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I imagine Joe will have to put some effort into not killing her with his bare hands.
I imagine Joe will have to put some effort into not killing her with his bare hands.
Ehh, I wonder if he will... he got that life-giving fist martial arts from Histories Strongest Disciple that kinda altered his brain, there was a little thing about him being happy that some of the mindbending non-sense is actually nice instead of 40k existential dread.I imagine Joe will have to put some effort into not killing her with his bare hands.
I'm sorry what? I'm actually having trouble discerning what on earth you're sayingEhh, I wonder if he will... he got that life-giving fist martial arts from Histories Strongest Disciple that kinda altered his brain, there was a little thing about him being happy that some of the mindbending non-sense is actually nice instead of 40k existential dread.
Didn't quite mess with his mind, it rather just taught him a philosophy so well that he can tell when or when he's not following it.Ehh, I wonder if he will... he got that life-giving fist martial arts from Histories Strongest Disciple that kinda altered his brain, there was a little thing about him being happy that some of the mindbending non-sense is actually nice instead of 40k existential dread.
When he later feels bad, is because he was following Katsujinken, and could tell he had failed to follow it.Chapter 41 Drag Out said:The power also came with a philosophy. Katsujinken, the life-giving fist. Contrary to every destructive and overwhelming mental change I had endured, this was one I could see myself fully accepting. It was the simple view that you should protect those who cannot protect themselves and improve the lives of those around you. That purposefully killing is not something that should be sought out, and was akin to defeat. That peace was something worth fighting for.
What was probably most comforting was the fact that it was a set of principles, not an obligation. I was free to embrace or reject the ideals of the philosophy, to stray from the path and try to find my way back. The important thing was the fact that it had effects that facilitated its ideals. Holding the principles granted a calm demeanor and the ability to set people at ease, and allowed the chance for a dialog before fighting.
Chapter 41 Drag Out said:He was a monster, sure, but it was still an intentional act of murder. Even if I didn't pull the trigger I signed the death warrant. With every aspect of my mentality ready to dismiss the event or congratulate me for it, my Katsujinken made this feel like a failure.
Yup, thats why i'm pretty sure its malice and not paranoia. They have a habit of forming an opinion and trying their best to twist the story so it fits, first he was a preteen girl, no hes a shaker! now he is a master! ohh? our hamfisted handling of the mess blew up new wave? He must also be a thinker and planned it!Edit: wait they thought Taylor was a tinker at first because she was a new member and the undersiders suddenly had tinker tech, they weren't pretending they literally thought that at the time.
And the knife was actually just a knife a good knife but not specifically for anything except for Joe to be able to find them and keep them safe.
Shallow explained it well and quoted the relevant paragraphs.I'm sorry what? I'm actually having trouble discerning what on earth you're saying
I mean we know for a fact already the PRT aren't acting in good faith, they personally have a vested interest in Aperion being actually the Simurgh. It's not paranoia, it's a combination of spin and malicious compliance with the desperate hope that people will believe that the last few weeks is allthe Simurgh'sAperion's fault literally sweating bullets because if Aperion says fuck it and shows the public how much he has done to assist them their soooo fucked. That's before we get into them low key stealing credit for rescuing weld and putting out the fire.
I think Vodkasheep meant that the PRT is acting as if Apeiron was a Simurgh level plotter, not that the actual Simurgh was involved. (Although it wouldn't surprise me if she has nudged a couple of dominoes to draw out more information)Coil is being a dick, situation was getting out of hand because March, but where does the Smurf come in like she hasn't really done anything then look at the Bay and going what the fuck is going on over there. I don't remember her being important yet
in order to fix a case 53 you have to essentially give the shard a better way to express themselves via a host, and since eden shards are dead you also have to figure out how to make them use the better method.The main problem is that their powers actively maintain their "normal" (by power's opinion) state. That's why Panacea can't help, for example.
I, what?Yup, thats why i'm pretty sure its malice and not paranoia. They have a habit of forming an opinion and trying their best to twist the story so it fits, first he was a preteen girl, no hes a shaker! now he is a master! ohh? our hamfisted handling of the mess blew up new wave? He must also be a thinker and planned it!
The world laughs at the Brocten Bay PRT and their still holding out for an I told you so to pretend their conclusions were valid earlier despite the lack of supporting data at the time.
Shallow explained it well and quoted the relevant paragraphs.
Close, but more the fact that they use his 'thinker abilities' like a five year old blames the dog for every mess, just less believable.I think Vodkasheep meant that the PRT is acting as if Apeiron was a Simurgh level plotter, not that the actual Simurgh was involved. (Although it wouldn't surprise me if she has nudged a couple of dominoes to draw out more information)
You forgot the period where he was a shaker and didn't explain how they went with the conclusion that he pulled thinker shenanigans that would do the Simurgh proud undermining both new wave and the PRT doing everything from turning the population against them to curdled the milk in the PRT break room with his nefarious intellect while simultaneously screwing himself to the wall by making his plots obvious and not only not using the data they know he has to cut them off at the knees but actively aiding them and preventing bad pr like with weld.I, what?
At first they thought Khepri was a tinker, because she was the most likely candidate. Then the tinker showed up and healed Amy Dallon with an unknown effect, had a short convo, then bamphed out. They then did an M/S screening because unknown effect, and Amy hit all the stops. So yeah, they assumed he had mastered her. There was also a lazy (or a coilbomb, maybe both?) who pretended to get mastered by the Rose Apeiron gave Amy.
There were other master concerns, namely Chen, before they learned the explanations. It's starting to become malicious maybe, but it was mostly paranoia and incompetence.
Lord said that they are leaving things in Coil's hands since he says he has shit under control and he is their agent.I just realized that despite Joe's precog paranoia we have not really seen hide or hair of the Trio or Hat Lady.
I think what was meant by that is how they treated everything that interacts with him as if it were mastered. Which is similar to how shìt is treated in relation to Ziz.but where does the Smurf come in like she hasn't really done anything then look at the Bay and going what the fuck is going on over there. I don't remember her being important yet
And don't forget the teleportation and thinker power.His first, known, debut was healing Panacea, and tanking a hit from Glory Girl, that by her own thoughts should have put him through a wall
That would have been funny (sad, but funny) and would scar her for the rest of her life. Even though her sister would be able to heal it.There was a very real chance she could have put her hand through his chest, and his last words would have been "They stole them from my workshop..."
I expect the treatment and difficulty would vary for each individual. Notably Battery and Triumph are also Cauldron capes but don't seem to have their shard enforcing their form*. If for example a surgeon did plastic surgery the shard wouldn't revert order to fix a case 53 you have to essentially give the shard a better way to express themselves via a host, and since eden shards are dead you also have to figure out how to make them use the better method.
Ok the shaker theory is due to the fact that the material of the knives disappeared, which made Armsmaster think they were projections; thus a shaker.You forgot the period where he was a shaker and didn't explain how they went with the conclusion that he pulled thinker shenanigans that would do the Simurgh proud undermining both new wave and the PRT doing everything from turning the population against them to curdled the milk in the PRT break room with his nefarious intellect while simultaneously screwing himself to the wall by making his plots obvious and not only not using the data they know he has to cut them off at the knees but actively aiding them and preventing bad or like with weld.
It wasn't the paper thin 'master' shenanigans that he both explained in his transcript with amy and brought into the open by pointing her at the prt or the little flower he gifted pan that they found didn't have an effect that they confiscated and promply lost that made them cut off all contact. the m/s containment was by their own admission in the story both perfunctory and I'll advised in an emergency or any situation that would require dynamic action. They cut off contact because of the frankly ludicrous thinker accusations.
Furthermore every regional PRT seems to have come to the conclusion that the BB PRT is full of shit going so far as sending weld and that sting girl to try and grab him. The BB PRT is set against him for one reason, that is because they have a desperate vested interest in recovering their reputation by proving that they were right all along.
And here's what they knew about his thinker power:Interlude 8.1 Amy said:"There's a lot to sort through here. I get different levels of details on different topics. The more there is the harder it is to figure out." He shook his head. "There's nothing that bad for Glory Girl." Amy didn't like the way he said 'that bad'. "There's some feeling of concern around her. Not malicious, just like there's not enough control. Maybe a lack of restraint?"
Amy remembered less than a week ago, the call from Vicky, the sixth time she had to save her sister from what would probably be at minimum aggravated assault if not a manslaughter charge. Still, it didn't prove anything. Anyone could make that kind of guess by watching her behavior in cape fights.
"Is that the limit of your prognosticating?"
Rather than take the insult at face value he stood there and looked contemplative. "There's also some level of concern connected to... proximity? Like being around her for long periods is a bad thing. That might be her aura. That messes with emotions right?"
"What of it?" Amy didn't like the way this was headed.
"I guess if it's on long enough it could change the way your brain responds to things. Emotions affect neurochemistry and neurons that fire together wire together, that kind of thing."
"You can't know that." Amy's tone was more defensive than she intended.
"No, it's just a theory." He concentrated again. "My power's telling me that staying close to Glory Girl for long periods would be bad, so I'm going with that. For all I know it could be a specific power interaction that would be a problem for me and everyone else could be fine. The idea that it could cause emotional disorders is just a theory."
Interlude 8.1 Amy said:He let out a breath. "I have a thinker power." From his posture and tone it was more like he was confessing to a sin than bragging about an ability.
God damn it. First Tattletale, then Dean, and now this guy. Why was she surrounded by fucking thinkers? That was of course assuming he was telling the truth and not just crazy.
"What, that lets you get inside her head? Tells you what she's planning?"
"No, it doesn't work that way." He paused as if considering what to say. "I get hunches about things, like how to feel about stuff. I can piece that together into hints about what I should do."
But yeah, they didn't take that seriously.Interlude 8.1 Amy said:He considered for a moment. "Ok, my power? It doesn't give me clear answers, just kind of feelings about things, but feelings about enough things in enough detail can let me figure stuff out...
Ya I agree. The likely issue is that due to their non standard physiology a lot more than cosmetic change needs to be done. Since their internal anatomy is also changed.I expect the treatment and difficulty would vary for each individual. Notably Battery and Triumph are also Cauldron capes but don't seem to have their shard enforcing their form*. If for example a surgeon did plastic surgery the shard wouldn't revert them.
From Gully's description it seems that her change was a one time deal and there's no continuing action so it might actually be a really easy fix for Apeiron with no side-effects. I expect that other capes like Garrote and Noelle with ongoing shard effects would be substantially more difficult.
*Note that cauldron vials often cause an initial transformation (usually just healing injuries and illnesses), a frequently useful effect. It's used to tempt many capes into joining Cauldron or accepting the risk of mutation in exchange for the possibility of good health.
Actually the shaker theory started when Armsmaster examined the knifes and came to the conclusion that a power is required for this material to be made. Which is indeed true, since Joe used his power that allow him to ignore natural effects like corroding to skip some steps and if not for his powers the metals would corrode in like 18 hours if I remember right.Ok the shaker theory is due to the fact that the material of the knives disappeared, which made Armsmaster think they were projections; thus a shaker.
God, I hate that this piece of a fanon persists. Unless Ward changed something after the fact, Coil was not Cauldron's agent in the bay. He was one of their clients, yes, and that meant he owed them favors. But the whole point of the experiment in BB was that Cauldron not interfere in it unless it required as S-class response. Did they know what Coil was doing? Yes, and yes, they expected him to basically win out the para-feudalism experiment. But they were not actively helping him, nor was he reporting to them. Coil was a scumbag because of who Thomas Calvert was, not because Cauldron was backing him.Lord said that they are leaving things in Coil's hands since he says he has shit under control and he is their agent.
So its a combination of incompetence, trying to cover oneself and malice. At least this part of it.Once one accusation of master effects had been leveled it opened the door for less well founded allegations. That brought things to Sebastian Slight, a notoriously unprofessional PRT lab technician who decided to cover for the fact that he was wasting time staring at a trinket by claiming to be fascinated. At least half the fault was on the lab manager who instead of reprimanding the tech decided to file an official report. With the recent charges and the rumors already flying suddenly a hairpin was being treated as a memetic object. Images of said hairpin seemingly were included in standard briefing packs, at least one of which was intercepted by Boston's most powerful villain thinker.
The price wasn't ungenerous, and upon completion would recoup the investment he had made in the new tinker several times over. It even presented opportunity for some small alteration to the PRT staff composition. The accusation of master abilities was a crippling drawback for the boy, but it would never be sustained. However, should a PRT tech who personally examined his work happen to vanish along with the item in question it would cast a shadow over every item the tinker produced for the foreseeable future. The removal of Mr. Slight would take some work to arrange, but would leave a position open in the heart of the PRT. One that could be filled by someone more malleable to outside influence.
Here is a direct quote from Roust.God, I hate that this piece of a fanon persists. Unless Ward changed something after the fact, Coil was not Cauldron's agent in the bay. He was one of their clients, yes, and that meant he owed them favors.
Nowhere was Coil an agent. Zerek might just have chosen the wrong wordsApeiron is an interesting factor for Cauldron. The fact that he appeared in Brockton Bay, which was basically their experiment to see how bad a place could get without being declared a HOSV, would pretty much confirm the validity of Project Terminus. A big reason they haven't made a move earlier is due to Coil assuring them he has a handle on things in his influence of the Undersiders and Dinah's predictions of his behavior (which have remained consistent even as everything else has changed).
I know this wouldn't be true or canon, but doesn't that make you think of Vicky and her own mastered rating?So its a combination of incompetence, trying to cover oneself and malice. At least this part of it.
Fair enough, and I apologize for the mini-outburst. It's just one of those fanon-theories that always annoys me.Nowhere was Coil an agent. Zerek might just have chosen the wrong words
There is no harm done. I too was a bit too hasty to aggresively defend an argument that struck chord in me.Fair enough, and I apologize for the mini-outburst. It's just one of those fanon-theories that always annoys me.
Ya I didn't mean he works with them I just meant that they could have contacted him since he owes them a favour and he is in the area.Nowhere was Coil an agent. Zerek might just have chosen the wrong words
Ya as inefficient some methods Cauldron tends to take, I don't think they would have approved of the treatment of Dinah. And jeer power would have definitely have made her a high priority asset for cauldron if they knew about her ability.But they were not actively helping him, nor was he reporting to them. Coil was a scumbag because of who Thomas Calvert was, not because Cauldron was backing him.
First I wish to state that this is fabulous speculation. I've no idea what actually happend when they checked her power. I'm not particularly good to gather bits of information to form a wholesome picture. I'm still a bit unsure exactly what you're asking about but here it is.I know this wouldn't be true or canon, but doesn't that make you think of Vicky and her own mastered rating?
That make tons of sense in context, for why it was miss Vicky Aura had such effect, too bad Wildbow went back on it and just said no to that, but since he is the author nothing can be done about it, well unless their fanfics in which you can bend the rules for it.