Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I know it's a meme to suspect Contessa influence in literally everything, but this specific set of circumstances is really really suspicious now that I re-read it.
I think that when you've got several plot-device-tier pre-cogs in a setting, it's alright to suspect their influence in plot-relevant events.
Do you think this could teach Joe iterative enchantments? Enchantments that could continuously be upgraded and not become immediately obsolete when he gets a new perk, as he can simply upgrade them.
Maybe? I think it would make sense to be able to put something akin to Dauntless's power as an enchantment on a piece of gear.
He unlocked those a couple chapters ago. I believe he first used them on Beria.
I'm pretty sure that was Heretical Adaptations, which is slightly different than what they were asking for - Heretical Adaptations makes the gear self-upgrading, not enchantments.
She is unlikely to second trigger, but she may stop holding back, her shard is unhappy with how she has been using her power and has not gotten enough data, so it will be pushing her to use it in a more destructive manner.

Parian power works best on lightweight materials, more specifically skin and flesh, she can create a giant flesh golem that could fight titans.

skin and flesh are ridiculously heavy, they are about twice as heavy as cloth
I still trying to figure out why he is listed as a Villain.

What has Aperion done that has been villainous? He hasn't assualted anybody. Hasn't stolen anything. He sold tinkertech knifes, but if we held suppliers responsible for what was done with their wares every hardware store would go under for selling rope and every gun store would be out of business as well. He saved some villains lives, while publicly proclaiming himself to be a mercenary. Still not a villain, otherwise there would be no such thing as PMCs. He healed people without having his tech certified by the PRT, but again still not a villain. He has tried to capture other Villains, which should put him on the line as a mercenary/vigilante. Dragon knows that he sought out cooperation to find a way around the Dead Man Switch from Bakuda, and she then told Narwhal.

The PRT has no legit reason to claim he is a Villain. I want to know when they will be called on this.

oh, he doesn't have a license they would never issue him

plus he commited terrible crimes,
spoke truth to power,
made institutions of authority look bad,
has done things that the government can't control, etc
SO. One must wonder when the fanart for BCF going to come into full gear considering how popular this story is.
The fact that the order came just in time to stop them from cracking the switch combined with the PRTs specific restrictions on working with Apeiron. It's really suspicious. I now suspect outside influence. March or Cauldron, maybe. Leaning towards Cauldron since I don't think march knows that Dragon has to obey orders like that.
I know it's a meme to suspect Contessa influence in literally everything, but this specific set of circumstances is really really suspicious now that I re-read it.
That was probably March. She might not have known the exact outcome, but her shard would give her a thinker vision saying this is the best time to attack. This could also be explained logically from easily gathered information. I put letters after the ones I believe are unintended consequences.

1. Apeiron goes on PHO and makes a legal statement.
2. March reads said statement and determines Apeiron is currently discussing things with Weld.
3. March figures out Apeiron is sharing info with the PRT, most likely on Bakuda.
3a. He is actually sharing info with Dragon who was watching his communications.
4. She needs a distraction fast to stop this.
5. Unleashes Lung in hopes of stopping Apeiron and the PRT's ability to communicate.
5a. State of emergency declared.
5b. Apeiron finds out Dragon is mastered.
5c. Apeiron and Dragon can no longer work together.
6. Apeiron('s clone) puts out the fire.
6a. Dragon vs. Apeiron round 1.
7. March believes Apeiron stopped communicating to stop the fire.
7a. 12 hour long secret battle.
7b. Servitors for the win.
7c. Dragon announces move to the bay.
8. ???
9. Profit

The whole situation could basically be rolling a natural 20 on a last minute plan.
oh, he doesn't have a license they would never issue him

plus he commited terrible crimes,
spoke truth to power,
made institutions of authority look bad,
has done things that the government can't control, etc

Oh, make no mistake. He supplied known villains with Tinkertech and said tech was used in the pretty graphic attempted murder of a Ward. He has also shown multiple times that he is careless of the repercussions of his strikes, causing his enemies to escalate.

Without the context that we have by reading this story, his actions wouldn't really seem 'good' at all. He has a long way to go before he has enough PR power to sell him as anything other than a wrecking ball. Hell, he 'attacked' arguably the most selfless healer around only to show that he TOO has healing powers(by the way, he's a mercenary so his services are for hire; of COURSE attacking Panacea wasn't just to remove competition, hehe).
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Oh, make no mistake. He supplied known villains with Tinkertech and said tech was used in the pretty graphic attempted murder of a Ward. He has also shown multiple times that he is careless of the repercussions of his strikes, causing his enemies to escalate.

Without the context that we have by reading this story, his actions wouldn't really seem 'good' at all. He has a long way to go before he has enough PR power to sell him as anything other than a wrecking ball. Hell, he 'attacked' arguably the most selfless healer around only to show that he TOO has healing powers(by the way, he's a mercenary so his services are for hire; of COURSE attacking Panacea wasn't just to remove competition, hehe).
Even with context his actions are pretty stupid. He can clearly make stun batons. Why hand monomolecular blades to a bunch of teenage villains?
so a styrofoam golem?


Ok, now I'm picturing her victim being covered in the very tiny little styrofoam balls that you would find in a beanbag chair that are naturally attracted to skin. Needs to find another Villain who has the power of Pink Glitter creation/manipulation and everyone will fear for their reputations.
He hasn't assualted anybody. Hasn't stolen anything.
Assault with a Parahuman Power is a broad thing, and healing Panacea would count to that, since it was unclear to the PRT whether or not Chen was mastered, and Panacea WAS mastered, just not by him.
He sold tinkertech knifes, but if we held suppliers responsible for what was done with their wares every hardware store would go under for selling rope and every gun store would be out of business as well. He saved some villains lives, while publicly proclaiming himself to be a mercenary. Still not a villain, otherwise there would be no such thing as PMCs.
Well, when it comes to the knives, most gangs prefer to keep their tinkers in-house, so he was initially believed to be a part of the undersiders, if Khepri wasn't the one behind the knives, which they discovered was the case.
Also, tinkertech weapons sales are nowhere as personal as what happens in a hardware store. Up until recently they had no way of knowing if he had taken a cut of the money stolen, and thus would be a direct acsessory.
When he debuted, the audio didn't actually capture all times he spoke of his contract clearly, that being on the phone and when he first entered the battle location. He mentioned his contract once through speaker, but it was clear there was a contract to help the undersiders out. He also mentioned to Director Armstrong that he is a merc.
Now, as far as they are concerned he's a merc last employed by the undersiders, a group of villains; meaning he doesn't seem to value morality much and will follow basically any contract, is now doing things by himself, specifically targeting the ABB, as he told Armstrong.
Nothing really exonerating, and again, there were master suspicions that have yet to be dispelled.
Now, as far as they are concerned he's a merc last employed by the undersiders, a group of villains; meaning he doesn't seem to value morality much and will follow basically any contract, is now doing things by himself, specifically targeting the ABB, as he told

To be fair with how strong Apeiron is and the fact that he is a healer beyond Pancea?

They wouldn't really care if he has a villainous past if they could get an acceptable deal (see Madcap).
I think at the time he made them out of a hidden desire to show off and also wanting to keep Taylor safe so he made something that could be dangerous to some brutes.
He gave Taylor a SECOND weapon that wasn't a monomolecular blade. Regent also got a shock baton iirc. But he gave everyone in the Undersiders the blades.

Giving one to Taylor alone would be bad, to everyone? Dumb.
He gave Taylor a SECOND weapon that wasn't a monomolecular blade. Regent also got a shock baton iirc. But he gave everyone in the Undersiders the blades.

Giving one to Taylor alone would be bad, to everyone? Dumb.
I completely agree it was dumb. I think his motivation for this was a hidden desire to show off. Every time he's shared info about his tech he's had this tendency to want to show off or impress people. Either way we know, according to Tattletale, that he was using his passenger as a crutch emotionally and the passenger's feelings towards the Undersiders (not just Taylor) would skew his judgment of them.
Panacea WAS mastered, just not by him.
Glory Girl has not mastered Panacea. People can argue old word of god this and ward retcons suck that, but generally Lord seems to be going along with what Ward further establishes about the setting. And Ward makes it clear that Panacea's choices were her own. Even if we do say Panacea's sexuality was shaped by aura exposure, that thing about choice holds true. Victoria does not emit an "obsess over me and eventually violate me" field that forced Panacea to do what she did, or at this point would have been in the process of shaping her to do such.

The PRT's misplaced suspicions in this case were generated by Apeiron's own suspicions of mastering on Amy compounded with Amy's unwillingness to reveal her feelings for her sister registering as a general, "she's hiding something," if I remember that part of the story correctly.
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