Interestingly enough Ritsuko is one of very few people with working understanding of angel biology which makes her one of best qualified people to oversee any medical procedure on Rei.
Only other candidates are Fuyutsuki with his metabiology specialization or Maya who is Ritsuko's assistant.
Honestly I an not sure how they are gong to salvage the clusterfuck happened in 3.33. Most probably it will get worse.

I read somewhere that 4.44 is going to be a different continuity to 1.11-3.33. So basically a retcon to EoE. Don't quote me on this though.
I read somewhere that 4.44 is going to be a different continuity to 1.11-3.33. So basically a retcon to EoE. Don't quote me on this though.
... I sincerely hope you're wrong on that.
Interestingly enough Ritsuko is one of very few people with working understanding of angel biology which makes her one of best qualified people to oversee any medical procedure on Rei.
Only other candidates are Fuyutsuki with his metabiology specialization or Maya who is Ritsuko's assistant.
And since Fuyutsuki's occupied doing all the mundane things Gendo doesn't care about, and Maya's naive and inexperienced, Ritsuko indeed is the go-to person for angel stuff.
How about we get what was teased that the end of 2.22. 3.33 doesn't exist other than the music. There was no third rebuild of evangelion. :|
So I'm the dirty scumbag that liked Rebuild more than Neon Genesis (mostly because as neat as all the analysis and such are, I much prefer a more robust story and production). What exactly did people despise about 3.0*?

*: C'mon guys, that's what they're properly called. Unless there have been huge quadrilogy-shifting changes in the new releases, I can't remember them specifically.
For me the problem is that so much of the plot of 3.33 relied on otherwise intelligent characters who have had FOURTEEN YEARS to prepare being absolute morons. In what world does it make sense for Misato's first reaction to Shinji coming back to be, "I HATE YOU SHINJI! I HATE YOU SO MUCH I'M GONNA STRAP A BOMB TO YOUR NECK AND KILL YOU IF YOU EVER DO THE ONE THING I ALWAYS TOLD YOU TO DO AND MADE YOU FEEL NEEDED!"
What exactly did people despise about 3.0*?

In my case it's the huge idiot ball that Misato & Co are holding in the beginning that makes the entire story of 3.0 even possible. They never really talk to Shinji while he is in their custody. That boy has no idea what has happened. From his perspective it's just moments after he tried to save Rei from Zeruel. And everytime he pleads for an explanation everybody stonewalls him. That the Bridge Crew, who have never met him before, despise him I can get. That Asuka either still isn't over her issues or has developed new ones, ok. But that Misato, Ritsuko and Maya are completely stonewalling him? WTF!? Also that 14 year skip.

Edit: Also what the heck happened with Rei? At the end of 2.0 Shinji pulled something out of Big Z's core. Something that was either Rei, a shadow of Rei or something that Shinji wanted to be Rei. What happened to that? Still in EVA 01? Just a figment of Shinji's imagination?
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I read somewhere that 4.44 is going to be a different continuity to 1.11-3.33. So basically a retcon to EoE. Don't quote me on this though.

My initial reaction to that was a flat What. However, after thinking about it a few minutes, I too realized that erasing 3.33 could be a blessing. Maybe 4.0 starts with a scene in the Bad Future, then suddenly a jump-cut to Shinji sitting up in bed struggling to get his heart rate back down to normal, everything in 3.33 was just a nightmare, none of it happened.
Also what the heck happened with Rei? At the end of 2.0 Shinji pulled something out of Big Z's core. Something that was either Rei, a shadow of Rei or something that Shinji wanted to be Rei. What happened to that? Still in EVA 01? Just a figment of Shinji's imagination?
Rei's soul is still in Unit-01, yes. That was supposedly covered in 3.0. I actually haven't seen it since it came out, I will eventually give it another watch.
I feel like I'm in the unenviable position of being the only person on the internet who liked 3.33.
I feel like I'm in the unenviable position of being the only person on the internet who liked 3.33.
I've read the description of 3.33 on the evageeks wiki, and my reaction is "this might or might not be an interesting movie, but it isn't the one that was teased at the end of 2.22".
Rebuild 3.0... (3.33 is the DVD release. No, seriously, that's the difference. 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 are the theatrical versions, .11, .22, and .33 are the release versions)

Anyhow, my thoughts on Rebuild 3.0 can be summed up in one word:


The first time seeing it, about halfway in I leaned over to LilithPrime and asked her in confusion, "Am.... am I watching a 90 minute yaoi doujin?"
Rei's soul is still in Unit-01, yes. That was supposedly covered in 3.0. I actually haven't seen it since it came out, I will eventually give it another watch.

Hm. I didn't notice that when I watched it. I still have the DVD somewhere so I might give it another go to see what else I missed.
So I'm the dirty scumbag that liked Rebuild more than Neon Genesis (mostly because as neat as all the analysis and such are, I much prefer a more robust story and production). What exactly did people despise about 3.0*?

"more robust story" :eyebrow:

Err... what?

Look, I will grant that Rebuild 3.whatever had the best animation ever for all of Evangelion. Which is actually pretty impressive considering that even the original series had pretty decent animation (along with a ton of shortcuts and bad animation to save budget for those gorgeous fight scenes).

However, the story in Rebuild was erratic, nonsensical, and confusing (even by Evangelion standards... which is saying something). I mean, at least the last two episodes in the original ending had place cards and monologues to explain stuff.

Now I don't hate Rebuild 3 as much as most. It actually does work, if you stop worrying about the plot and focus on the symbolism. Of course Kawrou would sacrifice himself for Shinji... instead of magically removing the bomb and getting rid of it he would symbolically have to put it on himself... doesn't make it less of a glaring black hole in the middle of the plot.

But this is Rebuild! Anno has carte blanche to spend as much money as he wants to on these things. He doesn't have to cut corners, or jam everything in, or resort to symbolic representations because he lacks the budget to actually animate the story...

And WHO THE HELL IS MARI! Why haven't we learned one thing about her yet after two movies!?!?!?

Still... at least Rebuild 3 felt like Evangelion, when Rebuild 2 felt... very off.

Rebuild 2 felt like a wrong turn into fanfiction, and so was a bit disappointing. (Asuka being nicer, Shinji getting closer to Rei who tries to build a bridge between Gendo and Shinji, etc.)

Rebuild 3 felt like a fixfic to the fanfiction to make it more Eva like, but with all the hallmarks of a fixfic - hijacking characters to serve the plot instead of following their normal personality, general plot holes all over the place being ignored in a railroad to the preferred solution (which in this case is the bad end, since the waff of Rebuild 2 had to be corrected for...) anvils dropping everywhere... just... bad writing.

Rebuild 2 and 3 are as bad as the Star Wars prequels.

Still going to watch Rebuild 4...

Just like I'm going to watch Star Wars 7.

Interestingly enough Ritsuko is one of very few people with working understanding of angel biology which makes her one of best qualified people to oversee any medical procedure on Rei.
Only other candidates are Fuyutsuki with his metabiology specialization or Maya who is Ritsuko's assistant.

Actually, I suppose Gendo himself might also qualify, since he is a biologist as well, and as I recall it was Gendo and Fuyutsuki that created Rei in the first place. (Had to have been, as it wasn't either of the Akari women).
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