Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

The magic shortcut (like HP killing curse) is closed due to the magic-parahuman equivalence, and destroying the core through physical force is impossible without destroying Earth.
Even then, Joe could do it. I'm not even kidding - Joe not only has countless planet-destroying weaponry on hand right now, he also has the ability to contain that kind of power. Heck, when we think of weapons of destruction, we tend to think of nukes. The most powerful nuke in history ever tested, the Tsar Bomba, detonated with the energy of 50 megatons of TNT.

But that is but a mere rounding error compared to the 4.4 million tons of matter converted straight into energy per second by Joe's Dyson Sphere. As in, we are talking an energy output of 2 billion Tsar Bombas per second. Literally, and I really do mean literally here, Joe can set the atmosphere on fire just by switching on his Workshop power supply and pointing it at the sky, and he can destroy the planet by pointing it towards the ground. And that's just his power supply, much less his weaponry.

There's a reason why Joe can think so blatantly and even jokingly about Endbringers these days. Because as he is right now, they're only threats in terms of collateral damage, not to himself or his team.
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The problem isn't surviving the Endbringers, it's killing them. The magic shortcut (like HP killing curse) is closed due to the magic-parahuman equivalence, and destroying the core through physical force is impossible without destroying Earth.

It is possible though really the main hinderance is Joe deciding to risk the passenger's things get worse if you do kill one warning. First of all I would take the planet busting stuff with a fair amount of doubt because what really happened was originally they weren't meant to be that strong which can be seen in a ton of wogs such as the justice league could easily handle them. However, someone then looked at the numbers Lisa's power gave and worked out what property it had to be talking about from the progression and equivalences.

From that they ran the numbers to work out things like what the innermost bits would be like and reported the results to which Wildbow said Oh I didn't expect it to be anywhere near that high and rolled with it plus later got on his my verse is the strongest thing ever craze so buffed them further and came out with a ton of statements about how they were super special snowflakes that could do things like beat the justice league while also giving them an absolutely absurd scenario for it which had all 3 endbringers appear on the dc earth including Ziz above a city and I believe it was 6 months to study things and set up Ziz bombs without any of the dc characters not even the likes of Batman or the question being allowed to do any studying or observation of them in turn.

More directly though they do have options for it especially on Ziz who is smaller and frailer and flies. You also shouldn't be looking at things conventionally since the forge has things like Survey's big annihilator combo atk they can use that don't cause explosions. There's also just the effects of perks resulting in thinks like swords cutting far better than they otherwise should and all the exotic options like tetra draining and stygian iron because divine things and stuff like psionics are ocps to them. If you were to be really picky there's also him being able to make the copy of March's sword and use her version of sting through it.
Joe knows the Vortex bomb from 40k is a sure kill, the problem is the randomly appearing vortexes afterwards, if he could refine emulation of March's power and use his magitech and hybridisation skills, it could work better, I think.
His noble Phantasm allows him to build stuff in his workshop without being in his workshop. Also, he can pay the cost with his hair and has infinite hair.
That's actually brilliant, and it mostly uses pure nasuverse principles too. But the problem is the specific materials, Joe should probably carry infinitesimally small samples of each of the crafting materials he has access too, in case of an emergency mild inconvenience, remember psychically assembled objects count as hand crafted for all of Joe's powers. Yes, including Master Craftsman.

Also has anybody considered, in the worst case scenario, he can make his stepmom plenty of divine cocktails in order to bribe him to increase his blessing along with his cousin so he can seduce all of the females?
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Joe has a respect for the unwritten rules and wants to lead by example into having the world honor them. Having a drone constantly stalk a cape at all times is antithesis to that, no matter how unlikely it ever being discovered is. While Joe presumably does have at least some monitoring of the Teeth in general, them going in civvies defeated whatever monitoring Joe was doing, either intentionally through understanding Joe's stance on the rules, or through sheer luck of just deciding to go out of costume for whatever reason.
I don't think that the Teeth have civilian identities.
Question about Joe's new power; if he cranks it all the way up, is the Titan Hangar going to crank out ten Titan robots per (outside) day?
Because he already has more of them than he knows what to do with…
Maybe he should program in a police variant and sell them to BBPD…?
He has what is effectively his own nation/continent; they will almost certainly be fine. He might be able to have them escort souls around for him.
The problem isn't surviving the Endbringers, it's killing them. The magic shortcut (like HP killing curse) is closed due to the magic-parahuman equivalence, and destroying the core through physical force is impossible without destroying Earth.

Even then, Joe could do it. I'm not even kidding - Joe not only has countless planet-destroying weaponry on hand right now, he also has the ability to contain that kind of power. Heck, when we think of weapons of destruction, we tend to think of nukes. The most powerful nuke in history ever tested, the Tsar Bomba, detonated with the energy of 50 megatons of TNT.

But that is but a mere rounding error compared to the 4.4 million tons of matter converted straight into energy per second by Joe's Dyson Sphere. As in, we are talking an energy output of 2 billion Tsar Bombas per second. Literally, and I really do mean literally here, Joe can set the atmosphere on fire just by switching on his Workshop power supply and pointing it at the sky, and he can destroy the planet by pointing it towards the ground. And that's just his power supply, much less his weaponry.

There's a reason why Joe can think so blatantly and even jokingly about Endbringers these days. Because as he is right now, they're only threats in terms of collateral damage, not to himself or his team.

Sorry, let me reformulate : the problem is killing the Endbringers without destroying humanity in the process.

Also, he can pay the cost with his hair and has infinite hair.

Nope. The cost of his Noble Phantasm isn't in "hair", it's in mana (technically Od). In Fate, long hair act as mana batteries, but you still need to charge that battery with your magic circuit (those extract mana from the environment and store it in your body as Od... a process which is not possible during the time stop of the Noble Phantasm by the way), so generating extra hairs from his Devil may cry perk won't magically give him extra mana to pay the Noble Phantasm.

No infinite loop (for now).

That's actually brilliant, and it mostly uses pure nasuverse principles too. But the problem is the specific materials, Joe should probably carry infinitesimally small samples of each of the crafting materials he has access too, in case of an emergency mild inconvenience, remember psychically assembled objects count as hand crafted for all of Joe's powers. Yes, including Master Craftsman.

Joe's Noble Phantasm give him access to the materials from his storage, so that's a non-issue.
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Nope. The cost of his Noble Phantasm isn't in "hair", it's in mana (technically Od). In Fate, long hair act as mana batteries, but you still need to charge that battery, so generating extra hairs from his Devil may cry perk won't magically give him extra mana to pay the Noble Phantasm.

No infinite loop (for now).

Joe's Noble Phantasm give him access to the materials from his storage, so that's a non-issue.
He can refill his mana with hair because every part of a magus has Od in it. With his devil may cry perk he can grow more hair with Od in it. This means that he can use his noble Phantasm and drain himself completely. Then refill himself and immediately go back in.

He's done this in the past I believe.
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No. He can grow more hair, but why would it contains Od ?

Quote ?
Every part of a magus contains Od. It was mentioned as possibly the most important and powerful application of the hair perk when he got it. I'll try hunting down the quote but it might take a while. I might be wrong about him being able to refill but he can definitely use it to enchant and such.
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Every part of a magus contains Od. It was mentioned as possibly the most important and powerful application of the hair perk. I'll try hunting down the quote but it might take a while. I might be wrong about him being able to refill but he can definitely use it to enchant and such.
Using as a foundation for a mystic code you mean, enchantment in the nasuverse usually refers to pre Age of Man magecraft, Mystics Eyes, or whatever Shakespeare does.

The two types of mystic code are storage/amplification and functional, if he could craft a battery using renewable body compenents and drained excess Od into it, it could serve as a emergency source of energy.
Sorry, let me reformulate : the problem is killing the Endbringers without destroying humanity in the process.
As I said in my post, he can do it though? Not just the killing part, but also the containing the damage and the explosion that follows after part. Consider how Joe can create magical, technological, and/or magitech barriers powered by the same power supply and quality boosts that he has. Not only that, he also has the assistance of the Matrix that is specialized in evacuation, construction, and reconstruction whilst also being very experienced in utilizing Mantic technology to record and rewind damage done to a location.

LordRoustabout already gave the WoG for Joe defeating and containing the aftermath of an Endbringer's death a long time ago, though I will need time to track down the specific WoG in question.

Edit: Found it. Thank god for whoever keeps on working on the WoG page of the TvTropes of this fic.
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>Joe worries about the charity show
>Uses super grandma powers to make sure it works
>Parian refuse to work in tandem with GG
>Super grandma powers don't work on her
>Joe is worried that Parian incompetence (not in those words) will harm Sabah's (and other students') future.
>Luckily Emma Emma'd all over Taylor
>Luckily Taylor had her shields down so Joe got immediately warned
>Luckily someone filmed the whole thing
>Luckily the police had Taylor's name in quick dispatch
>Luckily Danny was besides a computer to receive the video and quickly go support his daughter
>Luckily the police arrived even with the streets as they are before Emma's parents could take her away
>Luckily that meant Emma couldn't attend the charity even if she was let out
>Luckily (or unluckily in Survey's case) Sabah is a gigatic simp pulling a Joe on Survey so Survey have an in to talk with her about Emma 'unfortunate' dissapearance
>Luckily there is happy go lucky 'teen' right there that can replace Emma
>Luckily this means super grandma powers now cover for Parian/Sabah's side of the show as well
>And with everything going hunky dory Sabah doesn't have the risk of suffering a Second Trigger at the moment and/or having an episode for not thinking for five seconds that her marionette show may be a bit innapropiate for what the charity is about

No wonder Joe is fucking paranoid...


Found it. Thank god for whoever keeps on working on the WoG page of the TvTropes of this fic.

The TvTropes page is such a mess full of hyperlinks and blue text that really needs a thorough editing since modt of the entries are full of speculation and WoG quoting instead of things that have been actually been confirmed in-story that it makes it a bit hard to read tbh...
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Very likely since we are assuming these are real people in relatively modern day with real connections to people that live more that 10 miles from where they live.

irrelevant since Joe has not disclosed any payment hes received for anything.

Because they are a seemingly unstoppable murderhobo group...also Joe has no reason to give his client's reasoning.

Given what Survey was shown to do and given that Survey works with the Celestial Forge who are acknowledged bullshit artists, they should already be assuming this.

Thank you for being at least mildly less obtuse than the other guy by only conflating possibly the worst group of parahumans on the continent with all other villains. The point is still invalidated by comparing them to Johnny Sticky-Fingers with the power to run good and penchant for stealing candy bars.

With the grit and determination of someone who thinks "yeah I can take them. All the stories are bullshit." Also let me remind you of Lung and the ABB and what Joe did to them. That is both an object lesson in the futility in confronting the CF and how Joe is not immortal and unstoppable as he can be made to bleed.
Your counterpoint to number two is flawed. Need I remind you about how the whole khepirion situation occurred? He's not worried about government response (which would be logical and thought out with logic), he's worried about the general public that would bend the government response into something illogical. Or mass panic. Things like that.
Just remembered a quote from
Chapter 114: 82.1, the Interlude with Uppercrust.

Conversation between Yellowjack and Uppercrust.
"We shouldn't expect any immediate action from Bastard Son. He'd been focused on some internal project. Collecting capes and specialists with a focus on chemistry or material science. No information on the nature of what he's developing as yet."

So that's Uber, Victor and Bastard all confirmed to be on the Equivalent Exchange train. Those eldritch shards really like transmutation from FMA.

I know a lot of tinkers were excited about elemental Dust from RWBY. Are Armsmaster and Dragon still studying that?

Blasto tried to copy aspects of Life Fibers.

Any other confirmed attempts at reverse engineering?

Several people seem to assume that Apeiron is using nanotech. I'm surprisef that Armsmaster hasn't requested permission to increase experiments in nanotech. He is already working on nano-thorn project. Easy to justify as neccessary for preparing counter-measures.

At this point I kind of want to see Chariot, Trainwreck and Squealer produce an surprise group megaproject that is legitamently amazing due to inspiration from Apeiron.

Idea: No one else seems to be imitating Joe's mechashift/multi-form tech. Have the Merchants produce knock-off Transformers powersuits and vehicles. Then have the resident horse girl and her loyal unicorn trounce them. (Rule of Cool: if a swordsman beating up a bunch of gunmen is badass, then a MLP beating up a bunch of space marines and mechs is hilarious.). Requirement: vanquished must be covered in enough glitter to still distract from Skidmark's teeth days later.
I know a lot of tinkers were excited about elemental Dust from RWBY. Are Armsmaster and Dragon still studying that?
Armsmaster is. Hes did an experiment with Dust in his interlude a couple chaps ago. And he mentions how other tinkers and even normal techies are auper excited over Dust and the gundam particles.

Hes also looking at Garments work because it inspired him a lot to incorporate into his work, both because it works real well with Dust and for other reasons.
Armsmaster is. Hes did an experiment with Dust in his interlude a couple chaps ago. And he mentions how other tinkers and even normal techies are auper excited over Dust and the gundam particles.

Hes also looking at Garments work because it inspired him a lot to incorporate into his work, both because it works real well with Dust and for other reasons.

While they are working with it and Armsy is copying her designs there's a few key things to note. First the amount of both they have is very limited due to them only having the scraps they have been able to scavenge which for dust has mainly been Gully picking up mainly earth dust and that tiny amount is also getting split between a ton of researchers. Second they have no way to make more of either which means they'll run out soon since the gundam particles naturally fade especially in rain and the dust is normal dust as you'd see in rwby including being consumable. Joe is also going to deploy soon to deal with things like the nine and bakuda so he may clean them up or have the forge members do it if they have to step in if the upcoming fights get out of hand.

Finally, Armsy and the prt are also greedy scumbags having picked up on Garment wearing dust he said the only reason they weren't going to have Kid Win steal some dust from her outfit at the charity event was that there was no way they'd be able to do it without getting caught even though he recognised the high amounts of firepower it related to and how easily the effects could be set off by touch to say nothing of morality, law or decency.

I mean, it's really only Victor that's confirmed. But Uber has a strong case, and Bastard Son is pretty likely now that you mention it

All of them have been confirmed because of how we knew Victor was working with others intending to let them take the heat of being the first caught. That Elite cell has also been scooping up material science specialists which Victor confirmed Lethe had a ton of knowledge on and was important to alchemy plus wogs.
Any other confirmed attempts at reverse engineering?
In the most recent chapter, Uber is not just reverse engineering alchemy but also trying to reverse engineer the Forge itself. Kid Win is reverse engineering some samples he got from Garment. And Facetime and some mundane scientists are building Minovsky particle tech from samples collected from the dark zone.
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Any other confirmed attempts at reverse engineering?

It's not exactly reverse engineering, but some capes are interacting with the Blackout field. Battery for example.

(And frankly it's pretty hard to reverse Apeiron tech. He tend to black box his tech by making them rely on fiat, he have a tinker power for more black boxing, and you are under a strict 2 day time limit before the self repair remove what you are studying.)

In the most recent chapter, Uber is not just reverse engineering alchemy but also trying to reverse engineer the Forge itself.

Does it count at reverse engineering when the base idea is wrong to start with ?
It's not exactly reverse engineering, but some capes are interacting with the Blackout field. Battery for example.

(And frankly it's pretty hard to reverse Apeiron tech. He tend to black box his tech by making them rely on fiat, he have a tinker power for more black boxing, and you are under a strict 2 day time limit before the self repair remove what you are studying.)

Does it count at reverse engineering when the base idea is wrong to start with ?

Aperion's tech also can't really be fully reversed engineered because he incorporates a ton of exotic and new things like ragnite at a beyond master lv when everyone else is completely ignorant to it's existence. Even though they now have a very small amount of the particles and dust they are both consumable and will run out long before they can work out enough to be called mastery by anyone with decent standards. Personally for dust specifically I would even go so far as to say even Joe hasn't achieved mastery because he was only given the basic types of dust and as a result is still missing several types like hard light dust so even he knows nothing about those types.

Earth Bet scientists explicitly do not count for this btw because they have the sheer arrogance to barely know anything about powers yet declare their understandings absolute and do things like declare telepathy impossible or mock people for calling it magic and even act like they know for sure what a third gen cape would be like when none exists so far.

Uber's idea counts as a stupid fever dream that is relying on complete unknowns which is part of why it will never work as I have covered or at least it should never work and if they do somehow get to the point they can try and it works then it's due to March Sue ex Machina and people will riot but still won't get them to Aperion's lv unless you set the bar to something like the lv he was at at the start of the storage yard but without fashion.
I think the Dust's self replicating effects mean that the tinkers that have been playing with the fields might get more experience by focusing on them than Joe and the clones due to their ludicrously diverse, unfocused set of areas to work with. Why would they stick with something volatile when they can use something less cumbersome?