That would also have been enough already to bring EVA-02 in. Really, Shinji was kept with the lie that nobody else can do the job when there is a perfectly servicable Unit with pilot just idling in Germany...

Can't recall if it was canon or fanon that it took several Angel attacks on Tokyo-3 for the UN to believe that the Angels really were making Tokyo-3 their priority target this time, and that it made more sense to concentrate all EVAs there rather than spreading them around the globe to respond to attacks locally.

What I wonder is why they moved Unit-02 by ship. They already had aircraft capable of moving the EVA -- Shinji deployed from one when he and Misato stopped Jet Alone. I can't imagine they simply couldn't make it over the Ural Mountains or something; as far as I know, the Rockies are worse on that account, and they crossed them just fine with Unit-03 later. They didn't have a power supply to use Unit-02 to defend themselves until Misato met them just off the coast with the cable. Was it simply the assumption that it needed heavy escort, and only the fleet would do for that, and they abandoned that notion after the Gaghiel debacle when it came time to move Unit-03?
Have Leliel transport the entire Geofront to England.

Well that makes it one of the most one sided fights in history. For example, if Zeruel wasn't beaten back by British pluck, then Queeny would probably smack the bitch out of her city. And that's even without the Doctor's unreliable arse showing up. One look inside the minds of the Brits would probably drive Arael to suicide, and both SEELE and Gendo's plans would be rumbled by 007, who probably would have gotten in to bed with most of NERV's female staff whilst he was at it.

British makes everything better.
Can't recall if it was canon or fanon that it took several Angel attacks on Tokyo-3 for the UN to believe that the Angels really were making Tokyo-3 their priority target this time, and that it made more sense to concentrate all EVAs there rather than spreading them around the globe to respond to attacks locally.
NERV is controlled by the Human Instrumentality Committee, i.e. SEELE. Both NERV and SEELE knew that the angels would only attack Tokyo-3. Now, the public including Shinji doesn't, but to him it still should seem like a lie - there could have been another pilot, with another unit.

NERV is controlled by the Human Instrumentality Committee, i.e. SEELE. Both NERV and SEELE knew that the angels would only attack Tokyo-3.

The Committee is nominally empowered by the UN, even if SEELE effectively controls that; they may still have some notional accountability towards the General Assembly or the Security Council, at least until SEELE pulls enough strings to sway the vote in their decision.
The Committee is nominally empowered by the UN, even if SEELE effectively controls that; they may still have some notional accountability towards the General Assembly or the Security Council, at least until SEELE pulls enough strings to sway the vote in their decision.
Which, given that we never see any notion of public scrutiny at all, that NERV seems to handle everything by itself, I'm sure SEELE could easily do. Or even just create faits accomplis.
Which, given that we never see any notion of public scrutiny at all, that NERV seems to handle everything by itself, I'm sure SEELE could easily do. Or even just create faits accomplis.

I'm sure they could (and presumably did), but the time involved might account for the delay in sending Unit-02 to Japan. Had to keep up at least the pretense that they answered to the public, at least at the time.
Leave? Leave England? As her own mother said in 1940: "The children will not leave unless I do. I shall not leave unless their father does, and the King will not leave the country in any circumstances whatever." ―Elizabeth the Queen Mother

Unless... no, even if the UK was on fire and underwater, Queen Elizabeth would stay. As long as there was a single British Subject still there, she would stay to lead them. That woman takes her job seriously. For the honor of her House, she can do no less.

In any case, I sat down to write last night, and discovered two things: #1) I was far more tired than I thought, and #2) I needed to step back and rethink a scene, and needed to insert at least one ahead of what I was going to do. Progress goes on.

That's why if you told me NGE UK was led by Queen Zara, I wouldn't question it.
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The only warm drinks I like, are Hot Chocolate, and Warm Milk. Not at all your stereotypical Brit...I don't even like coffee, far too strong (actually, even apple cider is too strong for me)
Strangely enough, there has been an actual fanfic written in which Shinji does take to worshipping Crom. (For a story that takes a minor running gag from the fifth Discworld novel and plays it for MAXIMUM EDGE instead of comedy, it works surprisingly well.)
Which, given that we never see any notion of public scrutiny at all, that NERV seems to handle everything by itself, I'm sure SEELE could easily do. Or even just create faits accomplis.

Kaji technically does work as a UN Inspector, and since that cover wouldn't make any sense if there wasn't public scrutiny, it probably does exist, but since it never affects Shinji we don't see it.
Diary Of A Madman, entry #whatdoesitevenmatter (no, that's not a hashtag)

Cycles, cycles, cycles. I keep seeing the same discussions over and over, broken only by short discussions of updates and speculations about previews. There's an occassional interesting tidbit here and there, but it doesn't seem to matter to me anymore.
Less than two hundred pages remaining, but I'm contemplating a premature end to my quest.