Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Big question: would Glaistig Uaine sacrifice her life to save Scion, thereby giving him protection?
I mean... she loves him. Kind of. Khepri convinced her to fight on the side of the heroes but Glaistig was fully intending to betray humanity to aid Scion.
Specifically I'm talking about protection from Avada Kedavra. If somebody dies to protect you from the Killing Curse out of love, then you can't be harmed by the Caster of the Curse.
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I mean, there has to be slightly more to it than that, otherwise the curse would have rebounded from Lily, rather than waiting until Harry.
Lilly was in the room with Harry. The Curse was cast at him, and she jumped in its way as a sacrifice. He was the one intended to die to the Curse. So yes its a little more complicated than just "dying to the Curse while thinking loving thoughts about somebody else". Specifically, they have to be about to die, and somebody else dies in their place out of love.
I mean... she loves him. Kind of. Khepri convinced her to fight on the side of the heroes but Glaistig was fully intending to betray humanity to aid Scion.
…the fairy queen didn't love Zion, she was afraid of him and saw fighting Zion as something futile because Zion was just that strong that Ciara saw no hope in beating him. She at most saw Zion as a "father like figure" but it doesn't mean she loves him because canon prove the opposite of it, fairy queen saw Zion a as parent in the sense that she saw herself hopelessly outmatched against him, similar to how a child can be afraid of their parents because their strong then said kid.

Fairy queen when GM happened wasn't willing to fight Zion but did allow other Parahumans to attack him, because the fact is she thought it was a hopeless battle and it took Jessica Yamada to convince her to fight anyway instead of runaway.

I don't where you got that Fanon that the fairy queen loves Zion, but it is as bad as Ziz actually caring about humanity when Wildbow pointed it the opposite and made clear it was a malicious monster with a agenda, that was somewhat held back(very loosely) by eidolon until he die and now Ziz was free to continue the cycle and suffering without anything to stop her anymore.

Edit: Fairy queen also wouldn't never betray humanity
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I'm thinking Joe's origin is either Hammer, Fire, or something general like Creation. Shirou's Origin was forcibly changed to Sword by the implanting of Avalon within his soul. An artifact like a volcano-forged heart wrought from a dragon's bonesteel and given a true Name might be the kind of thing that could also forcibly alter one's soul.
As far as I know Origins can't actually be changed. I mean, it's right there in the name, they're a part of you at your inception. It's possible to change your element but that requires something like what happened to Sakura.

I'd imagine Joe's Origin ties in with the problems with his family, and how he interacts with the world at large.

Edit: I guess the third true magic could potentially alter Origins. It's also possible that Angra Mainyu lost theirs when they were stricken from Verg Avesta, going by the fact that the body reflects the soul, and that they take on the appearance of their host and are otherwise formless.
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Lilly was in the room with Harry. The Curse was cast at him, and she jumped in its way as a sacrifice. He was the one intended to die to the Curse. So yes its a little more complicated than just "dying to the Curse while thinking loving thoughts about somebody else". Specifically, they have to be about to die, and somebody else dies in their place out of love.
Ah, right. That's why Neville died at the battle of Hogwarts, because Harry didn't dive in the way of an AK aimed at someone else, so Voldemort's magic still worked properly on all the defenders.

Wait, hang on…
No, because tonight is all interludes that do not cover new time. Josef will be Sir-not-appearing-in-this-chapter, and no perks or perk points will be earned.

ah so he will receive the fate perk and become a demi-servant

Okay, after an hour of wiki-diving, I think I have some information on the Avada Kedavra question. Namely how it works and its effectiveness on Parahumans.

So, we mostly see the Curse used from an outside perspective, meaning we see one witch or wizard cast it and see somebody else dropping dead. It's unblockable by conventional protection charms, requiring either a physical object to block the spell (like a wall or tree), actually dodging the spell bolt, or engaging in Priori Incantatem with the Caster, which is...difficult. The only known way to survive the Curse is to have somebody else willingly sacrifice their life in an act of true love to protect another, in which case that one person is protected from whoever cast the Curse on the sacrifice, and only from that person.

We know the Curse leaves no physical trace of its effects; the victim simply drops dead as the lights leave their eyes. However, we get two descriptions from victims of the Curse: Harry and Voldemory in the Deathly Hallows. Harry's soul is sent to Limbo, and Voldemort's perspective describes the pain of having his soul ripped from his body. This tells us the most likely means of death is the removal of the soul from the body.

Which gets interesting with Parahumans.

I have two theories for how the Curse would affect Parahumans.

One: the Curse would be fatal to the vast majority of Parahumans. However, there are certain capes whose souls may not be *in* their bodies, but rather in their Shards. Skitter operates under a distributed consciousness, and can control how much of her 'self' is actually in her physical body, becoming just another part of the Swarm at her most extreme. The argument could be made that her soul might just bounce into her Swarm after being forced out of her body, and she could just put it back in. Certain Breakers who occupy multiple dimensions or have noncorporeal bodies are other contenders, such as Shadow Stalker, Legend, possibly Alexandria depending on your interpretation of her power, etc. There are also parahumans who are entirely puppeted by their Shards, such as Noelle.

Two: All Parahumans are outright immune to Avada Kedavra. Their connection to Shards means their souls are held within those Shards, and thus removing their soul from their body would simply push it into the Shard, which could then just shove it back into the body.

I don't know which, if either, of these are correct, but according to Harry Potter's magical rules, those spells do recognize that souls can be split and held in multiple containers and still be regarded as a single entity, which is actually how certain Dark Wizards got around the Killing Curse and death in general: via Horcruxes. Shards might actually be interpreted as a limited version of Horcruxes for the purposes of interactions with souls, so this does have some precedent and relevance within that magic system.

Interestingly enough, this interpretation means the Magical Girls of Madoka Magika are also immune to Avada Kedavra, as their Soul Gems are pretty much Horcruxes that hold the entirety of their soul.

Edit: Avada Kedavra does cause some limited physical damage to inanimate objects, such as small craters in brick walls or statues, and kicking up debris and dust. However, its victims are invariably described as suffering from absolutely no physical damage. What little damage it does cause to inanimate objects is pretty negligible to anything more durable than a rock. (Double Edit: okay, there was that one time it destroyed a wall. When it was cast by one of the most powerful Dark Wizards of all time, with the most powerful wand in history, possibly made by Death itself. Extenuating circumstances.)

that also applies to litches and creatures that don't have a soul meaning the Terminator can assassinate him

it also means origin bullets are really effective, as they would separate someone's soul and then reconnect it wrong, meaning it will kill any cape that can survive a bullet to the head
Top Gear: Brockton bay Special (solopath)
After bingeing old Top Gear episodes over the 4th, here's my own omake contribution

Top Gear: Brockton bay Special
North of the city three men stand, positioned such that the high rises of downtown and the titular bay serve as the backdrop as the cameramen begin a finger countdown. Jeremy will add in an introductory voiceover later, but for now the focus is on receiving their first challenge. Retakes are always possible, but tend to lack the honest emotional authenticity.

Hammond is the one to grab the envelop, and slowly opens it, before beginning to read out the contents.

"There are many names that Brockton Bay has acquired over the years, but for the people living and working there it is simply their home, and despite disasters that would shut down other cities these Brocktonites still show up for the next day. Your task is as follows. Each of you will be given three thousand dollars and two days to purchase transportation and protection After which you will need to return to this location for your next task."

"Shite" James swears, not tat the other blame him. It'll be censored over in post production, and it really does sum up their feelings quite nicely. They've done some dangerous and stupid things before, but traveling to chernobyl or the artic were more passive dangers. The city might be between crises as the moment, but as long as Apeiron calls Brockton Bay his home there's always the chance of something new turning everything upside down once more.
"THe tricky part'll be the dead zone. Jeremy muses. Finding a vehicle without electric pars is going to be tricky, considering we won't be the only ones interested in finding new vehicles.

Some say he drove his first vehicle when he was only three minutes old.
Others say he holds the world record for fastest times on Europe's most prestigious circuits, driven at the same time.
Others say even the speed limit of light doesn't matter to him.
All we know is, he's not the Stig, he's the Stig's superhero cousin.


And now, the segment you've all been waiting for, it's time for 'Star in a reasonably priced car'! With a special appearance by Apeiron himself. Normally we'd ask how you think you did, where your time should go on the wall and all that, but how about we just play the clip instead.

Right, and Apeiron's off. The clock is ticking and the fashionable tinker is getting out of his vehicle? I'm pretty sure that the only reason it isn't against the rules is because we never thought to put it in there. And now the reason for the emergency exit makes sense. Using only the tools in his suit and the parts from the car itself, in just five seconds Apeiron has managed to rebuild our cheap car into something far more impressive. He's back behind the wheel now and oh my. This track was made to be difficult for a slow car with unimpressive tyres. Whatever changes Apeiron has made have given him enough acceleration and grip to breeze through the turns we've set up. There's the hammerhead taken without even slowing down, back through the j-turn and straight through the finish line."

Back in the studio, Jeremy continues to speak after waiting for the applause to die down. Even with your unusual pit stop, or perhaps because of it, you managed to complete the course in one minute, twenty two seconds.
Here it is:
Avada Kedavra is a death spell, not a destruction spell. It wouldn't kill a robot, so it won't kill an Endbringer. It could kill an Entity, but you'd need to catch them on their sealed home dimension. Hitting Scion's golden body with it would probably make him have to form a new one, but it wouldn't affect him beyond that. (Also it's a bright green bolt that moves at speeds comparable to a baseball pitch. It's not hitting anyone with superspeed/agility anytime soon.)
Right, but wasn't there also a WOG saying that Scion doesn't have enough power to create another avatar? I may be wrong, I can't remember.
Ah, right. That's why Neville died at the battle of Hogwarts, because Harry didn't dive in the way of an AK aimed at someone else, so Voldemort's magic still worked properly on all the defenders.

Wait, hang on…
Yeah, that part always confused me. How was Harry the first one to survive the killing curse if it's that easy? Harry's sacrifice actually protecting his friends didn't really make sense to me.
Yeah, that part always confused me. How was Harry the first one to survive the killing curse if it's that easy? Harry's sacrifice actually protecting his friends didn't really make sense to me.
I remember reading up on something regarding to guest rights being invoked due to Wormtail technically being the doorman/butler of the potters due to the magic of the Fidelius, and something something he made and offer, was counter offered or told something by the host, he disregarded it and killed said host, then tried to do the thing culminating in his spell rebounding.

Also that Voldemort became a light version of a horcrux the moment he took Harry's blood and protection, and that without that harry would not have been able to survive his death to kill the horcrux inside himself
I remember reading up on something regarding to guest rights being invoked due to Wormtail technically being the doorman/butler of the potters due to the magic of the Fidelius, and something something he made and offer, was counter offered or told something by the host, he disregarded it and killed said host, then tried to do the thing culminating in his spell rebounding.

Also that Voldemort became a light version of a horcrux the moment he took Harry's blood and protection, and that without that harry would not have been able to survive his death to kill the horcrux inside himself
Wait, and sorry for double posting, but I remember the specifics. Lily made the offer "Take me instead", and technically Voldemort accepted it as a someone under guest rights by killing her, and thus broke the oath when he turned his wand on Harry, thus killing him. I would not that it probably took accidentally invoking ancient magic and probably a big part regarding the Fidelius to set things up that way, and thus why it hasn't been repeatable.
no binary jokes, please

Ah well. I would do it anyways, but 01000010 01110101 01110100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01100100 01101111 01101110 10000000011001 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01101011 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110101 01101100 01100100 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101101 01110000 01110101 01110100 01100101 00100000 01110111 01101001 01110100 01101000 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101
Okay when that happened in canon.

That's not what's happening to Grey boy, it's basically reversing time on himself and that it's. The shard isn't doing any of re-shoving his soul into his body, what at most, at most is happening is that the shard is re-attaching itself to Grey boy similarly how it was done with the clones.
it just seems to be that the Avada Kedavra is being nerf just to prevent fights from becoming easier despite Lord already explaining how effective it is.

That's why the origin bullet is effective it is severe and then forcibly reconnects, with no consideration to how to do it properly, I'm sure that the connection between humans and para-humans is very precisely made, with a forcible reconnect causing temporary depowering at absolute best, and turning them into a broken trigger at worst

it could cause the portal to no longer move with the parahuman, meaning the moment they move, they die as the portal is stuck in place

it could cause the energy to explode violently, causing the shard itself to overload with energy

it could just permanently kill any cape you can successfully headshot, even one where that would be trickier like crawler

Big question: would Glaistig Uaine sacrifice her life to save Scion, thereby giving him protection?

Entities don't have the concept of love, they would kill each other if they thought that would resulted in negentropy

if she does it because of love that means she is human, and does that love isn't real true love

even then how much of that is her and how much is her shard is debatable

As far as I know Origins can't actually be changed. I mean, it's right there in the name, they're a part of you at your inception. It's possible to change your element but that requires something like what happened to Sakura.

I'd imagine Joe's Origin ties in with the problems with his family, and how he interacts with the world at large.

Edit: I guess the third true magic could potentially alter Origins. It's also possible that Angra Mainyu lost theirs when they were stricken from Verg Avesta, going by the fact that the body reflects the soul, and that they take on the appearance of their host and are otherwise formless.

id says that getting a divinely crafted bone heart is probably part of that, he has also been remade by divine powers and alchemy

if what happened to Sakura can be considered a change of origin, so can what Joe went through

I love how Lord has more total wordcount in his WoGs than other fanfic author's entire stories

someone should actually make that calc, i would love to be able to brag that his WOG are in the top 100 longest fics by themselves
Ah well. I would do it anyways, but 01000010 01110101 01110100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01100100 01101111 01101110 10000000011001 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01101011 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110101 01101100 01100100 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101101 01110000 01110101 01110100 01100101 00100000 01110111 01101001 01110100 01101000 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101

00100111 ? :facepalm:

Just remember, there are 10 types of people: those who understand binary, those who don't, and those who weren't expecting a trinary joke.
I assume it requires you to willingly sacrifice yourself to protect another. If you go down fighting it doesn't count.
I agree, but is J.K. Rowling trying to tell us that Harry and Lily are the only two people who have ever willingly sacrificed themselves to protect another? It is said multiple times in the books that Harry is the only one who has survived the killing curse. (I guess Voldemort as well)
Could Dumbledore in his prime dominate the wormverse, with fiat backing of course? I am pretty sure that wizards at his level are just full on reality warper's at that point with barely any restrictions lol.
Not sure how we got here, but if you want a good example of how insane Federation shields can be, go watch the second episode of Voyager. I think that's the correct one, but one of the first episodes of Voyager had them get trapped inside of the Event Horizon of a Black Hole and Survive and manage to Leave it.

I think the Shards and Taylor would be dumbfounded at just how that works out.
. . . that would require time travel. The event horizon is exactly what it sounds like--the point where events can no longer connect to the rest of history. All possible futures will end in the singularity.
edit: I think what happened is that they were in warp, then ran into a Black Hole. That in turn caused a temporal loop to drag another Voyager into the same Black Hole due to them investigating a Federation signal. Then they realized that it was themselves only temporally dislocated about 6 hours ahead of them, deep into the black hole. They then figured that they could rip a hole in the Even Horizon for something like the next hour as their entry caused a fracture to form in the horizon. They then sent out a shuttle to force open a hole, and then they just up and left the black hole.


Ahem, pardon the technical difficulties.

I truly believe that that episode deserves to be deleted from star trek canon, exactly like The Episode That Shall Not Be Named. The science in that one was so utterly -bad- that it made my brain hurt at the time, trying to figure out how they could fuck up the science that badly. AND I WAS A TEENAGER AT THE TIME.

Apologies for the rant, I have -issues- with that episode.