Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

given the complexity of his setting, I would be happy with a once a month updates of any type.
A reply of his on AO3 really gave us an insight into what he has to deal with balancing often contradictory and disparate sources from over two dozen franchises into a workable whole. It's honestly a miracle that Lord could do weekly updates beforehand. In terms of words per minute, he may surpass Coeur and Antony over on FFN.

Edit:Antony not Anthony, Anthony444 over on
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I know Couer, whose Anthony?
Aisha'd by @choco_addict

The aspect I was referencing was his five concurrently updated stories with nearly 4M combined(around 3.8M[with one 1.8M and one 1.1M, all are over the standard novel length of 100K with the smallest being almost 200K]) although with a far more irregular schedule than Lord. He also has another similarity in that he publishes for five fandoms and with two crossovers in the mix as well.
Antony444 is one of the better writers on fanfiction and AlternateHistory. His primary fandoms, mostly crossovers are Harry Potter, A Song of Ice and Fire, Warhammer 40k and Worm.
Aisha'd by @choco_addict

The aspect I was referencing was his five concurrently updated stories with nearly 4M combined(around 3.8M[with one 1.8M and one 1.1M, all are over the standard novel length of 100K with the smallest being almost 200K]) although with a far more irregular schedule than Lord. He also has another similarity in that he publishes for five fandoms and with two crossovers in the mix as well.
Thanks telling me about him.
Antony444 is one of the better writers on fanfiction and AlternateHistory. His primary fandoms, mostly crossovers are Harry Potter, A Song of Ice and Fire, Warhammer 40k and Worm.
His Percy Jackson fanfic is honestly probably his best one imo. It's awesome, if you haven't read it you should right away. It's still updating and everything as well, just like his other fics.

I don't even like the Percy Jackson series that much, but the fic is just so good.
His Percy Jackson fanfic is honestly probably his best one imo. It's awesome, if you haven't read it you should right away. It's still updating and everything as well, just like his other fics.

I don't even like the Percy Jackson series that much, but the fic is just so good.
Agreed, the PJO fandom has been kind of a flaming cesspool ever since the films the last decade or so, hopefully Disney doesn't ruin another franchise with the new TV series and actually breathe some life back into the franchise. My favourite active Riordanverse works at the moment are An Impractical Guide to Godhood and An Undertow of Sand, maybe it has to do with the first word being a vowel?

Off from this tangent, when do you think will be the most inoppurtune time for Joe to gain the final PJO Capstone Constellation Perk, I was thinking with Laserdream, or maybe he comes across his more bitchy sister at his date with Crystal, other terrible options include S9, Echidna, Coil, Dragon/slayers or Leviathan.
Delay Announcement
The events responsible for the delay have become significantly more pressing. As such I will not be able to get the chapter up tonight. I'm tentatively extending the delay to next week, but that will depend on how things develop. I'm hoping things will settle quickly and allow me to get back to the story, but I can't offer any assurances about my schedule at this time.
The events responsible for the delay have become significantly more pressing. As such I will not be able to get the chapter up tonight. I'm tentatively extending the delay to next week, but that will depend on how things develop. I'm hoping things will settle quickly and allow me to get back to the story, but I can't offer any assurances about my schedule at this time.
I hope whatever crisis is resolved in your favor.
The events responsible for the delay have become significantly more pressing. As such I will not be able to get the chapter up tonight. I'm tentatively extending the delay to next week, but that will depend on how things develop. I'm hoping things will settle quickly and allow me to get back to the story, but I can't offer any assurances about my schedule at this time.

Best of luck in whatever you're dealing with.
The events responsible for the delay have become significantly more pressing. As such I will not be able to get the chapter up tonight. I'm tentatively extending the delay to next week, but that will depend on how things develop. I'm hoping things will settle quickly and allow me to get back to the story, but I can't offer any assurances about my schedule at this time.
Good luck Roust, don't worry. We'll be here waiting, watching.

Always watching Rouzowsky. Always Watching

I would put a photo here but I don't know how
The events responsible for the delay have become significantly more pressing. As such I will not be able to get the chapter up tonight. I'm tentatively extending the delay to next week, but that will depend on how things develop. I'm hoping things will settle quickly and allow me to get back to the story, but I can't offer any assurances about my schedule at this time.
My friend it is fine.

We all understand that life is chaotic so take your time, and know that we will be here when you come back.

Hopefully it does end well in your favour.
Not terribly concerned about a delay in this story (still further along than most everyone else). Had a feeling a further delay was likely.
Still the best tinker story (neat insight on the process).
Still the best Celestial Forge story, same as above.
Still one of the freaking longest stories on the site (that I have read, quests don't count).

So take the time you need you feel is needed. After all you still still keep writing for some reason (lol).
The events responsible for the delay have become significantly more pressing. As such I will not be able to get the chapter up tonight. I'm tentatively extending the delay to next week, but that will depend on how things develop. I'm hoping things will settle quickly and allow me to get back to the story, but I can't offer any assurances about my schedule at this time.
You okay?
Just give it a definite delay of until next week (or two, or a month, or) if you even suspect it might take that long. That way you don't need to stress about having to get this out in spare moments when you've clearly got something serious going on. Good luck with it.
The events responsible for the delay have become significantly more pressing. As such I will not be able to get the chapter up tonight. I'm tentatively extending the delay to next week, but that will depend on how things develop. I'm hoping things will settle quickly and allow me to get back to the story, but I can't offer any assurances about my schedule at this time.
You know what? I'm beginning to believe we would need to stage an intervention to get you to take a break. Not a delay to deal with your current crisis, but a legitimate time not spent writing.

In fact; Hey, everyone on the Discord, go see if you can start a poll for everyone in favor of Roust taking some time off for Christmas. So long we word it carefully he won't suspect a thing.
Well, everyone here wouldn't mind if you switched to a longer schedule if it minimises the effect on both the story and you.

We would get longer and better chapters either way, better than the old one at least.

But it's going to be the second ever three week chapter.
You know what? I'm beginning to believe we would need to stage an intervention to get you to take a break. Not a delay to deal with your current crisis, but a legitimate time not spent writing.

In fact; Hey, everyone on the Discord, go see if you can start a poll for everyone in favor of Roust taking some time off for Christmas. So long we word it carefully he won't suspect a thing.

Jokes aside, same as everyone else, hope you are well, and whatever this is gets resolved in your favour.