Not really. You may clarify you points, but to refute mine's, you have to prove that Coil at least at the lower half of the list of people who can face attention from any major force.
You said:
Coil's primary advantage is that he's mostly unknown. the moment that anyone with significant resources (the PRT, Joe, Accord, The Undersiders during the warlord arc, etc.) seriously goes after him, it's over.
I argue that he way better at facing any of listed forces than most of the individual parahumans or parahuman gangs.
I repeat my question: "Do you say that Tinkers not dangerous? Without their tech they're just humans, without any power at all. And "the moment that anyone with significant resources seriously goes after them, it's over" true for most of them too, even those like Bakuda."
Or what about one of the most famous warlords, Moord Nag. Any one of the Triumvirate could beat him. Undersiders, likely, could do it as well in right circumstances. Accord, with time to plan - obviously. Apeiron, the Enigmatic Artificer, shouldn't even be mentioned, because he playing in another league. Does that mean he's not dangerous? I don't think so.
Oh, and one thing I have to point:
it's not about the PRT launching an all-out attack on him. It's about them Paying Attention to coil's operation and using their resources to investigate. I doubt that Coil can outwit thinker support. The primary use of the moles would be in allowing him to Stay unnoticed
First thing first - moles' main purpose is information gathering. And they, likely, would at least warn him about any investigation, so he'll be able to take actions he'll see as more appropriate. Put on hold his more risky operations. Gather blackmail on those who will in charge of the investigation, or see how to bribe them. Just gather his belonging and flee - they have many other threats to look for, therefore, they cannot afford to commit a significant amount of resources for a significant period to look for him.
And about outwit Thinker support... I think you forgot, that Tattletale - canon Tattletale, with all her misinterpretations and malign loops - is pretty high level Thinker. So as most examples we see in fanon most of the time - Dinah, Coil himself, Contessa, Accord... Most of them isn't nearly as precise or reliable, like Hunch or Eleven Hour.
And don't forget that Thinkers' (especially precogs') powers tend to interfere with each other. So, against two fairly powerful Thinkers (Coil and Dinah), most of Protectorate Thinkers precogs will have trouble to get anything accurate.
Coil is has the Choose your own adventure power with a mindset consisting of the "competence" espoused by SV&SB users, with the actual competence-level of those same forum users. "If I had that power, I would simply game the stock market! Become a supervillain! Kidnap a powerful pre-cog to synergize with my power! Hire mercenaries! Stay undercover! Secretly hire cape-teams!" and then continually does dumb shit like keeping a potential S-class threat (that he can't control very well) in his base, showing off the child pre-cog he drugged and kidnapped to the undersiders, personally attend Skitter's intended execution (iirc), and continually looking like an idiot in front of his subordinates.
That's magnificient and I'll bookmark it.
The Endbringers are actually manton limited, other than Behemoth's kill aura. When Wildbow said the Endbringers are Sandbagging, he meant that Leviathan could attack cities without even surfacing, instead of allowing other capes a chance to fight him. Their pure power level doesn't increase.
IIRC, there was a WoG that they have some unexpected options that they can use when in danger, like how Ziz revealed in Madison that it can "borrow" Tinker powers. But yes, whatever they use, they use in full power.