The fact that the order came just in time to stop them from cracking the switch combined with the PRTs specific restrictions on working with Apeiron. It's really suspicious. I now suspect outside influence. March or Cauldron, maybe. Leaning towards Cauldron since I don't think march knows that Dragon has to obey orders like that.
I know it's a meme to suspect Contessa influence in literally everything, but this specific set of circumstances is really really suspicious now that I re-read it.
That was probably March. She might not have known the exact outcome, but her shard would give her a thinker vision saying this is the best time to attack. This could also be explained logically from easily gathered information. I put letters after the ones I believe are unintended consequences.
1. Apeiron goes on PHO and makes a legal statement.
2. March reads said statement and determines Apeiron is currently discussing things with Weld.
3. March figures out Apeiron is sharing info with the PRT, most likely on Bakuda.
3a. He is actually sharing info with Dragon who was watching his communications.
4. She needs a distraction fast to stop this.
5. Unleashes Lung in hopes of stopping Apeiron and the PRT's ability to communicate.
5a. State of emergency declared.
5b. Apeiron finds out Dragon is mastered.
5c. Apeiron and Dragon can no longer work together.
6. Apeiron('s clone) puts out the fire.
6a. Dragon vs. Apeiron round 1.
7. March believes Apeiron stopped communicating to stop the fire.
7a. 12 hour long secret battle.
7b. Servitors for the win.
7c. Dragon announces move to the bay.
8. ???
9. Profit
The whole situation could basically be rolling a natural 20 on a last minute plan.