Vote Tally : Dragon Ball: After the End - Sci-Fi | Page 1119 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 27974-28019]
##### NetTally 1.9.8
[X] Jaffur intends to kill his mother. His recent terror for Jaron's sake only heightens his anger. You're worried that he'll blow the plan by going straight for Dandeer's throat the moment the Seal drops. Visit him again and talk to him. Try to convince him to stick to the plan.
No. of Votes: 21
[X] Meditate. You need to be centered, when this all comes due.
No. of Votes: 19
[X] It's unlikely, but the Sealing could turn messy. Now that you know the kinds of things of which Dandeer is capable, you want to get the Misfits under cover, when the time comes. The issue is: realistically, this would involve giving them a fair amount of information on what's happening. Not all of it, but enough that they'd accept protection, even when you specifically exclude Jaron. Maya already knows enough that she'd figure it out. Gemma is smart enough that she might draw some conclusions, too.
No. of Votes: 9
[X] You said you'd give Jaron time, but you said nothing about space. Spend as much time with your friend as possible, and support him.
No. of Votes: 9
[x] Spend time with your saiyan friends. Things are about to change in a big way. This might be your last chance to see them in an informal setting for a very long time.
No. of Votes: 2
[x] Write-in.
-[X] Learn Mind Delve from grandma
No. of Votes: 2
[x] Write in
-[x] Go see what Sophie wanted to talk about.
No. of Votes: 2
[X] You have juice for another vision coming up. Time to cash in. [The political fallout of the Unsealing for both Clan]
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Write-in
-[X] See what Sophie wanted to talk to you about
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 23