance, but as googleeyesultra points out, we don't need to worry about it for quite a while. The odds that nobody will be able to master it, with our guidance, in the next thirty to fifty years? Well, it strikes me as unlikely.
how many people mastered it in exile history? Or at all?

King kai, Goku, Gohan, Kakara. And Gohan only learned it after he died and became a god, because ruined it when Gohan didn't get it.

Of those 4 Kakara is the only person in history to ever manage to control the spirit saiyan. Goku went berserk. King Kai probably never considered it. Gohan... he likely never tried to be fair.

Kakara can't give much help, and it's not the kind of technique we can really teach.

As for the knowledge thing, I was thinking "recreate two destroyed places that happen to involve a lot of tech" would fall under the purview of one wish, in the same way that resurrecting multiple people does. The katchin thing is honestly the more dubious aspect, but then again, it might not be necessary - there's a reason neither Goku not Vegeta just blew the darn thing up with a ki blast.
in that case in canon it took an extra wish to "bring their place of death to earth" instead of Namek.

If we wished back the lab, IF Porunga can do it after all those centuries (bringing back people mostly involves building a body and bringing a soul back to it. A lab doesn't have a soul) with only one wish he'd likely rebuild it on earth.

There's also a chance that, if the knowledge of this tech had to come from heaven or hell, that the barrier on heaven might stop Porunga from getting the info.

I thought Makyo Star was the Japanese name for it. Anyway, you may have a point about gamebreaking - even though this is Dragonball - but my read of Poptart is that they wouldn't be upset with us for trying.
maybe. Porunga, on the other hand...

Now where to start, personally I think it's a horrible idea to give another clan power, if you asked me why it's because the current system didn't fail. The Duopoly has kept both clans under control for a long time and is still doing so now. The Dandeer situation happened because she went directly against the system. She mind controlled her lord and son, killed a lot of people, tried to sow discord between the saiyans and humans, and continues to do worse even now. Calling for a revamp on a system that hasn't failed would set a bad precedent, since it would be saying that we failed which if we think of it from a certain angle we did. We could of killed Dandeer at anytime but for the sack of our values we've elected not too, does that mean we were wrong to do so? No but that doesn't exactly make it right ether. The knighthood plan isn't a bad idea though, I'd personally be for it if it wasn't for the fact that Clan Sanzu is part of the Vegeta Clan meaning whatever position of power they get would be through Juaffer not us. Not only that but I honestly think we need more lore on saiyan history before we even consider trying to revamp an age old government so we don't fall into any pit traps along the way. We need more then they did good lets rearrange our government, we need evidence of a systemic problem in order to actually change it. The prejudice against Sorcery and Seer's would probably be at in all time high after this so we would need to stomp that in the curve before even attempting to suggest a school for Seer's and Sorcery.
the system is explicitely failing because there are too many saiyans to rule with the current system. We already have enough lore from the lore threadmark itself I think, though we certainly need to hear the IC opinion of Berra/Apra/Yammar.

As for the the trinity thing, Gohan is part of the Goku family as Trunks is part of the Vegeta Family if you did Gohan you'd need to do Trunks too. It would only be fair if you're using that reasoning.
Gohan became a god. He went blue against the Enemy. He's prayed to. He's one of the THREE super saiyan gods.

Present trunks never went god, I think he barely reached ssj2 against the Enemy, and future trunks was maybe somewhat close to it (his form against Zamasu) but he's also in a different timeline and there aren't as many stories about him. None of the exiles are HIS descendants anyway.

The only problem with that is that then we'd have no argument to keep Dandeer alive, like how are we even going to pull that anyways?

"She'll suffer more alive and powerless seeing everything she ever wanted taken away from her. Her husband, her children, her reputation. A miserable life for a miserable person".

Or something like that.

Maybe add a "we met our godly ancestors. They are ashamed of you too."
Like if we can reform an age old dragon that kills planets how hard could it he to do the same to our hated enemy that we've been fighting against for years?
At this point it would be easier to redeem Dazarel, Frieza (if he's still alive) and the whole arcosian family threatening Namek then redeeming Dandeer.

Dazarel might hate us, but he also respects us somewhat. He at least respects strenght

Dandeer respects nothing. In her deranged mind everything that happens to her is our fault. Especially Jaffur's hate for her. We made it personal.

It would be easier for.. I don't know, past Gohan to redeem Cell or Babidi. VEGETA took some 15 years, two deaths, and a betrayal, before he became good. Dandeer would likely be even harder than that in my opinion.
They're fighting a war against literally all the authorized super saiyans except us. That's not "held off five stronger opponents and saved the day", that's "without us you wouldn't have a government, and also we've just proven that we can stand up to you."
I don't think "successfully hid inside their wards and maybe managed to sneak out to do a few things" is nearly the same thing as being able to stand up to the established government openly.
Not only that but I honestly think we need more lore on saiyan history before we even consider trying to revamp an age old government so we don't fall into any pit traps along the way.
That is a fair point. My only rebuttal is that we might not have the time - or ability - to study up before we have to make these decisions.
how many people mastered it in exile history? Or at all?

King kai, Goku, Gohan, Kakara. And Gohan only learned it after he died and became a god, because ruined it when Gohan didn't get it.

Of those 4 Kakara is the only person in history to ever manage to control the spirit saiyan. Goku went berserk. King Kai probably never considered it. Gohan... he likely never tried to be fair.

Kakara can't give much help, and it's not the kind of technique we can really teach.
Gohan said Goku was a bad teacher, which I don't know if I agree with in canon, but is assuredly true in this quest. And beyond that, he tried teaching, like, 5 people? Tops? Kakara has a much better chance than I think you realize.
in that case in canon it took an extra wish to "bring their place of death to earth" instead of Namek.

If we wished back the lab, IF Porunga can do it after all those centuries (bringing back people mostly involves building a body and bringing a soul back to it. A lab doesn't have a soul) with only one wish he'd likely rebuild it on earth.

There's also a chance that, if the knowledge of this tech had to come from heaven or hell, that the barrier on heaven might stop Porunga from getting the info.
All true. That said, I think it's worth asking, then paring back if it's too much.
maybe. Porunga, on the other hand...
So long as we're respectful, I'm pretty sure we can ask without offending him. The dragons have never been that petty, so far as I know.
At this point it would be easier to redeem Dazarel, Frieza (if he's still alive) and the whole arcosian family threatening Namek then redeeming Dandeer.

Dazarel might hate us, but he also respects us somewhat. He at least respects strenght

Dandeer respects nothing. In her deranged mind everything that happens to her is our fault. Especially Jaffur's hate for her. We made it personal.

It would be easier for.. I don't know, past Gohan to redeem Cell or Babidi. VEGETA took some 15 years, two deaths, and a betrayal, before he became good. Dandeer would likely be even harder than that in my opinion.
Maybe. Remember, it's quite plausible that she's brainhacked herself. (And it's more distantly plausible that she's being manipulated by whatever is trying to keep the Garenhulders uncurious.)
I don't think "successfully hid inside their wards and maybe managed to sneak out to do a few things" is nearly the same thing as being able to stand up to the established government openly.
True. Really depends on the situation when we get back, I guess.
At this point it would be easier to redeem Dazarel, Frieza (if he's still alive) and the whole arcosian family threatening Namek then redeeming Dandeer.

Dazarel might hate us, but he also respects us somewhat. He at least respects strenght

Dandeer respects nothing. In her deranged mind everything that happens to her is our fault. Especially Jaffur's hate for her. We made it personal.

It would be easier for.. I don't know, past Gohan to redeem Cell or Babidi. VEGETA took some 15 years, two deaths, and a betrayal, before he became good. Dandeer would likely be even harder than that in my opinion.

I don't really know what to do with her other then sealing her sorcery, I mean sure we could let them kill her but at the same time we have to at least attempt to help her. It wouldn't be fair that we helped a planet killing dragon but not dandeer, honestly it would hypocritical of us if we didn't. I'm honestly stuck between rehabilitation or stripping her of all her memories with fake human ones then throwing her and Lord Vegeta out while having one elite saiyan shadowing her at all time. idfk I just don't want her dead, it feels like a personal failing.

the system is explicitely failing because there are too many saiyans to rule with the current system. We already have enough lore from the lore threadmark itself I think, though we certainly need to hear the IC opinion of Berra/Apra/Yammar.
Where was that implied? Like I need to know this since from my perspective the Saiyans are a thriving community making more and more advancements on their selective fields, they have rediscovered LOST techniques, culture, and technology that are now being implemented today. The Capsule thing for example is both a huge scientific advancement and rediscovered technology that I'm honestly looking forward to seeing where it will go. The populace on our side aren't miserable and actually do love their Leaders so much that there are religious cults of them, the system was so good that they managed to stay hidden despite their capabilities for a good a few centuries although the lost of earth culture was a major downside, I'm honestly confused where system failure was implied though? I won't deny that there were dark spots in history but that's something you can find in every civilization no matter how advance, the signs of a working government is one that succeeds at enduring and unifying their people in the face of disaster.

Like I'm looking through the relevant history and this is what I have so far.

Envidia was a working man content with his life, he decided to stop a clan trying to bring back super saiyans and bring chaos onto their current government because he was opposed the rebellion. From what I've read he was the same as us a pacifist that didn't enjoy killing but was willing to if there wasn't anyway other way, you don't show that kind of resolve unless you cherish what your fighting for, a failing government definitely isn't worth fighting for.

After Envida's death the Saiyans experienced a golden age of calm and unity until Oni and his Wife decided they would do anything in their power for the sack of their ambitions. This was stopped by not by Scion Carrick but by House Stauber, after Scion Carrick literally threw everything he had in order to stop him and keep humanity safe and unaware. Granted it was more due to spite then anything else but we do know that Clan Vegeta our known for their pride. His ambition then literally became his undoing as he lost the loyalty of his followers and got struck down. Following this both houses became more careful on how they went about their affairs always ready for betrayal on ether side. It also sent a message to the Lord, if they stray to far from the proper path they CAN be beaten with enough bodies. But if there was another house in agreement with Lord oni? And didn't care for the populace? Yea that's more reason against having another house with Super Saiyans.

Next we move on to Saiyan Yammar rule where he killed and tortured House Talt after their rebellion due to the heroic sacrifice of one of their own which also Traumatizing his son. This lead to Barra putting blame on him for the actions of his father something that I can't or want to understand which destroyed Vegeta's trust in Barra and basically put him over the edge. Which leads us to the present, compared to everything else that has happened Vegeta and Barra spat was more of a internal affair that barely had any repercussions in the outside world since Both Vegeta and Barra ruled well. If we look at Vegeta now we can tell that he's happy as Valentine which is the biggest reason I don't want to kill Dandeer, we don't understand her. I'm going to move away from the topic of history for a bit and try to lay out my case, first I want to mention that I am not defending Dandeer in anyway but we need to look at how we handled Dandeer, since to me it feels like personal failures.

We have not tried to actually talk to her, the first time we actually did we got mad at her and left the second time we met her we were neither ally or enemy we were just a mediator. The third time we met her we went around her without even attempting to convince her basically cementing us as her enemy in her mind. I know why we did it and I don't think what we did was wrong but it wasn't right ether. Every single time we've come after Dandeer we've come after her as ether an enemy or a mediator. We need to let go of that hate, or we might pull a Berra but I digress back to history.

If you look at history you'll see that the two Duopoly system is there for a reason, and it is working. It was placed to keep their people from fighting amongst themselves because they need to be united in order to not only take down a rouge Ssj but also to continue advancing as a civilization and most importantly in my opinion it keeps saiyans from straying the righteous path. I don't see a mention of their being too many Saiyans for us to handle since Berra doesn't seem to he having a problem keeping his clan strong, don't know about Vegatens though...

Omg this took so long to write and I still feel like there's more to write and that I'm missing stuff! This is why I said we need more history before we even attempt to change how our governmental system works.
Maybe. Remember, it's quite plausible that she's brainhacked herself. (And it's more distantly plausible that she's being manipulated by whatever is trying to keep the Garenhulders uncurious.)
I actually forgot about that theory. Maaaaaaybe after we check her and IF there is something there we can reconsider

Where was that implied? Like I need to know this since from my perspective the Saiyans are a thriving community making more and more advancements on their selective fields, they have rediscovered LOST techniques, culture, and technology that are now being implemented today. The Capsule thing for example is both a huge scientific advancement and rediscovered technology that I'm honestly looking forward to seeing where it will go. The populace on our side aren't miserable and actually do love their Leaders so much that there are religious cults of them, the system was so good that they managed to stay hidden despite their capabilities for a good a few centuries although the lost of earth culture was a major downside, I'm honestly confused where system failure was implied though? I won't deny that there were dark spots in history but that's something you can find in every civilization no matter how advance, the signs of a working government is one that succeeds at enduring and unifying their people in the face of disaster.
lore screen>usefull information>exile society>clan structure.

I quote it down below

The political structure of the Clans, being a system that derives from the deliberate splitting of a single, streamlined government ruling over a small population, is remarkably simple in design. You have your ruling Lords, who employ as intermediaries the Heads of various saiyan houses in order to not have to ride herd on every single individual saiyan in Creation. The basic unit of saiyan society is the house. A house is essentially what we would call a dynasty in the fashion of the Middle Ages; it's a family name given political weight. The distinction comes from how centralized houses are in comparison to real-life dynasties; every house has a single Head, whose authority over their house is informal and varying based on the house in question, but ultimately up to them and backed by the authority of those higher up the line. Heads are broadly expected to keep their houses in line and not make trouble, and are allowed any means they deem necessary to accomplish this.

Every saiyan alive belongs to a house by definition; if somebody made a grand gesture of forsaking their house and taking no other, they'd be summarily assigned a new surname and house if they chose not to take one for themselves. It wouldn't even be a sign of overbearing authority; the defiant saiyan would freely accept the gesture given that it would propel them into the ranks of the lower nobility as a Head of House. Beyond that, not belonging to a house is such an arcane concept that it makes no sense to the minds of the Exiles. They're aware that the concept exists; they live among Garenhulders, after all. But their culture does not provide for it and given their isolation from any alternatives they simply don't consider the concept to apply to them in any relatable way.

Every house belongs to one of two Clans; Clan Goku or Clan Vegeta. Of the houses within these Clans, one of each -- the titular houses of Goku and Vegeta, naturally -- is responsible for the leadership of its Clan. The Heads of these Royal Houses are given the title of Lord/Lady Goku/Vegeta, and are the ultimate authority in saiyan society. The Lords are ordained at birth by a Seer of their Clan, by some criterion that is unknown, but worryingly only sometimes appears to include such trivialities as, "Is a moral person." At the very least, no ordained Lord has been an incompetent ruler. The Lords are responsible for moderating disputes between Heads, leaving the management of individuals largely up to the Heads themselves in order to delegate workload. However, displeased house members may appeal directly to a Lord if they feel that their Head is acting unjustly. This is rarely a problem, however, as a Lord or Lady who feel that their time has been wasted get to do essentially whatever they like to the one who brought the matter up. Anybody who files an appeal generally has brought with them an excellent case for it.

This system, when described on paper, can seem sensible, streamlined, and elegant, with clear delineations of responsibility and a lack of complicated bureaucracy, much like the actual feudal system it was based upon. Also like the feudal system it was based upon, it is in fact a broken mess. The only reason the Clans are not in a constant state of splintering and flux is because the ones at the top are effectively gods as far as anybody else is concerned and have a vested interest in not rocking the boat. They are constantly embroiled in internal strife thanks to the elegant social fictions keeping them content having broken down over a century ago (see, "The Lord's Rebellion"). Worsening this, the previous Lord and Lady released the population controls in anticipation of a long game eventually ending in the end of the Masquerade and an arm's race in the hopes of destroying the Enemy. When their sons had an explosive falling-out and abandoned the scheme only after becoming the reigning Lords ("The Sundering"), not having been brought in on the particulars of the plan, the controls were not put back into place and anybody who tried to do so would be ceding the numbers advantage to their now-bitter-foe. As a result, the Lords are strained to the breaking point by their ever-mounting workload as houses splinter and multiply along with the population's growth.

Just like real feudalism, the system is good in theory. Just like real feudalism, it suffers swiftly as the population to which it administers grows, and lacks any insulation between its leaders' personal dramas and the collapse of social order. Reform is direly needed, but the situation is wrong for it. The past antagonism made wide-scale reform suicidal, and the present seething turmoil makes it an open invitation to mass revolts.

And with the release of the population controls, a Royal House versus their entire Clan is no longer a certain victory for the establishment. The Lords need to tread carefully.

now admittedly Kakara and Jaffur will be better than their predecessor, but changing two average-to-bad leaders for two good leaders by itself doesn't fix a bad system.
To jump the middle of this conversation, I think Kakara really should try and teach other people the Spirit Saiyan. Especially if we choose the "All Is One" Ki Perception skill.

I mean the secret is literally Kakara's defining philosophy.
We are all important. Nobody should die.

Because we are all connected.
To jump the middle of this conversation, I think Kakara really should try and teach other people the Spirit Saiyan. Especially if we choose the "All Is One" Ki Perception skill.

I mean the secret is literally Kakara's defining philosophy.
We explicitly can't teach people what the trick is or they'll never be able to use it themselves. It was a whole big thing.
I actually forgot about that theory. Maaaaaaybe after we check her and IF there is something there we can reconsider

lore screen>usefull information>exile society>clan structure.

I quote it down below

now admittedly Kakara and Jaffur will be better than their predecessor, but changing two average-to-bad leaders for two good leaders by itself doesn't fix a bad system.
Omfg, I am a blind idiot for skipping this entirely.... I guess I could go with the limited diarchy system at most since I still don't think introducing a third house is what we need based on the fact we can barely get our house in order and I don't even want to get on started on house Vegeta. Knighting seems cool but it fucks with the whole if things got really bad the people could handle it by throwing enough bodies thing we got going on making me want to downvote just based on that. I'd push for a council of Super Saiyans instead, since we do need some kind of systematic control over our growing population and it would put them at odds with each other. Things I'd propose studying after these incidents have been settled include History, Gokun and Vegaten culture, Economics, Law, and Genki-Dama.
To jump the middle of this conversation, I think Kakara really should try and teach other people the Spirit Saiyan. Especially if we choose the "All Is One" Ki Perception skill.

I mean the secret is literally Kakara's defining philosophy.
A few problems being that we can't tell anyone the secret without sabotaging them, we are a literal Ki prodigy that just started learning this but we still can't use it reliably yet, and we don't know if it's teachable. But since we are going for the hopeful character making this the bases for our new powerful and benevolent government it wouldn't be the worst idea, it would just be the hardest.

There's also the fact that Gentler Saiyans create more S-Cells making them stronger so teaching this would actually be the best way for our society to improve. It might also eliminate the prejudice against weaker saiyans, Sorcerers, and Seers. That's like three problems in one Lmao.
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There's also the fact that Gentler Saiyans create more S-Cells making them stronger so teaching this would actually be the best way for our society to improve. It might also eliminate the prejudice against weaker saiyans, Sorcerers, and Seers. That's like three problems in one Lmao.
lore screen>usefull information>s cells. :p

Short version: they're about as useful a concept as midichlorians in star wars. Feel free to forget they even exist.

To be fair they add basically nothing to canon as well
lore screen>usefull information>s cells. :p

Short version: they're about as useful a concept as midichlorians in star wars. Feel free to forget they even exist.

To be fair they add basically nothing to canon as well
Awwwww, This is both depressing and enlightening, depressing since the argument I was going for which was basically improving saiyans society into more of a guardian of the universe role scientifically makes them better just went out the window and enlightening since now I know the S-Cells are as useless as source material from DbGT.
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I'm pretty sure the clusterfuck that is our feudal society will not be improved by adding a third ruling house to complicate things further. What we need to do is bring the Clans together behind one central authority that can maintain the monopoly of force. I'm not sure if that is doable without unlocking new transformations, but one possible solution would be giving trusted subordinates more power without giving them SSJ - like, say, successfully merging the oozaru and saiyan ki pools into one form, and then restricting that form to people who can be trusted. In this way we'd increase the amount of force that the "establishment" can bring to bear, whilst still being overwhelmingly more powerful than any uppity subordinates.
I'm pretty sure the clusterfuck that is our feudal society will not be improved by adding a third ruling house to complicate things further. What we need to do is bring the Clans together behind one central authority that can maintain the monopoly of force. I'm not sure if that is doable without unlocking new transformations, but one possible solution would be giving trusted subordinates more power without giving them SSJ - like, say, successfully merging the oozaru and saiyan ki pools into one form, and then restricting that form to people who can be trusted. In this way we'd increase the amount of force that the "establishment" can bring to bear, whilst still being overwhelmingly more powerful than any uppity subordinates.
I honestly like the counsel of super saiyans more though, it also wouldn't be hard for a rouge Full Powered Ssj to get a Sorcerer and Pull another Dandeer on them making them look like the counsel is in agreement if we went the limited monarchy or monarchy route. History has shown us how ambitious saiyans can be and how far they'll go to meet their ambitions, giving one house a monopoly on power is way to much trust without some kind of limitation. Diarchy or limited Diarchy is the beat way to go since saiyans thrive on testing their limits having someone else in power ready to challenge them, test them, or stop them is best.

On the transformation bit though, we probably will have that option when we start grinding Golden Oozaru, especially if it leads to where I think it's leading, only downside is that I'm pretty sure we'll be more prone to Violence. It's stated that the further a saiyan ascend the more aggressive they get after all and that form is touching extremely close to home.
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Let's be real: Democracy can't work for a Saiyan society. Saiyans, no matter if good or bad, usually tend to respect power above nearly anything else.

It would be incredibly hard to get the saiyan people to listen to the rule of a weak person. So why don't we bring the strong (and vetted by seers, and that passed some to-be-determined requirements, into the government?)

Counterpoint: Spirit Saiyan. It's pretty much literally a way to turn public approval into combat power. Also, making sure the rulers have to have the degree of pureheartedness and self-control required to master that form would be a pretty good selector as well.

Alight with power, Champion Whea's voice boomed across the Hall. "People of Garenhuld! It is past time for the millionaires to pay their fair share! Their manipulation has lead to decades of wage stagnation! Let us greatly increase the tax rate on income above two hundred thousand zeni! SEND ME YOUR KI!"

The brilliant ball of divine light above her hands visibly grew with the full power of-

"NO!" roared Champion Clobe from the other side of the Hall. "In addition to depriving our people of riches they have earned, such a tax would depress the market incentives that support tens of thousands of livelihoods! SEND ME YOUR KI!"

The brilliant ball of divine light above his hands also visibly grew as the Saiyans cast their votes.

Whea and Clobe glared fire at each other. They both saw that this would be close, and in that very instant-


All of Garenhuld spoke not with one voice but with two. Both spirit saiyans flashed across the distance and let loose a dizzying flurry of punches, for only the greatest policy could stand!
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Alight with power, Champion Whea's voice boomed across the Hall. "People of Garenhuld! It is past time for the millionaires to pay their fair share! Their manipulation has lead to decades of wage stagnation! Let us greatly increase the tax rate on income above two hundred thousand zeni! SEND ME YOUR KI!"

The brilliant ball of divine light above her hands visibly grew with the full power of-

"NO!" roared Champion Clobe from the other side of the Hall. "In addition to depriving our people of riches they have earned, such a tax would depress the market incentives that support tens of thousands of livelihoods! SEND ME YOUR KI!"

The brilliant ball of divine light above his hands also visibly grew as the Saiyans cast their votes.

Whea and Clobe glared fire at each other. They both saw that this would be close, and in that very instant-


All of Garenhuld spoke not with one voice but with two. Both spirit saiyans flashed across the distance and let loose a dizzying flurry of punches, for only the greatest policy could stand!
This seems like an absolutely terrible idea, on a practical level, but it's also absolutely hilarious so woo!

also I'm pretty sure people would be more politically engaged if they got to watch policy debates in the form of the politicians trying to beat the snot out of each other. :thonk:
This seems like an absolutely terrible idea, on a practical level, but it's also absolutely hilarious so woo!

also I'm pretty sure people would be more politically engaged if they got to watch policy debates in the form of the politicians trying to beat the snot out of each other. :thonk:

No no, it's a great idea! Not only is the violence attractive by itself, your vote directly empowers your guy to better beat the snot out of the other guy. This voting scheme is completely immune to fraud and has a voting age built-in; childrens' ki is negligible, but it still teaches them to be involved, leading to life-long political engagement. It also has checks and balances built in by offering royals a soft veto by virtue of their power, which can be immediately overridden by overwhelming popular support. The only way to "exploit" genki dama duel voting is to train your own power level. This may not be purely democratic, but these loudest voices will by definition be those who are most invested in the common welfare, and there are already hard limits on how much they can overshadow anyone else. There are absolutely no downsides for anyone ever lalala I can't hear you.

If that isn't enough to convince you, consider this: When two people charge super-sized spirit bombs near each other, the result will look like a giant glowing butt mooning everyone. And isn't that what politics is all about?
No no, it's a great idea! Not only is the violence attractive by itself, your vote directly empowers your guy to better beat the snot out of the other guy. This voting scheme is completely immune to fraud and has a voting age built-in; childrens' ki is negligible, but it still teaches them to be involved, leading to life-long political engagement. It also has checks and balances built in by offering royals a soft veto by virtue of their power, which can be immediately overridden by overwhelming popular support. The only way to "exploit" genki dama duel voting is to train your own power level. This may not be purely democratic, but these loudest voices will by definition be those who are most invested in the common welfare, and there are already hard limits on how much they can overshadow anyone else. There are absolutely no downsides for anyone ever lalala I can't hear you.

If that isn't enough to convince you, consider this: When two people charge super-sized spirit bombs near each other, the result will look like a giant glowing butt mooning everyone. And isn't that what politics is all about?
I'm moved to tears by the beauty of this argument 😂
Voting is open