Yeah, I mean. We started with the Gentle trait in which we didn't like hurting others, which evolved after we reflected on it during year 1 into pacifist, that was against violence. That later evolved to include the subtrait open armed after we convinced Celeran through talking and forgave him, proving we don't need violence to turn enemies into allies.
Then when the scouts came we had a crisis because we chose to attack Meerak as a first resource after a very contentious vote and spent a while not knowing what we believed with the benefits of the trait disabled.
Finally, the day of the attack on the school, the combination of us choosing that letting people die to the missiles was unacceptable and then choosing not to kill the scout leader despite him trying to force our hand into it made it evolve into Protector, which means we think killing is wrong and we try to protect even mortal enemies.
So we went from instictual dislike of hurting others, to intellectual rejection of violence and fighting as a valid resource, to a personal crisis from resorting to it since it is what it was expected from us and finally ending in the moral conviction that killing is wrong and that sometimes fighting is necessary in order to save lives. On the upside, no malus to training and learning combat moves since we know the necessity but we also are morally obligated to try to save and convince even those we hate because it is the right thing to do. Kakara still accepts lawful imprisonment, even for life, but killing is a no-no regarless of who commits it or who the victim is.
Which means we have to be careful in 2 years time since it might cause a fallout with Jaffur or Jaron. Which is why I would like to use a vision to see what happened the night Vegeta was sealed to see if it can be used to convince them not to kill her or at least not to do so themselves. That way if Yammar does it, we would still probably lose an ally but at least it wouldn't poison the next generation.