"And that's without even addressing Apeiron." She gave the Butcher a concerned look. "After what he said, is there any…"
"No." She said sharply, waving her hand in a cutting motion. Hemorrhagia gave her a concerned look. "They were trying for a while, but since this morning they've been quiet. I have things under control."
The Butcher suddenly froze mid-gesture as a soft light and warm tone filled the office. Hemorrhagia stared at the source of the disturbance. A glowing node of crystal, suspended in the air by the Butcher's right hand.
The interior of the crystal pulsed with refracted light. There was a slight stirring in the air as the layered and overlapped fields of force that made up the node folded in on themselves over and over again, creating the almost sweet tone that was iconic of that particular power.
Caydancil's shaker effect. Space and energy merged into a living force of containment. Hemorrhagia had only seen it a handful of times. Less than a handful, really. During early demonstrations and then once during very specific and careful applications.
The node was different from what she remembered. Over a foot long and pulsing with a tangible force, rather than the shards of crystal that had been demonstrated before. The Butcher looked at the node for a long moment, then made a careful gesture, causing the effect to vanish.
Hemorrhagia nodded slowly. It was a more dramatic demonstration than she could have asked for. If the Butcher was feeling confident enough to use THAT power, then her conviction was clear.