Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

With his declaration of no more hiding in his workshop, I hope he gets Fashion Non-Victim because I think he will qualify for Mental Fortress now that he is committed to being proactive. It would really be fun if he calls out Victor on his skill draining while being immune to it :p
So, what do we think tonight's chapter is going to cover? I'm thinking the arrival of the remaining Somer's Rock parties and Joe beginning to use Survey to sneakily collect immense amounts of data and information on everyone there, in preparation for his "No more hiding" sentiment.
He's gonna put on his big boy pants and sit at the grown ups table and lay down the law.
So I've been digging back into Fallen London lore, and I found a very interesting wiki article on why the Neath is funky and defies all rules of physics and logic. Treacheries

Fifth City Wiki on Treacheries said:
The Neath is protected by seven Treacheries, four of which are known, and three of which are not. These Treacheries are a result of the strong concentration of irrigo within the Cave of the Nadir, which prevents the Judgements from seeing within the Neath, keeping the Echo Bazaar's activities hidden from their sight.

So, that presents a few things to consider, as far as the expansion of the broken metaphysics of the Neath in Joe's lab goes.
1) The whole place is building up a reservoir of Irrigo, potentially. I'm not sure Joe actually has a dedicated counter to it like he does other stuff, given he doesn't have direct access to the Throne at all times in the lab for memory-locking, so it going unnoticed would be entirely understandable.
2) Joe's going to notice that Irrigo could potentially expand the physics-breaking effects of the Prismatic Laboratory once he starts digging into it, which has terrifying implications when you start to factor in everything else Joe can do with it.
3) If Joe decides to take the Lady in Lilac route (getting himself infused with Irrigo), he could become quite literally immortal thanks to his regeneration and a stranger on par with Aisha, no matter where he goes. Admittedly this doesn't fix him being a touch squishy, though, and there'd likely be knock-on effects, even for him.
I'm betting long odds on him getting Cybertronian Forge the moment Saint walks into Somer's just because the forge is a troll like that.

Edit: oh well.
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As for what will happen next, I'm imagining lots of shock and lack of table room as more and more and more cape teams arrive. Currently, we have Uppercrust, Coil, Faultline, Undersiders, and Apeiron's Mystery Team. Next comes the Empire, Merchants, Travelers, Dragonslayers, Lost Garden, and maybe another surprise? Is there even room in Somer's Rock for all the capes? Would Joe have to fabricate luxury chairs so everyone has a seat?

I would also like to see Kaiser try to put Skidmark in his place when Skidmark goes to take his place at the table. What if Joe just looks at Kaiser and says with a deadpan voice, "I see no difference." Implying that the Empire is as rotten as the Merchants. It would be wildly out of character for Joe who is being conservative about throwing his reputation around. But, dagnabbit, it would be so cool! (And also written much better than my lame attempt here).

I still think Kaiser will try to pull this power play or something similar. So in order to keep his momentum, Joe would have to do something to counter Kaiser's move. Letting Skidmark sit at the table seems to be a solution. Also, Joe is a nice guy and will judge all gangbangers equally :p

Here are some funny reactions I predict will happen.
Scrub is super relieved that Khepri is fine. Cue stumbling and awkward staring.
Kaiser is jealous that Apeiron has better "arm candy" than he does.
Menja and Fenja are jealous of Survey outshining them in the looks department.
Matrix (and Garment) are upset at the appearance of the Merchants.
Joe's passenger trying to keep Joe informed, but scrambling because there are so many capes and so many relevant warnings.
Everyone is relieved that Apeiron's super team seems to have at least one cat that looks normal.
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I'm wondering what Fleet would even do if he went evil A.I. mode. I mean, Survey went full surveillance state, Matrix went gray goo, but I can really only see Fleet as just installing himself on every vehicle ever and going "I am going to drive you to the grocery store and you are darn well going to like it."
Maybe something related to the whole "advancement/over-preparation past any possible obstacles or opponents" thing? Start self replicating bigger and more destructive forms, make the "fully upgraded arsenal bird" in non-shardspace. Perhaps without knowing the proper amount of force to use for objectionable behavior or something.

Alternatively, as a stabilizing presence for Survey (and perhaps Matrix), Fleet might assume the role of a hero, trying as hard as he can to bring his family back to sanity, without being able to bring himself to destroy them. Maybe he'd even still do the giant arsenal bird thing, but also use it to shelter civilians when he can.
Maybe something related to the whole "advancement/over-preparation past any possible obstacles or opponents" thing? Start self replicating bigger and more destructive forms, make the "fully upgraded arsenal bird" in non-shardspace. Perhaps without knowing the proper amount of force to use for objectionable behavior or something.
Do we even know what the "Fully Upgraded Arsenal Bird" is going to look like when it's complete? Cause Lord mentioned that it's as big as a country right now, and I doubt that it's stopped growing. I could just imagine the fully upgraded Arsenal Bird being the size of a Galaxy or something, with Quintillions of fightercraft the size of that can blow up star systems. And Larger, planet-sized warships that could subjugate entire galaxies on their own.
Do we even know what the "Fully Upgraded Arsenal Bird" is going to look like when it's complete? Cause Lord mentioned that it's as big as a country right now, and I doubt that it's stopped growing. I could just imagine the fully upgraded Arsenal Bird being the size of a Galaxy or something, with Quintillions of fightercraft the size of that can blow up star systems. And Larger, planet-sized warships that could subjugate entire galaxies on their own.
I doubt it could fit in shardspace, entities may be huge, and they may have spacial folding, but there is a limit, somewhere, probably, of course, that's before you add ~spiral power~ into the mix.
Lisa: "What's THIS one powered by?"

Joe: "Kicking reason to the curb and going beyond impossible."

Negotiator: ERROR.
While I'm not even going to try and guess what the forge will be kicking out, though I do have some specific hopes (Looking at you Fashion Non-Victim and Cybertonium Forge), I am so, so looking forward to seeing Kaiser strutting into Somer's like he owns the place and seeing Joe's team.

Kaiser: Alright people, when we get in there, we'll show this tinker who's in charge and remind him that this is one empire he can't fight alone!
Joe: Allow me to introduce my team.
Kaiser: ...Wait, you can't do that!!!
Change of topic, we have about 16 hours to kill until the next update (hopefully), so, what do you all think will happen?

Conflict with E88.

LordR is hesitant to even attempt POVs from Nazis. Understandable given how he emotionally invest himself in the various characters, expands their histories/backstories, and writes them as flawed but empathizable human beings.

However, the E88 is one of the largest group of antagonists in the bay. LordR knows he can't ignore them and he's foreshadowed future conflict.

I predict escalation at the villain meet-and-greet. :D
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I'm betting on a Damsel PoV for the Empire side of things.

With all the talk of Apeiron's anti-Squealer effect I think a POV of the Merchants might be interesting.

Hey, does anyone else think Lord should have the next therapy session be a Dr. Campbell Interlude?

I am 100% on board with all of these! I'm especially interested in a Squealer POV as that was something I hadn't considered before, and it would be very interesting to get another tinker's view on Ape Monkey Iron's tech.
Hey, does anyone else think Lord should have the next therapy session be a Dr. Campbell Interlude?
Eh, doing a point of view from a therapist might be exceptionally difficult without some sort of background in it.

In regards to the meeting, are there actually going to be a lot more parahumans this time around? We have Uppercrust and his crew, Blasto and his... group, potentially the Dragonslayers, Joe's team, and the only people that aren't going to be there this time around I think are Uber&Leet.

I still think it'd be a mistake for the E88 to bring Damsel to the meet, but we'll see what happens.
Another funny reaction I thought of. How about Skidmark drooling over Survey and Squealer getting really angry. As in yelling at the top of her voice at Skidmark and Survey, here comes the cat-fight angry.