Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I find it more likely that people who know about Weld's flesh payment will look at this strange new metal man who just happened to show up soon after with Apeiron and say, "oh my god, he's growing more of them!"

Or, at the very least, I find it a funnier alternative. Though I must say I don't really get why anyone would realistically assume metal nano man is Apeiron's kid.

I meant adopted kid, but then again people on PHO would probably assume that the new metal man is actually Apeiron's kid.

Given the Fandom's tendency to whitewash that racist nazi piece of shit just because she cares for a child and is hot, I'd hope her business gets fucked or just doesn't get mentioned at all. As opposed to giving her her own quirky little fashion arc. Ugh.

If she even has such a business, as you noted.

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Basically nothing, at least by the grandiose punishment standards of fanfiction. The PRT isn't just going to toss out an unstable parahuman on the street when almost every parahuman they have is unstable in some way. I'm pretty sure there's a WOG I've heard of that explains that Piggot doesn't see Sophia as enough of an issue to even bother with a transfer, the Bay needing as much manpower as it can get, and so she would just take away most of Sophia's agency and freedom as a Ward if she found out. Still technically ready to go if the bay goes to shit, but not allowed to participate in regular ward activity and watched with a stricter eye. Which would eventually piss Sophia off enough that she'd go rogue (not become a Rogue, just run away so she can do what she wants) and get labeled a villain.

I'll admit I've only heard this WOG second hand though, so if anyone would like to correct me and/or post a link to it feel free.

IIRC, the WOG was that Piggot's reaction depended on when she found out. If she learned about the locker incident after Skitter had joined the Wards, immediately after the Lung fight for example, she would have it looked into, but not much would come of that, and would tell Skitter basically to deal with it, as there is a lack of actual evidence by that point.
This is also only dealing with the bullying, and assuming nothing about Shadow Stalker's other violations of probation are found.
If Piggot learned of it while Taylor was in, or recently released, from the hospital, looking into things would find enough actionable evidence that Stalker had violated her parole, and at best she would get the option of going to a punishment posting somewhere, where she'd be much more closely monitored, or juvie.
Again, this was all without any evidence of Stalker's other parole violations, which would lead directly to her going to juvie.
I find it more likely that people who know about Weld's flesh payment will look at this strange new metal man who just happened to show up soon after with Apeiron and say, "oh my god, he's growing more of them!"

Or, at the very least, I find it a funnier alternative. Though I must say I don't really get why anyone would realistically assume metal nano man is Apeiron's kid.

Given the Fandom's tendency to whitewash that racist nazi piece of shit just because she cares for a child and is hot, I'd hope her business gets fucked or just doesn't get mentioned at all. As opposed to giving her her own quirky little fashion arc. Ugh.

If she even has such a business, as you noted.

IIRC, Purity is average looking, not ugly or anything, just regular looking.

And, more importantly, what is all this talk of a metal kid?
Joe managed to make the first group of nanites, but I didn't see anything in there about them becoming a sentient being...
IIRC, the WOG was that Piggot's reaction depended on when she found out. If she learned about the locker incident after Skitter had joined the Wards, immediately after the Lung fight for example, she would have it looked into, but not much would come of that, and would tell Skitter basically to deal with it, as there is a lack of actual evidence by that point.
This is also only dealing with the bullying, and assuming nothing about Shadow Stalker's other violations of probation are found.
If Piggot learned of it while Taylor was in, or recently released, from the hospital, looking into things would find enough actionable evidence that Stalker had violated her parole, and at best she would get the option of going to a punishment posting somewhere, where she'd be much more closely monitored, or juvie.
Again, this was all without any evidence of Stalker's other parole violations, which would lead directly to her going to juvie.

Thank you very much for the clarification.

IIRC, Purity is average looking, not ugly or anything, just regular looking.

And, more importantly, what is all this talk of a metal kid?
Joe managed to make the first group of nanites, but I didn't see anything in there about them becoming a sentient being...

Addressing the first point, let us step out of the bounds of canon and into the average worm fanfiction universe. Should a female appear in this context, it is usually safe to assume they have either been reinterpreted to be:

1. A hot babe of whatever sexuality the main character prefers


2. A cardboard cutout background prop vaguely pretending to be a character, most likely still for some sexualized purpose (i.e. a harem or some such situation. Blech.)

It's almost always been option 1 that I've come across with Purity. It's typically either the case that people assume she's hot and thus redeem her, or want to redeem her and thus make her hot. So I'll admit my original statement was technically incorrect, but the spirit of it was in the right place.

Addressing the second point, Joe's nanomachines will indeed become sentient later on. I'm fairly certain it was mentioned when he first came up with the idea to build them. They're being built as their own AI, though one bound to the operation of specific hardware (the nanites) as opposed to a pure software construct.

I don't get the "kid" thing either. It's in reference to the new AI he's making, which may have the ability to assume a human form, but I see no reason anyone outside Joe's inner circle would see the nanites as a child of Apeiron.
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And, more importantly, what is all this talk of a metal kid?
Joe managed to make the first group of nanites, but I didn't see anything in there about them becoming a sentient being...
I was referencing that the nanites will eventually become sentient and that when it visits the outside world people will speculate its origins, especially if it is spotted together with Apeiron.

I don't get the "kid" thing either. It's in reference to the new AI he's making, which may have the ability to assume a human form, but I see no reason anyone outside Joe's inner circle would see the nanites as a child of Apeiron.

The kid thing is me mentally picturing the A.I.s as Joe's kids.

I also assume that the Nanite A.I. (and the other A.I.s) will at some point refer to Apeiron as "Father/ etc." while in public, leading to everyone assuming that they are Apeiron's kids (either by blood or adoption).

I don't actually think that the A.I. will assume the form of a child, but I can see how my posts give that impression.
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Given the Fandom's tendency to whitewash that racist nazi piece of shit just because she cares for a child and is hot, I'd hope her business gets fucked or just doesn't get mentioned at all. As opposed to giving her her own quirky little fashion arc. Ugh.

Not allowing nazis to redeem themselves seems like a good way to increase the number of nazi villains running around. This isn't super important IRL but adding powers to the mix makes it more understandable.

Granted that Purity is completely incompetent at changing her ways, but this is Worm. If you had to be competent to be a hero the world would be even more screwed than it already is.

Also I don't know if it's fanon or canon but generally Purity is portayed as being basically brainwashed in a cult. It's easier for people to forgive that - I think it's viewed as similar to being mastered.

Which isn't to say that it's right that she's forgiven for her crimes, but Earth Bet realpolitic means its certainly possible.
Not allowing nazis to redeem themselves seems like a good way to increase the number of nazi villains running around. This isn't super important IRL but adding powers to the mix makes it more understandable.

Granted that Purity is completely incompetent at changing her ways, but this is Worm. If you had to be competent to be a hero the world would be even more screwed than it already is.

Also I don't know if it's fanon or canon but generally Purity is portayed as being basically brainwashed in a cult. It's easier for people to forgive that - I think it's viewed as similar to being mastered.

Which isn't to say that it's right that she's forgiven for her crimes, but Earth Bet realpolitic means its certainly possible.

Purity is an adult who can make her own choices, and a sad backstory doesn't excuse that. I'm fairly certain as well that her backstory isn't that sad, at the very least not innocent brainwashed victim sad. Sure, she has issues with her husband, but her entire peer group has been nazis a good majority of her life at this point. Even when outside the Empire she retains her racist attitudes that life has cultivated in her.

And you know what, sure. I'm all for awful people seeing the error of their ways and being allowed to go through that change. But that takes effort on their part and canon Purity never even started that journey. She's motivated by her own problems, not the realization that racism is disgusting and awful and that she is herself a problem. Maybes she's a bit less racist then some Empire freaks, but racism is racism.

So when Mr. CYOA Big Dick Katana Cat Boy strolls into town and meets a flying glowing lady who already only wants a chance to be better and do away with her previous identity, and then in the next chapter they're getting kissy kissy with one another, you can certainly see why I find that just a bit disingenuous. It's a far cry even from a story in which the PRT just keeps a legal leash on her so she can be useful. A story actually attempting a well done Purity redemption would have to be a lot harsher in tone, less forgiving of past actions and more focused on how Purity comes to actually introspect upon her flaws and go about trying to correct them, I think.

I can see why we don't get that though. Really, if you're tackling the full weight of a Nazi's emotional journey of self improvement, who's gonna want to write that? Who's gonna want to read it? It'll have to start out in a gross place, and by the end I'd guarantee you have a group of followers going, "huh, it turns out I don't actually care that much that his awful character got a second chance she didn't deserve." And I mean, if you value the idea that bad people can change, you can't just also say they don't deserve to change, but people will still say that and this is just a fictional character anyways. It becomes an issue of why people want to pay attention to and write about her, which again, is mainly for shitty waifu reasons.
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So when Mr. CYOA Big Dick Katana Cat Boy strolls into town and meets a flying glowing lady who already only wants a chance to be better and do away with her previous identity, and then in the next chapter they're getting kissy kissy with one another, you can certainly see why I find that just a bit disingenuous.

Aw, hell, I liked that story, but yeah. I see what you mean, in retrospect that was certainly a choice.

I think redemption stories are a bit overvalued in general, really. Like, you'll get huge threads of people on certain websites talking about how they used to be Nazis, and from the tone it's almost like a point of pride? But, like, it's not. There are a large group of people who are completely justified in being distrustful to even reformed Nazis, but as soon as someone points this out they'll get shouted down with the ever-popular "but you'll turn away people who might stop being Nazis if we're nice to them!" And, I think any argument which states that we should be nice to Nazis isn't a good one. If they're only gonna change because other people were nice and understanding of their being Nazis, then that's just letting people who maintain those beliefs into your circles of trust where one mean word is all it takes to get them to join their old groups. This isn't a hypothetical either, there are so many fragile former-Nazis who will defend to the death their right to use slurs and get super aggressive when people don't want to interact with them because of that.

They have to learn that bigotry is not okay period, because otherwise they'll just keep thinking that slurs are a tool only the cool kids get to use.
Aw, hell, I liked that story, but yeah. I see what you mean, in retrospect that was certainly a choice.

I have no idea if this is also just a joke playing off my own, but I would love it immensely if my random amalgamation of bad fanfic traits I tossed together for an example was literally spot on accurate to an actual specific fanfic.

If that is the case, I must ask for a link so I can see the sword cat man I apparently foretold of with the power of my third eye.
I have no idea if this is also just a joke playing off my own, but I would love it immensely if my random amalgamation of bad fanfic traits I tossed together for an example was literally spot on accurate to an actual specific fanfic.

If that is the case, I must ask for a link so I can see the sword cat man I apparently foretold of with the power of my third eye.

Heh. Well, he's not a sword cat man, but Completely Unoriginal fits the rest of that description staggeringly well.
Heh. Well, he's not a sword cat man, but Completely Unoriginal fits the rest of that description staggeringly well.

Oh yeah, I remember that fic. I've read it myself actually, before it really sunk in how fucked this fandom's general treatment of Purity is. I'm tempted to comment further on it, but that'd be quite off topic wouldn't it?

Damn though, I was really hoping to witness the legend of Katana Cat Man the Nazi Fucker...
Do you know who throws the whole "redeem Purity" fandom right out the window?

Theo Anders, that's who. He didn't need to have a sob back story to justify being a Nazi, because he could see all on his own, despite enormous parental and peer pressure, that Nazis are scum and he wanted nothing to do with them other than to reject them as thoroughly as possible. Which is why he is my very favorite character in Worm.
Kayden trying to go straight is a massive landmine for any author to tackle. But Max took the time to personally gaslight and court her, after she triggered in her delirium while slowly dying in the car wreck that nobody noticed. (After that, being in a Wildbow setting, a whole hell of a lot would have needed to go right for her to manage to go legit, which didn't happen.) He wasn't going to be nice to Theo until the boy proved a worthy heir, and as a third-gen cape it's a little odd that it took so much for the young man to finally trigger.

In both cases, they decided that E88 was full of shit after extended exposure to Max Anders.
My impression of what is probably one of my favorite scenes in the last few chapters, only beat out by Joe's letting the Undersiders know about Dragon's new interest in him...
as a third-gen cape it's a little odd that it took so much for the young man to finally trigger.
Part of that probably had to do with the fact that wanting/trying to trigger makes it almost impossible. It's more surprising that he actually did, though that could be attributed to the lessened restrictions on cape descendants.
My impression of what is probably one of my favorite scenes in the last few chapters, only beat out by Joe's letting the Undersiders know about Dragon's new interest in him...
"Gently but Firmly" my ass. They almost killed her down to her backups.

Though that did make her inner yandere want Apeiron even more so. Though, for his AI children's sake it might be a good idea to keep the Laboratorium the hell away from the main systems.
"Gently but Firmly" my ass. They almost killed her down to her backups.

Though that did make her inner yandere want Apeiron even more so. Though, for his AI children's sake it might be a good idea to keep the Laboratorium the hell away from the main systems.

Chapter 14, Fleet and Survey have both received the Laboratorium's seal of approval (?), Maybe acceptance would be more accurate.
Anyway, those two are on the guest list at least.
Luckily the lab was hard-wired to the modem, and was likely disconnected soon, or will be. Joe needs to keep them quarantined tbf
Though, for his AI children's sake it might be a good idea to keep the Laboratorium the hell away from the main systems.
Chapter 14, Fleet and Survey have both received the Laboratorium's seal of approval (?), Maybe acceptance would be more accurate.
Anyway, those two are on the guest list at least.
I'll quote myself for the reason.
Machine Spirits are animal intelligences, as opposed to human intelligences.

Machine Spirits can learn and be autonomous, equal to something like a horse, dog, or even a gorilla in intelligence. Gorillas have even been capable of using sign language with a limited vocabulary, I imagine the Titans to be around that level of intelligence.

The Machine Spirits will never, however, create anything. They are incapable of invention, art, philosophy, politics, and subterfuge. All the finer human attributes and abilities that made the Men of Iron truly dangerous.

Fleet and Survey fall into this category.