Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Is there plans for more story this week, or are we back on 'every two weeks' and the delay last time means we've swapped which week of the fortnight it's on?
Before the last chapter he was talking about having to rewrite it before posting and before then he moved to a 2 week a chapter schedule so it wouldn't make any sense for another chapter to be written within a week after the last one.
Do you mean Aisha or Tetra, maybe? I don't remember that Survey was have any connection with Alma ( ghost-girl from FEAR, you know).
I mean, that Alma would have take Dinah situation close to her heart, with her own background. Definitely, with EXTREMELY violence. If she could to interact with something. I have no enough knowledge about FEAR lore, and why she can`t interact with no one, except Joe.
Maybe Coil's (or Dinah?) power would have some... "connectivity" to Alma, what will allow her to interact witn them.

As I remember, Joe completely ignored Dinah's kidnapping, when it was on TV news, because he was so angry on his shard for situation with The Undersiders. And Joe was ignored everything and completely enjoyed about his shard was finally suffering about TV news. Because in this moment it was about Dinah's kidnapping.
After that? I guess that Joe don`t like think about the BBCB robbery enough. So he ignored Dinah too. And Survey wasn`t online at that time, so she didn`t make investigation about Dinah too, I think.
In one of TT interludes it was about she knew that Coil now have a precog, and she knew that Coil kidnapped Dinah too, but she didn`t understand for that he did it. She didn`t put two and two together. Would that be enough to save her from Joe's wrath? May be. Would that be enough to save her from Alma's wrath? Is the question.

I really hope that S9 will ended until this year. Or at least a fight will begin :)
I got my wires crossed a bit. I read Alma as a little sister character, which I automatically associated with Tetra, maybe because of the capital I Proto AIma.

If anything, Alma would be the little Sis/Niece of Garment, given the gifts given via offerings PJO style.

It would be nice to give Dinah some friends her age, even if they're Psychic Ghost Girls (the Whisper one as well)

Can't be worse than Taylor.
I've been reading up on recent WoGs, and found this gem:
LordRoustabout said:
Most people's knowledge of the Brockton Bay Wards began at the Aegislash, meaning they've only really seen their public appearance during the aftermath of the bank job. Given that was exactly the time when Clockblocker suddenly couldn't afford to joke around anymore the bulk of the country has really only seen the person who froze himself to endure a swarm of insects, was granted an official commendation for his coordination of defense of civilians, who saved hostages from implanted bombs, and who perfectly coordinated his team against an assault of tinkertech weapons. Locals might find the shift disorienting, but as far as the rest of the country is concerned, Clockblocker is just like that.
No wonder outsiders like Gully only see Clockblocker as a serious hero - all things considered, if you only know this much about him he's pretty much even more of an exemplar of competence, stoicism, and seriousness. Especially in contrast to the sheer embarrassment that Armsmaster had been in that same time period: despite being known for his supposed competence, he had majorly impaired PRT response with that interrogation of Panacea, greatly misjudged Apeiron to be a non-Tinker, got smacked around by Lung and lost Weld in the process, before remaining absent for the rest of Apeiron's activities.
I've been reading up on recent WoGs, and found this gem:

No wonder outsiders like Gully only see Clockblocker as a serious hero - all things considered, if you only know this much about him he's pretty much even more of an exemplar of competence, stoicism, and seriousness. Especially in contrast to the sheer embarrassment that Armsmaster had been in that same time period: despite being known for his supposed competence, he had majorly impaired PRT response with that interrogation of Panacea, greatly misjudged Apeiron to be a non-Tinker, got smacked around by Lung and lost Weld in the process, before remaining absent for the rest of Apeiron's activities.
Well it is well known in psychology that negative emotions outweigh positive emotions in terms of public memory. So Armsmaster's decade of service does not compare to Clockblocker's week of sucesses.(Apart from the Gallery being rebuilt, of course)

As one of the ones actually seeking a Contract(his Dad already got Shikigami to freeze his condition, unbenownst to him), it be interesting to see what a minimal effort Apeiron work could do to enhance his powers. Maybe increase range or add a timer?

Of course, Dennis would probably appreciate a Aphrodite-ish blessing after his Dad is healed given his age and mentality.
Well it is well known in psychology that negative emotions outweigh positive emotions in terms of public memory. So Armsmaster's decade of service does not compare to Clockblocker's week of sucesses.(Apart from the Gallery being rebuilt, of course)
Might also be the fact that Clockblocker is still a Ward team leader and that since apparently the brockton standard operations of wards is equivalent to WTF are you doing level of danger for other branches of the PRT means that his showings in Public is the equivalent of a Full fledged Protectorate Team despite his Youth.
Well it is well known in psychology that negative emotions outweigh positive emotions in terms of public memory. So Armsmaster's decade of service does not compare to Clockblocker's week of sucesses.(Apart from the Gallery being rebuilt, of course)
To be fair, Armsmaster's downfall is actually a lot worse than what I've listed. As the leader of the Brockton Bay Protectorate, he along with Director Piggot are at the center of all the criticism coming down on the local PRT branch. It's especially worse for Armsmaster - at least Piggot was a nameless director as far as the public was concerned - Armsmaster was one of the more famous members of the local PRT with a sterling reputation. For him to have that kind of reputation though while the ABB still managed to arrange human trafficking rings of even underage citizens?

That kind of thing paints nobody in a good light, but in Armsmaster's case especially it gives off the idea that the only reason why his reputation is so good is because he pays more attention to it than actually doing his job. Suddenly, he stops looking like the ideal Hero and more like a pretender than only cares about PR. Add to that to his nonexistent to even disastrous showing with the recent things that have happened in Brockton Bay, and it makes sense why Colin's suddenly not that concerned about breaking a few rules anymore. After all, he's already in a hole so deep that digging it a bit deeper for himself wouldn't really change anything.
To be fair, Armsmaster's downfall is actually a lot worse than what I've listed. As the leader of the Brockton Bay Protectorate, he along with Director Piggot are at the center of all the criticism coming down on the local PRT branch. It's especially worse for Armsmaster - at least Piggot was a nameless director as far as the public was concerned - Armsmaster was one of the more famous members of the local PRT with a sterling reputation. For him to have that kind of reputation though while the ABB still managed to arrange human trafficking rings of even underage citizens?

That kind of thing paints nobody in a good light, but in Armsmaster's case especially it gives off the idea that the only reason why his reputation is so good is because he pays more attention to it than actually doing his job. Suddenly, he stops looking like the ideal Hero and more like a pretender than only cares about PR. Add to that to his nonexistent to even disastrous showing with the recent things that have happened in Brockton Bay, and it makes sense why Colin's suddenly not that concerned about breaking a few rules anymore. After all, he's already in a hole so deep that digging it a bit deeper for himself wouldn't really change anything.
From my current reread it actually seems that Armsmaster/Colin is doing much better than Piggot. Specifically it's because he got seriously injured and has been incapacitated for basically this entire crisis. It also probably helps that as far as the public is concerned he caught Lung shortly before the crisis showing that he was making progress. The public actually wants him back, it also helps that people believe that he's responsible for the partial clearing of the blackout zone that Zion did.

So he's actually doing pretty well all things considered.
For him to have that kind of reputation though while the ABB still managed to arrange human trafficking rings of even underage citizens?
Keep in mind that one part of what set all this off was Armsmaster being involved in taking Lung into custody, as far as the general public is aware. So it probably doesn't look like they were ignoring the problem of the ABB, but until the Ungodly Hour, it looked like the Bay didn't have anyone who could have a good chance of defeating the ABB or capturing its members without luck and very specific preparation, which Armsmaster had been doing (as is expected of a skilled tinker). Because of that, and because he really doesn't seem to be that good socially even with all the coaching and tools he has, I suspect the public won't generally get the impression he was more focused on PR than stopping the ABB, and more think that he just isn't the sort of tier to solo the Brockton situation, and the local heroes were vastly outnumbered and in some cases overpowered. They'll certainly think he made his mistakes, and wasn't competent enough, but I think they'll be less thinking he was PR focused, and more thinking he's done relatively well with his powers and the forces he had on hand, but that he was nowhere near up to the standards of craziness that is Brockton Bay, and that the Bay was long in need of a Triumvirate tier hero that simply wasn't available due to the limited number of them being more needed elsewhere (like protecting LA, New York, or suppressing the Fallen).

If anything, it's the politicians who don't want to deal with this who are most likely to blame Armsmaster for his part in setting things off, rather than the general public, as they much would have preferred the status quo.

Although I suspect intelligence analysts are more likely to pin blame on people who didn't stop March much sooner or notice how much of a threat she was, as well as those near Cornell for not solidly containing Bakuda to prevent her from ending up with the ABB.
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To be fair, Armsmaster's downfall is actually a lot worse than what I've listed. As the leader of the Brockton Bay Protectorate, he along with Director Piggot are at the center of all the criticism coming down on the local PRT branch. It's especially worse for Armsmaster - at least Piggot was a nameless director as far as the public was concerned - Armsmaster was one of the more famous members of the local PRT with a sterling reputation. For him to have that kind of reputation though while the ABB still managed to arrange human trafficking rings of even underage citizens?

That kind of thing paints nobody in a good light, but in Armsmaster's case especially it gives off the idea that the only reason why his reputation is so good is because he pays more attention to it than actually doing his job. Suddenly, he stops looking like the ideal Hero and more like a pretender than only cares about PR. Add to that to his nonexistent to even disastrous showing with the recent things that have happened in Brockton Bay, and it makes sense why Colin's suddenly not that concerned about breaking a few rules anymore. After all, he's already in a hole so deep that digging it a bit deeper for himself wouldn't really change anything.

I would say it's worse for Piggot though Armsy has the excuse of a concussion for the losing Weld thing which he has since used to keep himself off to the side out of the line of fire and blameless for what happened after. This has also given him a chance to take a breath and calm down before reviewing things while Piggot has continued to be in it and pile up more mistakes.

The most serious thing for Piggot though isn't even that which just things before the rock even before the investigation it was guaranteed she'd lose her job the only thing undecided was if she'd face jail time. However, because of that very thing she devoted the prt's resources into mitigating how much blame she'd get by kicking as many problems as she could down the road even if it made them grow larger because then they'd be someone else's fault when they blew up and by shifting blame to others such as the stunt with trying to get Apeiron a pre signed kill order just so she could leak it to the local media to shift blame to him.

On top of that all being really bad for her when the investigation inevitably uncovers it because the Butcher was revealed to be in the Bay she has been kept on. Which means that on top of those actions going on for longer those messes are now likely to blow up with her in charge.

You also speak of the pr games making them look really bad now that the true crimes have been exposed but Armsy while better than his fanon version still isn't that good at pr while each of the prt directors has a specialty and Piggot herself claims hers is pr which combined with things like the obvious pr games Piggot has been up to recently will make her look responsible for them.

Of course Armsy isn't too safe either. Wogs talk about how if she learned Taylor was Kephri then Piggot would scrub any of the key info about Taylor that led her to that conclusion. However, Armsy is also in danger because the situation is going to be put under a fine tooth comb later including many thinker powers and he is keeping his ties to her quiet.

This is especially bad for him because just as in canon Taylor and the undersiders were the ones to take down Lung with him just tranqing him while down but he omitted her from his report and claimed full credit and the multitude of bug venom is a glaring red flag. There's also their later unreported interaction where he really screwed up socially, pushing her away but also got info such as about Joe's existence and the undersiders being about to do a big hit which he acted on such as ramping up the response which is why all the wards except Sophia were at the bank and could be noticed. Combined with how the analysts are desperate for every scrap of valid info and as we saw in his own pov section it won't go well for him if it's found out.
Might also be the fact that Clockblocker is still a Ward team leader and that since apparently the brockton standard operations of wards is equivalent to WTF are you doing level of danger for other branches of the PRT means that his showings in Public is the equivalent of a Full fledged Protectorate Team despite his Youth.
That's something included in it. Honestly, this gives a way better characterisation of Missy than most fics which tend to assume just because she's not SS she can instantly be typecast as badass veteran and shoehorned in as Taylor's new best friend or Dinah's somehow.
To be fair, Armsmaster's downfall is actually a lot worse than what I've listed. As the leader of the Brockton Bay Protectorate, he along with Director Piggot are at the center of all the criticism coming down on the local PRT branch. It's especially worse for Armsmaster - at least Piggot was a nameless director as far as the public was concerned - Armsmaster was one of the more famous members of the local PRT with a sterling reputation. For him to have that kind of reputation though while the ABB still managed to arrange human trafficking rings of even underage citizens?

That kind of thing paints nobody in a good light, but in Armsmaster's case especially it gives off the idea that the only reason why his reputation is so good is because he pays more attention to it than actually doing his job. Suddenly, he stops looking like the ideal Hero and more like a pretender than only cares about PR. Add to that to his nonexistent to even disastrous showing with the recent things that have happened in Brockton Bay, and it makes sense why Colin's suddenly not that concerned about breaking a few rules anymore. After all, he's already in a hole so deep that digging it a bit deeper for himself wouldn't really change anything.
The best thing is that it's kind of true, in Canon we see unlike Fanon, he has a sort of PR trained Charisma and an endless search for promotions. Although that could just be Taylor's paranoia speaking.
While Piggot does have it really bad, that doesn't really make Colin's situation any less severe. Especially as far as other branches of the Protectorate are probably concerned - they wouldn't see the severity of the past and present crimes of the ABB as anything but a massive failing on the Brockton Protectorate's part, and as its leader, Colin would get the brunt of it especially when they all believed him to be competent all this time.

My point isn't even about what Colin did since the start of the fic as much as how everything that has been revealed about the ABB has recontextualized everything Colin has done before the start of the fic. Consider it to be a similar response to how people reacted to the Triumvirate's part in Cauldron in canon, but instead of your faith in your superior being shaken, it is your respect for a longtime peer that is shaken at the reveal that they had apparently been letting things rot for a long time.

It would be one thing if Armsmaster didn't have such a sterling reputation, because he didn't then it could be seen as things merely being unfortunate. But if even Miss Militia got the ire of Gully and Shuffle over the Farms and the management of the Brockton Wards, then imagine what they might think of Armsmaster who she was ultimately just standing for in his absence.
The thing is, through WoGs and Ward, all of her paranoias and persecution syndrome have been revealed as being actually true since WindBlow is an active government distruster (and his views color the entirety of Worm and Ward)
I think that Wildbow is a bit more than just an active government distruster. I generally don't trust any government but Wildbow takes it to a whole new level. Unless there is some specific definition for government distruster or whatever I think it's too mild a term.
I think that Wildbow is a bit more than just an active government distruster. I generally don't trust any government but Wildbow takes it to a whole new level. Unless there is some specific definition for government distruster or whatever I think it's too mild a term.
American, Paranoid, Anarchist maybe I don't know of any more specific terms.
American, Paranoid, Anarchist maybe I don't know of any more specific terms.
Nah. Not American, there are plenty of Americans who trust the government way too much. Wildbow is also Canadian as far as I know, as you can see with his failure to understand that there are more than 1.2 guns per person in the US and how deadly they are. Anyway, I think calling him a paranoid anarchist would probably fit.
Yeah, Paranoid Anarchist probably does it, if you want proof just see how his golden girls are from an independent non governmental team, how Cauldron is literally just the Illuminati and how in Ward normal government is never reestablished again even by the good guys.
honestly, at this point Joseph could kick the shit out of the butcher with nothing but hand to hand

"just fists"

"what?" the butcher ask, all voices equally confused

"I'm saying that i, the thinker, will use no weapon, and will face you entirely with hand-to-hand combat"

and he would kick they/them ass

I mean, what do they do? Teleport, he hits you with a fist and starts moving exactly to where you were moving

I fully expect the butcher to consistently teleport into ape irons fist and kicks, to the point they entirely give up using teleportation as a strategy

precognition, doesn't work

arrows and bullets are caught by hand, or straight up ignored

invisible pain blast and mindless rage is dodged because of course he can see it and dodged, or again, straight up immune

same with rotting beam

what follows is a 20k world description of the butcher getting handed their ass with taichi, pankration, and other styles and apeiron not even bothering to use technology to defeat someone as lowly as the butcher

truly break in how below this absolutely feared cape is feared by everyone be completely irrelevant to the point the tinker doesn't even bother to use tech
Practical Jokes (Knaka)
Time for an omake.

Something like this has been in my head for a while, but I finally decided to write it.


Practical Jokes

Aisha watched as Joe entered the room. Right now, the only other one in the room with them was Tybalt, but Survey was also watching them.

She was always watching.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" asked Joe.

"Oh, nothing big, I just thought it might be a good idea to have a team bonding exercise." Aisha replied.

Joe raised an eyebrow. "like what?"

"Oh, not much" Aisha said. "I just thought it would be a good idea to have a small practical joke contest."

As she saw the panic in Joe's eyes, Aisha tried to calm him down. "Don't worry, we'll keep it small, just stuff that normal people would do."

"Yeah, I don't think the world can handle us going all out." said Joe. "So what were you thinking of doing?"

"Oh, I already did it, you'll find out about it later." Aisha replied. It was a good way as any to explain her connection with Brian. "It only really affects one other person than you, and it shouldn't be that big." she hoped.

"Great" Joe drew out the word. "How about everyone else?"

Immediately after he spoke the words, Joe perked up. Aisha knew that meant he was in contact with the others through his implant.

"I see" Joe said. "So, Survey gave Parian a gag gift. Pretty harmless, though it somewhat defeats the point if you have to explain it. Fleet arranged several cars to spell out his name when you look at it from above. Not sure if anyone will notice that, but it seems that he enjoyed it, so no harm. The Matrix filled a room at the Regency Center with crates of whoopee cushions. I guess that's harmless. Tetra swapped Dauntless' Arclance with a foam copy for a minute. It doesn't look like anyone noticed, so we should be fine. Garment gave barbarian chic costumes to the Protectorate heroes. That..." Joe cradled his head in his hands. "I really hope they don't use those."

After a few seconds, Joe turned to Tybalt. "What about you?"

Tybalt just smiled at Joe while giving the Felyne equivalent of a thumbs up.


About the same time...

Lisa was sitting on the couch in the Undersider's base. She was typing on a laptop computer that sat on the coffee table in front of her while the TV played a muted broadcast. She could also feel the beginnings of a thinker headache coming on.

Lisa leaned forward to stand up to get something to drink before going utterly still. Her pupils widened as a shocked look appeared on her face. Seconds later, the tranquil silence in the loft was shattered.



In case you can't tell what happened. Tybalt temporarily disabled his power on Lisa and only Lisa. I saw this in a comment a wile ago, and kept thinking about it. In this omake, the effect only lasts as long as the power is down, after which Lisa will ignore it again. Yes, this does mean she will think of her actions here as strange but be unable to figure out why she acted that way. That will be 'fun' for her.
Nah. Not American, there are plenty of Americans who trust the government way too much. Wildbow is also Canadian as far as I know, as you can see with his failure to understand that there are more than 1.2 guns per person in the US and how deadly they are. Anyway, I think calling him a paranoid anarchist would probably fit.

Yeah, Paranoid Anarchist probably does it, if you want proof just see how his golden girls are from an independent non governmental team, how Cauldron is literally just the Illuminati and how in Ward normal government is never reestablished again even by the good guys.

Wait, does that mean that Saint is his Self-Insert?

That would be quite strange.
honestly, at this point Joseph could kick the shit out of the butcher with nothing but hand to hand

"just fists"

"what?" the butcher ask, all voices equally confused

"I'm saying that i, the thinker, will use no weapon, and will face you entirely with hand-to-hand combat"

and he would kick they/them ass

I mean, what do they do? Teleport, he hits you with a fist and starts moving exactly to where you were moving

I fully expect the butcher to consistently teleport into ape irons fist and kicks, to the point they entirely give up using teleportation as a strategy

precognition, doesn't work

arrows and bullets are caught by hand, or straight up ignored

invisible pain blast and mindless rage is dodged because of course he can see it and dodged, or again, straight up immune

same with rotting beam

what follows is a 20k world description of the butcher getting handed their ass with taichi, pankration, and other styles and apeiron not even bothering to use technology to defeat someone as lowly as the butcher

truly break in how below this absolutely feared cape is feared by everyone be completely irrelevant to the point the tinker doesn't even bother to use tech
With Katsujinken, he can probably communicate with the two heroes and use his various assorted soul tech to free them using countercraft
Time for an omake.

Something like this has been in my head for a while, but I finally decided to write it.


Practical Jokes
It's funny in a tongue-in-cheek way how even Becky got scrambled with the fiat-backed Stranger effect.
honestly, at this point Joseph could kick the shit out of the butcher with nothing but hand to hand

"just fists"

"what?" the butcher ask, all voices equally confused

"I'm saying that i, the thinker, will use no weapon, and will face you entirely with hand-to-hand combat"

and he would kick they/them ass

I mean, what do they do? Teleport, he hits you with a fist and starts moving exactly to where you were moving

I fully expect the butcher to consistently teleport into ape irons fist and kicks, to the point they entirely give up using teleportation as a strategy

precognition, doesn't work

arrows and bullets are caught by hand, or straight up ignored

invisible pain blast and mindless rage is dodged because of course he can see it and dodged, or again, straight up immune

same with rotting beam

what follows is a 20k world description of the butcher getting handed their ass with taichi, pankration, and other styles and apeiron not even bothering to use technology to defeat someone as lowly as the butcher

truly break in how below this absolutely feared cape is feared by everyone be completely irrelevant to the point the tinker doesn't even bother to use tech
Fitting for someone who calls themselves "Butcher" to be beaten entirely by meat.
Wait, does that mean that Saint is his Self-Insert?

Nah that would be Jack Slash, you can tell because aside from Jack's plot armour, views and how defensive over him with his whole Jack can't lose to parahumans ever attitude wildbow has he doesn't really give Saint a fair shake. The matter over Dragon being an ai and how dangerous it is is absolutely a valid concern and it's a debate the Dragonslayers cover pretty well when they find the terminal and before they actually use Ascalon.

This is especially true considering canon Dragon is nowhere near as good of a person as fanon Dragon. In that situation they knew an extinction level event was due to happen at any moment. However, despite that Dragon slowed down her search for Jack Slash who was meant to set it off by diverting some of her processing power and resources to instead use the national access to things like traffic cameras she had been granted access to to find him to instead find the Dragonslayers and had also put aside resources to ensure their capture.

If you ask anyone in the fandom tho they will just consider Saint a glory seeking idiot and the reason for that is simply that aside from the fandom tending to ignore all the bad or dubious things Dragon does Saint had a confrontation with fan and wildbow favourite Lisa Wildbourne. Due to that Lisa got to deliver a big uninterrupted reason you suck speech with the benefit of hindsight but Saint who had been heavily hit by Teacher's power was only able to present brand new feeble arguments to defend himself with that so she could tear them apart after each instead of any of the good points they'd made before and that's all people remember. Heck by Ward Saint and the Dragonslayers are basically reduced to mindless henchmen and I'm fairly sure Saint by that point can't even speak.
With Katsujinken, he can probably communicate with the two heroes and use his various assorted soul tech to free them using countercraft

Oh, Joe don't need Katsujinken, in fact he already solved this problem. He did a ritual with Tetra, so she have the connection to them. He could yoink their souls at any time.

But why waste a civil war inside the Butcher's head ?
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While there are some valid points here I think the reason I hate Saint and a lot of people do has well more has to do with if his arguments are valid he should have killed Dragon years ago. The only reason he doesn't is because he wants to feel special.
Because that's a feeling that definitely none of us here can relate at all, I'm sure
Because that's a feeling that definitely none of us here can relate at all, I'm sure
Well sure. We want to feel special. We also aren't feeding that by keeping what we believe to be an existential threat to humanity around to "watch". Saint also kinda does a piss poor job of actually watching and controlling Dragon. There are also other things like how him becoming a mercenary was completely unnecessary and was also again only to feed his ego.

The only reasonable responses to getting Dragon's terminal if his arguments are true was either killing her then or watching her constantly until she showed the first signs of slipping her leash then killing her. He did neither of these.