Connections: Hell (Fallen London) Free:
Those amber eyed Devils have taken a shine to you. From their Westernmost halls, to the Brass Embassy on Ladybones, there's not a tempter who doesn't know you. Their gifts include nevercooling brass, poisonous wine, masquerade invites, chemicals, and a few bottled souls that strayed away from the archives. Cannot take with Church.
They will send you gifts every fortnight as payment for some obscure service. Similar factions may be present in future jumps.
Connections: Rubbery Men (Fallen London) Free:
Ssaloshagosh? How do you spell that? They risk stonings and harsh glances as they make their way to your abode, but by some alien measure it is worth it. Their slimy packages reveal amber of various colours, tiny unusual skulls and pocket change from ancient cities. Cannot take with Revolutionary.
They will send you gifts every fortnight as payment for some obscure service. Similar factions may be present in future jumps.
Unusual Guests
I entered the Prismatic Laboratory, my technokinesis making the operation of the wheelchair second nature.
It looked like something out of an ancient victorian mansion that had never been repaired, yet still lived in. My eyes stung, and I could suddenly see. 7 colors that hadn't been before. There were 7 banners on one wall, each with a letter and one of the colors.
The Neathbow.
A second door in the room led out into a simply entrance hall, with a grand Victorian door. I opened it fearfully. Much like the cyberpunk look I got from one of my windows, or the mountain the skyforge was on before the volcano, there was a facade of a street of a victorian city underground, a few people walking down. Just as I was about to close the door, two figures of interest rounded a corner, both carrying baskets.
One was a lovecraftian horror turned humanoid, and was being given dirty looks as he approached. One bystander picked up a loose pebble and tossed it at their face, but they continued as if nothing had happened.
The other was a white-haired, young buisnessman, bright amber eyes.
They both arrived to the door at the same time, the amber eyed one seemingly slightly unnerved by the Rubbery Man.
The Amber-eyed one stepped in and gave me, a demigod of crafting, a bone-crushing hug "Jozef! How are you today, old chap?"
There was something about the whole scenario that was so ridiculous I found myself playing along "You can likely see, not that well."
The businessman nodded, before smiling, showing his sharp fangs, and patting me on the shoulder "Well, I brought you a couple gifts. We devils really appreciate all you've done for us!"
I nodded "All I've done..?"
"Well, you know... Better not to discuss it with the..." he glanced to the rubbery man who had just entered, having been delayed by another couple stones to the face. "Anways! I'd love to stick around, but I've honestly got to get going! Hope you recover soon, Jozef!"
and with that he left, leaving the gift basket on a table. The squidman shook my hand, and and gurgled something. I found myself smiling, as if my mouth had understood his speech, and responded, "Yes, of course."
The man nodded, left his gift basket on the same table, tipped his hat slightly, and left. I closed the door, and looked at the baskets.
The rubbery man's basket was filled with a lemon-scented slime, and it was full of amber and gold coins.
The devil had gifted me a bracelet of red-hot brass, and two bottles of wi- that was not wine. Both bottles held souls...
The devil had gifted me 2 souls.
I took both baskets and walked into my workshop, only to bump into Aisha.
"Hey, Joe, I'm gonna have to leave- What is that?"
She grabbed at the rubbery gift-basket, and managed to touch the exotic ooze before I could move away fast enough.
"Aisha! This stuff was given to me by my power, I'm going to analyze it. Don't touch!"
"Oh! SHit!"
She rubbed the dollop of slime between her thumb and forefinger rapidly "No! You're spreading it like that!"
She stopped, only for the sheen of the slime to quickly fade away, absorbed by her body.
I groaned.
"What? Is it bad? Am I going to turn into a zombie?!"
"No- why would you think that?"
"I was talking with survey about a bunch of things, and the conversation somehow got to the S-class threats you had... she said one of them could make zombies or something?"
"Look, just follow me, I'll look at it in medical, and make a counteragent to whatever it's doing."
Aisha was almost shaking as we approached medical. She laid down on one of the beds and I placed a bunch of scanning arrays around her right hand.
I activated the arrays around her, glad to see that it was nothing malignant.
The ooze was nutrient-rich, and kicked the metabolism of whatever it touched into high-gear, allowing for faster regeneration and healing. Of course it was indiscriminate in what it affected, so hairs and nerves were also gaining boosts, although the nerve growths were a little more damaging.
My knowledge of how memories worked slightly covered dreams, and I was sure the trauma of nerves expanding would have a bad effect on sleeping for a couple days. I touched her hand and undid the mutations caused by the slime.
"It wasn't anything too dangerous, you'll be fine, just avoid touching it."
She nodded, said her goodbyes, and left, happy that she wasn't zombified.