...I may need to start a list of every technically possible but practically terrible idea that my readers have suggested. Maybe I started this myself with an early joke about Joe's strongest weapon being a blunderbuss full of call beads, but since then we've gotten demon-bonesteel, Satan connected call beads, the recent Heretically Adaptatively body parts, and now Joe making a god in his basement.
So the answer is yes, Joe could make a mechanical god of household anything with Simple Scientific Solution. That is Washu tech, and the bigger Joe's tech base the more he can push the effects of that power. Teleporter defenses and n-dimensional precog blockers wouldn't be possible without things like the information from Master Builder giving Joe context on what he was working with. So yes, Joe could create a fully developed mechanical intelligence of incredible power that would start fully formed rather than needing a long development period like Fleet or Survey.
What would this look like? Well, what did it look like when Washu tried to make a person? How strong were they? What were they like?
Ryoko. What we are talking about here is making Ryoko as a household assistant. Only not just Ryoko because Joe's other perks would kick in, meaning you would get a divine, enchanted Ryoko with extra capacities who is also completely devoted to household issues. For some reason, probably because this is anime, I can't picture that as anything other than some form of maid.
So god-like power and devotion to a cause, at least until someone tried to drag her into a concern outside of that 'household' limitation. Then the 'Washu tech backfire" kicks in, probably in a way that will have people rushing to come up with a name for what is apparently the fourth endbringer.
This would be funny but because Joe has
standards, Maid!Ryoko wouldn't immediately do something off the chart unless pushed or begged to, which immediately would likely cause immense damage as she tries to adapt immense cosmic-type power to trying to
not accidentally sweep Brockton Bay off the East Coast and FAILING.
Doubtful it will be anywhere near as angry, alcoholic, tsundere, or the rest (remember,
standards!), but as you described it will probably be far more powerful.
And far more funny for it. And someone with whom Garment can conspire to get Joe into the nicest suits possible, or failing that, the Barbarian ones.
I find this very entertaining, mostly because I could never get into the Boys as a comic. It was too ridiculous, too over-the-top to the point where I could never really see the world as something that could actually exist. Most of my enjoyment with that series has come from occasional corssover fiction that works to point out what an insane asylum that entire setting actually is (though the series did dial things down enough that I can at least follow it without constantly having suspension of disbelief issues).
A comic that I feel did everything the Boys was trying to do, but better, was Empowered. I'm not a fan of the level of fanservice (even though that's why the series started), but if you push past that every element of the Boys commentary on superheroes is present in Empowered, and presented in a way that, to me, feels a lot more rounded. It even managed to have worse villains without coming across as completely grimdark. Seriously, I would welcome an encounter with the Homelander over having to deal with people like Willy Pete or Neurospear (Neurospear is actually the kind of direction Joe could have ended up taking if he got his original trigger without the Celestial Forge).
Really didn't mean to go off in a rant like that. The crossover is a interesting idea, and Joe's ability to empower capes would put him in direct competition with Vought. The most likely situation I could see happening is a conflict between Apeiron heroes and Vought heroes, for as long as Vought could maintain the impression that their capes were heroic. With Joe digging into their secrets it would either mean their dirty laundry would quickly be brought to light, or they would immediately move to smear him, meaning Joe would be playing villain again against the publicly recognized 'heroes'.
I actually enjoyed Empowered once you got past the fanservice, had some really interesting characters, and yeah, I can see how that works. It goes a lot farther to making the characters real people, though some of them are more like real wastes of space than people.
But why did you have to say more rounded?!?
Any rate, I can see the comparisons, but I only had the show on in the background, which is different enough from what I understand that it fits in closer with the idea.
That said, yeah, that setting would probably tick Joe off, and working on the snapshot (let's assume for the sake of the argument that the Celestial Forge power uses that same group opinion on different worlds), he'd be getting he'd probably be making anti-supe stuff to deal with them once and for all if they step out of line (which is sort of inevitable). That said, it wouldn't be quite the same: Supes in that world don't have the conflict drivers parahumans in Worm do, so are more likely to be, if not psychologically stable due to things like body dysmorphia or the like, less likely to go out and pick random fights like parahumans tend to.
Either way, I don't forsee Vought surviving the exchange.
Also: Fuck Willy Pete. In the skull.