Keep in mind that humans seem to be as alien to the Angels as Angels are to humans. And while the evolving nature of their attempts on NERV suggests some sort of knowledge of what's happened before, they don't seem to be
communicating with each other as such. "Interrogation" seems too strong a word for what Arael does -- interrogation implies you know the sort of information you're looking for. It does seem to focus on its victims' traumas, but whether that's because it's actively trying to break them or just because it finds those thoughts especially strong and is drawn to them out of curiosity is unknown. The notion that its enemy -- the Evangelion -- depends upon the support of thousands of these tiny things acting in concert is probably not even within its realm of experience. If what appeared to be another human attacked
you, would you assume it's actually a replica created and controlled by the ant colony in the backyard that you incidentally disturbed while pursuing some goal of your own? Without that sort of understanding, I'm not sure the idea of "classified information" even makes sense to an Angel, let alone the idea of undermining its opponent's support infrastructure.
There's an implication that Leliel, Arael, and Armisael are
all trying their own methods of understanding their opponent. In canon, Armisael seems to have come closer to actual understanding than Arael did; it apparently either picked up the concept of loneliness from Rei, or came to understand its own loneliness when it saw it mirrored in another being. (In the Director's Cut, it went even farther -- after learning about loneliness, it actually seemed to be
trying to resurrect the other Angels using Unit-00's flesh. Yikes!)
Offensively, Armisael's ability to fuse with other organisms offers it several interesting abilities; I got the impression that its eventual plan was to take over Unit-00 and any other EVA it could merge with and use it for its attack on Terminal Dogma, and in the meantime, fusing with the EVA limited the EVAs ability to retaliate without just hurting itself or each other.
Now for a really weird way the Armisael fight could turn out... suppose Rei and Kaworu already had an endgame plan while going into the Armisael fight, one that would allow for Adam to complete its mission without eradicating humanity, presumably by relocating Adam to another planet in the solar system to be activated there. Now suppose Rei and/or Kaworu manage to
sell Armisael on this plan when it attempts to merge with one or both of them ("we're fundamentally not
that different; give us just a little bit longer and we can
all walk away with what we want, provided we deal with this
little problem called SEELE first..."). I'm picturing Armisael going through with its attempt to resurrect all the dead Angels using Unit-00,
after ejecting Rei's entry plug this time... and they're now on NERV's side, or at least the NERV Resistance's side. Have fun assaulting Tokyo-3
now, SEELE. Ramiel 2.0 and Zeruel 2.0 alone would have the Council shitting bricks, even with the MP EVAs' replica lances.