Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I think this is the first 600 points power that completely missed the mark for me. It seems entirely redundant, and actively worse than what Joe can craft himself. At the end of the day, Tengu just aren't that impressive to start with.

At least, the perfect hair is nice.
I don't know if I ever explicitly said this, but this chapter is a good place for it:
I enjoy the exponential tech shenanigans, and the action is unadulterated awesome. But the thing I enjoy most about this story is the character work (as indirectly alluded to in my initial comment about ch. 8.1 being my all-time favorite).

This chapter, was just *chef kiss*
Survey turned towards her. "The letters in question were delivered from-"

"Nope!" Aisha said, burying her head in her book. "Not listening. Do not want to know."

The very idea seemed somehow offensive to Survey and she appeared to be struggling with how to respond to it. The conflicted expression on her face had nothing on the storm of processing that was happening behind the scenes. Fleet looked up with a slightly concerned expression as his own program went to work addressing the runaway processes that battled with her social convention algorithms.
Like this.
(Have I mentioned that I love what you've done with Aisha?)

"I am. Maybe not for the discussion, but definitely for the assessment of the location. I'll be trusting your analysis to ensure this is safe." I said.

Even if I didn't have an innate mantra affinity, I would probably have felt the pride that infused her being upon hearing those words. "You can be assured that I will enact every precaution in carrying out this task."
And this.

I was actually fairly proud of the project, despite the time frame involved. It was proof that I could actually take my work beyond the limits of the technology provided to me.
I was actually quite proud of the work. It showed how much they could accomplish without the direct intervention of me or one of my duplicates.
And this.
My inner cheerleader is breaking out the pompoms.
Go Joe! \o/

That creation process was of particular interest to Tetra. She wasn't wired into the Workshop's systems like Fleet or Survey, but she had her own way of linking to the network, and had been chewing through data at a prodigious rate, with a clear purpose in mind.
Oh shiiiiiiet, the penny just dropped for me.
This is going to be awesome. Or terrifying.
Eh, probably both.

I would essentially be handing out mystery vials that would either grant overwhelming power, or cause horrible side effects up to and including death.

Okay, what the hell was my passenger's reaction to that about?
This one caught me by surprise. Cue literal 'laughing like a loon'.

Oh god, that was too good.

Aisha whistled. "Damn. And it's really that easy?" I shrugged.
You're going to give Vista a run for her money."

I shook my head with a smile. "I doubt she'll care about that kind of thing."

... Oh you poor, OOC-less thing.

POWER OVERWHELMING (Personal Reality) 400:
Not enough power? Okay, this Who's Got the Powa Upgrade means that your Personal Reality is now hooked up to the full power of a Sol-Class Star encased in a Dyson Sphere. Congratulations, you're now a Kardashev II civilization. If this isn't enough power, you need an intervention.
lol ^_^


I'm doing a lot better
Glad to hear it :)


For better or worse, my username is appropriate.
These are intended beneficially, but if you're not in the headspace for it, please ignore them.
Typos, et al.:
I appeared in the middle of the Library's reading room, but no significant reaction from anyone else. They up from their individual books and tasks
They looked* up* from

I nodded. Was able to get through the main points." I assured her.
Missing an opening quote mark.
"*Was able

The computer core was close to common space
close to a* common space

All together fascinating stuff,

'Also, medical scans.' The second transmitted. 'Date from the Undersiders and even Aisha.

I was jared from my thoughts
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That was a very nice Chapter.

Now I kind of want Lethe to get into Tinkertalk with some Armsmaster or Kid Win and after having them convinced she is every bit the Tinker they are complain that her Tinkering is barely adequate by the standards of the Forge.

When reading about the latest Power perk I can't help but wonder about the Dyson Sphere. Specifically does Joe have access to the Sphere? The desciption is somewhat ambigous there.

The only really interesting answer would be YES, of course. And if so, how large is the Sphere? Is it something smaller than the Orbit of Mercury or full Earth Orbit like in Star Trek?

I am also not quite clear on the Timeline. Is Joe going to meet his Therapist before the meeting with Upercrust? I think it was on the same day (Tuesday) but I don't know when he has that termin.
Now this is the most OP power he has received, ever.
Actually, with Einsbern alchemy which directly translates a magus's hair into contructs and spells, along with the other hair styling perk from DMC? this is genuinely a Spiral-class power considering it is Fiat-backed to be conceptually PERFECT AND INFINITE. That no-evidence clause also is some very potent causality manipulation, as no evidence for someone with Survey and Apey's analytical ability means that any attack against hair-constructs effectively have never and will never happen, at all. There's some WoG about it somewhere about this without AlK perk, iirc...
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Actually, with Einsbern alchemy which directly translates a magus's hair into contructs and spells, along with the other hair styling perk from DMC? this is genuinely a Spiral-class power considering it is Fiat-backed to be conceptually PERFECT AND INFINITE. That no-evidence clause also is some very potent causality manipulation, as no evidence for someone with Survey and Apey's analytical ability means that any attack against hair-constructs effectively have never and will never happen, at all. There's some WoG about it somewhere about this without AlK perk, iirc...
Apparently Joe is now a Jiraiya combat expy, just put some threads (life fibers of course) in his hair, wear Garment and concentrate on extending his hair. Then enter Mantra Mode.

We were all wrong, Joe won't have 100 hands, he will have a billion threads of hair!
@LordRoustabout This is the third day after the meeting right?

Isn't Uppercrust leaving this hella late? I thought he had 4 days before he was setting out for his next maintenance appointment, 3 days ago.

The timeline in the story is Monday evening, April 25th 2011.

The summit at Somers Rock was Sunday evening so it's been 24 hours-ish.

Uppercrust gave it the "one day" rule and then sent the message.
It seems entirely redundant, and actively worse than what Joe can craft himself.
With this ability Joe can actually do the power-tinkering that everybody assumes he can do. Well, sorta. But it still counts!

The difference is like having an invisibility shard power or an invisibility spell, I think? From an outside perspective it looks the same but it's not.

And yes it doesn't make him even more OP so it does kinda seem redundant. But this isn't a direct power boost. It's a foundation which he can build upon to get stronger (which may or may not happen given his mentality). Also don't forget the new insights and the possibly ridiculous power interactions that are now available to him.
You know, this story has been going for so long in Worm that I actually forgot it's suposed to be a JUMPCHAIN (at least according to the title)... I'm really wondering if there's going to be more settings after Joe's done with Worm.
Heh, it's not directly prevented from going nova, he just gets a new one 48 hours after the old one breaks.

Still, 99.9999999999% uptime is quite good.

So does that mean instead of the slow steady collection of the output of a Sol type star inside a Dyson Sphere he can set the thing off in a nova every other day, and collect the massive energy burst released every two days after it all resets?

He might be able to make a battery to hold the excess, but thats a pretty good chunk of energy, not to mention all the exotic (and normal) particles released.

Its not exactly type 3 but...
The big thing about the teigu power is once again something that can be taught. Its a skill like the Star Trek stuff. Just taken to a logical conclusion. This also mean that actual factual shards can be harvested and used. Joe is going to look like an Entity at this rate to Scion and that is not a good thing. It means it will bring out anti entity counter measures instead of squish puny humans for funsies powers.

There is also the obvious case 63 angle, if he can't make them human again right now, he could turn them into item teigu and let them be human for the most part. Let alone what happens when a parahuman connects to the supposed spiritual might of their passenger. This also makes extraction materials like Lethe water a thing he can just do. Easily. This can apply to his own parahuman power. He can give his own from his duplicates to the rest of the Forge. Let alone Lungs. Imagine adding Lungs power to Kat, or god forbid Tetra?

Its kinda a huge deal. This is basically Teacher but can be given to anyone with no real cost. Also there is the scary option. Joe potenially can start making new buds of shards with this new ability. Splicing Armsmaster/Lung/Weld together and essentially given birth to a new shard outside of the network.
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