Voting is open
I've actually kind of been wavering all day on whether to swap out Historical Insights for Talk to Dazarel. Last time we got a rundown on Freeza's actions after the Fall, which might actually be a crucial payoff if we do end up going through Hell and run into him. On the other hand, we'll never change Dazarel if we don't put in the time and effort.
I'd vote for your plan if you did. Maybe drop one of the Tien style points for it, since it's less efficient? Or Cell's Perfect Multiform sight?
I'd vote for your plan if you did. Maybe drop one of the Tien style points for it, since it's less efficient? Or Cell's Perfect Multiform sight?
Nah, it'd be Historical Insights. I'm convinced the Cell vision is time-sensitive if it pays off, and this is the first time @KnightDisciple has ever voted for one of my plans, and it'd be a shame to ruin that by driving them to punch me through the internet in sheer frustration. (I also think there's a chance we might need it a bit sooner, so getting it up to Journeyman faster is preferable.)

Actually yeah, I'm going to go ahead and make that change. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one concerned about Historical Insights, so I doubt any of my voters will care.

EDIT: Change made, Historical Insights dropped for Talk to Dazarel
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Nah, it'd be Historical Insights. I'm convinced the Cell vision is time-sensitive if it pays off, and this is the first time @KnightDisciple has ever voted for one of my plans, and it'd be a shame to ruin that by driving them to punch me through the internet in sheer frustration. (I also think there's a chance we might need it a bit sooner, so getting it up to Journeyman faster is preferable.)

Actually yeah, I'm going to go ahead and make that change. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one concerned about Historical Insights, so I doubt any of my voters will care.

EDIT: Change made, Historical Insights dropped for Talk to Dazarel
As long as you don't drop the action where we help train all the Namekians I won't get that mad. :p
This is an utterly irrelevant response when my point is literally 'there is a high chance 0 people who fit your description exist, and ergo no amount of searching will find them'.
I'm completely disagree. Even if there no living people (and I don't think so, with enture galaxy to search), we can ask deads. As Gohan, who I mentioned earlier. And gods. And "weird things from Beyond". And so on.

But acting like I was talking about 'difficulty' and not 'this may be actually impossible and not merely very hard as a route to success' is ridiculous.
Well, I consider your position - we shouldn't try something that might be impossible - ridiculous, if not worse.
If you refuse any actions that may be impossible, then you should just give up immediately. Because it "may be actually impossible" to you to outargue me. :V

because it makes for a very good fallback if we're ever forced into a position where we can't use Team Fighting, whether because of an Elite Talent (like Berra's) or because we can't use PM.
I think it isn't good for that, actually. Style that improve [Dueling] will be much better than style that doesn't.

I think 2v2 is still teamfighting.
I think it can be teamfighting if both sides using it, or two dueling 1v1.

Actually yeah, I'm going to go ahead and make that change. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one concerned about Historical Insights, so I doubt any of my voters will care.
I like Insight. But I like Talk too. Therefore I will not resent. ;)
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[X] Plan Deathbybunnies
[X] Plan Broad Training
[X] Plan: It's not a spaceship, it's a training room! v3
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Hey, folks!

Thanks for attention. And sorry for caps. But most of you, guys, missed earlier reminders.
[X] Plan Deathbybunnies

[X][DESTINATION] Braigh. Lyre's right; all that industry is great for an invasion force, even if you need to adapt it to the task at hand.

My reason for voting "Braigh" is that I'm pretty sure the Empire's invasion fleet isn't going to need to hide the fact that it's planning to attack New Namek. The Namekians being alerted would be bad, but presumably the Empire has mustered sufficient force to be confident of destroying New Namek no matter what the Namekians pull out to defend it with. I predict that their war plan will revolve more around a sledgehammer of massed force, and less around a stiletto of quick, sneaky destruction. But with that being the case, they'll be bringing a whole lot of ships, which means industry.

If I expected them to be sneaking a small party of warriors into range to fire off a planet-destroying blast or something and no more, then having them come in by way of Tamrii or Vulkar would make more sense. But if they're sending a big badass armada with tons of guns, they're going to need to stage out of some place with a seriousface industrial base, whether that location is otherwise an ideal choice or not.

Alternately we can just... talk to him. I mean, improving social links with him to the point that he cares about us for reasons beyond his own self-benefit is another way to go about it.
It would take a LOT of talking before I'd be comfortable giving Dazarel root access to Kakara's brain.

There's having a good relationship with someone, and there's letting them edit your brain on the assumption that they won't do anything you wouldn't want them to do. Those are NOT the same thing.
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We also will train most of technicues, related with Goku and Gohan styles. And both of them are boost Dueling.
You're not wrong, if only because they have so few Involved techniques (Goku has 5, and Gohan has 3.) At this point we've invested enough time into Tenshinhan Style that I'd be surprised if you could convince people to choose Goku or Gohan Style as our backup though.
You're not wrong, if only because they have so few Involved techniques (Goku has 5, and Gohan has 3.) At this point we've invested enough time into Tenshinhan Style that I'd be surprised if you could convince people to choose Goku or Gohan Style as our backup though.
I'd say probably not Gohan Style, but Goku Style is specifically really good at one on one single combat dueling. If there ever comes a situation where we simply cannot use our multiforms for whatever reason, and just need to beat the shit out of that one guy over there, Goku Style would have been a good fallback.

We should master Tenshinhan Style first, before monkeying around with other styles.
I think we should at least get good at it. Mastering it, eh. We might want to develop a unique style before reaching that point, if only to make effective use of multiform in ways that even Tenshinhan style cannot.

I might settle for one level down from 'master' in other words.
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It would take a LOT of talking before I'd be comfortable giving Dazarel root access to Kakara's brain.

There's having a good relationship with someone, and there's letting them edit your brain on the assumption that they won't do anything you wouldn't want them to do. Those are NOT the same thing.
Y'know what? I'm tired of this.
[X][ASK] What exactly would Reorganizing entail? A bunch of people seem to be under the impression that it would give Dazarel freedom to rewire Kakara, rather than teach her how rewiring works and let her do it herself.
We should master Tenshinhan Style first, before monkeying around with other styles.
Depends on how hard it is to reach various levels. I suspect that Journeyman is the level at which you're supposed to go around learning from other masters, and thus levels beyond that will greatly benefit from a broader knowledge base.
(If we get the chance, of course, it'd be nice to master all the styles. That doesn't seem super likely, though.)
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At this point we've invested enough time into Tenshinhan Style
I don't so sure. Reach "Journeyman" level? Of course. But try to go beyond that? I think we may just start our style at that point.
Also, I think, with more known styles we can create our own easier and make it better. Poptart mentioned Turtle style will help with it, at least. I'm suppose other will do it as well, even if with lesser profit.
So, maybe, we should take a look for every one, or at least some, once we're krumped Dandeer right.
Personally, I hope we'll reach "Journeyman" level with Tenshinhan, Goku and Turtle styles, and spent at least one action for Krillin style - because "that it seems to have been built in the expectation of being outmatched. Emphasizing evasion and targeting of vulnerabilities".
Mastering all existed styles, of course, will be great, but I really, really doubt we don't find better use for our actions. :D

We should master Tenshinhan Style first
I doubt mastering it will worth our time.
We want to master our own style. With even our "fallback" style(s) I don't sure we will mastered. Because that's need too much time and effort to do.
We want to be decent with Tenshinhan Style, to start our own. Then, we want to be decent with "fallback" style (maybe Goku style). Maybe, create Oozaru style, but I don't sure.
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I don't so sure. Reach "Journeyman" level? Of course. But try to go beyond that? I think we may just start our style at that point.
I actually happen to agree - but when we've got our own Style working and want to fiddle with our backup Style, I think focusing on a Style we've invested time into will be an easier sell.

I doubt mastering it will worth our time.
We want to master our own style. With even our "fallback" style(s) I don't sure we will mastered. Because that's need too much time and effort to do.
We want to be decent with Tenshinhan Style, to start our own. Then, we want to be decent with "fallback" style (maybe Goku style). Maybe, create Oozaru style, but I don't sure.
We do get something shiny for Mastering a Style - at one point, we were considering Mastering Tenshinhan Style and using the Mastery to get an Elite Talent for Multiform. (This was a very long time ago, so Poptart may have changed their mind on how Mastery works since then.)
Build votes without comprehensive data are a huge source of anxiety for me, because there's really no way to be sure you're even making a good choice, let alone the best one available. There's just a big box that you can't see and may punish you for guessing. I don't need that kind of abuse in my life.
(They also seem to be fairly contentious, if Rihaku quests are an indication.)
Making poor choices on build votes is not going to result in me reaching through the plot and punching Kakara in the gut. Any build is viable.

Action votes are where you can make serious mistakes.
Hey @PoptartProdigy , I recall that previously we chose to do our training actions in our Human and Saiyan Masques, in order to get used to them passively. Would it be possible to do the same thing with Ki Refinement? And separately, would it be possible to do that with Ki Overdrive - set ourselves at half power or less, and have it running as hard as we can maintain it passively?

If not, would we be able to do it at higher skill levels, or are the techniques inherently unsuited to it?
Ki Refinement and Overdrive are serious enough strains that they need an AP dedicated to them especially. Also Ki Overdrive in particular cannot be done at less than full power.
If we intend for Kakara to develop her own fighting style, I'd actually suggest figuring out the techniques for it and then training them instead of the Tenshinhan style ones.

The techniques I'd expect for a Kakara style would be something like: Solar Flare, Multiform (Perfect), Team Fighting, Combat Precognition, and perhaps some variant of Hellzone Grenade or Spirit Ball, and Spirit Bomb, while providing a bonus to nonlethal combat.
A series of queries that I cannot recall if it's been answered before: Can Kakara's multiforms use Sight? How about Combat Precognition? To help someone else (as described in the Combat Precognition blurb)? Multiple of them using Precog at the same time?
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Is it possible to create multiforms but not actually split them from your body? Just create, effectively, other consciousnesses in your head? Because then they could safely use Combat Precognition for Kakara Prime.
No. Although that's a fun idea for an Elite+talent.
True about an Oozaru Style potentially becoming obsolete. I think the transformation might always have a niche for kaiju fights, though.

I know Duelling is when you're 1v1, Team Fighting is when you're 2v1 and that Crowd Fighting is when you're 1v2. I always forget whether you just roll Team Fighting for 2v2, or if Crowd Fighting is in there too somehow. If it's the former, then yes, Penalising Crowd Fighting would be a good call.

The Genki Dama is cool and all, but I think Perfect Multiform is the obvious signature technique here. We're literally optimising this Style with the intention that we're never not using multiple bodies to force Team Fighting - it's the foundation of the whole thing. If we're ever forced to not be using Team Fighting we should probably just switch to Tenshinhan Style until we can.
The way it works is that you roll team fighting where allies>0, and crowd fighting when enemies>1. These stack. So five people teaming up against two: both sides roll both skills. Five people teaming up against one: the five people roll team fighting, the one rolls crowd fighting.
[X][ASK] What exactly would Reorganizing entail? A bunch of people seem to be under the impression that it would give Dazarel freedom to rewire Kakara, rather than teach her how rewiring works and let her do it herself.
Dazarel would need to teach her how rewiring works, which would necessarily entail allowing him to guide Kakara's actions and trust that he's not giving her advice she wouldn't agree with if she fully understood it.
Welp. I'm never going to vote for Reorganizing.
I think that's writing it off a little much, but I do agree that we should make sure that we trust what our teacher says. Thus, effectively, such an action is gated behind one of diplomancing Dazazel, finding another teacher, or getting enough grounding in psychic skills that we do understand him.
Ki Refinement and Overdrive are serious enough strains that they need an AP dedicated to them especially. Also Ki Overdrive in particular cannot be done at less than full power.
Rats, especially with regards to using Ki Overdrive at lower PLs, but thanks for the response.
The way it works is that you roll team fighting where allies>0, and crowd fighting when enemies>1. These stack. So five people teaming up against two: both sides roll both skills. Five people teaming up against one: the five people roll team fighting, the one rolls crowd fighting.
Again somewhat unfortunate for any plans of making Crowd Fighting a Penalised skill, but thanks for clarifying.
Dazarel would need to teach her how rewiring works, which would necessarily entail allowing him to guide Kakara's actions and trust that he's not giving her advice she wouldn't agree with if she fully understood it.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I thought. Great if you can guarantee the trustworthiness of your teacher, very unfortunate otherwise.

Although thinking about it, I vaguely recall us reading Dazarel's mind with a vision once, without him knowing about it. Perhaps we could do the same thing each session on this? It'd take twice as long, but we'd be able to trust the process.

EDIT: I just had a pretty great idea. When we're back, maybe we can pass a law that anyone who makes a unique breakthrough (read: Elite Talent) in a skill has to register it with the government, with the justofication that we want to avoid losing knowledge like we did during the Dark Age. They wouldn't have to explain how they did it, but they'd be listed so that anyone who wanted to learn the Talent could go and barter with them for it, rather than letting it get lost when they die.

Whilst this would work for its stated purpose, for us personally the practical benefit would be knowing about potential Elite Talent trainers.
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Making poor choices on build votes is not going to result in me reaching through the plot and punching Kakara in the gut. Any build is viable.

Action votes are where you can make serious mistakes.
Would we or would we not have had a considerably easier time of the Unsealing if we'd spent more AP on style training? I'm not saying you're wrong, exactly, but bad build votes look like they have a pretty significant impact on our ability to survive mistakes.
EDIT: I just had a pretty great idea. When we're back, maybe we can pass a law that anyone who makes a unique breakthrough (read: Elite Talent) in a skill has to register it with the government, with the justofication that we want to avoid losing knowledge like we did during the Dark Age. They wouldn't have to explain how they did it, but they'd be listed so that anyone who wanted to learn the Talent could go and barter with them for it, rather than letting it get lost when they die.

Whilst this would work for its stated purpose, for us personally the practical benefit would be knowing about potential Elite Talent trainers.
Not a bad idea in principle, but enforcement is going to be a pain - sticks mean we'd have a bunch of people suddenly hiding their breakthroughs out of annoyance, whereas carrots mean we'd basically have to overhaul the patent office.
Our best bet is probably just to say "if you've pushed the boundaries of (whatever skills we're interested in), Kakara would like to hear from you."
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Staff Notice - Rule 3
Well, I consider your position - we shouldn't try something that might be impossible - ridiculous, if not worse.
If you refuse any actions that may be impossible, then you should just give up immediately. Because it "may be actually impossible" to you to outargue me. :V
hooray for strawmen, the true weapon the enlightened.

My position is 'it's not worth pursuing things that are extremely likely to be impossible'. Not that there being a chance something is impossible means we should give up. And in particular, it's not worth counting on doing things that are extremely likely to be impossible over alternatives that are likely to be possible, given there is only so much time and energy to go around.

And I bet it's impossible for me to 'outargue you' in the sense of convincing you personally with that attitude, but I don't care about you personally so I'm gonna continue to point out you're being ridiculous just to make sure other people realize you are.

But sure. Act like you're so clever to be misinterpreting what I'm saying and double down as if being wrong makes you smart. That makes sense.
Would we or would we not have had a considerably easier time of the Unsealing if we'd spent more AP on style training? I'm not saying you're wrong, exactly, but bad build votes look like they have a pretty significant impact on our ability to survive mistakes.
While it's possible being stronger would have made up for our poor decision-making, our build at the time was certainly viable for the situation.
Not a bad idea in principle, but enforcement is going to be a pain - sticks mean we'd have a bunch of people suddenly hiding their breakthroughs out of annoyance, whereas carrots mean we'd basically have to overhaul the patent office.
Our best bet is probably just to say "if you've pushed the boundaries of (whatever skills we're interested in), Kakara would like to hear from you."
Yeah, maybe. I'm not envisioning it as being an onerous process that people will really want to avoid, just sending a note with the skill name and a quick description. Maybe make it voluntary, but frame it as being a patriotic thing, to avoid clashing with people who really want to keep it a secret.

It'll probably only work for ki skills - I doubt IC they even recognise Elite Talents in areas like teaching as more than just having a knack for it. Even hand-to-hand is a bit hard to parse. But "Perfect Multiform" "Ki Overdrive" or "firing Kamehamehas out my ass" are all a bit more obvious as notable variations.
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Voting is open