I do want to keep using the dickenses but money is tight now.

We never know if we are going to get more bad inators that have a income cost.
Can I get a citation on this? Where are you getting this from?
It is stated as medium boost to income in action description, sorry for mistake. I think that medium is roughly the same as moderate? All our income comes and goes in three settings: small 1,2, medium 5 and large 7 you can see it in income page there is no other numbers.

---[] Keep up with your therapy appointments
---[] Go undercover
---[] Look Into Mr. Incredible's family
---[] Reinforce Kronos Corp contacts

Which one would you take off? They all seem important. Go Undercover is probably the most directly applicable, Mr. Incredible's family is probably our only chance to do so, Therapy seems important to do, and the contacts synergize with the quest.
Don't see much point in therapy. Mirage among our more stable units and if needed we always can send Technor her way. If we roll poorly on it, it probably would do nothing at all, when Dickens option has guaranteed effect.
[ ] Conduct a Security Sweep
DC 60

This one?
I think people did not want for Dickens to investigate our workers? It is not option that I share, and as I mentioned there exist

[ ] Investigate Crime in Doofania DC 100

which seems more up their alley but I mostly wanted to develop our rapport with Dickens so I would be fine with almost any action with them

I do want to keep using the dickenses but money is tight now.

We never know if we are going to get more bad inators that have a income cost.
No fear, Mirage can't use inators
We can go a turn without using the Dickens. Doing so will not set us back significantly, nor affect us in a negative way
I think the only reason I would hire the dickens would be to do the sweep because that is time sensitive as it is a unique mirage option.

What do people think about me swapping the therapy personal with hiring the dickens to do the DC 60 sweep option? It has a decent shot at a crit success.
Yeah, but that's just for this turn.

We had a streak of like 4 or 5 that were all bad and several cost 2 or 3 income.

If we want to get the last two businesses I'd also like to have a buffer just in case.

And once that's done then dickenses and building our units lairs with Roddy.
Why would we need WyndComm? Xanatos would build space elevator soon and make traditional launches obsolete.
I'd rather not give up on therapy, as even if Mirage is stable, she still has a lot of lingering guilt she needs to address. Therapy is good not just for efficiency, but also because it allows our hero units to grow as people, which I think Mirage still needs.
I'm also against giving up therapy, because we don't know when she will look up the family. Depending how that goes, it could be guilt and self blame or the depths of despair, if she speaks with them.

Also, it never hurts to go to therapy.
Definitely need to talk with Bossman with her right after this turn. Either to congratulate her on a job well done or find out what the heck happened.
I agree.

Hmm, looking at Doof's future personal action options then

Norm Introspection
Spend time with Princess Java
Activate Automatic Potion Brewer

These are my top 3 highest priorities.

Chat with the Bossman (Mirage)
Tinker with Inators
Practice Elocution
Read About Lean Evil
Lie to Your Mirror

These are my next priorities, not in any specific order.

But that's next turn so we shouldn't give it too much thought now.
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Why would we need WyndComm? Xanatos would build space elevator soon and make traditional launches obsolete.

Honestly, I´d prefer to Collab with him on that one once we Comedized our Supply Lines for almost-instant delivery from Earth to any Space Station that might be existing.

Not giving up on Project DEAR just now, you know?
We can also activate an inator without having to tinker!
That is a HORRIBLE idea. Tinker while activating allows us a choice between two inators, which allows us to either counter or mitigate damage should one or both rolls be bad. Activating without tinkering just seems like too much of a risk to try right now
What do people think about me swapping the therapy personal with hiring the dickens to do the DC 60 sweep option? It has a decent shot at a crit success.
Heck no. We have bled enough money in recent turns.

That is a HORRIBLE idea. Tinker while activating allows us a choice between two inators, which allows us to either counter or mitigate damage should one or both rolls be bad. Activating without tinkering just seems like too much of a risk to try right now
Historically it has not made significant difference.
Choosing between shooting ourselves in the foot or in the hand isn't worth the action.
I think the only reason I would hire the dickens would be to do the sweep because that is time sensitive as it is a unique mirage option.

What do people think about me swapping the therapy personal with hiring the dickens to do the DC 60 sweep option? It has a decent shot at a crit success.
Nah. Remember, the Dickens usefulness scales with the income we put in. 2 income would get us, like, Kid Riddle, and, ya know, I think our in-house Intrigue heroes are probably about on par.

Heck no. We have bled enough money in recent turns.

Historically it has not made significant difference.
Choosing between shooting ourselves in the foot or in the hand isn't worth the action.
I mean, this very turn, if we hadn't tinkered, we would have gotten ANOTHER turn of all crits, instead, we're getting Miragequest.
Nah. Remember, the Dickens usefulness scales with the income we put in. 2 income would get us, like, Kid Riddle, and, ya know, I think our in-house Intrigue heroes are probably about on par.
It's mainly about getting the extra intrigue action this turn.

Even if they send a unit with something like 12 intrigue there would be am amazing chance of success and a decent crit chance.
It's mainly about getting the extra intrigue action this turn.

Even if they send a unit with something like 12 intrigue there would be am amazing chance of success and a decent crit chance.
Hm. True, but we can get the same (or better) chance of success with our own heroes, and without having to spend money, and we're already spending money this turn thanks to Marco. Our Stewardship actions should make up the difference, but, well, just in case, ya know?
[] Plan: In Mork We Trust

-[] National Actions:
--[] [Martial] Loan Questionable Assets (Genghis Khan)
--[] [Diplomacy] Recruit the cream of the crop (Technor)

*** This action is illegal ***

--[] [Diplomacy] Form A Research Agreement With Drakktech (Janus Lee)

Why Drakktech exactly? Also I disagree with Janus here because I want him to do the personal.

--[] [Stewardship] Collaborate with Smarty Mart (Roddy)
--[] [Intrigue] Track down Kat: ACME Unlimited (Wile E. Coyote)
--[] [Intrigue] Hunt for Moles (Mesmerella)
--[] [Intrigue] Investigate the theft of the Declaration of Independence (Monogram)
--[] [Intrigue] Conduct A Security Sweep (Malifishmirtz) - Executive Priorities
--[] [Learning] Research with the Imagination Institute
---[] Study Emergent Robotics (Wendy Wower)
--[] [Learning] Research Extradimensional Tech (Jumba)

Disagree with Jumba here. I would rather put Ludivine here, and give her the potion so she can still do the (Instruct Your Coworkers: Gomez) personal action and so Jumba can do his action with Janus. You could theoretically also give the potion to Jumba I guess for him to do the personal with Janus.

--[] [Occult] Form a Coven (Gomez)

-[] The Best Is Yet to Come
--[] Mirage (Leader)
--[] Norm Prime
--[] Queen Lizzie
--[] Kitsune

-[] Personal Actions:
--[] Mirage:
---[] Go Undercover
---[] Keep up with your therapy appointments
---[] Look Into Mr. Incredible's family
---[] Reinforce Kronos Corp contacts
---[] Quest (2 Personal Actions)

--[] Goofy (Do some home gardening)
--[] Dennis the Duck (Search for Donald)

I would rather have him finish the Maui Mallard thing as it even states it could help with finding Donald.

--[] Max (Play some video games )

Would rather have him do something interesting like "Job Shadow [name here]" But if you have Goofy on "Do some home gardening" how about have Max on "Help dad with gardening?" When we did a write in for Norm to help Doof on his musical personal last turn, half of Norm's roll on his personal was added to Doof's. I think something similar could be done here. And if not, at least Max and Goofy would have bonded a bit which could raise Goofy's loyalty potentially.

--[] Janna Ordonia (Work for Brocamas)
--[] Technor (Build robot legs)

*** This action is illegal *** You already have Technor assigned to a national action. In order for him to do a personal you also need to assign the potion to him under Item Assignments but you don't do that.

--[] Ludivine (Instruct Your Coworkers: Gomez)
--[] Tobe (Study The Mad Mojo Cookbook)

I would rather have him finish the Maui Mallard thing especially if Dennis is also going to do that.

--[] Tom Lucitor (Rule The Underworld)
--[] Wasabi (Obsessively Check San Fransokyo Cape News)

Would rather have him finish organizing his desk if he's not doing a stewardship action. But I also think it would be better to have him do his re-organization of the corporate structure of DEI as that action is quite possibly one turn only.

--[] Marco Diaz (Search For Star)
--[] Juniper (Meet Your Coworkers)

-[] Item Assignments:
--[] Ruby Wings: Marco
--[] Amur: Marco

One final thing, I really want Jumba and Janus to do their complementary experiment personals this turn so the fact your plan doesn't do that is another thing I have against it.

I don't agree with everything you say here, but let's see if I can improve the original with this...
[] Plan: In Mork We Trust v2

-[] National Actions:
--[] [Martial] Loan Questionable Assets (Genghis Khan)
--[] [Diplomacy] Recruit the cream of the crop (Technor)
--[] [Diplomacy] Establish ties with Magical new York (Goofy)
--[] [Stewardship] Corporate Restructuring (Roddy)
--[] [Intrigue] Track down Kat: ACME Unlimited (Wile E. Coyote)
--[] [Intrigue] Hunt for Moles (Mesmerella)
--[] [Intrigue] Investigate the theft of the Declaration of Independence (Monogram)
--[] [Intrigue] Hold A Security Seminar (Tobe) - Executive Priorities
--[] [Intrigue] Conduct A Security Sweep (Dickens Detective Agency - Small)
--[] [Learning] Research with the Imagination Institute
---[] Study Emergent Robotics (Wendy Wower)
--[] [Learning] Research Extradimensional Tech (Ludivine)
--[] [Occult] Form a Coven (Gomez)

-[] The Best Is Yet to Come
--[] Mirage (Leader)
--[] Norm Prime
--[] Queen Lizzie
--[] Kitsune

-[] Personal Actions:
--[] Mirage:
---[] Hire the Dickens Detective Agency (Small)
---[] Keep up with your therapy appointments
---[] Look Into Mr. Incredible's family
---[] Reinforce Kronos Corp contacts
---[] Quest (2 Personal Actions)
--[] Max (Shadow Roddy)
--[] Dennis the Duck (Train with Maui Mallard)
--[] Janna Ordonia (Work for Brocamas)
--[] Dr. Jumba Jookiba (Work with Janus on???)
--[] Janus Lee (Work on ??? with Jumba)
--[] Wendy Wower (Talk to Trevor) - Potion of Haste.
--[] Tom Lucitor (Rule the Underworld)
--[] Wasabi (Organize your Workstation)
--[] Marco Diaz (Search for Star)
--[] Malifishmirtz (Tend your goozim menagerie)
--[] Juniper (Meet Your Coworkers)

-[] Item Assignments:
--[] Ruby Wings: Marco
--[] Amur: Marco
--[] Potion of Haste: Wendy Wower

Okay, justifications/rationalizations and so on.

No changes in Martial. We should be able to do this and it is the gateway to a substantial amount of income, which we want for the Muppet restaurants.

Diplomacy. Technor still in recruitment, because I want him nowhere near Doof's mind this turn. Changed Drakktech for Magical New York, because it seems to be a more popular action and put Goofy in there to compensate for higher DC.

Previous version of the plan had Janus Lee reaching out to Drakktech for joint research, because Janus Lee has been the previous point of contact with Shego and because Drakktech is already involved in genetic research (in the "superpowers" part of the equation). That said, we can probably do all the genetic research we want in-house thanks to Jumba.

Stewardship. Given the -20 malus, it seems logical to sacrifice one of these for extra Intrigue.

Of the low DC options, my preference is still Smarty Mart, because a 15 point difference is a bit daunting in these circumstances. That said, there is a significant opportunity cost with Corporate Restructuring, so it probably is worth attempting.

Still keeping Roddy, because he is a bit better mechanically than Wasabi and because I don't think that Wasabi's OCD is going to survive long-term in this environment, outside of an unlikely crit.

Intrigue. Monogram and Coyote are doing their repeat stuff, presumably to no effect.

Mole Hunt is a high priority action, Mezmerella rolls higher than anyone else in Intrigue and OOC I don't want us taking a known mind controller supervillain to a quest in which we know that there are going to be mind control shenanigans. If something goes wrong during the Quest, I can see DEI taking the blame for Screenslaver, just because Mezmerella happened to be in the premises.

While Tobe has a lot of personals, after some consideration it doesn't make much sense to make Malf take charge of the security seminar when we have a hero with considerably better stats.

Security Sweep with the Dickens, because that one is low enough in DC that even a small hire should give good odds of making it and keeps the most critical operations in-house.

Learning still has Wendy in Robotics with the Imagination Institute, but extradimensional tech is now in the hands of von Drake. I am generally wary of Absent Minded, but the worst scenario here is that she takes a stab at Exotic Vehicles, so I guess that I can live with the change.

In regards to the Quest, Norm is in for Martial and because I'd be interested in potential interactions with Sinatron, while Lizzie and Kitsune are there for Intrigue and respectively Learning and Occult (and, of course, the Marcnificent Few bonus). As noted in the Intrigue section, I flatly do not want Mezmerella anywhere near this incoming trainwreck.

Moving on to personals...

Mirage gets Quest, Dickens hiring, improving Kronos contacts and therapy that she is probably going to need, because we are going to be looking into the Incredibles, too.

I've changed Dennis to Maui Mallard, because it admittedly makes sense to have him commit to the training.

Janna goes to work in magical New York, which may or may not have some kind of synergy with the diplomatic action.

Jumba and Janus get to play mad doctor in the big project we don't know much about. I am quite leery of this one, because it shows up in the same colour as the option that would have left Hego playing hero 24/7, but it seems to be the most popular pick for these two.

Tom rules the underworld, Marco searches for Star, Wasabi finishes the workstation action, Juniper keeps building those interpersonal relationships and grunkle Malif checks on his goozim, who hopefully are angry because they have detected the Blot or something like that.

This plan used to have Goofy doing gardening with Max, thanks to the potion of haste, but after feedback that has been changed to a PA for Wendy to poke the Trevor situation. Max is now playing video games, which I think may be a gateway for DEI to learn what's going on in the cyberspace front shadowing Roddy, in the hopes that they prove compatible in the same way Russ was.

Thoughts, opinions, criticisms?
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Well, I am not ready to give up on Dickens. And I just finished my own plan so at least we can compare notes.

Thus behold, yet another plan.

[] Plan Additional Income Tactics
-[] National Actions:
--[] [Martial] Loan deniable assets (Genghis Khan)
---[] Loan questionable assets
--[] [Diplomacy] Recruit the cream of the crop (Goofy)
--[] [Diplomacy] Establish ties with Magical New York (Kitsune)
--[] [Stewardship] Hold a Powerline concert(Wasabi)
--[] [Stewardship] Collaborate with Smarty Mart (Roddy Blair)
--[] [Intrigue] Track down Kat: ACME Unlimited (Wile E. Coyote)
--[] [Intrigue] Investigate the theft of the Declaration of Independence (Monogram)
--[] [Intrigue] Hunt for Moles (Tobe)
--[] [Intrigue] Hold a 'Security Seminar' (Dickens)
--[] [Learning] Research with the Imagination Institute
---[] Study Doof's Mind (Technor)
--[] [Learning] Research extradimensional tech (Jumba)
--[] [Occult] Form a Coven (Gomez)

-[] The Best Is Yet to Come
--[] Mirage (Leader)
--[] Queen Lizzy
--[] Marco
--[] Mezmerella

-[] Personal Actions:
--[] Mirage:
---[] Hire the Dickens Detective Agency
----[ ] For a small (-2) income decrease, a lower level member of the Dickens family will come to aid you for a turn
---[] Go undercover
---[] Write-in: Speak with Princess CJ about finer points of corporation and Kingdom management.
---[] Reinforce Kronos Corp contacts
---[] Quest (2 PA)

--[] Dennis the Duck (Train with Maui Mallard)
--[] Ludivine (Instruct your Coworkers: Gomez)
--[] Norm Prime (Write-in: Follow Wendy to San Fransokyo)
--[] Max (Job Shadow Wasabi)
--[] Janna Ordonia (Work for Brocamas)
--[] Wendy Wower (Talk to Trevor)
--[] Juniper (Meet your Coworkers: Wasabi)
--[] Tom Lucitor (Rule The Underworld)
--[] Malifishmirtz (Write-in: help Janna find a Focus)
--[] Janus (Work with Jumba on ???)

-[] Item Assignments:
--[] Ruby Wings: Mezmerella
--[] Potion of Haste (Jumba: Work with Janus on ???))

Pros: One more income generating action. SPLIT/SECOND described as moderate increase which is second income increase level. If my calculations correct together with Smarty Mart and deniable assets action it woul generate enough income to by both companies by the next turn if we are so wishing before next inator have chance turn our money into confetti. SPLIT/SECOND also specifically mentions safety condition, so Wasabi strangely enough somewhat fits.

Cons. Not doing Corporate restructuring. I was not impressed with action rewards to begin with

Pros: Doing both second stewardship and second learning in the same plan, also no -10 debuff to 'Security Seminar'

Cons: No therapy for Mirage. No searching for Incredibles family too, so no need for therapy after. Which also means that no plot hook to drug us into another adventure. For now at least. I am sure that when her loyalty would be high enough she herself would ask us to help her. Doing it now in secret from Doof don't help us all that much.

Now about

[] Plan: In Mork We Trust v2
I have overall positive impression and would likely approval vote it (It is allowed here, right? We did not vote for so long here that I forgot)

That said in my opinion there are still couple of thing that can see improvement. In the order of importance, for me at least:

  • Wendy have her own very important personal. She still can go on it with potion of haste. It is wasted on Goof instead
  • We are tight on money. Thus there were many complains about using money on Dickens. I am all for it but more income generated action would have been better. 1 income a year from corporate restructuring is lowest of the low.
  • Norm is fine, but Marco is much better on Quest. He has some crazy bonuses from different traits for like +52 martial or something similar. Probably even more in your line up.
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Pros: One more income generating action. SPLIT/SECOND described as moderate increase which is second income increase level. If my calculations correct together with Smarty Mart and deniable assets action it woul generate enough income to by both companies by the next turn if we are so wishing before next inator have chance turn our money into confetti. SPLIT/SECOND also specifically mentions safety condition, so Wasabi strangely enough somewhat fits.
No? Why would they?

Actions like Loan Questionable Assets would be one time boosts to our revenue. While actions like Smarty Mart and SPLIT/SECOND are products that would increase the amount of money we get every March/April turn.
I have overall positive impression and would likely approval vote it (It is allowed here, right? We did not vote for so long here that I forgot)
There is no approval voting here, at most what you can do is that if you see your chosen option has no chance of winning you can change your vote to another option with better chances.

But only 1 option per person.
No? Why would they?

Actions like Loan Questionable Assets would be one time boosts to our revenue. While actions like Smarty Mart and SPLIT/SECOND are products that would increase the amount of money we get every March/April turn.
Noted. I 'll probably change toward [] Powerline concert then. It seems it is only thing that can can give us immediate income here. Sad that we can't have second martial action.