Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Oh no, it's getting worse. The idiot teenager filled, eco-terrorist, Neverland-esque cult of Lost Garden has come to the Bay and they brought Blasto as the responsible adult. The Merchants may or may not have recruited/assimilated/drugged-and-distracted Scrub, who I believe is an Annihilation Blaster. The Nazis still exist. Uber has become an idiot and Leet is the only sane man left in the ABB and he's starting to see how extensive March's manipulations really were but to prove he's still Leet he's building with Sleeper data.

Oh yeah, and March is back from fucking Shard space! I could be wrong, it's been a while since Vicky's chapter after all, but I thought that crazy bitch walked through a portal to the dimension of Shards and fused with things there, never again to darken the world with her presence? And now here are her mangled remains being run like an animatronic that she's only partially in control of, if she has any control at all.

Joe is gonna need to pull on his extra large stomping boots and start dealing with the newly announced problems. I do hope he helps Uppercrust though. Even if he didn't seem like the nicest Rogue currently in the city with actual people skills and business sense, the man builds some of the most impressive force field tech on Bet and has earned some healing and leeway.
The truth is that her mangled, barely living body got proto-Titan-ed by her Shard, and she managed to run away during the chaos. Currently, she's basically operating her body through her mind/soul on her shard, causing lag and fuckery, probably due to her Shard's confusion about her new... Biology...
This wasn't supposed to happen, but it would have been worse had Scion been dead.
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The truth is that her mangled, barely living body got proto-Titan-ed by her Shard, and she managed to run away during the chaos. Currently, she's basically operating her body through her mind/soul on her shard, causing lag and fuckery, probably due to her Shard's confusion about her new... Biology...
This wasn't supposed to happen, but it would have been worse had Scion been dead.
Hey, atleast this means she probably can't become a titan until atleast gold morning, maybe even ever. She did the exact same thing she falsely accused Apeiron of, she lost focus on her true goal. I really hope we get more Apeiron verbal sparring in future, especially with zombie March, because watching Apeiron tear apart her thinker " ah yes actually I mean to do that, it was my plan all along" bullshit would be hilarious, especially if he reveals he knows more about shards then she does.
Apeiron will stroll out of thin air and beat the crap out of them.
So... Apeiron is Brockton Bay's F.O.E., instead?
(For anyone who doesn't want to click that link, or this one... A F.O.E. is a Fuzzy Orange Enemy who Fucks Over Everyone. They show up and wreck everything by being overpowered for where they're encountered. And they don't care about the rules of how and where you normally encounter things.)
Hey, atleast this means she probably can't become a titan until atleast gold morning, maybe even ever. She did the exact same thing she falsely accused Apeiron of, she lost focus on her true goal. I really hope we get more Apeiron verbal sparring in future, especially with zombie March, because watching Apeiron tear apart her thinker " ah yes actually I mean to do that, it was my plan all along" bullshit would be hilarious, especially if he reveals he knows more about shards then she does.
Apeiron: *Words*

Zombie March: "lbpehehebbe"

Apeiron: "I don't know what I expected"
Oh no, it's getting worse. The idiot teenager filled, eco-terrorist, Neverland-esque cult of Lost Garden has come to the Bay and they brought Blasto as the responsible adult. The Merchants may or may not have recruited/assimilated/drugged-and-distracted Scrub, who I believe is an Annihilation Blaster. The Nazis still exist. Uber has become an idiot and Leet is the only sane man left in the ABB and he's starting to see how extensive March's manipulations really were but to prove he's still Leet he's building with Sleeper data.

Oh yeah, and March is back from fucking Shard space! I could be wrong, it's been a while since Vicky's chapter after all, but I thought that crazy bitch walked through a portal to the dimension of Shards and fused with things there, never again to darken the world with her presence? And now here are her mangled remains being run like an animatronic that she's only partially in control of, if she has any control at all.

Joe is gonna need to pull on his extra large stomping boots and start dealing with the newly announced problems. I do hope he helps Uppercrust though. Even if he didn't seem like the nicest Rogue currently in the city with actual people skills and business sense, the man builds some of the most impressive force field tech on Bet and has earned some healing and leeway.

edit: I forgot that Saint and his merry band of morons are also headed to/in Brockton. So Dragonslayers yay! *heavy sarcasm*

Oh, they already are in BB, and wanting to contact Hagane no Koala to "show him the truth". They are also using their still standing contract with March to kill him as an excuse to be there so, you know, not the brightest crayon.

The truth is that her mangled, barely living body got proto-Titan-ed by her Shard, and she managed to run away during the chaos. Currently, she's basically operating her body through her mind/soul on her shard, causing lag and fuckery, probably due to her Shard's confusion about her new... Biology...
This wasn't supposed to happen, but it would have been worse had Scion been dead.

For what I understand the Shard downloaded a simulacrum of March's personality on her half-shard body, the problem is that said "personality" is bugged as hell, have the conection issues you mentioned, and is based of her Cape persona, not her actual personality.

So... Apeiron is Brockton Bay's F.O.E., instead?
(For anyone who doesn't want to click that link, or this one... A F.O.E. is a Fuzzy Orange Enemy who Fucks Over Everyone. They show up and wreck everything by being overpowered for where they're encountered. And they don't care about the rules of how and where you normally encounter things.)

I feel bad for Leet, and that's saying something considering how much I dislike him.
It's not a good sign when he's the reasonable one. Considering the beating they took the last time it pays to be extra cautious, something his team seems not to understand.

How is nearly a dozen chapters and hundreds of thousands of words considered rushing?
Eh, you got a bunch of people decrying the pacing and wanting the story to reach the summit. I would prefer more exposition and interludes like that one with Leet. Or just like @LordRoustabout has been doing so far.
I have to say that while Leet seems more sane than his compatriots, his ultimate creation using Sleeper data ranks up there with Blasto's cloning the Simurgh in canon in terms of sheer idiocy. It was cathartic seeing what had become of Bakuda and March, I can't describe how much I want to see the ABB finally killed off given how infuriating they've been in the past.

Interesting to see what's going on with Scrub and Blasto, can't wait to finally see the meeting and the impact Apeiron's group will have on those assembled. Maybe some of the case 53s will get a chance to ask Apeiron for help.
Butcher Interrupt Time?

On the subject of unexpected arrivals, this would definitely be one hell of a curveball. I'm of two minds on it, in that it would bring a new level of chaos and insanity to an already hectic situation, but also may be trying to shoehorn too many capes into Somer's without having given character exposition/background. My vote would be for Accord or some of his ambassadors showing up and being like "I hear you're trying to start stuff with my boy, the best tinker!" only, you know, in Accord talk 😋
Guys, a detail I think got lost in the morass of DATA POINTS here.

Leet traded away to an unknown party, someone who would have been able to get access to top secret government records about one of the scariest threats in the setting, all of his recorded information about various Capes, but also actual Magnum Opus data from Armsmaster's lab, among which included his combat prediction analysis software, the Endbringer Prediction program and finally his nanotechnology data.

So a Tinker could modify any of those for other purposes with the right specialty. A future threat?
Cauldron maybe?
This interlude makes me want to have a long conversation with him over tea to inform him of Apeiron stuff. Mostly because as the only guy for who Apeiron is unrelated to his goals, the idea of everyone else panicking and the out-of-towners being completely chill throughout the entire meeting (due to knowing before hand about the wild stuff) amuses me.

edit: And other reasons of course.

This is going to go downhill quickly, while it's good Leet is learning to think for himself, trying to replicate Sleeper is bad. That's reality warping anti-endbringer levels of power that no one should have access to.
Attempting to learn second hand how sleepers power works. = No one should have access to.

Having an unchained AI build, with the help of two other unchained AI, a city sized battle ship behind the pail where eldritch machines that manipulate the fabric of reality reside with the intent of armed recon. = Completely reasonable.

Actually, looking through the document, Armsmaster/Defiant has three methodologies (liberty/combat/magi) and Mannequin also has three (Hyperspecialist/focal/magi). Either they get creator's pet bonuses that let them break the rules of having up to two methodologies or there is some errors. I am going with the former.
3. What a tinker is and how they work in the details has changed such that early tinkers look and work differently from later tinkers.

Tinkers simulating powers was not as much of a thing in Worm as it turns into in Ward. As Tinkers get more specialized as they appear they also get weirder and the tech can do stranger things, i.e. electric breaker tinker, multi-threaded tinkers, and the portal whip would never fly with the early tinkers in worm.
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I think even the readers acknowledge Apeiron's projects are overturning the natural order of Gods and Men, but are just as helpless, if not more so, to do anything more than stare and watch.

The more advanced stage of this behavior might include popcorn and other concessions.

Also, I don't think Leet traded Armsy's data with Cauldron. That stuff was in a Protectorate facility. If they wanted a copy, they would of gotten it when his project funding was greenlit.
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I think even the readers acknowledge Apeiron's projects are overturning the natural order of Gods and Men, but are just as helpless, if not more so, do anything more than stare and watch.

The more advanced stage of this behavior might include popcorn and other concessions.

Also, I don't think Leet traded Armsy's data with Cauldron. That stuff was in a Protectorate facility. If they wanted copy, they would of gotten it when his project funding was greenlit.
Might be a case of highest bidder kinda thing for keeping it out of other hands.
Might be a case of highest bidder kinda thing for keeping it out of other hands.
Doesn't make sense. And why not scoop up Leet now that he's shown he can actually make impressive tech that can function in combat situations and keep up with Joe's nonsense?

But that doesn't make you wrong. It's a shame this is a setting where Contessa exists as a Deus Ex Machina explanation who has a Canon Achilles Heel of not actually understanding what she's doing when her power is pilotting her around, and maybe not communicating her activities to the rest of the Cape Conspiracy while undertaking them due to limited windows of opportunity / them being informed isn't part of the Path.
Actually, looking through the document, Armsmaster/Defiant has three methodologies (liberty/combat/magi) and Mannequin also has three (Hyperspecialist/focal/magi). Either they get creator's pet bonuses that let them break the rules of having up to two methodologies or there is some errors. I am going with the former.

I mean, in the example Tinker docs, he does give advice for making capes w/ 3 methodologies (Allie, Hyper x Focal x Multi Drugpack/Chainpack Tinker), so it's not inherent just to canon characters.
I mean, in the example Tinker docs, he does give advice for making capes w/ 3 methodologies (Allie, Hyper x Focal x Multi Drugpack/Chainpack Tinker), so it's not inherent just to canon characters.
Mannequin actually Does have a canon explanation - essentially, part of his transformation into mannequin involved self-brain-surgery, making his corona interface with his power differently. WB describes Mannequin as essentially a tinker-creation of sphere.
I think people are really underestimating just what exactly Leet is building here. Sure, its using the same language as Digistruct technology, but Joe is currently limited in what he can use it for. He needs a bit of R&D to make it something other than another flavour of Projection. Leet is building a Mangum Opus here, something on the level of Bakuda's deadman's switch, and it's been established that the top tiers of Shardtech is still incredibly impressive. Hell, Joe still hasn't cracked the deadman's switch, although it's just a matter of time, and the Servo Skulls still found Bakuda's grenades far more impressive than most of Joe's tech.

Also, if my understanding is correct, both the Game Grid and Digistruct operate off the principles of Quantum Field Theory. When Leet says he's working with a fundamental expression of reality, he is not exaggerating. This theory basically says that all of reality is just a bunch of waves interacting with each other, so if he is actually able to build something that can manipulate these waves he will literally be a reality warper.

I'll ad to this by pointing out, Hero's theme was waveforms wasn't it? But none the less, Leet is building something that I could assume to be an enforcement of fundamental leads upon reality. Ex, turning off powers, weakening armor, all while boosting his own abilities. If it works, and if it has a quantum secure connection, it probably is a match for Aperion.
About the deal with the "Enigmatic Artificer".

He can always say that the identification thing was because some contractors informed him that certain people were faking his name and scaming them out of their money.

Since Apeiron is known to hold contracts in high regard it will be obvious to the masses as of why he decided to fuck with everyones minds so it doesnt happen again.

The public will think he is pissed at people sullying his name and ruining his juicy work contracts. The capes in the know will think it is a cover and power play for the summit. The gang and us will know the truth and that his forge is f*cking with him again.
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