I don't remember what was happening back on old 1058...sweet Jesus, I wasn't involved was I?

MY BAD, I meant page 1059 and subsequent five pages of boner jokes. Your posts usually contain more screams of heresy and less erections.

Someone posted about "Israfel Impact", you and some others declared it HERETICAL. So yes, you were involved.

Oh, right, yeah. I got the pages mixed up. I did notice the page 1058 because the diagram of Israfel Impact resembles heavily what is used in my country as a pictogram for female genitalia.
I can't wait 'til you try this with some fics with the "this is all Strypgia's fault" tag.
Already gone through NME, though the mere 60ish pages weren't that big of a portion. I also skimmed ahead because the story is compelling and I wanted to get to the next chapter as quickly as possible.
My thread's about the same size too, so it would fly by compared to the monstrosity that is Evangelion General... I mean Advice and Trust.
Comedy Omake #47 - Backstage #4 - Naughtilus
For his mad run reading the entire 2.5 years of thread, Naughtilus has inspired me to write an omake.


Backstage #4 - Naughtilus


"And a double Knob Creek on the rocks. Make it snappy. I've got a headache," The Director growled at him. On the set in front of him, Rei and Kaworu kept breaking into giggles every time their eyes met.

The tall, relatively lean Production Assistant nodded tiredly. "Yessir." He turned to the short bird sitting in the chair next to the Director. "And you, Mr. Pen Pen?"

The hot-springs penguin waved a flipper at him. "My usual, Naughtilus. And stop and get me some decent tuna sushi on the way, I'm feeling peckish," he said without looking up from his copy of The Times. The crossword puzzle was mostly filled out. He somehow put a pen back behind where he didn't even have an ear, then rubbed the chin he didn't have either.

The Director threw a prop pillow at the pair on set. "Goddamit, you two!" he roared at the two still snickering in the set of Rei's bedroom. "Go make out behind the set for a minute, whatever it takes to stop you from breaking into giggles every time we try to shoot this scene! We're a week behind shooting schedule!"

"No, no, we got this! Really!" Kaworu said, smothering the last of his chortling. "Right, Rei?"

"Hee hee AHEM! Ok, yeah, we're good!" She took one last drag on the her 'cigarette' and flicked it off to the side, neatly nailing a trash can full of shredded scraps of paper, which promptly caught fire.

"I see Miss Makinami latest attempt to 'improve' the master script has been caught and intercepted?" Pen Pen said dryly, his Oxford accent adding an arch note to the inquiry.

The Director nodded, wincing. "This time it was some garbage about her sniping robots from orbit while she's falling in reentry or something. Who has Evas flying around in space? What does she think this is, some Gundam knock-off? Fortunately, we have plenty of expendable interns and PAs to stand guard." He waved at the retreating PA. "He's still kinda weird. His shirt is giving me a headache."


"So tired... no sleep... Mari will eat me..." the tall PA mumbled, slouching half-awake towards the catering area cum bar at the far end of the cavernous set warehouse.

Narrowed eyes behind red-rimmed glasses watched him go past from the shadows. It had been a difficult week getting her scenes added to the shooting script. The Director was getting canny to her usual tricks, and Miss Soryu had kept her occupied nearly every moment with task after task. Still, she persevered! Her great works must be seen to the world! She would make this project even better by adding her parts! At least, Mister Ikari the Younger hadn't seemed to mind the one time she'd trick-AHEM... suggested and they'd run through a rough version of the part where she introduced her character to him chest and thighs first. It had been going great until Miss Soryu had...um... caught her.

But still! Setbacks were for overcoming! And now the guards had been worn down and distracted. And now, though her first draft was currently on fire, she had a backup set ready! And some more scenes, with her blowing the head off a rogue Eva and looking awesome! Yes!

She stealthily moved from shadow to shadow, and unseen, undetectable ghost in the background. She made it to within sight of the master script book, laying in the open on a table near the middle of the planning area. No one was in sight. Perfect! She scooted closer, and began flipping through the pages still to be shot, looking for a good spot to insert her-

"Whatcha doin'?"

Mari Illustrious Makinami, future superstar and great author, did not spring into the air with a startled shriek, flailing her arms as she spun around. It just looked that way to the uninitiated. "WhatwhowhereIwasn'tdoinganythingMissSoryu!"

The young girl with the blue kerchief staring at her just blinked. "I'm Sakura Suzuhara! Are you in the tv show?" she introduced herself cheerfully.

"Sakura Su-" Mari looked nervously around. The stoic, erudite, and entirely too muscular and strong other Suzuhara was nowhere in sight. "Are... shouldn't you be with your big brother? I didn't know you were allowed to run around without him." If he wasn't here, that was fine with Mari. The classically-trained and wickedly intelligent young man was #1 the only guy who could keep up with Pen Pen and Fuyutsuki when the frequent philosophical discussions sprang up, and #2 had a very low tolerance for Mari's messin- improving the script.

"Big brother is off with his fiancée looking at boring books on fabric patterns or something," the young girl complained. "Whatcha doin'?"

"I'm... just helping out with the script," Mari said, an innocent smile on her face. Behind her, her hands resumed sliding new pages into place in the book. "It needed a little something extra to-"

"My big brother says you're not supposed to do that, I think. I'm gonna tell."

"No no no no, don't do that!" Mari waved her hands. "I'll... I'll... um... hey! Do you want to be in the TV show?"

The young girl looked warily interested. "....keep talkin'."


The Director looked down at the page, back up at the set, and back at the page again. "When did she get a part? Who built this set? Who names a ship the AAA Wunder? What the fuck is going on in this scene? Why is Miss Suzuhara suddenly listed as 'totally a grown up, like 22 and everything!'?"

"....why am I suddenly a fucking pirate?" Asuka growled. "I don't care how cute this hat is, I want to know why I suddenly need to borrow costume gear from the gottverdammten Pirates of the Caribbean set!"

The Director pulled off his hat and smacked himself in the face with it. "Naughtilus, I'm going to have you fed to Zeruel for this. You had one job!"

"He's just a animatronic set, right?" the PA asked nervously. "Haha, this is a joke, right?"

"And he hates funny t-shirts," Pen Pen put in. He blew a puff of smoke out of his pipe.

Naughtilus gulped. "I'm dead."
For his mad run reading the entire 2.5 years of thread, Naughtilus has inspired me to write an omake.


Backstage Again!


"And a double Knob Creek on the rocks. Make it snappy. I've got a headache," The Director growled at him. On the set in front of him, Rei and Kaworu kept breaking into giggles every time their eyes met.

The tall, relatively lean Production Assistant nodded tiredly. "Yessir." He turned to the short bird sitting in the chair next to the Director. "And you, Mr. Pen Pen?"

The hot-springs penguin waved a flipper at him. "My usual, Naughtilus. And stop and get me some decent tuna sushi on the way, I'm feeling peckish," he said without looking up from his copy of The Times. The crossword puzzle was mostly filled out. He somehow put a pen back behind where he didn't even have an ear, then rubbed the chin he didn't have either.

The Director threw a prop pillow at the pair on set. "Goddamit, you two!" he roared at the two still snickering in the set of Rei's bedroom. "Go make out behind the set for a minute, whatever it takes to stop you from breaking into giggles every time we try to shoot this scene! We're a week behind shooting schedule!"

"No, no, we got this! Really!" Kaworu said, smothering the last of his chortling. "Right, Rei?"

"Hee hee AHEM! Ok, yeah, we're good!" She took one last drag on the her 'cigarette' and flicked it off to the side, neatly nailing a trash can full of shredded scraps of paper, which promptly caught fire.

"I see Miss Makinami latest attempt to 'improve' the master script has been caught and intercepted?" Pen Pen said dryly, his Oxford accent adding an arch note to the inquiry.

The Director nodded, wincing. "This time it was some garbage about her sniping robots from orbit while she's falling in reentry or something. Who has Evas flying around in space? What does she think this is, some Gundam knock-off? Fortunately, we have plenty of expendable interns and PAs to stand guard." He waved at the retreating PA. "He's still kinda weird. His shirt is giving me a headache."


"So tired... no sleep... Mari will eat me..." the tall PA mumbled, slouching half-awake towards the catering area cum bar at the far end of the cavernous set warehouse.

Narrowed eyes behind red-rimmed glasses watched him go past from the shadows. It had been a difficult week getting her scenes added to the shooting script. The Director was getting canny to her usual tricks, and Miss Soryu had kept her occupied nearly every moment with task after task. Still, she persevered! Her great works must be seen to the world! She would make this project even better by adding her parts! At least, Mister Ikari the Younger hadn't seemed to mind the one time she'd trick-AHEM... suggested and they'd run through a rough version of the part where she introduced her character to him chest and thighs first. It had been going great until Miss Soryu had...um... caught her.

But still! Setbacks were for overcoming! And now the guards had been worn down and distracted. And now, though her first draft was currently on fire, she had a backup set ready! And some more scenes, with her blowing the head off a rogue Eva and looking awesome! Yes!

She stealthily moved from shadow to shadow, and unseen, undetectable ghost in the background. She made it to within sight of the master script book, laying in the open on a table near the middle of the planning area. No one was in sight. Perfect! She scooted closer, and began flipping through the pages still to be shot, looking for a good spot to insert her-

"Whatcha doin'?"

Mari Illustrious Makinami, future superstar and great author, did not spring into the air with a startled shriek, flailing her arms as she spun around. It just looked that way to the uninitiated. "WhatwhowhereIwasn'tdoinganythingMissSoryu!"

The young girl with the blue kerchief staring at her just blinked. "I'm Sakura Suzuhara! Are you in the tv show?" she introduced herself cheerfully.

"Sakura Su-" Mari looked nervously around. The stoic, erudite, and entirely too muscular and strong other Suzuhara was nowhere in sight. "Are... shouldn't you be with your big brother? I didn't know you were allowed to run around without him." If he wasn't here, that was fine with Mari. The classically-trained and wickedly intelligent young man was #1 the only guy who could keep up with Pen Pen and Fuyutsuki when the frequent philosophical discussions sprang up, and #2 had a very low tolerance for Mari's messin- improving the script.

"Big brother is off with his fiancée looking at boring books on fabric patterns or something," the young girl complained. "Whatcha doin'?"

"I'm... just helping out with the script," Mari said, an innocent smile on her face. Behind her, her hands resumed sliding new pages into place in the book. "It needed a little something extra to-"

"My big brother says you're not supposed to do that, I think. I'm gonna tell."

"No no no no, don't do that!" Mari waved her hands. "I'll... I'll... um... hey! Do you want to be in the TV show?"

The young girl looked warily interested. "....keep talkin'."


The Director looked down at the page, back up at the set, and back at the page again. "When did she get a part? Who built this set? Who names a ship the AAA Wunder? What the fuck is going on in this scene? Why is Miss Suzuhara suddenly listed as 'totally a grown up, like 22 and everything!'"

"....why am I suddenly a fucking pirate?" Asuka growled. "I don't care how cute this hat is, I want to know why I suddenly need to borrow costume gear from the gottverdammten Pirates of the Caribbean set!"

The Director pulled off his hat and smacked himself in the face with it. "Naughtilus, I'm going to have you fed to Zeruel for this. You had one job!"

"He's just a animatronic set, right?" the PA asked nervously. "Haha, this is a joke, right?"

"And he hates funny t-shirts," Pen Pen put in. He blew a puff of smoke out of his pipe.

Naughtilus gulped. "I'm dead."
Man, did I pick a bad night to go on a Pink Floyd binge. This is loopy enough without one of the more psychedelic prog-rock groups playing in the back-ground.

I really should not have had those drinks earlier, either.

No, I'm not sure if I'm the penguin or the Misato

Edit: PSA: Vodka, Hard cider and prog-rock do not mix well if you want to be useful to anyone.
Last edited:
okay a lot of rebuild's decisions are suspect, but space evas was cool! :C and if they'd been gundam esque they'd be way more maneuverable up there!

Still though. hilarious!
Man, did I pick a bad night to go on a Pink Floyd binge. This is loopy enough without one of the more psychedelic prog-rock groups playing in the back-ground.

I really should not have had those drinks earlier, either.

No, I'm not sure if I'm the penguin or the Misato

Edit: PSA: Vodka, Hard cider and prog-rock do not mix well if you want to be useful to anyone.

So let me get this straight - your mental state is the morning after a drunken one night stand with a penguin?
Diary Of A Madman, final entry: Well, I did it. I've reached my first post in the thread. Am I supposed to feel joy? Relief? The overwhelming sense of emptiness? A maddening, repeating chorus of "What now?", perhaps?
Well, I don't really feel anything special. But I guess it might be fitting to use something I dug up, something I've been saving for a special occassion.

You looked anyway, didn't you? The eye bleach is in the cupboard.

Massive thanks to Stryp for the omake.

My not-so-sane mind, however, almost immediately spawned an alternate ending.

The Director pulled off his hat and smacked himself in the face with it. "Naughtilus, I'm going to have you fed to Zeruel for this. You had one job!"

"Several, actually," the PA deadpanned. "And I'm afraid Zeruel isn't available. He quit after somebody commandeered his arms, and is filing a lawsuit.

"Sachiel will have to do, then. No, wait. We fired him for trashing the set again. Shamshel?"

Naughtilus made an exasperated sigh. "He's in rehab. Became alcoholic after he's seen a sex shop on his visit to the city.

The Director's eye twitched. "Ramiel?"

"That was an actual animatronic model," Pen Pen chimed in.

"Gaghiel is out of question, PETA made sure of that. Israfel?"

"Last time I've heard of them, they were arranging a self-divorce," the PA said, barely hiding amusement.

The Director's fingers clutching his hat became visibly white. "Sandalphon?"

This time it was Naughtilus' turn to sport an eye-twitch. "Quit after Asuka made one thermal expansion joke too many. And before you ask, Ireul...discovered the Internet, and Leliel accidentally divided by zero and collapsed into itself. Sahaquiel is in the hospital after having fallen down a staircase."

"There's always Bardiel, right?" An unpleasant, shark-like smile appeared on The Director's face.

The PA snorted. He never liked that particular Angel. "Not as of this morning, The cleaning lady mistook Bardiel for a mould."

The smile vanished quickly. "Arael?"

It was again Pen Pen's turn to provide information. "There was...an accident, I'm afraid. The poor fellow had an encounter with some local children, who mistook him for a Zapdos."

"And Armisael is still not here," Naughtilus added. "This came in the mail yesterday. It's a ransom threat by some Asian warlord who kidnapped him. I think you have a history with that guy." He handed The Director the letter.

Just a short look at the letter was enough. The Director viciously tore the paper to shreds. He started shaking as his hands curled into fists.


Naughtilus out.
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My Lord, if I may be so bold, how many words of glorious waff are left before we reach our destination? I feel that we are closing in on the end, but there is a fair bit yet to go. Perhaps say...thirty thousand words or so?
Oh, meant to answer this. Honestly, I'm not sure. Outline is for three more chapters, roughly 'Armisael', 'Final reveals and aftermath of Armisael', and 'Climactic battle'. The first two should be shorter than the giant ones that 8 and 9 became.
For his mad run reading the entire 2.5 years of thread, Naughtilus has inspired me to write an omake.


Backstage Again!


"And a double Knob Creek on the rocks. Make it snappy. I've got a headache," The Director growled at him. On the set in front of him, Rei and Kaworu kept breaking into giggles every time their eyes met.

The tall, relatively lean Production Assistant nodded tiredly. "Yessir." He turned to the short bird sitting in the chair next to the Director. "And you, Mr. Pen Pen?"

The hot-springs penguin waved a flipper at him. "My usual, Naughtilus. And stop and get me some decent tuna sushi on the way, I'm feeling peckish," he said without looking up from his copy of The Times. The crossword puzzle was mostly filled out. He somehow put a pen back behind where he didn't even have an ear, then rubbed the chin he didn't have either.

The Director threw a prop pillow at the pair on set. "Goddamit, you two!" he roared at the two still snickering in the set of Rei's bedroom. "Go make out behind the set for a minute, whatever it takes to stop you from breaking into giggles every time we try to shoot this scene! We're a week behind shooting schedule!"

"No, no, we got this! Really!" Kaworu said, smothering the last of his chortling. "Right, Rei?"

"Hee hee AHEM! Ok, yeah, we're good!" She took one last drag on the her 'cigarette' and flicked it off to the side, neatly nailing a trash can full of shredded scraps of paper, which promptly caught fire.

"I see Miss Makinami latest attempt to 'improve' the master script has been caught and intercepted?" Pen Pen said dryly, his Oxford accent adding an arch note to the inquiry.

The Director nodded, wincing. "This time it was some garbage about her sniping robots from orbit while she's falling in reentry or something. Who has Evas flying around in space? What does she think this is, some Gundam knock-off? Fortunately, we have plenty of expendable interns and PAs to stand guard." He waved at the retreating PA. "He's still kinda weird. His shirt is giving me a headache."


"So tired... no sleep... Mari will eat me..." the tall PA mumbled, slouching half-awake towards the catering area cum bar at the far end of the cavernous set warehouse.

Narrowed eyes behind red-rimmed glasses watched him go past from the shadows. It had been a difficult week getting her scenes added to the shooting script. The Director was getting canny to her usual tricks, and Miss Soryu had kept her occupied nearly every moment with task after task. Still, she persevered! Her great works must be seen to the world! She would make this project even better by adding her parts! At least, Mister Ikari the Younger hadn't seemed to mind the one time she'd trick-AHEM... suggested and they'd run through a rough version of the part where she introduced her character to him chest and thighs first. It had been going great until Miss Soryu had...um... caught her.

But still! Setbacks were for overcoming! And now the guards had been worn down and distracted. And now, though her first draft was currently on fire, she had a backup set ready! And some more scenes, with her blowing the head off a rogue Eva and looking awesome! Yes!

She stealthily moved from shadow to shadow, and unseen, undetectable ghost in the background. She made it to within sight of the master script book, laying in the open on a table near the middle of the planning area. No one was in sight. Perfect! She scooted closer, and began flipping through the pages still to be shot, looking for a good spot to insert her-

"Whatcha doin'?"

Mari Illustrious Makinami, future superstar and great author, did not spring into the air with a startled shriek, flailing her arms as she spun around. It just looked that way to the uninitiated. "WhatwhowhereIwasn'tdoinganythingMissSoryu!"

The young girl with the blue kerchief staring at her just blinked. "I'm Sakura Suzuhara! Are you in the tv show?" she introduced herself cheerfully.

"Sakura Su-" Mari looked nervously around. The stoic, erudite, and entirely too muscular and strong other Suzuhara was nowhere in sight. "Are... shouldn't you be with your big brother? I didn't know you were allowed to run around without him." If he wasn't here, that was fine with Mari. The classically-trained and wickedly intelligent young man was #1 the only guy who could keep up with Pen Pen and Fuyutsuki when the frequent philosophical discussions sprang up, and #2 had a very low tolerance for Mari's messin- improving the script.

"Big brother is off with his fiancée looking at boring books on fabric patterns or something," the young girl complained. "Whatcha doin'?"

"I'm... just helping out with the script," Mari said, an innocent smile on her face. Behind her, her hands resumed sliding new pages into place in the book. "It needed a little something extra to-"

"My big brother says you're not supposed to do that, I think. I'm gonna tell."

"No no no no, don't do that!" Mari waved her hands. "I'll... I'll... um... hey! Do you want to be in the TV show?"

The young girl looked warily interested. "....keep talkin'."


The Director looked down at the page, back up at the set, and back at the page again. "When did she get a part? Who built this set? Who names a ship the AAA Wunder? What the fuck is going on in this scene? Why is Miss Suzuhara suddenly listed as 'totally a grown up, like 22 and everything!'"

"....why am I suddenly a fucking pirate?" Asuka growled. "I don't care how cute this hat is, I want to know why I suddenly need to borrow costume gear from the gottverdammten Pirates of the Caribbean set!"

The Director pulled off his hat and smacked himself in the face with it. "Naughtilus, I'm going to have you fed to Zeruel for this. You had one job!"

"He's just a animatronic set, right?" the PA asked nervously. "Haha, this is a joke, right?"

"And he hates funny t-shirts," Pen Pen put in. He blew a puff of smoke out of his pipe.

Naughtilus gulped. "I'm dead."

I can't thank you enough for making my morning (and that of many other people) with this omake Strypgia, honest.

"....why am I suddenly a fucking pirate?" Asuka growled. "I don't care how cute this hat is, I want to know why I suddenly need to borrow costume gear from the gottverdammten Pirates of the Caribbean set!"

To make a mythology gag with EoE of course, besides you are just borrowing an eyepatch, it's not like you are taking a sabre and using a hook for a hand.

I feel you; I think her character could have more potential in fitting in with our less than sane cast if they focused in her thirst for battle and apparent lack of worry as a sign of her not being as well adjusted as she seems like how it was done with Solf J. Kimbley in Fullmetal Alchemist (who is as much as awesome as he is downright insane).
Man, did I pick a bad night to go on a Pink Floyd binge. This is loopy enough without one of the more psychedelic prog-rock groups playing in the back-ground.

I really should not have had those drinks earlier, either.

No, I'm not sure if I'm the penguin or the Misato

Edit: PSA: Vodka, Hard cider and prog-rock do not mix well if you want to be useful to anyone.

Hear, hear. Alcohol is the main reason I torture my neighbors with my electric guitar. At night :D