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- Not here. Maybe on SB.
"He win". Plot is advanced tremendously, right to finishing line. Where the point in advancing plot by itself?All those superfluous words could be spent in much better ways, such as really advancing the plot
All fanfics more or less talking about things the readers already know.As it stands most interludes are 90% characters talking about things they and the readers already know.
Interludes prowide different points of view, and for me at least, that's pretty entertaining to see how different people see the things. You may not see it that way, that's your right to have tastes. But that's it - different tastes. You talking like your point of view is the right one, and by following it the story will be better. No. Your point of view is just yours, and following it will only make the story different. You will like it more, of course. But there's a bunch of people who enjoed the story as is, and at least part of them will like it less if the tone and pace would change.
Whose standards? Yours? Why should he?Again, great technical quality, you're a fairly good writer. You desperately need an editor, a real editor, not a beta. I don't even care that it's *only* supposed to be fanfiction. You've got the skills to hold yourself to a higher standard.
I am silent when people complain that this was an interlude, because everyone is entitled to have their own opinion. But your post feels kinda... Demanding? "I have a belief and everyone should strive to match it".
Why author must follow your point of view? I, for one, enjoed interlude as it expanded the story's world, and shown some interesting interactions and future plothooks. That was fun to read, and it didn't feel long.
On the one hand, I get your point and acknowledge it. On the other - you expect author to react to your post. To read all the comments in the thread, and answer people. That doesn't seem fair to me, to demand from others what you are lazy to do yourself.As for the people who go on about the amount of times the argument has been brought up, I wouldn't even know. The thread is so full of almost spam like posts that you can't be expected to go through over 600 pages just to find arguments. It's sad. I utterly love this story and feel like Roustabout is a phenomenal writer who is constantly improving, but I feel almost anxious about posting the slightest hint of criticism because the fans on here seem to turn indescribably toxic at the smallest hint of it.
Especially since your argument reappearing constantly, and reading last couple of pages enough to see it at least twice.
And for me, at least, your post looks not less toxic than ones from people annoyed to no end by constantly repeating argument.
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