Yes Godzillaslayer10 Re-Take is worth reading. In fact one of my favorite Re-Take moments involves a touching and heartfelt scene between Ritsuko and Gendo of all people.
@Strypgia has kinda given me approval on this. I've recently been trawling through all the old Evangelion fics that really changed the genre. Is Re-Take worth reading?
Absolutely. Shinji and Asuka get an terrific Big Damn Heroes moment near the end. And there are some moments of genuine heartbreak as well:
Such as when EoE!Shinji has to let go of the imaginary perfect ending he'd reached with that world's Asuka, and return to reality.
Absolutely. Shinji and Asuka get an terrific Big Damn Heroes moment near the end. And there are some moments of genuine heartbreak as well:
Such as when EoE!Shinji has to let go of the imaginary perfect ending he'd reached with that world's Asuka, and return to reality.
Don't forget the heartwarming moments that Asuka and Shinji have during the span of the story in contrast with their canon counterparts.

Even the part in question you are mentioning is heartwarming because EoE!Shinji does that so that EoE!Asuka is not alone.
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Well, seeing as Rei is pretty much a member of FAR, wouldn't Eldar fit most to her?

Same with Kaworu, of course... but then his entire behaviour screams "Eldar". Well, his canon behaviour, anyway. Not the comical version of A&T :p

Kaworu does have quite a bit in common with the Young King of Biel-Tan who is fated to die to summon the living avatar of the Eldar god of war.

A&T Rei would probably go for the Blood Angels because their Primarch is a pretty, fair-haired lover of music and poetry, who just so happened to martyr himself so that the Imperium might live. Sangunius in no way shape or form is reminiscent of someone that Rei likes or anything of that sort.
Kaworu does have quite a bit in common with the Young King of Biel-Tan who is fated to die to summon the living avatar of the Eldar god of war.

A&T Rei would probably go for the Blood Angels because their Primarch is a pretty, fair-haired lover of music and poetry, who just so happened to martyr himself so that the Imperium might live. Sangunius in no way shape or form is reminiscent of someone that Rei likes or anything of that sort.
Rei: *Blushing upon realizing why she picked it*

Ritsuko: Psychology hurts doesn't it? Especially when it's subconscious.

Shinji: What army do you use?

Asuka: She's probably lame and hasn't heard of it.

Ritsuko: Tau.

*Asuka's eyes jar open*

Ritsuko: Me and Misato used to play in college. The miniatures suddenly became very cheap after 2nd Impact.

Shinji: Who did she pl-

Asuka: *under her breath* Chaos...

Shinji: What?

Asuka: It makes so much sense now...
You'd think that Misato would field a Slaaneshi army but instead she went for Nurgle because his greater daemon, The Great Unclean One is the living embodiment of her apartment pre-Shinji.

Also Orks for Asuka since both like red and are made for fighting and winning.
That is highly debatable in the case of Asuka, given her canon track-record. In fact, her character seems to be designed to lose in order to create the most tsun possible.

So she'd be better off fielding 30K World Eaters, for the sake of her spirit animal: Angron.

Yes, I went there, so smite me all-mighty smiter!

Angron was pretty much forced from a young age to fight in gladiatorial combat by the dictator of the planet he crashed on and was driven further to violence by neural implants forced upon him to increase his aggression.

By the time the Great Crusade reached his world he and his brothers and sisters in arms had started a rebellion against the tyrannical government that enslaved them. The Emperor made a deal with the government to take Angron away if they submitted to Imperial rule which they agreed to.

Angron's hatred for the Emperor pretty much stems from the fact that he let his comrades die and tyranny reign on his adoptive home out of his own selfishness.

Asuka probably could relate to that. War being the only purpose she's ever had, having everything she ever cared about ripped away, etc.
Angron was pretty much forced from a young age to fight in gladiatorial combat by the dictator of the planet he crashed on and was driven further to violence by neural implants forced upon him to increase his aggression.

By the time the Great Crusade reached his world he and his brothers and sisters in arms had started a rebellion against the tyrannical government that enslaved them. The Emperor made a deal with the government to take Angron away if they submitted to Imperial rule which they agreed to.

Angron's hatred for the Emperor pretty much stems from the fact that he let his comrades die and tyranny reign on his adoptive home out of his own selfishness.

Asuka probably could relate to that. War being the only purpose she's ever had, having everything she ever cared about ripped away, etc.
And playing second fiddle all the time to the others. :D
@Strypgia has kinda given me approval on this. I've recently been trawling through all the old Evangelion fics that really changed the genre. Is Re-Take worth reading?

It's very much worth a read. It's not an incredibly long journey on the fuck-Shinji-over express and, for all of its faults, it does get a lot of things right. Plus, it gets a happy ending, which I just love.

The non-porn remake also gets a slightly extended ending, if I remember correctly, so you might want to check that out.
I'd say Re-Take is worth reading, yes. Though it is very inkeeping with the original series in several ways - most notably the mindfuck and darkness. Though, unlike Evangelion itself, it does have something that can be described as a happy ending in non-abstract terms.
A&T Rei would probably go for the Blood Angels because their Primarch is a pretty, fair-haired lover of music and poetry, who just so happened to martyr himself so that the Imperium might live. Sangunius in no way shape or form is reminiscent of someone that Rei likes or anything of that sort.
Of course, Sanguinus is also pretty much the deadest of all loyalist Primarchs.

Asuka plays Imperial Guard, this was already established.
I find it funny that you appeal to a sort of canon in a fanfic thread :V

Wonder what Gendo might field. Necrons might be up his alley.
An oppressive leader of a giant bureaucratic but secretive organization with absolutely no scruples at all? Employing at first only female pilots? Yeah, Imperium/Inquisition, fielding the Sisters of Battle.
Yeah but Asuka's all about fighting well and failing anyways which fits the IG better than anyone else.

I mean, the Orks actually win most of their fights so Asuka can't play them :V
I...I can't even quantify just how much heresy there was in those words...
The Orks are the faction that is basically winning WH40k. I mean, WH40k is war all day, erry day, and the Orks are all about war. They're living the dream. Well, their own very subjective dream, but still. That's winning even if they may lose some battles now and then.

Meanwhile, Asuka is not only a deconstruction of the tsundere, but also of the protagonist's foil/rival role...
Moving on, does anyone think Rei-III will happen in A&T, and how does she happen if she does?

Assuming she does, how will she change compared to Rei-II? As of last upload, Rei is still head-over-heels for Asuka and Shinji (she's thinking about Asuka's legs during the upload immediately post-Zeruel, come on), but there's a lot of post-Zeruel character development that could possibly be lost, mostly the feelings she's come to have for Kaworu as well as her experience with Ritsuko post-overdose and how those would influence Rei's actions based on whether she has them or not.

The girl who slaps Shinji after he justifiably badmouths his father is not making the same choices as the girl who openly defies said father and renders all of his countless sins and atrocities pointless (not that they wouldn't have been, Gendo is still complicit in literally the worst mass murder plot that is otainable by a species that doesn't have interstellar travel, but now Gendo really feels that it was for nothing, and I think that's an important priority shift when identifying Rei's character).

Even accounting that Rei in End is effectively A&T Rei slow-cooked minus her feelings for Asuka and would make a lot of similar decisions (my money is on Third Impact happening, but Rei handing off control to Asuka, who proceeds to show us what a genius-level intellect with a target and godhood can really do), the completion of her soul on top of everything else that she's undergone will have, in my opinion, and extreme effect on her character.
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