Why does everyone rag on tumblr? I'll admit I've never spent much time there, but it's always seemed sane enough to me.
Eh, the 'otherkin' set are mostly harmless. No, what bother me are the scarily insane militant "Social Justice" types, who go around actively looking for something to be offended by and generally give a bad name to the concept of what some people insist on calling Political Correctness but I prefer to call "engaging your brain before opening your big stupid mouth".
Eh, the 'otherkin' set are mostly harmless. No, what bother me are the scarily insane militant "Social Justice" types, who go around actively looking for something to be offended by and generally give a bad name to the concept of what some people insist on calling Political Correctness but I prefer to call "engaging your brain before opening your big stupid mouth".
Don't forget the vocal feminists. Also, if you feel brave, post something religious.

Now back to the topic; Shinji being surprised that Rei slapped Kaworu also may have to do with the fact that she was also explicitly annoyed/adverse to Kaworu's presence in vicinity to her loved ones.
Now back to the topic; Shinji being surprised that Rei slapped Kaworu also may have to do with the fact that she was also explicitly annoyed/adverse to Kaworu's presence in vicinity to her loved ones.
It was more that even with the time she slapped him, Rei's anger was very brief: She heard what he said, slapped him, went back to being blank-Rei. This is the first time he's seen Rei sustain being angry, which is all the more confusing after the last several weeks where she's been anything but, even to the point of apologizing to Doctor Akagi, the woman who's treated her so terribly. And now she comes stomping in, still visbily angry at... the new kid?

Ok.... hm... next a bit of Ritsuko and Maya post-procedure, or go to the Children arriving home to talk to Misato? Or something else?
Nice double-post, nerd.

I'm always gonna say "yes," when given the choice between two options, but mo' WAFF is mo' bettah. Ritsuko and Maya it is.
Kyoko and Sayaka had taken to tinting their hair red and blue respectively, even before they had started hanging around with Kensuke. They were the first, but no longer the only girls in school starting to color their hair to the limit the school rules allowed.
Stryp you glorious bastard. Where's Mumi at? :p
I'd definitely like to see more of Rits and Maya. For some reason, their current arc is more interesting to me. Also, I keep picturing Maya Ibuki as being related to Suika Ibuki.
Hey @Strypgia, after you told me you had a fic and gave me the premise while we discussed Eva a little I might have devoured the entire thing starting that night to midday.

You have my complete attention and I look forward to the next update sooooo much. :D

Edit: Btw, the Asuka/Shinji dynamic, I just, so get it.

It's like, eerily the same as how my bf and I have always spoken about each other and understood each other.

Just, two incredibly depressed people finding that much solace in each other's entirely understanding embrace they didn't think was possible and had a hard time believing wasn't some absurd dream they'd never deserve if it was real. I so know the feel of this.

Thank you for capturing that. It's been a wonderful read.

It's also hilarious, generally heart-warming, intense, and wonderful. Plus poly maybe situation, which is also something I can relate to, though it's no longer a maybe at this point, admittedly.
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Once again it is proven that all are helpless before the call of WAFF. Welcome!

Prior to this I'd only read a few specific friend's fics about various things. I've always been shit at keeping at it. And have this thing where I'm shit at starting entertainment in general. Me and my bf both actually.

I jumped into this in a very particular mindset.

Because, well, my bf had never seen Evangelion as of 3 days ago, and had even somehow avoided knowing anything more specific about it than giant robots and children just by chance.

So, having re-watched the whole series, EoE, and now the first Rebuild with him, and thoroughly discussing his impressions and Eva's themes and such, it's been kind of on my mind a LOT.

This included shipping related discussion of course, and what @Strypgia said of his premise had me like "Hmm, yes, perfect! A fic with my read on the situation I find compelling. I'll give the first chapter a shot. :3"
Because, well, my bf had never seen Evangelion as of 3 days ago, and had even somehow avoided knowing anything more specific about it than giant robots and children just by chance.
Ah yes, I remember flying into it blind with my best friend a few years ago. I distinctly remember us sitting there as the credits rolled after EoE, neither of us saying a word while we each wondered what the hell just happened.

Quite a ride.
I marathoned NGE and EoE in three days and I came out o-adfdsafdfadfjhgjhg-k.

And I stumbled across this on r/awwnime.
Comedy Omake #26 - Kensuke's Girlfriends Borrow The Plugsuits
I marathoned NGE and EoE in three days and I came out o-adfdsafdfadfjhgjhg-k.

And I stumbled across this on r/awwnime.
Sayaka and Kyoko: "Um.... Soryu-san, Ayanami-san... can we borrow your plugsuits for a thing Ken-chan wants to do?"
Asuka: ".....my brain hurts even imagining what they're planning."
Rei: "Here's mine. Don't worry about washing it. Have fun."
Asuka: ".....why are you encouraging them?"
Rei: "It makes Kensuke happy and spreads love. I am the soldier of love."
Asuka: "..............Shinji, Rei's turning into a magical girl again."

I hope reading A&T helps sooth the brainburn of marathoning raw Evangelion, @Burstkiller :)