Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Take as much time as you need. This is by far favorite and longest lasting novel. These times near the holiday are very chaotic for all of us. No one would blame you if you needed to take a break until next year.
Good luck Roust, don't worry. We'll be here waiting, watching.

Always watching Rouzowsky. Always Watching

I would put a photo here but I don't know how

Well, damn!
So, next Thursday or Friday?
I assume Friday from my time zone since he always updates at noon, Thursdays and the second delay was on Friday, so it's going to be our first two delays, a 22-day chapter, surpassing the record from last time, but given how much trouble Lord is having, we might be getting an whole chapter 102 with full preambles and addendums.

Maybe we should just let Lord switch to a monthly schedule again, obviously, the OG schedule isn't viable anymore, but the new replacement is also showing its cracks.
I assume Friday from my time zone since he always updates at noon, Thursdays and the second delay was on Friday, so it's going to be our first two delays, a 22-day chapter, surpassing the record from last time, but given how much trouble Lord is having, we might be getting an whole chapter 102 with full preambles and addendums.
Realistically, he'll update Wednesday/Thursday EST like if it was just a week delay.
Maybe we should just let Lord switch to a monthly schedule again, obviously, the OG schedule isn't viable anymore, but the new replacement is also showing its cracks.
See, here's the problem. I don't think LORD wants to do that. Writing is hard, and writing a lot like BCF, while juggling a dozen live bombs is harder and writing on a strict "This is when this gets out" schedule can (to an extent) help push an author to just get things done rather than think about everything. It means you have a goal for getting your work out and it probably helps with writing fatigue, or at least mitigating the effects of it. Maybe, I dunno, I've never written anything half as long.

Either way, Lord's changed his official schedule once, I don't think he's going to do it a second time for fear of slippage. If that means we have to endure delays because the dildo of real life arrives spiked and un-lubed, so be it. As long as it helps him keep writing.
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I have been mulling on a hypothetical idea of something that I know will never be canon, but I'm curious what you guys think.

It's from that button meme where if you press it something happens, but in exchange something else also happens.

Joe gets a button and if he chooses to press it he gets access to all of the canon worm material. This includes all chapters, interludes, side stories, reader comments, Word-of-Gods, wikis, and anything else (not fanfiction). No redactions. Not only that but only those he freely gives access to are allowed to read it and they can't give anyone else access.

In exchange a website that automatically updates that everybody (including the Celestial Forge) can access but nobody (including the Celestial Forge) can edit comes into being.
One that has a list and description of all his powers. It can be sorted by date and time he got each power. It can be sorted by source material. It can be sorted in other ways that make sense. It can be toggled to show none, some, or all the ways the powers work together/mix.
It will be redacted to shield any secret identities (like anything that will give away Garment Gloves; and Tybalt will be listed as Kataklyzein for example).
It will include ALL the source material for each universe that powers come from, similar to what Joe gets on canon Worm for pressing the button. This means all books, movies, comics, anime, manga, ect. For video games it will include all the Lets Play videos for each game rather than the games themselves.
It will explain Apeiron's thinker power as the fanon consciousness of Worm. Canon Worm will be explained as a story from an alternate reality where their world is fiction. All powers from Worm will be listed as a power that comes from canon Worm and everything else will be redacted. The website will also explain what Apeiron gets for pressing the button without giving away info on canon Worm.

So if Joe had this button would he be willing to push it? If so what would happen?
I have been mulling on a hypothetical idea of something that I know will never be canon, but I'm curious what you guys think.

It's from that button meme where if you press it something happens, but in exchange something else also happens.

Joe gets a button and if he chooses to press it he gets access to all of the canon worm material. This includes all chapters, interludes, side stories, reader comments, Word-of-Gods, wikis, and anything else (not fanfiction). No redactions. Not only that but only those he freely gives access to are allowed to read it and they can't give anyone else access.

In exchange a website that automatically updates that everybody (including the Celestial Forge) can access but nobody (including the Celestial Forge) can edit comes into being.
One that has a list and description of all his powers. It can be sorted by date and time he got each power. It can be sorted by source material. It can be sorted in other ways that make sense. It can be toggled to show none, some, or all the ways the powers work together/mix.
It will be redacted to shield any secret identities (like anything that will give away Garment Gloves; and Tybalt will be listed as Kataklyzein for example).
It will include ALL the source material for each universe that powers come from, similar to what Joe gets on canon Worm for pressing the button. This means all books, movies, comics, anime, manga, ect. For video games it will include all the Lets Play videos for each game rather than the games themselves.
It will explain Apeiron's thinker power as the fanon consciousness of Worm. Canon Worm will be explained as a story from an alternate reality where their world is fiction. All powers from Worm will be listed as a power that comes from canon Worm and everything else will be redacted. The website will also explain what Apeiron gets for pressing the button without giving away info on canon Worm.

So if Joe had this button would he be willing to push it? If so what would happen?
So, a button that basically instantly negates all of the Information Security he has been trying to run since day-one in an attempt to keep Ziz and the Slaughterhouse Nine unaware of his capabilities? An "unleash your worst nightmare, in a manner you cannot prevent or mitigate!" button?

Yeah, I'm thinking the chances of him pressing it are somewhere south of "zero".
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So, a button that basically instantly negates all of the Information Security he has been trying to run since day-one in an attempt to keep Ziz and the Slaughterhouse Nine unaware of his capabilities? An "unleash your worst nightmare, in a manner you cannot prevent or mitigate!" button?

Yeah, I'm thinking the chances of him pressing it are somewhere south of "zero".
On one hand yes, but one of the major reason for the information security is that Apeiron is biding his time to figure out the world ending threat that is Zion. I think it is perfectly possible that at this point in time Apeiron determines that gaining information on the threat now is worth having his powers revealed. Especially because while it would reveal powers it wouldn't reveal his plans or technology. As a side note, the access to his powers source material might also help Apeiron to better understand his own powers, and while others would go through the website with the powers and source material Apeiron could possibly gain more from it in the short term given it would take longer for people without access to time dilation tech to go through all of the available information.
He would probably want to do so after the current problems are dealt with, so at a minimum post-GM, but you said everyone can access right?

If Joe's desperate for the information, he will enhance his Divine Curse, protecting his identity with Aisha's help covering this website. However, he will still risk Ziz, Zion, Dragon/slayers and Shards finding out.
He has the necessary information to understand the downside, but no context for what the upside means or why it might be important. No press.
The real question is can he keep
Survey from pressing the button.
Survey respects Joe's directives, so she wouldn't push the button. Although, he would have to stop her from trying to delete her own memories, given her overzealousness in enforcing his only rules regarding the Unwritten Rules.
Delay to January 3, 2024
I have been dealing with a pressing personal situation that has recently taken a very serious turn. Given what has happened and the arrangements I will have to deal with, there is not going to be a chapter this week. Additionally, I have elected to take some time away from the story to address matters properly and give myself time to rest and recover. I am taking the rest of the year off, with chapters resuming on Wednesday, January 3, 2024. This is the first significant period of downtime I have taken since I began this work, and I believe it is well warranted. I am not making any commitments for the intervening time, but I may be able to provide some overdue responses to old comments and do some work on the Girl Genius side story, since I could really use something lighter in tone right now. While I regret the necessity of this delay, I want to thank everyone who had supported my writing and assure you that Brockton's Celestial Forge will continue in the new year.
While I regret the necessity of this delay, I want to thank everyone who had supported my writing and assure you that Brockton's Celestial Forge will continue in the new year.

Thank you for writing this story that so many people enjoy. I hope whatever you're dealing with resolves in the best possible manner for you. Have a good (and restful) holiday season, Roust. We appreciate you.
Take as much time as you need, real life is more important than any story, no matter how good.

I will pray things work out for you. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!
Enjoy your break, and I hope everything in your life improves! You are one of the best and most dedicated writers I know, you have long since deserved a break (around chapter 2 or so), and I'm glad to see you taking one. Your story has brought joy and excitment to innumerable people, I hope you find some of the same in your own life soon.