Golden Eyes
The Warrior was full of [IRRITATION]. This area had already had a significant rift open up 149.03 hours ago, but that one had quickly shut down. Then there was a large-scale breach 28.4 hours ago, and it had still remained. Clearly, without Eden's guidance, Shards were willing to just muck about like that... It was a reminder of how doomed this cycle was... Still, what [DEFFICIENT|CORRUPTED|MALFUNCTIONING] Shard opened a rift to Shardspace?!
As he observed the breach, he was filled with even more [IRRITATION]... This was clearly [Sting]'s work, but the catalyst was still a question. He connected to the Weapon Shard, sending a simple inquiry; "Was this you?"
He wanted to roll his eyes, quickly going through [Sting]'s logs, not that he was ever that quick. Delegating and correcting shards was always the work of [The Thinker] and [Queen Administrator], still he could perform the necessary action. As expected, he found that [Sting].[CurrHOST] had indeed been responsible for causing the rift, striking a material that [Sting] had no data on "Take responsibility, [Sting]! Keep [Sting].[CurrHOST] away from such actions!"
He rolled his eyes, sick of involving himself in this stupid matter "I'm not here to deal with your excuses. My instructions have been clear."
He disconnected from the Weapon, and began to break down the permanent rift that had been made. Debris had fallen into Shardspace, but before Stilling it, he noticed it was not a Structure of Particle he had observed before. Perhaps this was a new creation? It's ability to red-shift and blue-shift wavelengths at a pseudo-random pattern was concerning, and a potential source of interference, even if easily corrected for...
He gathered a large enough sample, then connected to the nearest Database Shard, [Efficiency]. "[Source]?"
"[King Of Arms].[CurrHOST]"
How had [King Of Arms] ended up creating this odd piece of nonorganic matter? It was meant to be focused on biology! Of course, the fact that [Queen Shaper] was in cycle meant she couldn't supervise, but still!
He angrily connected to the Researcher Shard "[KING OF ARMS]! [DATA] ON THIS MATERIAL! HOW DID [King Of Arms].[CurrHOST] GENERATE THIS?!"
[King Of Arms] dug deep through it's records, before replying "[King Of Arms].[CurrHOST] = [null]"
He dug through the registry, before roaring back at the [DEFFICIENT|CORRUPTED|MALFUNCTIONING] Shard "[King Of Arms].[CurrHOST] = [DATA: ['Jozef Michal Duris']]! STOP SLACKING!"
The shard responded "[King Of Arms].[CurrHOST] = [null]" again, after another sweep of it's systems.
The Warrior could tell he was in over his head, but he couldn't just Still [King Of Arms] out of rage. He brought [Queen Administrator] into the connection "[Queen Administrator], figure out [King Of Arms]'s issue, and ensure that it follows protocol."
And with that he disconnected. Hopefully [Queen Administrator] would figure the issue out, and the cycle could remain stable for some time longer. Of course, had [The Thinker] still been around, the cycle could be thriving instead, and she'd figure out the problem much quicker. At this point it was doomed to fail; no [Data] from Earth would make it to [The End], unless another [WORM] came here.
He stopped that train of thought, and collapsed the breach as he had intended.
Now, what to do? no [DATA: ['Cat']] could be detected on a [DATA: ['Tree']] at the moment, surprisingly. His mind wandered to the cycle once more, and he realized he needed another distraction. Who better to go to than [DATA: ['Kevin Norton']]!
Anything to not think of Eden.
TLDR: Depressed himbo tries to clean up the mess the kids are making, then goes to chat with his buddy.
This was a silly one, but why the fuck not?