Ah, Rei then. Most likely to cause both reactions simultaneously, as well as a Very Angry Tabris.

edit: Or, if we mix things up a bit, Kaworu goes mini-Gendo, Shinji falls to despair and Asuka discovers reality-breaking rage.
Misato: Can someone please tell me why the Fifth Child is getting out of his Eva in the middle of combat? That Angel is still eating Rei alive!

Asuka: I don't know, but based on the chunky updraft, this may not be a bad thin-- WTF!!!! The trout just turned blond!

Hikari: I'm not sure what's weirder. The fact that he's a blond now, that is hair is glowing, or that he's gained about 10 kilos of muscle.

Shinji: I'm starting to understand what Rei sees in him...

Misato: Can someone please tell me why the Fifth Child is getting out of his Eva in the middle of combat? That Angel is still eating Rei alive!

Asuka: I don't know, but based on the chunky updraft, this may not be a bad thin-- WTF!!!! The trout just turned blond!

Hikari: I'm not sure what's weirder. The fact that he's a blond now, that is hair is glowing, or that he's gained about 10 kilos of muscle.

Shinji: I'm starting to understand what Rei sees in him...


Dare we ask Lt Ibuki for a power level estimate on Kaworu here, or do we pretty much already know the answer?
Dare we ask Lt Ibuki for a power level estimate on Kaworu here, or do we pretty much already know the answer?
Ritsuko: Maya, do you have any telemetry readings?

Maya: (sotto vocce) What the heck kind of error code is that?

Ritsuko: Maya!

Maya: All I'm getting from the MAGI is "Make popcorn."

Ritsuko: I thought we purged all the Pratchett code.

Maya: We did! Oh for cripes sake! Now the MAGI are requesting butter and salt. That's it, I quit!
Misato: Can someone please tell me why the Fifth Child is getting out of his Eva in the middle of combat? That Angel is still eating Rei alive!

Asuka: I don't know, but based on the chunky updraft, this may not be a bad thin-- WTF!!!! The trout just turned blond!

Hikari: I'm not sure what's weirder. The fact that he's a blond now, that is hair is glowing, or that he's gained about 10 kilos of muscle.

Shinji: I'm starting to understand what Rei sees in him...


He's gotta be screaming. It doesn't count otherwise.
If that happens, reality is destroyed is overwritten with a even weirder reality.

I think that already happened several times in the NGE-verse.
That would explain PenPen... Ford never changed back from being a penguin.
And since Shinji suffers from crippling depression, that would mean that Unit-01 would have to look like this in at least one of those realities:
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If that happens, reality is destroyed is overwritten with a even weirder reality.

I think that already happened several times in the NGE-verse.

I have yet to see in any NGE-verses skimpy outfits granting superpowers after a transformation sequence or the power of hotbloodness and songs being used to make reality cry in pain and bust human-incenerating monsters.
...Asuka's version of despair, or mini gendo Shinji?
The English language strikes again!

I have yet to see in any NGE-verses skimpy outfits granting superpowers after a transformation sequence or the power of hotbloodness and songs being used to make reality cry in pain and bust human-incenerating monsters.
And it's my job to make sure it stays that way... *attaches silencer onto SMG*
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