Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Joe can create anything out of nothing, then infinitely improve it? Also what he makes is even better looking and so is he?

At this point he should show up to the family dinner but with every beauty perk activated and without suppressing his efficiency or anything. Style all over them.
Manufacturing Line a second time? Now I'm wondering if there are other perks that appear in multiple investigating if it means that Joe can get a boost again if it's in multiple places
silly Joe, Taylor's not going to fill the four cubic meters with spiders.
she's going to fill it with bees.
And you know that Taylor wouldn't be carting it around as Khepri. Not because she cares about aesthetics, no. But because she can do way more damage having ants and spiders work to move it around by itself through the sewers so she has easy access to mass amounts of insects anywhere in the city that has a manhole in a 2 block wide area.
Aisha shook her head. "It's crazy. How many capes need to spend this much time working through new abilities?"
Normal capes, Aisha. Taylor spent a month prepping for her first night out with her power, it's barely been three weeks for Joe since he first got his ability. At this rate, it's absurd to think of his power like it's growing, it's just spooling up to its 'normal' output.
Minor Blessing Aphrodite - Beauty (Percy Jackson) 100:
For one reason or another you've got a god who cares slightly about you and has seen fit to grant you some minor boon within their domains. Choose one god from any pantheon and gain a minor boon from them. The god will care slightly about you but unless you go on to further distinguish yourself it will be more of a minor interest in your affairs than someone they feel the need to help (Effectively think a diminished version of one ability a demigod might have, think minor ones are stuff along the lines of breathing water, lucid dreaming, or appropriate vague extra senses, useful but nothing especially major). This can be taken multiple times.
Poor, poor Accord! I don't think his heart will be able to take this... :oops:
I love how Joe is being blessed by various goddesses.

If Joe was in the Percy Jackson Universe, how do you guys think the people in that world would be reacting to this fact?
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If Joe was in the Percy Jackson Universe, how do you guys think the people in that world would be reacting to this fact?
He's Hephaestus' kid and then Hestia blessed him. So clearly every single god and goddess is blessing him as well because they all took notice after Hestia blessed him and it turned out he was a pretty cool guy so they all started trying to one up each other in an effort to get the coolest shrine.

Well that or the fiat backed nature of the forge would freak them out something fierce and Zeus would start looking for a way to off him as fast as possible but that's the greek gods for you.
Aisha is going to get a training montage soon. Learning ninja stuff and basic alchemy. Maybe also some other odds and ends as well.

I can sort of see Taylor's mindset. She doesn't care about clothing. She wasn't expecting anything like that. To her, the important part was the armor. Then finding out it is a bag of holding she's allowed to keep? Squee.

Actually, I think it's more that she can actually wrap her head around a bag of holding. The rest of Joe's stuff? Just a bit hard to handle.

Alec got morals/feelings back from being healed up. He knows he was screwed up before. He can accept being healed, but damn that's a rough side effect/price of things. That's actually more getting him properly healthy so it's not like Joe could have healed him to a lesser state.

Joe needs to bring his therapist into his time acceleration chair so he can spend a full 100x for the hour to unload everything on the poor guy.

I'm thrilled at hearing about Rachel. The quality of life improvement for her is utterly massive and can't be understated.
I like the story when stuff happens but at this point it is getting to Taylor Varga levels of ridiculous. A few days in story are taking hundreds of thousands of words spread out over a month or more of chapters. It's gotten to the point where I'm starting to just not care about or even like a lot of the other characters simply because they eat up too much time between important events.
Uh LordRoustabout I thought the only repeatable perks were Minor Blessings and Unnatural Skills? I mean I checked the Valkyria Chronicles Jumpchain and there wasn't any notes that said that Manufacturing Line is repeatable?

Just asking because I'm quite curious.
Uh LordRoustabout I thought the only repeatable perks were Minor Blessings and Unnatural Skills? I mean I checked the Valkyria Chronicles Jumpchain and there wasn't any notes that said that Manufacturing Line is repeatable?

Just asking because I'm quite curious.
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure it's a perk from two different setting that are the exact same.

Edit: Same perk, same setting, two different constellations. One Resources, and One Time. Most likely a Celestial Forge only thing, rather than Valkyria Chronicles jump thing
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I like the story when stuff happens but at this point it is getting to Taylor Varga levels of ridiculous. A few days in story are taking hundreds of thousands of words spread out over a month or more of chapters.
*looks at the story thus far*
I'm surprised this is news to you, honestly, as the tale has always been a slow-burn on time passing in-story vs wordcount. I personally don't mind, but this sort of thing isn't for everyone. The author has also stated he prefers the current setup, so... I'd say the best route is to just step away from the tale, if it isn't holding your interest anymore.

...I wonder if Taylor Varga also has the occasional user complaining about wordcount vs in-story time passing levied towards it?
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I, for one, am absolutely here for Aisha training, and I really want a scene in the future where she gets to say "I'm Apeiron's Apprentice" and bust out some crazy shit. It would also be really cool if she learns enough super-tech to tinker-talk at people, further cementing the deal.

Imagine if canon-powerset Aisha was a better tinker then most actual tinkers. Absolutely wild, I approve completely.

In other news, Rachel, between the watch and being able to read Joe when he's in werewolf form, might well develop a genuine emotional connection to Joe, which would be super good for her on a lot of levels. She's really desperate for human connection and Joe has the patience and compassion necessary to deal with her problems.
Is there anything stopping him from nigh-infinitely recursively improving?
There hasn't been ever since he got Workaholic, no. At his current construction pace, 24 hours of constant work is worth about a millenia and two centuries of supernaturally perfect work. Not counting his copies or automation. There isn't a problem on the planet he couldn't solve within about a week at this point, especially since I believe at least one of his techbases has time dilation. Any problems he hasn't solved by now is entirely just him not bothering.
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*looks at the story thus far*
I'm surprised this is news to you, honestly, as the tale has always been a slow-burn on time passing in-story vs wordcount. I personally don't mind, but this sort of thing isn't for everyone. The author has also stated he prefers the current setup, so... I'd say the best route is to just step away from the tale, if it isn't holding your interest anymore.

...I wonder if Taylor Varga also has the occasional user complaining about wordcount vs in-story time passing levied towards it?
Delve has a similar thing on royal road, some people just can't take the wait once the backlog is gone. 50 chapters is they find that the quality was years in the making.
After seeing the "rebuild a gun into a better, 3X-Bigger, gun" thing, I decided to calculate how far he could take it.

A quickly-googled estimate of the mass of the Death Star is 2.5E17 Kg. If he started with 555 grams, it would only take 37 rebuilds to reach Death Star size. (Assuming that Workaholic triples the mass each time).

This also ignores the "more advanced than before" part of the rebuilding, so the performance of the resulting Death Star-sized gun might be stronger than just a planet buster.