Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

You know, I wonder if Faultline will take the plunge and ask the scary Gilded Gibbon if he knows what's the cause of the C53 or where they come from. Because last time Jozef seriously freaked out about it when Weld asked him because of the Fanon Shard's warning.
Joe: I walked in and sat down with my friends, everyone proceeded to lose their minds because of one inescapable fact, I have buddies.
Now that I think about it this sends out a small but scary message, 'It was just me before think about what I can do with my whole team'

There are also the implications. Alec's observations, clearly show what people thought were drones or bio-tech, that fought in previous battles are now team mates.

The enigmatic artificer, making team mates, from scratch. Is going to be a new theory about him.
The red bio-tech in the battle, his red lock of hair, the new biological red team mate.

There were theories that it was a team of capes, supporting them. That theory also got support now.

Though there will probably be arguments, on whether these team mates, already existed, or are newly made. Due to 3 day old tech.
That people saw the results, but that the team mates weren't in the spotlight, because they weren't as powerfull, then.

He upgraded Weld, an existing hero.

Alec won't be the only one, who's powers can see the different natures of his team mates. Thus adding support to the 'making team mates' theory.

The empire's big deterrent against, a very powerfull parahuman such as Lung, were their own numbers.
Aperion, is a powerfull human, that can add to his own numbers.


We know that he can grant normal people powers, but that is now coming to light due to the introduction.

The cat, implies he can 'upgrade' pets.

The red bio team mate, that he can do the same for biotech.

That some of them aren't biological, hints to upgrading robots.
In regards to the Lisa talk...
I kind of gave up on her when she saw him become a more powerful Demigod right in front of her, then immediately decides to refuse to tell him her suspicions about Dinah Alcott's kidnapping. He could have literally stormed Coils base within the day, rescuing Dinah (and Lisa as well, from all the threats), but no. 'Course, that would have derailed the anti-ABB section of the story, so I understand why LordR went that way, but it still paints Lisa in a very unsympathetic and unforesightful light.
I think you're glossing over the fact that Lisa is genuinely scared of Coil. I believe fear is driving her actions in regards to him more than any need to 'prove herself'. At this point in the story, she doesn't know what Coil's power is, only that it's some sort of Thinker power and that it trumps hers. And she has no reason that any of the Undersiders (besides Taylor) would actually side with her over Coil once their employer is known (At this point in story, Brian is convinced he needs their backer's support to win custody over his sister, Rachel needs the money he's providing for her dogs, and canon-Alec doesn't really care so long as he doesn't have to deal with his family. CF Alec might start to have concerns (which we kind of see in the interlude) but not enough to risk biting their employer's hand just on Lisa's say-so.) In addition, while Bitch and Regent might to decide to leave, it's far easier for them to do so, as Coil probably wouldn't even bother chasing them, but Tattletale knows too much. And Lisa knows this. The only one of the Undersiders Lisa has (arguably - depending on the interpretation of her character) genuine attachment to is Taylor, because she's worried about her, but in Lisa's mind she believes the other 'Siders wouldn't go out on a limb for her if it went against their interests. Even Brian, who is often depicted as the most reasonable/level-headed of them.

Sure, Joe is a powerhouse and could probably do everything you mentioned, but Lisa has no reason to know that. At the time of their conversation, her power was exhausted from trying to deal with both March and Joe's bullshit Thinker disruption powers, and she was at the end of her rope, that whole conversation only being possible because Joe was holding back the effects of the overuse of her Thinker power. I have no reason to believe she was thinking clearly at that point.

As for Joe storming Coil's base? HOW? Even Lisa doesn't know where it is, and even if she told him, she had no reason to believe he could safely deal with Coil in a way that wouldn't leave her watching her back for the rest of her life. Hell, it's been implied that Lisa has never even been to his true base. Lisa is only going to get one shot. She can't afford to fuck it up if she doesn't want a bullet in the brain, which is why she hesitates. Not to mention, from her time of being as a cape, and knowing about the cape scene, she likely thinks Joe is unstable as hell, even without the random bits of information her power tosses her way regarding him. Keep in mind that apparently a lot of people see Apeiron as a 'Mad Scientist', and given the limited information that the outside world actually knows, it's not exactly an unfair speculation.

People keep talking about all the crap Joe can do, but nobody knows what he can do, Joe isn't going to tell them, and that is the problem. If Lisa actually understood what Joe was capable of (which, he isn't going to tell her because he does not really trust her with that), she absolutely would go all in with Joe, with no hesitation, because she knows from her power that Joe genuinely means her no harm, and is more concerned with keeping them alive than controlling them. Hell, once it becomes clear that Coil is their employer (probably when he finds out about the Alcott situation as well), Joe will probably be initially incredibly pissed at Lisa for hiding it, but then likely get over it out of sympathy for her situation.

Lisa has manipulated Joe to keep him and PRT at odds at each other. A wog said she did it by only saying half of the truth to mean something else. To lie by omission with her goal to deceive. Kinda like the Fey. Coil too has manipulated the scene for that his own stake in it. Just wanting to say that Lisa is no innocent child. However I admit I'm biased against her.
What did she do to manipulate him to keep him and the PRT at odds of each other? The only thing I could possibly conceive of him in this way was their little Post-Healing Panacea chat, and all she did was tell him how the PRT was reacting to what he did, and to his little hairpin that he gave to Amy. She's literally done nothing to keep him from talking to the PRT, or try to convince him not to. Everything since then has been his decision, not hers. I'm not sure what WoG you're referring to (this thread is too long for me to try finding them all) but I genuinely can't remember a place where she manipulated Joe to keep him from talking with the PRT. Something he's done on at least 2 occasions at this point (Weld under the sea, Weld/Dragon on PHO, Weld after the Lung incident, Weld after the whole 'Enigmatic Artificer' debacle.)
Another pitfall is that she has to get revenge on Coil. She cannot just escape, she must prove the she can win
I think is a misunderstanding of her situation. I don't really think she gives a damn about revenge or proving she can win. She just wants him gone so she doesn't have to spend the rest of her life looking over her shoulder.

I'll be the first to admit that Lisa is no angel, but I think people are going a little hard on her since Joe can apparently solve her problems. Not that she knows that.

Actually given how classy Uppercrust seems to be and how experienced he is and seeing the visible surprise from the locals he'll probably just roll with the punches and understand how this wasn't possible for his resources to find. No "kill the messenger" tropes here… probably.
If anything, this experienced cape who has no real skin in the city is probably finding the situation hilarious, probably making mental remarks about 'young whippersnappers not prepared for the big leagues if they can be thrown off their game this easy'. Also, Uppercrust in this story has been depicted as one of the more 'reasonable' members of the Elite, so I doubt he's inclined to use the 'kill the messenger' trope in any circumstance.

That's bad for business after all.

The whole Uppercrust angle is interesting, because as Joe remarked in a previous chapter when talking about him, healing him is probably the right thing to do (Uppercrust maintains coastal defense shields all over the country it sounds like, and it's not like Joe intends to take over that, even if he'd be able to get permission), but he also notes that doing so might trigger a civil war within the Elite - one of the biggest cape organizations in the country - and there will be fallout from that in one form or another.

I mean, what I'd like to see is him agree to treat him, but to shoot of a message to Armstrong beforehand that he's going to do it, so that he can warn Protectorate national about the Elite potentially starting to do some weird shit as a result. And then as 'payment' from Uppercrust, to keep the Elite out of BB for some period of time, and then to ensure that the resulting strife ends quickly.

You know, I wonder if Faultline will take the plunge and ask the scary Gilded Gibbon if he knows what's the cause of the C53 or where they come from. Because last time Jozef seriously freaked out about it when Weld asked him because of the Fanon Shard's warning.
I mean, the best response he can give is that while he doesn't know the true source, he has an idea 'why' it is happening, and that it is genuinely too dangerous to discuss lightly. "Dangerous. Something I consider dangerous. Food for thought."
I think you're jumping a little ahead here. Alec made those conclusions using those powers, but I doubt he is going to jump to Survey and Fleet being Drones right away as they look really human already, and people tend to assume things after coming to an initial conclusion (Likely, he'll just think that Joe's tech is somehow stopping the power somehow). Tybalt's power forces people to consider him 'normal', so the idea of him being a 'pet' isn't going to cross anyone's mind.

As far as Tetra, if pressed Joe can simply say she was always a member of his team, but simply concealed on him to gain an edge, and that the two can't do that anymore due to March's attack.

But in the end, even if Alec came to those conclusions, he isn't going to talk about it because he doesn't want to risk pissing Joe off. The other gangs have no chance of figuring out, because they've had little to no exposure to Joe.
I think you're glossing over the fact that Lisa is genuinely scared of Coil. I believe fear is driving her actions in regards to him more than any need to 'prove herself'. At this point in the story, she doesn't know what Coil's power is, only that it's some sort of Thinker power and that it trumps hers.
Tattletale knew Coils power as early as Skitter's fight against Lung.

Extermination 8.8

Last Chapter Next Chapter How was a city like Brockton Bay supposed to pay its respects to all the her…
"We go, we take out a contingent of ABB gangbangers and scare off Oni Lee. Then I get a call back from Coil. The other reality? We left earlier, went a different route. Got in a fight with Lung before you showed. You decided to attack both our groups while we were occupied fighting each other, worn out, only Lung was stronger at that time, too strong for you to do too much. By the time you realized you'd have to work with us to stop him, which wasn't long, it was too late. Lung was too tough."
Tattletale has always been way more manipulative than the fandom gives her credit for.
At this point in the story, she doesn't know what Coil's power is, only that it's some sort of Thinker power and that it trumps hers.

This is fanon, in canon Lisa knew what Coil's power was before Taylor even joined the Undersiders. She had already taken it into account in her planning. [EDIT: Darn Strangers.]

Also, you're, uh, overestimating how rational Lisa is. She has a pathological need to be the smartest person in the room, which is why she created a convoluted plan to take down Coil herself instead of, say, taking everything she knew to WENGDG and letting them sort it out. A plan which, by the way, only barely worked and only because QA* was hard-carrying without anybody noticing. Anyway, Lisa is willing to do some boneheaded things to ensure that Coil loses because of her, specifically, and her brilliant planning, because she needs to win and prove how smart she is. Part of the reason that she's not telling Joe about Coil is that she's worrying about the potentially outcome of Joe vs Noelle and the collateral damage Coil could do on the way down, but a lot of it is that she really really does not want to admit that the situation has gone out of her control.

*This is a frequently missed implication, but it Ward the Fragile One notes that, if the Shard Network was still up, she'd talk to the other shards and try to persuade them to keep Victoria alive. Furthermore, there's that scene in Worm where Coil teleports Taylor into a burning building and has his men try to shoot her, which fails. A extremely valid question that was asked of Wildbow: why didn't Coil just teleport her into a massive pile of explosives primed to go off? The answer is that he tried to do that, but the Leet-made teleporter kept failing until he downgraded to a less immediately lethal destination. Putting those two fact together, we could infer that the only reason Taylor didn't die is that QA was in the background telling the other shards "Hey, don't kill my host without giving her the chance to fight back, that's no fun."
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There are also the implications. Alec's observations, clearly show what people thought were drones or bio-tech, that fought in previous battles are now team mates.

The enigmatic artificer, making team mates, from scratch. Is going to be a new theory about him.
The red bio-tech in the battle, his red lock of hair, the new biological red team mate.

There were theories that it was a team of capes, supporting them. That theory also got support now.

Though there will probably be arguments, on whether these team mates, already existed, or are newly made. Due to 3 day old tech.
That people saw the results, but that the team mates weren't in the spotlight, because they weren't as powerfull, then.

He upgraded Weld, an existing hero.

Alec won't be the only one, who's powers can see the different natures of his team mates. Thus adding support to the 'making team mates' theory.

The empire's big deterrent against, a very powerfull parahuman such as Lung, were their own numbers.
Aperion, is a powerfull human, that can add to his own numbers.


We know that he can grant normal people powers, but that is now coming to light due to the introduction.

The cat, implies he can 'upgrade' pets.

The red bio team mate, that he can do the same for biotech.

That some of them aren't biological, hints to upgrading robots.

People don't even perceive Ty is a cat though? I mean, they do, butvthey just think is normal, they wouldn't have a reason to think he a biotinker creature.

And Tetra can pretty much just be explained by telling the truth, really. She is someone that Joe found, helped during her time of need by giving her food and shelter, and she started to help him Cape in return when they discovered that she can empower Joe, and during the whole ABB bombings she got lodged inside his body, then after they could finally be separated without damaging either of them, some of their composition got mixed up.
why is no one talking about the kerballs becous any roll now joe is going to get 20 to 40 of them and i think 4 count as companyons so demigods
allso in the kerbal space program dok there is an opton to make them look more human but green
ps anyone got a link to the unrolled perks
What did she do to manipulate him to keep him and the PRT at odds of each other? The only thing I could possibly conceive of him in this way was their little Post-Healing Panacea chat, and all she did was tell him how the PRT was reacting to what he did, and to his little hairpin that he gave to Amy. She's literally done nothing to keep him from talking to the PRT, or try to convince him not to. Everything since then has been his decision, not hers. I'm not sure what WoG you're referring to (this thread is too long for me to try finding them all) but I genuinely can't remember a place where she manipulated Joe to keep him from talking with the PRT. Something he's done on at least 2 occasions at this point (Weld under the sea, Weld/Dragon on PHO, Weld after the Lung incident, Weld after the whole 'Enigmatic Artificer' debacle.)
From chapter 30.
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Tattletale is doing a bit of that Fey Truth thing here where everything she says is technically correct, but leaves out context, detail, and supporting information to twist things to her chosen perspective. She very much does not want Joe involved with the Protectorate, both because that would be a nightmare for the Undersiders and because she now realizes a direct conflict/power struggle between them could be devastating. Keeping them apart is her best bet and she is framing information to do just that.

Coil is also spinning things like crazy behind the scenes to keep any mutual support from being established between Joe and the local authorities.

why is no one talking about the kerballs becous any roll now joe is going to get 20 to 40 of them and i think 4 count as companyons so demigods
allso in the kerbal space program dok there is an opton to make them look more human but green
ps anyone got a link to the unrolled perks
A wog from chapter 43.
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The last four words of the Felyne description are "Counts as a companion", which is the significant part. Joe does not get free companions from jumps, so as far as the forge is concerned he currently has no companions. Even the Kerbals are treated as a power and only have rules for how to treat them as companions later if they are imported as such. The Felyne IS a companion. That means any of the jump Joe has access to that have a free companion import options will apply to the Felyne.
Which means that they only counts as power as far as the Celestial Forge is concerned. They will also only get some of Apeiron's perks. They will be the classical ones with all the continuous violations of health and safety guidelines.
More on this here.
Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)
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I'll be the first to admit that Lisa is no angel, but I think people are going a little hard on her since Joe can apparently solve her problems. Not that she knows that
She's especially worried about Noelle

why is no one talking about the kerballs becous any roll now joe is going to get 20 to 40 of them and i think 4 count as companyons so demigods
allso in the kerbal space program dok there is an opton to make them look more human but green
ps anyone got a link to the unrolled perks
As mentioned they won't be companions.
Reference doc
We know that he can grant normal people powers, but that is now coming to light due to the introduction.

The cat, implies he can 'upgrade' pets.

The red bio team mate, that he can do the same for biotech.

That some of them aren't biological, hints to upgrading robots.
I wouldn't expect people to assume that. A team of case-53s, a powerful cluster, etc. seem like they'd be conclusions that people jump to first.
I wouldn't expect people to assume that. A team of case-53s, a powerful cluster, etc. seem like they'd be conclusions that people jump to first.

Well, yeah, if they can catch the AIs using their "powers", they will probably assume they are just a really big Cluster that somehow aren't at each other throat (to varying degrees) and are in complete harmony.

@LordRoustabout can a single one of joes mitochondria power a lightbulb?

.....That makes me think, does the Forge have Parasite Eve perks?
Okay, the reaaally big question at Somer's Rock... can Jozef keep it together enough to not embarrass himself or frighten everyone with whatever powers he gains during the actual meeting? What do we think the chances are? Or course a lot of that could depend on how many and how long the chapters are, i.e., how many chances he gets to get more points/powers.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say yes, Apeiron the Enigmatic Artificer will come thru the whole entire official meeting without visibly being affected by powers gain.

Come at me Bro.
Hmm....I was just thinking more about the whole 'divine beauty' aspect Apeiron and Survey have and I realized something. The E88 is pretty sure to bring Damsel of Distress along, right? Being able to show her off as an implied threat is the whole reason they bothered to get her to begin with, and in Rune's interlude they were apparently getting a new costume together. But, even putting aside the Undersiders, how is she going to react to the Tinker and Survey? She's got envy issues and is kinda unstable...though she was also able to pull it together and read the situation back in the Unholy Hour.

Oh, and besides that it's a given that plans regarding Apeiron are nuked now that he has a full group (not that he couldn't project power with drones before anyway, but having a large cape roster seems to stick in people's minds better).
Here's to hoping the rest of the meeting continues from an outside perspective, seeing everyone blue screen about him actually having his own crew is pretty fun.

Having the meeting from alternating perspectives could be fun too. Joe's internal panicking and everyone else thinking he's completely in control.

what powers will Joe connect with during the all-important and not at all "ready to pop off at the drop of a hat" meeting?

I'm not sure if everyone still believes this but wasn't one prominent theory for Joe's distraction at new powers that it was "battle meditation"

Could be fun seeing everyone start freaking out thinking he's about to go berserk.
The current theories is everything from battle meditation, power switching to strategy trance.
From Glory Girl Interlude when the wards watched the live stream.
The feeling that the tinker was suddenly somewhere else, dealing with something they couldn't see.
Everyone agreed it was something serious. The fact that the man had unleashed a nuclear-level sword attack after one of those trances was proof enough.
there was this sense of contemplation, like the tinker was considering something.
Now it's just to spout wild theories!
Having capes as your subordinates isn't just a strength thing, or even a more intangible force projection concern, both of which Joe had covered.

It's also a status symbol. Capes have varied and volatile personalities. And more so the more powerful they are. Keeping them all happy and coordinated means you are even more impressive.

And in terms of plans people had, fear isn't the only motivator, or envy as was mentioned, but now everyone also wants Joe for something. Most people see his presence as a potential opportunity, whereas the ABB capes just viewed him as a threat.

Your bargaining position is seriously damaged when you are negotiating with another organization instead of just a single individual, since your offer has to be acceptable to a group of people, instead of just what a single person can swallow.

People might also feel cornered and desperate since of how much more complicated getting Apeiron to agree to their terms has become on short notice, with pretty much everyone going to the meeting besides half the Undersiders confident they were going to be walking away with the most chips.

Now they are all on the backfoot AND competing with others to get what they want, likely to get less than they aimed for when it was just one Tinker they were accounting for, which could ruin the timetable for other plans and lead to other complications.

That's the major issue, the more time they waste adjusting for this revelation, the more chance of things going wrong.
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Whether Joe catches a particularly vicious perk in the midst of negotiations depends on the Will of the Forge and blind chance. I would bet more on a set of relatively easy-to-learn acquisitions. Although, knowing the usual LR style, the meeting will drag on for another three chapters and at least 60 thousand words. So anything is possible.
There will definitely be five situations like - Joe catches the force, hangs for a minute, even in the middle of a conversation, everyone around sweats and strains. Yeah, especially that dude from the Empire over there who just tried to pressure Joe and who he's now staring at. Combined with a Spartan Frown.
It's also a status symbol. Capes have varied and volatile personalities. And more so the more powerful they are. Keeping them all happy and coordinated means you are even more impressive.

Timeskip Joe: Yeah, so, I know it looks impressive out here, but working with my crew really isn't so hard. It's not like the others have trigger trauma on their backs, and there's no conflict drive to come between us.
His PRT Go-Between: You were able to resocialize a fucking space alien?
Joe: Well, yeah, but she was practically my friend already, right? She only tried to eat me because she didn't know any better at the time, and it's not like I was going to hold it against her when it didn't even hurt me.
PRT Goon: An alien from outer space?
You know what would be funny is if Joe found out how his random power acquisition works and tried to work against getting a random power during intense negotiations. "OK got to tune out everything around me and watch cat vidoes on youtube while not being too in to it in order to not freak anyone out!!"