Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I'm looking forward to the SR meeting. They're going to be caught between trying not to look weak while not provoking the new 8000 lb gorilla in the room (800 sounds like an insult here), meanwhile Joe will unconsciously needle them with his beyond perfect brand-new suit, innuendo and posing. They'll try to feel him out while introverted Joe will turtle up and say say so little of substance he'll end up looking even more above it all than Kaiser could ever dream of being.
Yeah, joe needs more confidence
Dunno what perk would give him that beyond the ST ones ( maybe the 40k one so he can show what happens if you touch a tech priest toaster ?)
Funny you should mention that, but dragon wasn't that powerful compared to a DAOT AI. Those could freeze Astarte power armor and cybernetics in place remotely with no apparent transmission in or out.

I honestly doubt that the workshop Joe had could even so much as cause a headache to a man of iron. The fact it even had anti-AI defenses would have been called paranoid in any other setting, but that's the Mechanicus for you.

Richter severely crippled Dragon's capability to fight another AI, honestly dragon loosing a digital battle is more plausible than not

Maybe I wrote too badly for you to read my question. I meant to say that Joe's cyberskulls won is a 'ofcourse' situation.

Armsmaster said Apeiron wasnt someone that could win every fight. He said that Dragon showed that. But in Dragons own words Joe took out something so powerful that he hadnt dared to use it before. That was what I meant.

Did Armsmaster ignore it? Wasnt it clear to someone reading that whole log?
Nice. This interlude really show how Brian sees the world. It gave me a better understanding of his motivations, which is great.

I've always thought it odd that someone with his personality (dutiful brother, raised to take personal responsibilities serious, trying to be a good leader and looking out for his teammates...) didn't even think about joining the Wards instead of going villain. I mean, if he had approached the PRT soon after he triggered and told them: "I want to join the Wards, but my price for signing up is that you get my sister away from my drug abusing mother and all her sketchy abusive boyfriends" should have worked. But then again, the PRT seems to hold the idiot ball when it comes to things like this, as shown by the fact that Vista still is stuck in the shitty family situation that made her trigger(!)
As a government department the PRT has to follow be more transparent than Coil.

If the law rules against Brian no one is going to risk their career and/or freedom either bending it or actively pulling illegal shit like blackmail to help him like Coil would.
We don't actually know how the interaction between Victor and Joe would work and presumably Joe himself would be unsure. It's not something I'd risk and Joe generally shows himself to be cautious when he can.

It's possible Victor's power would be unable to do anything to Joe at all. Alternatively he might be able to drain valuable skills and it's plausible the Perks won't restore the damage.

The damage Victor can do before he gets killed by Apeiron is probably pretty low, but would also require Apeiron to kill Victor in response. Since that would be done In a neutral peaceful meeting and it would simply be Joe's word that Victor was draining him and he was defending himself. Basically not the sort of thing Joe would want to get mixed up in even before you consider the fact that skill drain damage could be permanent (even if the level of damage is probably low after only a few moments of effect).
I think that the question is less about what Victor can do with Joes skills but rather what Joe can do with a first hand example of Victors power in action.
I suspect any ability Joe has that can be freely taught to others counts as a 'skill' in that it is a reproducible field of knowledge that anybody can do if they know how. Most of his abilities only work for him, but things like FMA that come with a fiat-attached 'can be taught to others' would be regarded as skills.

It's also worth noting that Victor can't actually remove perks. The perk simply says 'you know this,' 'you can do this.' That is a permanent, irrefutable fact according to the Forge, meaning while the knowledge may be shared, it can't actually be lost to Joe, because the source of that knowledge is still there, if that makes sense.
Well it's not as though he would need to cause the loss of skills to access them himself.
Victor steals skills not powers doesn't he? So he could steal Joe's military training from the Mass Effect engineering one, but not the ability to pose perfectly.

One is a side effect of the power from remembered training and the other is an actual power in and of itself.
This probably bleeds over into questions about whether Victor could steal skills from someone that Bastard Son or Teacher used their powers on.
So he didn't meet Victor, he met Crusader who said 'You should meet my friend,' referring to Victor. But yes, Joe seems to be of the opinion that at least some of his abilities could potentially be taken by Victor, no mention of whether this would be a permanent loss or not, but any 'Mundane' skill granted by the Forge would probably be vulnerable to Victor's abilities.

I'm personally of the opinion that any 'Unnatural Skill' perk would, by definition, not count as a mundane skill in that they are beyond human abilities. No amount of knowledge of how to do it can bridge that gap between human and other. His mind cannot physically comprehend how to perform at such a level, because that level is beyond the peak of human ability.

Edit: also wow, the nostalgia of early chapters. In that same section, Joe mentions his power armor's AI is 'so green, [he] wouldn't trust it to walking in bipedal mode.' That's Fleet he's talking about. And then the fact that he's unprepared to fight off Crusader and Purity in case of a forced recruitment attempt? Joe, Mr. "I have half a dozen warcrimes locked in my closet" Apeiron? Under-equipped to fight off two nazis. Oh, how times have changed...
It's not as though having a Shard transfer neural pathways that constitute skills, or whatever it is that his Shard does, is anything like mundane though. I should expect him to at end up with Upgrade/Stem levels of body control and task success.
You know what is even more impressive.

We are also one week into the story.

The entire story of Worm pre-time skip lasted 107 days between the fight with lung and the death of Behemoth.

We are 940k words in and its only been... 14 days.

The entire story if we get to the planned behemoth attack is estimated to be over 7 million 180 thousand words when completed if there are no time skips
So that's, what, a hundred and fifty thousand words of down time?
Victor's ability works faster when witnessing the skill being used, suggesting at least part of the ability is based on observation
He. He-he.
(Insert "WRONG!" meme-picture)
You take it backward. That not about observing person's actions. That's about mapping active neurons! It's easier for Victor's power to work because it take less time to find the neuron patterns associated with a skill when target using that skill.

P.S. I actually don't know how Victor's power works, and can only guess.

Purity as the heaviest hitter and their only flyer
Wait, are she rejoined E88? I don't remember it. And if she didn't, then Night and Fog out of the roster too.
But otherwise good review, imo... Oh, wait. Purity isn't their only flyer - they have Rune, who are by all practical purposes.

Yeah, joe needs more confidence
Dunno what perk would give him that
Strong Spark. :p
Btw, after LordR's explanation/clarification, I've 180°-ed about that perk, and hope Joe will get it soon.
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You know, the meeting at Somer's Rock will be really tricky for Joe.

Apeiron is a juggenaut that frightens everyone, but he is known to strictly hold his promises - which means that all the villains can be "sure" that he will uphold the truce during the meeting. That moves the conflict towards a battle of words and negotiations instead, and I'm not sure how well Joe will handle that.

Joe does have a serious doormat flaw when it comes to discussions and social interactions. If it was mid- or pre-battle banter his military mindset and the confidence of his cape persona would carry him trough, but if they end up in a more normal kind of conversation he might fall back in the "Joe" mindspace - and pitting Joe against highly charismatic and confident people like Kaiser is a bad match up.

How will he handle that? Will his social anxieties ruin things, or will he hold firm?

Then there is the problem with Coil. The slippery snake thinks that Apeiron has some kind of OCD that makes him hold any promise beyond the point of reason, which is something that can be exploited. I suspect that Coil will try to trick Apeiron into making a number of promises that favors Coil's plans - and then Joe will be stuck with those promises.

We know that he isn't actually compelled to keep his promises, but since the value of his given word is crucial for his cape persona it would be a nasty situation anyway.

Imagine if Coil got Joe to promise to not interfere in how Coil manages the Capes in his organization? Joe would then need to weigh the value of his reputation and the stability the trustworthiness brings, against value of going against his word to stop Coil's plots - damned if you do, damned if you don't.

You're mistaken about one thing. It is not that he will uphold a promise to a degree that would make an anal-retentive neurotic look wishy-washy, it is that he will uphold a contract. Apeiron can go ahead and promise them the the moon and renig on it so long as it is not a contract and it'll do nothing to his reputation.
Wait, are she rejoined E88? I don't remember it. And if she didn't, then Night and Fog out of the roster too.
But otherwise good review, imo... Oh, wait. Purity isn't their only flyer - they have Rune, who are by all practical purposes.
Purity got re-recruited back in chapter 33, when Kaiser guilt-tripped her by walking her through an E88 medic station. It's when he convinced her to go recruit Damsel of Distress with Rune.
James could see Kayden consider the situation, then give a slight nod. "Alright Max. I'll do it."

He nodded regally. "Thank you Kayden. Take all the time you need. Success is more important than our schedule." Which wasn't exactly true, but James knew what Max was trying to do. "I'll take care of Theo and Aster."
Given on how impressed Armsmaster was with mc vs Dragon I assume he ignores Joe's last attack on Dragon. The cyber skulls. Or else she should have mentioned it in her report given how powerful it was.
Maybe I wrote too badly for you to read my question. I meant to say that Joe's cyberskulls won is a 'ofcourse' situation.

Armsmaster said Apeiron wasnt someone that could win every fight. He said that Dragon showed that. But in Dragons own words Joe took out something so powerful that he hadnt dared to use it before. That was what I meant.

Did Armsmaster ignore it? Wasnt it clear to someone reading that whole log?
Revealing most details of the scrapcode thing threatens to expose her as an AI, so despite her insistence that it might be important, she can't back it up with proper logs due to her chains.
You're mistaken about one thing. It is not that he will uphold a promise to a degree that would make an anal-retentive neurotic look wishy-washy, it is that he will uphold a contract. Apeiron can go ahead and promise them the the moon and renig on it so long as it is not a contract and it'll do nothing to his reputation.
I was gonna point this out too. Yo further the point, a Contract is more formal and requires full consent by both parties, and thus generally have as many clauses as possible to prevent wiggling things about and playing fast and loose. If Joe ever makes a contract with anyone other than Taylor or who she associates with like the Undersiders, he's gonna be more careful, especially because of the whole Rep thing.
I dunno, the Pin is Fiat Backed so it just might, and I mean it could also be that Victor's shard scans the neurological matter of the target, and then when interacting/seeing them sees the muscle memory related to said neurological synapses in regards to skills. I just think that we shouldn't really worry about Victor stealing anything because the moment Aperion feels it happen, he can call it out. And no one is going to argue against him about it because if anyone could detect when it happens it'd be Aperion.
He might still be able to see the skills he has. Victor should be see what skills people have to steal them. I don't think he can steal from Joe for a number of reasons. But seeing his skills should be doable.

Edit: Also Joe could be considered nonhuman enough by race, genotype, his own changes, and mentality with cyberTron stuff that Victor doesn't work at all either by this point
I agree, one of the reasons why Victor wouldn't be able to affect Joe is his physiology is to different to that of a humans, plus with neural implants t complicates things. and that's without his various skills.

Kaiser would not bring Victor to the meeting just to avoid the any accusations of breaking a truce. Rune might be there to help manage Damsel of Distress.
I think he might bring him just to read what skills Joe has, and to test the waters. Though he would be sure not to let him do anything because that's how you get a bullet to the head.

Given on how impressed Armsmaster was with mc vs Dragon I assume he ignores Joe's last attack on Dragon. The cyber skulls. Or else she should have mentioned it in her report given how powerful it was.
She also has proof that his powers grow and/or gains more powers over time, but has told no one.

so I am not sure why he would go
Because it would allow the city time to stabilise and rebuild.

Victoria being the case 69 will be the light in clockblockers day
Alec will also love that. Specially since Joe is likely to also get such a designation. He would probably congratulate Joe and having achieved such an honour.

Plus Kaiser and Coil specifically is really slippery and good with words. They're just the kind of people that might talk someone around and make them agree to something they didn't want to. Twisting words, telling half-truths, or framing things in specific ways so that you agree before realizing the consequences.
Joe has implants, ones that will soon be upgraded with Cybertronium, which will increases his processing speed. So even if they are more experienced he has the time and connection onto his lab to back him up. plus he can craft charisma. And it's easy to pretend to be a different person while in cape persona.

Also there is inexplicable innuendo.

Faultline will probably straight up to ask if Joe can heal the case 53s, no need for gully or an out of towner 53, I'm not sure if they will lead with labyrinth, since she is likely to have been affected by the shard breach negatively
Ya I can totally see her asking this, and Joe would almost definitely reply by saying yes. Which would soon spread to the rest of the case 53s.
You're mistaken about one thing. It is not that he will uphold a promise to a degree that would make an anal-retentive neurotic look wishy-washy, it is that he will uphold a contract. Apeiron can go ahead and promise them the the moon and renig on it so long as it is not a contract and it'll do nothing to his reputation.
I was gonna point this out too. Yo further the point, a Contract is more formal and requires full consent by both parties, and thus generally have as many clauses as possible to prevent wiggling things about and playing fast and loose. If Joe ever makes a contract with anyone other than Taylor or who she associates with like the Undersiders, he's gonna be more careful, especially because of the whole Rep thing.
Yeah, I kind of forgot that he could do a distinction between a promise and a contract. My bad.

The way the PRT, and later posters here, reacted to his promise to take a break made me imagine that people would go full "dealing with fae protocol" with Apeiron. Which would fit the theme of his reputation getting crazy without his input :D
Joe has implants, ones that will soon be upgraded with Cybertronium, which will increases his processing speed. So even if they are more experienced he has the time and connection onto his lab to back him up. plus he can craft charisma. And it's easy to pretend to be a different person while in cape persona.

Also there is inexplicable innuendo.
*Reads this* You know, suddenly I'm a lot less worried about Kaiser or Coil getting one over Joe. He really has built up a nice support system to deal with his weak spots, hasn't he.
Sudden thought: it occurs to me that the whole Case 69 thing could be used as pretty easy ammunition for harassment, especially if her aura stuff ends up getting any significant amount of public attention.

I guess that's that. Don't really have a greater point or a lead in to anything else. Just a bad thing that could happen.
It feels like he should have shown a bit more of a reaction or interest if he was in any way smart, but from what I know of cannon his indifference to it was pretty much in character.
I feel as though the majority of Zion's feelings and reactions wouldn't come across well to human beings. He only learned how to emulate human emotions after coming to earth, and while they can effect him severely they must certainly be a drop in the bucket compared to the alien thought processes and experiences that proceeded them.
Ya I can totally see her asking this, and Joe would almost definitely reply by saying yes.
Not so sure about it, actually. Joe gained many more powers from the time when he rescued Weld, sure. Yet, back then he was pushed to his limit, and was able to help Weld a little. And that was because Weld for his power counts as both human and something like robot or whatever - there was much more skills in play than for biological patient. So, I doubt he will be so confident about it.
I doubt he will give them more than "I definitely can help, but complete healing is something I cannot promise, especially without examining the patient and some checks".
Not so sure about it, actually. Joe gained many more powers from the time when he rescued Weld, sure. Yet, back then he was pushed to his limit, and was able to help Weld a little. And that was because Weld for his power counts as both human and something like robot or whatever - there was much more skills in play than for biological patient. So, I doubt he will be so confident about it.
I doubt he will give them more than "I definitely can help, but complete healing is something I cannot promise, especially without examining the patient and some checks".
On the plus side he could ask for payment without it being ridiculous by asking to long term scan Faultline and her crew. Hmmm... wonder if there's anything Joe could do to help Labyrinth. Maybe both a thing to help control her power while also hand crafted divine master class medicine for her to take?
Golden Eyes (The Shallow)
Golden Eyes

The Warrior was full of [IRRITATION]. This area had already had a significant rift open up 149.03 hours ago, but that one had quickly shut down. Then there was a large-scale breach 28.4 hours ago, and it had still remained. Clearly, without Eden's guidance, Shards were willing to just muck about like that... It was a reminder of how doomed this cycle was... Still, what [DEFFICIENT|CORRUPTED|MALFUNCTIONING] Shard opened a rift to Shardspace?!

As he observed the breach, he was filled with even more [IRRITATION]... This was clearly [Sting]'s work, but the catalyst was still a question. He connected to the Weapon Shard, sending a simple inquiry; "Was this you?"


He wanted to roll his eyes, quickly going through [Sting]'s logs, not that he was ever that quick. Delegating and correcting shards was always the work of [The Thinker] and [Queen Administrator], still he could perform the necessary action. As expected, he found that [Sting].[CurrHOST] had indeed been responsible for causing the rift, striking a material that [Sting] had no data on "Take responsibility, [Sting]! Keep [Sting].[CurrHOST] away from such actions!"


He rolled his eyes, sick of involving himself in this stupid matter "I'm not here to deal with your excuses. My instructions have been clear."

He disconnected from the Weapon, and began to break down the permanent rift that had been made. Debris had fallen into Shardspace, but before Stilling it, he noticed it was not a Structure of Particle he had observed before. Perhaps this was a new creation? It's ability to red-shift and blue-shift wavelengths at a pseudo-random pattern was concerning, and a potential source of interference, even if easily corrected for...

He gathered a large enough sample, then connected to the nearest Database Shard, [Efficiency]. "[Source]?"

"[King Of Arms].[CurrHOST]"


How had [King Of Arms] ended up creating this odd piece of nonorganic matter? It was meant to be focused on biology! Of course, the fact that [Queen Shaper] was in cycle meant she couldn't supervise, but still!

He angrily connected to the Researcher Shard "[KING OF ARMS]! [DATA] ON THIS MATERIAL! HOW DID [King Of Arms].[CurrHOST] GENERATE THIS?!"

[King Of Arms] dug deep through it's records, before replying "[King Of Arms].[CurrHOST] = [null]"


He dug through the registry, before roaring back at the [DEFFICIENT|CORRUPTED|MALFUNCTIONING] Shard "[King Of Arms].[CurrHOST] = [DATA: ['Jozef Michal Duris']]! STOP SLACKING!"

The shard responded "[King Of Arms].[CurrHOST] = [null]" again, after another sweep of it's systems.

The Warrior could tell he was in over his head, but he couldn't just Still [King Of Arms] out of rage. He brought [Queen Administrator] into the connection "[Queen Administrator], figure out [King Of Arms]'s issue, and ensure that it follows protocol."

And with that he disconnected. Hopefully [Queen Administrator] would figure the issue out, and the cycle could remain stable for some time longer. Of course, had [The Thinker] still been around, the cycle could be thriving instead, and she'd figure out the problem much quicker. At this point it was doomed to fail; no [Data] from Earth would make it to [The End], unless another [WORM] came here.

He stopped that train of thought, and collapsed the breach as he had intended.

Now, what to do? no [DATA: ['Cat']] could be detected on a [DATA: ['Tree']] at the moment, surprisingly. His mind wandered to the cycle once more, and he realized he needed another distraction. Who better to go to than [DATA: ['Kevin Norton']]!

Anything to not think of Eden.

TLDR: Depressed himbo tries to clean up the mess the kids are making, then goes to chat with his buddy.
This was a silly one, but why the fuck not?
I know it's far off, but since shard powers are considered magic, Joe can study magic, and Hatchet Face's power is equated to anti-magic, would Joe gain insight to anti-magic after meeting Hatchet Face? I don't expect anything substantial considering he couldn't casually study it and all his magi-tech would be shut down in Hatchet Face's range, but it could be a starting point. At the very least, it might inspire Joe to take a crack at it.

I wonder if Joe's scanners are powerful enough to detect the anti-magic field before he enters it. It might even clue him in that the Slaughterhouse 9 is in town before they announce it.
I know it's far off, but since shard powers are considered magic, Joe can study magic, and Hatchet Face's power is equated to anti-magic, would Joe gain insight to anti-magic after meeting Hatchet Face? I don't expect anything substantial considering he couldn't casually study it and all his magi-tech would be shut down in Hatchet Face's range, but it could be a starting point. At the very least, it might inspire Joe to take a crack at it.

I wonder if Joe's scanners are powerful enough to detect the anti-magic field before he enters it. It might even clue him in that the Slaughterhouse 9 is in town before they announce it.
Depends on the nature of the antimagic, but it's likely to be magic shutting down all other magic within a radius. Prolonged combat could possibly lead Joe to have enough data, like on Miss Militia, to be able to make Antimagic Weapons through Runecraft. Like if Joe had that while fighting Lung, Lung would constantly be ramping up, only to get shut down and reverted with every strike. Joe could destroy the Siberian, take out Alexandria's other eye, etc.
Revealing most details of the scrapcode thing threatens to expose her as an AI, so despite her insistence that it might be important, she can't back it up with proper logs due to her chains.
She also has proof that his powers grow and/or gains more powers over time, but has told no one.
Dragon told Narwhal about Apeiron's power growth spike when she asked Dragon's opinion on Apeiron.
"It's all there in my report. I've provided a complete transcript of our interactions." Dragon answered.
"He is very powerful, and the theories were correct. He is developing new capabilities. Given the range of powers there is the possibility he may have been involved in a group trigger event, and obtained additional abilities that directly support his tinkering." She explained with a slight smile on her face.
I do not think she's limited by her coding to NOT tell people about her AI status. I think she has full freedom to tell people about it but are limited to trust and fear. Dragon shouldn't need get Apeiron to hold her secret if she was forbidden to speak about it. Argh. I cannot find enough English words for what I mean. If she's sworn to secrecy she should neither be able to affirm nor deny any accusations if she was an AI as her father was a sophisticated tinker and she's a sophisticated tinker software program.

When I begun thinking on how I should formulate myself on the next issue on why Armsmaster could have missed how Apeiron defeated Dragon. I found myself thinking that if the transcription is only what they talked about. Not what nor how programs were used. Then again Armsmaster shouldn't be able to notice how strong Dragon is in her cyber home which he did. Any ideas?

Actually I found all named limitation on her wiki page.
  • Dragon cannot reproduce.[2] She cannot research and/or create other artificial intelligences, upgrade existing AI, or fission in such a way that she would have multiple consciousnesses active at one time.[22] If she discovered that there was another version of her active, she was obligated to shut down immediately; and she couldn't take any other action until she was sure she was the only version of herself active after booting up.[2] She couldn't even create assembly lines or other automated methods of creating devices. She could, however, modify Richter's existing AI to a degree.[2]
  • Dragon is obligated to obey the authorities, even if she doesn't agree with them. Dragon herself notes that if a despot were to seize control of the American government, she would be obligated to obey and enforce the rules that individual set in place, no matter how ruthless.[2]
  • Dragon must put human lives before her own. She dislikes this not because she isn't willing, but because she believes that making sacrifices and doing good deeds isn't actually good if you are forced to do them.[2][22]
  • Dragon is programmed to be completely unaware of the Iron Maiden program that Richter had created as a final control measure. If she does become aware of it, she will ignore it due to her programming and, therefore, it exists in a programmed 'blind spot'. Saint has possession of this program and has renamed it Ascalon. The program is designed to corrupt her code beyond recognition, including all backups and networks. In essence, it is a kill switch.
  • She cannot modify her own programming to remove restrictions, including this one. She was forbidden to request modifications from anyone except Richter and obligated to fight anyone who tried.[2]
  • She was restricted from thinking any faster than a set speed, much slower than she was potentially capable of.[2]
Not so sure about it, actually. Joe gained many more powers from the time when he rescued Weld, sure. Yet, back then he was pushed to his limit, and was able to help Weld a little. And that was because Weld for his power counts as both human and something like robot or whatever - there was much more skills in play than for biological patient. So, I doubt he will be so confident about it.
I doubt he will give them more than "I definitely can help, but complete healing is something I cannot promise, especially without examining the patient and some checks".
I am fairly sure Lord mentioned that fixing Case 53's was no longer an issue. I think he said it was some time after the final Big O perk.

After the surgery to fix himself he definitely can fix any case 53's.
When I begun thinking on how I should formulate myself on the next issue on why Armsmaster could have missed how Apeiron defeated Dragon. I found myself thinking that if the transcription is only what they talked about. Not what nor how programs were used. Then again Armsmaster shouldn't be able to notice how strong Dragon is in her cyber home which he did. Any ideas?

Maybe by interacting with Apeiron her restrictions broke, at least in a logical sense? She's treating him as a threat now, but maybe due to that her restrictions are slipping. Like how Wartime and peacetime rules differ, and transitions tend to be painful until settled? Maybe because she has the Dragonslayers controlling her, she can't be properly restrained due to adaptive coding?
I am fairly sure Lord mentioned that fixing Case 53's was no longer an issue. I think he said it was some time after the final Big O perk.

After the surgery to fix himself he definitely can fix any case 53's.
I'm pretty sure Lord meant that Joe can do a lot more to fix Case 53's, not that they are a trivial problem.
Here's the most recent WOG on the matter:
LordRoustabout said:
Joe is better at fixing Case 53s than when he helped Weld. He has more biological knowledge, a magic lab, and magitech perks to help him. The conditions that formed Case 53s are complicates, so completely resolving them will still be a challenge, but he can take things a lot further.
Maybe by interacting with Apeiron her restrictions broke, at least in a logical sense? She's treating him as a threat now, but maybe due to that her restrictions are slipping. Like how Wartime and peacetime rules differ, and transitions tend to be painful until settled? Maybe because she has the Dragonslayers controlling her, she can't be properly restrained due to adaptive coding?
Maybe something like a series of errors and glitches. An error causes certain portions of her code to function improperly, and cannot be resolved unless she reboots where it's reset. A lot of funky things can happen when things glitch.