Oh, Alan, never ch-

... Change. Please, Change.
Narratively speaking, none of Alan's crit-fails have been HIS fault, which makes sense being as he is both a genuine genius of his field and not especially quirky. If Jumba critfails at genetics, it's easy to come up with how that happens, because he's a genius, but he's also utterly mad, so it's entirely possible he'd screw things up by doing something crazy on a whim. Alan, on the other hand, doesn't tend to be able to narratively justify crit-fails in his area of expertise. End result: He's just REALLY unlucky.
[X] You Just Have to Learn to be More Assertive

Narratively speaking, none of Alan's crit-fails have been HIS fault, which makes sense being as he is both a genuine genius of his field and not especially quirky. If Jumba critfails at genetics, it's easy to come up with how that happens, because he's a genius, but he's also utterly mad, so it's entirely possible he'd screw things up by doing something crazy on a whim. Alan, on the other hand, doesn't tend to be able to narratively justify crit-fails in his area of expertise. End result: He's just REALLY unlucky.

Is he just unlucky, or have we just never noticed ENCOM sabotaging him from the shadows?

Narratively, I mean. Obviously. Heh, I'm not saying that he consistently rolls poorly from an Doylelist perspective because there's secretly some kind of programming-based boogeyman messing with our GMs' dice rolls. That'd just be silly.

...although he does have some traits we don't know about...
I was thinking about Toy Story and had a realisation. The combination of Toy Story and Who Framed Roger Rabbit means in theory there could be a Toon version of Buzz Lightyear (or other characters from the in-universe Buzz Lightyear cartoon). Not Woody though because Woody's roundup was a stop motion show in-universe.
I was thinking about Toy Story and had a realisation. The combination of Toy Story and Who Framed Roger Rabbit means in theory there could be a Toon version of Buzz Lightyear (or other characters from the in-universe Buzz Lightyear cartoon). Not Woody though because Woody's roundup was a stop motion show in-universe.
Pretty sure the movie Toy Story doesn't exist here, and the sentient toys are actually a thing in-universe, same as Monsters Inc.

... And if you think about it, the rules for AI could explain why toys develop sentience. Kids treat them like they're alive, so they are.
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Pretty sure the movie Toy Story doesn't exist here, and the sentient toys are actually a thing in-universe, same as Monsters Inc.

... And if you think about it, the rules for AI could explain why toys develop sentience. Kids treat them like they're alive, so they are.
I'm aware. I'm not proposing there being Toons of the movie Toy Story in the Doofquest universe. I'm suggesting there are possibly Toons of the Buzz Lightyear cartoon from the movie. The cartoon that Buzz the Toy is merchandise for.
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I'm aware. I'm not proposing there being Toons of the movie Toy Story in the Doofquest universe. I'm suggesting there are possibly Toons of the Buzz Lightyear cartoon from the movie. The cartoon that Buzz the Toy is merchandise for.
Although, notably, they defictionalized the show, and, in fact, we know that defictionalized show is canon here, because the current "Queen" of Hawaii is Mira Nova, one of the main characters of that show.
I was thinking about Toy Story and had a realisation. The combination of Toy Story and Who Framed Roger Rabbit means in theory there could be a Toon version of Buzz Lightyear (or other characters from the in-universe Buzz Lightyear cartoon). Not Woody though because Woody's roundup was a stop motion show in-universe.
But thanks to Gravity Falls stop motion is actually the result of black magic, the stop ocean characters are living beings because the creator of stop motion just thought it'd be too tedious to film one frame at a time. That said I'm pretty sure Woody's show was actually a puppet based one so I think he's safe.
> Industry
Current Standing
-Growth potential

> Modern Robotics devices, including industrial, military, commercial and personal robots.
Current Standing: 2
-Develop Civilian AI (Triple Consent Program)
-Develop Consumer AI (Ethical Concerns)
-Develop Military AI (Survival concerns, Council veto)
-Diecast Robotics
-Mass-produced doppelganger bodies
-Nandroids (Nystical idea, counter InventCo)

> Aerospace: Traveling to the one place left that hasn't yet been corrupted by capitalism, using capitalism. Xanatos has been actively moving into this industry.
Current Standing: 0
-Develop Sublight Drives
-Turn over Kat to the GalFed, form a research collaboration with the goodwill
-Turn Jumba over to the GalFed, form a research collaboration with the goodwill (Bad idea!)

> Chemical Products / Material Processing: Acquisition and processing of raw materials including mining, cutting lumber, making sheet metal, chemical solvents, and a lot of the other 'heavy industry' needed to fuel other industries.
Current Standing: 0
-Lizzy excavation tech (Mining for rare earth metals)
-Potion manufacture (Special care required to protect Masquerade)
-There's no OSHA or EPA in Drusselstein

> Computers / Electronics: Complex technology used to run electronics, particularly computer systems. ENCOM is an overwhelmingly dominant factor in this field.
Current Standing: 1
-Develop Civilian AI (Triple Consent Program)
-Develop Consumer AI (Ethical Concerns)
-Develop Military AI (Survival concerns, Council veto)

> Crime: The sleazy underbelly of the world, ranging in anything from smuggling to full-on supervillainy. A lot of major players have dipped their toes into this pool, whether they'll admit it or not.
Current Standing: 0
-Collaborating with The Blot
-Involvement in Bot Fighting
-Investigate Doofanian Underworld (DC 13)

> "Pharmaceuticals": The production and distribution of illicit and mind-altering substances often prohibited by the DEA. In recent years they have grown to include intelligence-boosting nootropics, temporary superpower granters, and deep purple crystals called 'Primal'.
Current Standing: 0
-Jumba genetically engineering drugs
-Potion manufacture (Special care required to protect Masquerade)
-Collaboration with Zootopia (Primal)

> Food / Agriculture: Production, processing, and distribution of food.
Current Standing: 2
-Hopper Food Group expansion
-Crop genetics research
-Volcanic soil terraforming (in the Midwest?)
-Chain Toffee up to a radiator and sell Toffee steaks

> Genetics: Manipulation of the genetic code of humans, plants, and animals alike, for designer crops and super soldiers. Oh and like, curing diseases and whatever.
Current Standing: 2
-Dinosaur tech tree
-Crops genetics research
-Cure genetic diseases
-Marketing Jumba's experiments… somehow.. designer pets?

> Healthcare: Provision of health clinics, actual pharmaceuticals, and those other things people need to live.
Current Standing: 0
-Cure genetic diseases
-AI physicians

> Insurance / Legal: Law firms, insurance firms, and various other industries involved in complex, legalistic jargon and the abuse thereof.
Current Standing: 3 (Losing Money?!)
-Restructure Insuricare now that heroes are back in business
-AI-focused Legal firms
-Toon-focused Legal firms

> Investing: Using money to make money via other people's hard work.
Current Standing: 0
-No seriously, isn't everything we do investing?

> Mass Media / Performance Arts: Television, Movies, Social Media, News, Video Games, Theater, and anything else that claims to entertain or inform at a mass scale.
Current Standing: 2
-Super Wrestling Federation
-Square Enix advanced AI collaboration
-Toon media revival

> Motor Vehicles / Transportation: Sale of vehicles and the transport of resources and people across land routes.
Current Standing: 1
-Exotic vehicle development
-ODI travel (Extreme care required to protect Masquerade)
-Split/Second brand integration

> National Defense: The sale of armaments, support equipment, tanks, vehicles, weaponry, robotics, and other supplies to the US government or international actors.
Current Standing: -2
-Missile's Red Glare
-Develop Military AI (Survival concerns, Council Veto)
-PMC collaboration

> Petrochemicals: Natural Gas, Oil, Plastic, and other byproducts of the three.
Current Standing: 1
-There's no OSHA or EPA in Drusselstein
-Petrochemical extraction and refinement in other dimensions (Special care required to protect masquerade)

> Retail / Wholesaling: Direct sales to consumers in stores, covering everything from prepackaged food to appliances, clothing, or furniture. If you can find it in a supermarket or a department store, it's this. Unless it's already something else.
Current Standing: 1
-Diecast Robotics Action Figure Toys?
-Closer ties with Smarty Mart

> Telecoms: Telecoms: Internet, Cable television, phone lines, and the rest of our communications infrastructure.
Current Standing: Nonexistent
-Super Fighting Federation
-Inter-Dimensional Cable (Requires ODI exploration)
-Information highways on The Grid (Requires SHV codes)

> Transport (Air): Air-based international shipping; Shere Khan is market leader.
Current Standing: Nonexistent
-Don't poke the tiger
-Comedize your supply line???

> Widgets / Miscellaneous: Stuff. You know. Weird stuff. Doodads. Whatsits. All the springs and sprockets you've never heard of until it breaks in your washing machine and you have to order one direct from the manufacturer. DEI, apparently, is the undisputed leader in this industry. Turns out you invented like seven new varieties of screw alone that… someone or other managed to pull out of the wreckage of your inators. And a new type of heating coil, and biodegradable PVC piping. And… wow this is a long list.
Current Standing: 6
-Criminal Underworld widgets (Bot fighting repair kits?)
-Develop supply chain with… (Olympia, Zaibatsu, Zootopia, other gadget manufacturers)
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