Yes but this being the future of A&T would remove the possibility of a funny crossover with A&T.

Vegas Asuka wakes up in the A&T verse "Ugh my head, did we go on a bender again? I don't want to know what we did."
Vegas Kaworu "It appears we have been transposed into another universe."
Vegas Shinji "Somehow that is more believable than what happened before."
Vegas Rei "I don't know, I always feel like we are on some great journey whenever we are together, maybe this time it really happened?"
And of course the obligatory meet-ups
A&T Asuka: "Wait all of them?! "
Vegas Asuka: "I love all of them. Plus I am fairly sure you get a group discount on weddings if you get multiple people."
Gives a new meaning to those "Vegas you" add from Expedia or whoever.
So here's something I just found. An upcoming game with Kaiju battles... from the perspective of some random dude on the ground.

So here's something I just found. An upcoming game with Kaiju battles... from the perspective of some random dude on the ground.


Okay, first of all, how did Bandai Namco get the rights to Ultraman, NGE, Gamera, AND Godzilla for a single game?
Okay, first of all, how did Bandai Namco get the rights to Ultraman, NGE, Gamera, AND Godzilla for a single game?

If you're talking about the mecha at 1:44 into the video, those were AV-98 Ingram police mecha from Patlabor.

I'm wondering if the various franchises will have their own separate storylines, or if we're looking at a mega crossover plot-blender like the SRW games. Seeing Godzilla and Gamera together alone could be worth the price of admission.

A pity that it seems like the muggle's-eye-view means we probably won't see anything of the Pilots in the EVA parts. If it does go crossover, Shinji winding up as the one to form a psychic bond with Gamera would be an interesting twist, especially if he sorties against the same Kaiju Gamera is fighting. Shinji Ikari with Gamera as a mentor figure...:o Rei linked to Gamera would also be interesting... <Your father figure wants you to do what now? Why?>
Since alcohol affects Kaworu so severely, could NERV have beaten, say, Leliel by simply dropping a bunch of kegs in it?

Or is that too horrifying a possibility for Misato to consider?

Misato: "But... WHY is all the Yebisu gone?"
Ritsuko: "The plan required you to get a Lovecraftian horror from beyond time and space so utterly drunk that we could kill it. The first part worked. But then you talked it into building you an Einstein-Rosenberg Bridge to Vegas, kidnap Kaji, and marry the both of you."
Mistao: " seem awfully calm about this."
Ritsuko: "I apparently am now married to Maya. Which I'm strangely okay with. And Gendo is both married to Unit-01, and in jail along with all of SELEE. Oh, and Rei-1 popped out of Unit-00's core and is calling me and Maya both 'mama.' My capacity for freaking out has been so exceeded, nothing can bother me now."
Misato: "Rits... don't look know, but... is that your mother?"
Ritsuko: "Aaaaaand, in other news, I really need to stop tempting fate like that."
Misato: "But... WHY is all the Yebisu gone?"
Ritsuko: "The plan required you to get a Lovecraftian horror from beyond time and space so utterly drunk that we could kill it. The first part worked. But then you talked it into building you an Einstein-Rosenberg Bridge to Vegas, kidnap Kaji, and marry the both of you."
Mistao: " seem awfully calm about this."
Ritsuko: "I apparently am now married to Maya. Which I'm strangely okay with. And Gendo is both married to Unit-01, and in jail along with all of SELEE. Oh, and Rei-1 popped out of Unit-00's core and is calling me and Maya both 'mama.' My capacity for freaking out has been so exceeded, nothing can bother me now."
Misato: "Rits... don't look know, but... is that your mother?"
Ritsuko: "Aaaaaand, in other news, I really need to stop tempting fate like that."
Misato: "But... WHY is all the Yebisu gone?"
Misato: "But... WHY is all the Yebisu gone?"
Ritsuko: "The plan required you to get a Lovecraftian horror from beyond time and space so utterly drunk that we could kill it. The first part worked. But then you talked it into building you an Einstein-Rosenberg Bridge to Vegas, kidnap Kaji, and marry the both of you."
Mistao: " seem awfully calm about this."
Ritsuko: "I apparently am now married to Maya. Which I'm strangely okay with. And Gendo is both married to Unit-01, and in jail along with all of SELEE. Oh, and Rei-1 popped out of Unit-00's core and is calling me and Maya both 'mama.' My capacity for freaking out has been so exceeded, nothing can bother me now."
Misato: "Rits... don't look know, but... is that your mother?"
Ritsuko: "Aaaaaand, in other news, I really need to stop tempting fate like that."

...What does Leliel throwing up look like? Does it turn inside out?
OK, a survival horror game with famous giant robots and giant monsters. I wonder is there will be DLC for Gundam or Pacific Rim.
OK, a survival horror game with famous giant robots and giant monsters. I wonder is there will be DLC for Gundam or Pacific Rim.

Pacific Rim I could see; Gundam not so much -- the theme of the game seems to be "kaiju/mecha battles as disaster movie," and Gundam seldom seems to fit. Mazinger, on the other hand...
Pacific Rim I could see; Gundam not so much -- the theme of the game seems to be "kaiju/mecha battles as disaster movie," and Gundam seldom seems to fit. Mazinger, on the other hand...
They're already using Patlabor, which fits not much better than Gundam does (or maybe worse). You're right about Mazinger (or 'Tranzor Z,' as it was known in the US, in my childhood), though.
They're already using Patlabor, which fits not much better than Gundam does (or maybe worse). You're right about Mazinger (or 'Tranzor Z,' as it was known in the US, in my childhood), though.

Patlabor seems like a pretty good fit to me -- near-future setting (would fit present day, really), operates in urban areas, civil service/civil defense focus... Special Vehicles Division 2 has even fought Kaiju before, most notably that genetically engineered thing from the third Patlabor movie. In general, protecting the public from big things on rampages is what their unit is for, even if it's usually just a case of crooks hijacking a glorified bipedal forklift.

Now I'm picturing Noa Izumi getting recruited as a piloting coach for NERV. Or her underage nemesis Bud Harchand (the Griffin's pilot) getting picked up as an EVA pilot, assuming they could pry him away from Schaft Enterprises...

Better yet, a UN committee relieves Gendo of command, and Captain Gotoh gets put in charge of NERV Japan.
So here's something I just found. An upcoming game with Kaiju battles... from the perspective of some random dude on the ground.


The very first second of the that trailer made me think of the opening of Sonic Adventure.
Also, that game is probably the most innovative giant robot/ kaiju game I've ever seen. Does anyone know what its called?
Okay, first of all, how did Bandai Namco get the rights to Ultraman, NGE, Gamera, AND Godzilla for a single game?
There just happens to be an awesome Eva crossover with all these things over on Spacebattles, called Leviathan.

What would happen if the Hangover crossover happened to also be a Kaiji crossover?

That would certainly spice things up for our """suffering pariahs""", don't you think?