That last scene caused my misery-o-meter to act up. It's going off like a Geiger counter in Chernobyl. Can we expect things to go wrong soon?
Shinji had his eyes pinched tightly shut, trying to shut out all noise. It took him a moment to register Misato was talking to him. "Uh? Oh, um, it's... tricky, Misato. Unit-02 feels... different from Unit-01."

'Also, my girlfriend's mother's soul is split in two and one half of it is insane and won't stop talking about how she wants everyone she cares about to die with her, and it's creeping me the fuck out.'

He and Asuka had quietly had a bit of panic when Doctor Akagi had announced they were doing a whole new set of cross-synch tests. As excited as they had once been to make contact with their mothers' souls in their Evas, they both now had some serious misgivings about exposing each other to their counterparts. Shinji because he'd discovered his mother had been raised within an apocalyptic death-cult conspiracy, was questionably sane, and at least partly the architect of many of their miseries, Asuka because she'd learned that her mother's soul had never recovered from the trauma of being ripped in two from her Contact Experiment and now seemed obsessed with death.

'Die with me... you make her happy, you must come with us... die...'

'Oh, shut up, would you?'
Shinji thought back at her.
Desensitisation-to-this-bizarre-crap level: Rebornica's Hard-Boiled Mike before it started running out of good punchlines.*

Supply of fucks left to give: Overdrawn.

I have not laughed this hard at any Eva fic that wasn't Nobody Dies.

* And no, I am not doing an omake in which Shinji spends Five Nights at Freddy's. I have too many projects on the go as it is.
I'm at least happy Kaworu and Rei got their 'totally together' kiss at last (unless they only agreed to get together on holidays).
suddenly blushing at what she read. She quickly closed the book and moved to replace it on the shelf... before discreetly placing it in her bag instead, and reaching for another.

"Oh my goodness, that is lewd! ......................But I approve."

and the last happy night before the storm.

I know, I know the sacrifice has to come so that the survivors can heal...I know that what's coming has to come. But I don't want it to yet! :cry:

'Protect her.'

'Always and forever. Until the end of the world, I've promised. She means more to me than anything.'

'Until death do you part...'
said the crazy voice.

Shinji did his best to mentally glare at the broken spirit of Kyoko Soryu. 'No. Not even then. I'm hers until she makes me go. She's what makes my life worth living. If she wants me to go beyond death for her, I'll try.'

For the first time, both voices were silent. A moment later they answered in unison. 'Good boy.'
Why do I have the mental image of Shinji getting headpats?
Oh yeah, that.
Shinji did his best to mentally glare at the broken spirit of Kyoko Soryu. 'No. Not even then. I'm hers until she makes me go. She's what makes my life worth living. If she wants me to go beyond death for her, I'll try.'

For the first time, both voices were silent. A moment later they answered in unison. 'Good boy.'

Ironic that one that was nearly broken himself from his life (Shinji) was able to start to heal an even more broken soul (Kyoko) and not her daughter (Asuka).
The real-world inspiration was the Winchester Mystery House... the product of another guilt-ridden and slightly unhinged mind.
Ah, I've been there. Fun place! Pics? Sure!

Weird that it's New Years already since we still haven't gotten Armisael. After all, in canon the last angel did attack on New Year's Day.
SEELE and the JSSDF made their attack on New Year's Day, not Tabris. He showed up a few days before that, but not many. Maya mentions having to be on constant alert since that event, but it's been less than a week.

In Doylist terms, I wanted to have that little Midnight Moment for all couples involved, and get one last bit of WAFF in before our next Special Guest arrives.
Ironic that one that was nearly broken himself from his life (Shinji) was able to start to heal an even more broken soul (Kyoko) and not her daughter (Asuka).
Asuka is in some ways too close to the problem. She's still feeling the effects of being the one who found Kyoko hanging, and has obvious problems even trying to talk to Crazy!Kyoko. Shinji, OTOH, is familiar enough with the matter thanks to months of talking to Asuka that he can deal with it, but has enough of an emotional step back that he can do so. Similarly, Asuka has a bit of distance from Yui that lets her talk at her, albeit angrily, while Shinji is just caught between his still deep-seated desire for comforting mother-hugs, and the knowledge that his mother was a deep part of SEELE and Second Impact.