I probably shouldn't be commenting further, but I'd like to explain why I was so harsh earlier.
It's the statement that Dandeer is an idiot, when her actions are in fact, the actions of a genius who leaves nothing to chance.
This had the potential to actually be a solid, scripted loss. "You never had a chance, because the cards you needed to win were aggressively denied to you. She didn't act against you not out of lack of awareness, but because the only people who could teach you the necessary skills had been subverted before you were born. You never had a chance to beat her. And that's what gives you a chance to win now, because she's no longer watching you, content in her crushing victory."
Instead, it was "Your mistake was being a good person, who didn't just crush her skull unceremoniously, because she's an idiot, and you can't outwit an idiot."
Thematically, it's basically flaying the skin off the original work and draping it over a grim and gritty teenage fanfic. (The original themes being "The only thing that gives the heroes a chance is their friendship, courage, and ability to cover each other's backs when they're down. Where your mentors don't solve your problems, but give you the skills needed to win.")
Because as you've portrayed it, the fatal flaw of the character was to trust their mentors. And that's why I call this game trash.