Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Don't play semantics. Not everything perks make happen are powers, and acting like my use of the word "powers" is some purposeful exclusion of this other phenomena is bunk.
:confused: :facepalm:
Ok, quick lesson: We use words to convey information. Words have meanings, and each word have at least somewhat unique meanings. It may be a small difference, like shades of a same color, sometimes. But more often difference is big enough to change the meaning of your statement.
Using word with wrong meaning mean conveying wrong information.

Your statement ("Perks don't do anything more than they need to do to ensure Joe's powers work") is incorrect. Apparently, it means exactly opposite from what you tried to say. That's why using right words are important.
Why are you wrote it that way is not a reason to deny the incorrectness of the statement.
And everything you said after the part of the comment I quoting here just proves that the statement in question is incorrect. And not only because of using a word "powers". That statement roughly translates as "perks don't do anything that not included in its text", and that incorrect even by your own words.
That, of course, doesn't mean you should be banned from the internet forever for a mistake. Mistakes happens, and usually it's not a big deal.

This is not a "gotcha!" moment.
Impressive confidence. And that right after you said "The text of a perk is absolute".
Nothing that you said, as far as I can tell, proved that "Divine Child" doesn't make Joe a son of Hephaestus. And if we'll take to account te above part of your comment - quite the opposite.
You said "it says Joe was taught by fairies, therefore he was taught by them". Yet, for some reason, despite perk says that Joe is a son of Hephaestus, you believe that he isn't. Or, more accurately, that there's no need in implementing actual parentage. So, please, explain me the difference between these two perks. Why, in your opinion, should it work differently?

None of this is proof that actual Jumping is happening; this is just how the Celestial Forge system (not in an in-universe sense, but as a writing device) functions as defined by Lord.
Nothing you said is a proof that Jumping doesn't happening, either. And I'd like to see the WoG, if you claim that's LordR's stance.

Also, please, explain what "perk insists" means here:
What the perks insists is true is true, and nothing else.
Because from my point of view, you kinda all over the place with it. Only one clear meaning, that wouldn't cause constant arguing about details, would be "directly states in text". But that definitely not the case, with your new comment.
So, that supposedly included some level of implication too. But how you measure that level? Where do you draw a line between "insists" and "else"?
Had to make an account for this, but here you go.

Bit of WoG in relation to the question "could you teach someone mental health and teaching Scion empathy" I had over on ao3:

Joe could teach people about mental health concepts, the techniques for dealing with mental issues, and how to recognize aspects of their condition, but he can't shift someone's mind just by teaching. All of those topics can be helpful for people who don't understand their condition, but they'll still have to work through problems the hard way. Joe teaching Scion is an interesting idea since we know he picked up things from Kevin Norton rather than just absorbing entire libraries or the sum of the internet (though that would probably have accelerated the Golden Morning by several years at minimum. Maybe Cauldron had paths dedicated to keeping Scion off Twitter). Because of that we know that the way information is presented can influence how he perceives it and it can have an emotional impact on him. I really doubt that we'll see a situation where Joe will tutor Scion in anything, but it's an interesting idea.


This seems like an interesting premise for an Omake.
The Below (Part 1) (MangoFlan)
"The Below (Part 1)"

Joe was rather conflicted. His newest power had come with access to a literal hell dimension, fire and brimstone hell. There's seas of lava and crags of red stone that looked like caked blood. While it didn't give him a portal there (he had to build one), it gave him the theory needed to get there (the obsidian frame with the appropriate dimensional resonance weren't hard to make). The new dimension was hot, appropriately hot for a place with such fluid glowing lava.

Joe was sitting in his climate controlled outpost. Ice dust dissolved in viscous liquid flowed in tubes within the walls, taking away the heat. The purple portal rippled within its obsidian frame at the back of the outpost. Joe was looking at his monitor, watching over intently the data his scouts were sending him.

Survey was hard at work analyzing and cataloging all the materials and phenomena all around. Fleet was having the time of his life moving about in the craggy dimension in one of the motoroids while also operating smaller flying drones exploring. He was doing daredevil stunts that could only be done in such a hostile geography. His duplicates went on exploring alongside Fleet.

The new dimension it gave him was literally chock full of potent magical materials, they're just not in useful forms. There were strange forests not of trees but of mushrooms, basalt deltas that were mildly radioactive, stalagmites and stalactites of glowstone (a magical intensifier in addition to passively emitting light), and wastes of the aforementioned bloody rock with nothing interesting except the occasional patch of gravel. There were also patches of dark sand with the screaming faces of trapped souls. Standing on it, they're either dragging you down or trying to climb out. It was unnerving, but appears to be harmless.

There were strange creatures inhabiting this dimension: balloon-like creatures that fly over the lava oceans, appear to be crying, and fire explosive fireballs; two-legged striders that walk and live on lava like it's a solid surface; and most strangely, upright pigs and large tusked boars alongside their zombified versions.

The latter were alarming, however the zombifying virus appears to be not as contagious as it should be. It appears to be airborne and bloodborne but the natural heat of the environment roasts the virus before it could find a host. The only way it could be transmitted here is if a zombie managed to get close enough to bite you.

The former however were interesting. They lived in large fortifications that're falling apart. They seemed to be obsessed with gold, wielding gilt weaponry and even gilding their homes to the detriment of the foundations. They seemed to be wary of Dupli-Joe #2 (dang it Aisha) approaching, but the new golden design of the duplicate was wearing seem to assuage them.

"Returning results of language analysis," Survey said. Joe turned to face Survey's avatar approaching, just for the courtesy. "Analysis concludes that the pigs call this dimension the Below. The Below has been referenced in a few common phrases as being below the Above World. Seismography and other surveying methods has not conclusively confirmed the existence of the Above World atop the Below."

"I see," Joe replied. "What do they call themselves?"

"There's not enough data to come to a satisfactory conclusion to the meaning and etymology of their demonym. The components of their collective name appear to not have any references to any phenomena occurring in this dimension. They share part of their name with what they call the boars. I confirm with high confidence that they call themselves as some form of 'the ____ people'."

"Well, let's call them Pigmen for now. What can you glean with the gold? They seem to love it." They've been giving away valuable magical artifacts and potions (more stuff pending analysis) after seeing the duplicate wave around gold. Seeing some of them scramble over some discarded gold, Joe noted to not let them see or get close to Matrix.

"That's a mixture of physical properties and cultural association. Gold appears to be believed to cleanse evil and keep away sickness. This is compounded by gold's resonance to magic here. Thaumaturgic analysis has concluded that gold occurring here are attuned to healing and anti-necromantic effects. However, in its native form, gold is not effective in the slightest in terms healthiness."

That could be useful. Joe could already think up of some devices that could take advantage of gold's inherent purifying properties. He could use it to distill positive effects of healing potions, especially outside the fiat effects of his power.

"Guys," Dupli-Joe #2 suddenly sounded through the comms. "I found something extraordinary."

"Elaborate," Joe requested.

"After offering a butt-ton of gold, one of the Pigmen gave me an interesting dark ingot," he answered. "They call it &¥€@."

"That translates to approximately 'metal of the Below'," Survey supplied.

"That's a bit of a mouthful," Joe remarked.

"Anyway, they're rather tight-lipped how they made this bar of belounium. The best I could get from them is that it's from melting so called 'Ancient Debris'."

"I think it's about time to get back to base. Your 20% time is quickly approaching and we have a lot of stuff to analyze."
I wonder, while Joe will be teaching Aisha how to be ninja, will he teach her a path of "life giving fist"?

Katsujinken (History's Strongest Disciple: Kenichi) Free:

Those who follow the path of "Katsujinken" or "life giving fist" hold that the true purpose of martial arts is to protect those who cannot protect themselves and improve the lives of those around them. People who follow this viewpoint view the death of their opponent as tantamount to defeat and shun those who purposefully kill. By embarking on this path, you develop a kind and calm demeanor, capable of setting just about anyone at ease. So long as you hold to this philosophy, you will be able to have a brief but significant dialogue with your opponent before any act of open combat.

How much of that philosophy Lethe would accept can be interesting character development for her.
I wonder, while Joe will be teaching Aisha how to be ninja, will he teach her a path of "life giving fist"?

Katsujinken (History's Strongest Disciple: Kenichi) Free:

Those who follow the path of "Katsujinken" or "life giving fist" hold that the true purpose of martial arts is to protect those who cannot protect themselves and improve the lives of those around them. People who follow this viewpoint view the death of their opponent as tantamount to defeat and shun those who purposefully kill. By embarking on this path, you develop a kind and calm demeanor, capable of setting just about anyone at ease. So long as you hold to this philosophy, you will be able to have a brief but significant dialogue with your opponent before any act of open combat.

How much of that philosophy Lethe would accept can be interesting character development for her.
She doesn't have to be the extreme in upholding the philosophy. Like many philosophies, children that follow them might break them from time to time as they grow more mature and decide if this view on life is aligned with their personal values and they become more in tune with it, or they decide that it is not for them and they look for something else or just drop that philosophy.

They regardless of what that person decides, having followed the philosophy for some time will shape who they are later on in their life, for better or for worst. Though that applies to most things in life.

So to conclude, I think she would follow it but not to the level as Joe does. She might reach his point after some time, but for now it's one step at a time.

Though I am not sure if the effects of the philosophy would apply to people Joe teaches, or if it would just be a philosophy.
How much of that philosophy Lethe would accept can be interesting character development for her.

So long as you hold to this philosophy, you will be able to have a brief but significant dialogue with your opponent before any act of open combat.

I'm just wondering how much of Katsujinken is going to apply to anyone who is taught it and how much depends on forge fiat. The dialogue part in particular... just how generic or specific is that "you"? Does it apply to all who follow Katsujinken or is it addressed to the person who obtained that perk from the forge?

Edit: Though it is also possible that if both Jozef and Aisha believe it is going to apply, Aisha's RWBY Aura Semblance could potentially cover for whatever Jozef gets only by fiat.
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you believe that he isn't.
So Joe is the son of Hephaestus but he's also the son of his father. He has three parents. The forge does things that are logically contradictory sometimes like with the brain implant that appeared suddenly but had also been installed for years.

There is evidence that the jumps did happen like the Bomber Jacket from Strike Witches but the evidence is mixed. Lord has also confirmed that it will be possible for Joe to get combinations of perks that wouldn't be allowed by the relevant Jumpdoc which is evidence against the idea that real jumping is happening.

Also Lord makes an effort to make 600CP perks 'a big deal' there's a similar line about being trained by Q in the James Bond perk but that only came through as memories not the same unshakable certainty that it happened
And when he rolls the Titan's Blood perk, he will acquire a direct ancestor who is not the direct forebear of any of his three parents, though Prometheus is Hephaestus' first cousin once removed, so at least they are related. Theoretically, since the Percy Jackson and God of War Hephaestuses are not the same (one of them was murdered, the other not. Jozef does have the murdered one's forge though!)

Edit: Is it possible that the God of War Hephaestus's blood has soaked into the Volcanic Forge, and that is the source of some of it's magical properties? He was murdered right there, after all.

Double Edit: We know that Jozef has built altars to the Goddesses that have given him their Minor Blessings, but did he build one to his own Divine Father? Surely he did, and I've just forgotten. At any rate, he still has two more God of War perks to get, a 500 and a 600pt one, so maybe he will realize at some point that a Hephaestus counterpart died right there in his Volcanic Forge. That would make an excellent spot for a huge and fancy shrine to the surviving Hephaestus.

Triple Edit: Since Jozef has seen the graffiti left in the cauldron by the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, has he searched for more graffiti in other places? Hephaestus was confined in the Volcano for awhile before was murdered, so maybe he left some graffiti or messages there...
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After MC made absolutely no good conclusions/reevaluations following the disaster his mindset brought upon his city, I finally have to admit this hero to be a lost cause. He failed to even recognise the event as a direct consequence of his mistakes. Yes, it is understandable, between immense psychological hangups and ever increasing number of toys that must be accounted/played with/subtly bragged about, no time is left for meaningful quantities of anything else. And whatever the in-plot justifications, he is clearly not going to ever get any further intelligence/wisdom gains or mindset upgrades, simply because at this point, with powers he already has, upgrading him even to average pre-teen worthy mind would make the rest of Worm plot far too trivial. That's why he will keep being excited about cool swords and mechas, but never appreciate and create/use anything that could actually safely make a lasting difference - solutions that don't involve personally punching people are way too boring to even consider. Doomed to be a child until the end, where he'll finally finish all baddies by a single swing of his shiny hadron collider (after microscope breaks in the previous round). Somehow, to me, the idea of this is worse than of Taylor's canonical demise. At least her character was allowed to grow. Jozef's sole past, present and projected growth consists of accepting the endless stream of unearned gifts, nothing else.

Aside from it, this story had long since devolved into a pure writing exercise with almost no reading value attached. Frankly, everything past Uppercurst interlude was a chore to read. While skipping above 80% of text. Plot advancement had hit a wall. 150k words - full volume of average books, barely anything happens.

Regardless, I wish to thank the author for publishing - first parts were mostly good, and despite the steadily increasing percentage of text that had to be skipped as plot progressed, it kept being entertaining. You have actual talent, easy to see even in some of later parts of this work.
About whether or not the Jumps in the Jumpdocs actually happened... I would say yes, but not in the way you might think. While Jozef is reaping the benefits of the jumps, he is not the actual jumper.

LordR is.

Remember, it is only those worlds that LordR is familiar with that are included as possible perks to be rolled. And as LordR participates in another world mentioned in the original Celestial Forge documents, be it thru gaming, reading, or watching video, it gets added to the possible perks.

Because LordR will then have completed that Jump.

Hmmm. A bit too meta?
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Well I held out hope that Joe would grow a beard by now as evidence that he has become a man, but Aphrodite let her step-son down. Either he inherits the Beardmaster's legacy with the M/E perk and becomes an honorary beard-holder, or ... he rolls the Robot Unicorn Attack perk, which will give him a unicorn body.

Because manes are just reverse neckbeards.
My understanding is that Jozef will not be able to jump into the bodies from Robot Unicorn Attacks, unlike the Cybertronian one. Instead they will have an A.I. installed from Zoids: Legacy. Which I believe will be done using this formula:
If your robot has a form that resembles any sort of animal, you
can import it as a Zoid through the following formula.
Cost (in CP) Customization Points
0 10
50 15
100 20
150 25
200 30

And since the customization points are only 10, it will be very basic lol.

Edit: Also, I'm not sure whether or not all three of the bodies he gets from R.U.A. will get the AI package or just one. I'm sure Apeiron, the Enigmatic Artificer, will have no problem installing his own AI package if not. I do wonder that if he gets the wolf variant, or if he makes one using the actual perk, will Rachel's abilities work on it....
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so after looking at a couple of photos i have decided that Taylor couldn't just fit herself into her new bag she could probably fit all the undersiders into the bag (albeit without much space for themselves). additionally Taylor could then crumple up or fold the empty physical bag using bugs and then use the bugs to carry the bag around maybe she even uses it to fly if she uses some webbing and a bunch of flying insects. anyway I just wanted people to know what kind of shenanigans a munchkin like Taylor could come up with using an extradimensional bag and some creative thinking.
Well I held out hope that Joe would grow a beard by now as evidence that he has become a man, but Aphrodite let her step-son down. Either he inherits the Beardmaster's legacy with the M/E perk and becomes an honorary beard-holder, or ... he rolls the Robot Unicorn Attack perk, which will give him a unicorn body.

Because manes are just reverse neckbeards.
I dislike facial hair with a passion but some can pull it off, i keep my face smooth AF
What are "Zoids: Legacy" AI like? Any fans in the thread?
Very smart animals, with strong instincts; able to understand human speech and complex instructions & questions, but not able to respond in it, nor particularly big on strategy or long-term planning. (Although, they had a symbiotic relationship with a humanoid species for that sort of thing, until they were wiped out by a berserk Zoid-Godzilla; when humans arrived to colonise the planet, they formed a similar bond)

Basically, imagine a 6-year-old who likes to pretend they're a dinosaur or a lion, then turn them into a robot version of that animal — but about 30' tall, with built-in cannons and laser blades for teeth and claws that can cut through things as easily as a lightsaber.