why do i get the feeling you got this from xkcd?
Nope. Econ 380, Professor Lambson was covering for Showalter, and brought up the economic description of altruism, and then suggest we try using it as a way of romancing female econ students. (The joke being that there was only a single female econ student in whole department, she was the TA, and already engaged).
This was a few years before xkcd made the joke...
Man I feel old.
I'm a twenty something year old med school student with relatively normal life, and I have absolutely no idea what the fuck is that wall...
Well if you were a forty something or even a thirty something you probably would have heard the song "Joshua fought the battle of Jericho," you can still look it up on Youtube if you want to fill this hole in your knowledge.
I'm born of atheists parents and is an atheist myself
. Never touched the bible in my life.
So any reference to it will fly over my head.
You're missing out then on tons of things in English literature and culture. (English lit is overwhelmingly dominated by two sources: Shakesphere and the KJV Bible -and the Bible is most of it).
Especially in America where for a long time the Bible was literally the only book most people had and the way most Americans learned to read. There is a reason it's called
La Biblia (The Book). Lincoln for example is almost incomprehensible with out knowing the Biblical allusions he was making.
Watch some ones face when you tell them that the Bible was not Written by God.
1: Depends on who you are telling that to
2: Most people when they say "written by God" mean "people inspired by God wrote it" and usually mean the prophets and the law, not the chronicles.
3: That kind sounds like trolling
Then remind them that it is in fact a collection of Testimonial Letters, and Journals.
And Chronicles, and prophecies, and laws as given by Moses, and the history of the creation world as dictated to Moses by God, and poetry, and songs, and proverbs, and a whole lot more.
Then you can tell them that Most of the New Testament can be read as Fanfiction of the Old Testament.
Uh... no... no... not... not really.
Not sure where the heck that is coming from, as the New Testament is over 90% the life of Jesus, the acts of the apostles, and the letters of Paul and other apostles. With the remainder the apocalyptic prophesy of Revelations.
None of which really reads as Old Testament fanfiction (which would have had a lot more smiting in it than exists in the New Testament).
The closest you maybe get is the gospel of Matthew, since he was writing to the Jews he did quote quite a bit from the Old Testament, but even his gospel isn't very Old Testament like.
That King James had a The thing Rewritten to Justify his divorce, or at least to enable it.
Uh... what?
I think you might have King James confused with Henry VIII. Henry VIII was the one that broke from the Catholic Church over his desire to divorce, not King James. And it had nothing to do with the King James Bible, which by the way, still depicts Jesus as explicitly opposed to divorce - so if that was the motive (which it wasn't) - it would been a case of massive fail.
Truthfully, most of the King James Version is based on Tyndale's translation. A one man job, done while in exile, that then cost him his life (he was burned to death). And that was Henry VIII that killed him if I remember right (back when he was still Catholic, and Protestants like Tyndale had to be killed).
So the source of the King James Version was very unlikely to be friendly to King Henry.