As hilarious as the idea of basically slapping her with a lightning rod is, I'm pretty sure that's not how magic works.So, um, if you're all so set on containment, has anyone considered floating the gold bar in her path of travel?
The idea isn't so much to slap her as it is to simply leave it hovering in her path of travel; if she flashes forward she'll brain herself on the gold bar, while if she antimagics the bar still hangs in the air there long enough to seriously hurt her if she then flashes again.As hilarious as the idea of basically slapping her with a lightning rod is, I'm pretty sure that's not how magic works.
Well, if it works...
So, here is one option, assuming I don't become convinced that Vebyast/Aura are in the right which... I'm trying to avoid reading Kazumi Magica but I'm beginning to feel like I may need to.
grinds teeth at that thought
[] Let her go, unless Mami stops her.
-[] Capture Anri. Maybe Mami does it, maybe you do.
-[] Telepathy everyone here except Anri: if you want to throw away parole, decency, and just immediately leave without further discussion then that is fine Kanna Hijiri. But if that is how you want to do this, then you will play by the Pleiades' rules if you are ever again in Asunaro. You will not hunt in this city, go anywhere near the Pleiades, or go anywhere near their frequented locales without their express permission to be obtained over telepathy. As for yourself, you'll leave anything more complicated up to them and play it how the Pleiades want you to play it, and if she truly wants to leave then you wish her the best of luck, but you will not continue to chain yourself if she violates this. You'll just atomize her.
-[] Telepathy everyone but Hijiri and Anri: you owe the Pleiades a formal apology. You'd expected her to attack you, not to just pull out Umika's powers and leave.
--[] Airi has the clear seed, she's in a nice bundle over yonder.
There seems to be an odd claim, which is that Hijiri in canon didn't decide to kill the Pleiades until she'd seen the freezer, which seems weird as fuck to me because didn't she wish beforehand? If somebody could clarify that chain of events -- whether her wish was inherently malicious or not, essentially -- I'd appreciate it tons.
So. This is one hell of a contentious vote. I'm glad for the discussion, and I'm proud that you guys have kept it mostly civil!
It's also finals for a lot of people.
I like that you guys love my Quest, but I think it's causing a lot of problems for you guys. I don't wanna be responsible for you guys ruining your grades or your sleep. (I mean hey, I've finished my degree, but I remember being able to ruin my sleep without any external help.)
So I'm going to put this on hiatus for... mm, until my Sunday. That'll be Saturday for those of you in the US. Will that suffice? Would you prefer more time? Feel free to ping me with thoughts.
Also, uh, a few questions which I've missed:
This is split second decision time. The attempt can be made.
Yes, she has the Clear Seed.
It's open to interpretation what exactly Hijiri means.
Thank you! Thank you so much!So I'm going to put this on hiatus for... mm, until my Sunday. That'll be Saturday for those of you in the US. Will that suffice? Would you prefer more time? Feel free to ping me with thoughts.
Racoras said:So would any of the people injecting vicious strawmen into the hivemind here (who exactly has advocated for gemsmashing Hijiri, other than Vebyast's unnamed opposing faction? Theres a dozen ways to restrain people, several for magical types, like oh say Anti-Magic Handcuffs in the style of Oriko's Ring, even if easily-reversed gemming is opposed because of her twisty personal issues WITH NO ANSWER IF SHE"D EVEN KNOW IT HAPPENED) care to try and illustrate their thoughts on a key discrepancy?
1. Hijiri did not take the opportunity to kill Niko when she seemingly had the chance
2. Hijiri has the canon powerset , which is having all of the Pleiades powers, which in canon was a result of wanting to connect to the Pleaides to see them all suffer
2b. Any specifics on the context of Hijiri wishing? Are you saying she found out about the freezer before wishing, somehow? If she wished only in relation to wanting Niko dead how does she have the powers of the others?
Very important question that I see no reason why @Firnagzen can't answer: When a Meguca is gemmed (that is, soul gem removed from proximity until their body drops) , assuming they didn't watch it float away right before, can they actually tell and make the connection "I am a puppet losing that gem caused this" ? Or if say all they know is it went dark, and a few moments later they lost conciousness and woke up later..... can a Meguca actually tell teh difference between Gemming and any other form of fiat knockout-magic? Are they perhaps constantly aware in the gem-prison just waiting for a body? (Okay the horror of that last bit and our not knowing if the Freezer was made yet might be plot-relevant, but its also easily resolved by asking Oriko about any of the several times its happened to her this quest) .
Also, can Firn or someone familiar with Kazumi Magica say whether Limiti Externi (Kazumi's antimagic attack) is a directed beam or a radius pulse, and whether it seems to require projection from anything specific like her hands versus an arbitrary startpoint like her anklebone or neck or anything else?
Anyways @Vebyast @AuraTwilight do you see any obvious flaws or unethical issues with simply giving Hijiri an anti-magic ankle bracelet (tracking capabilities optional) , whether its part of a larger "timeout chair" or the "let her go" ? You seemed to feel (Vebyast at least) that the only possible alternative to letting ehr go free and clear while we talk more was to smash her gem and nothing else could hold an antimagic-user?
Kirika's already successfully enchanted an antimagic item once before, as an experiment. She should be able to do so again.You mean aside from the practical problem that we have no way to make an antimagic ankle bracelet?
You remember how the thread reacted to Sayaka? And to Oriko being an idiot? Yeah, imagine that, except that Hijiri is serious-business trying to kill us about once a chapter. If we gem Hijiri, or even really serious restrain her, I'm calling it fifty-fifty for "she witches out" and "the thread votes to smash her gem". This incident has not improved my opinion of the thread's ability to keep its head when someone challenges it. It's almost as bad as Hijiri herself.
We've already really seriously restrained her before. She weathered the incident just fine.You remember how the thread reacted to Sayaka? And to Oriko being an idiot? Yeah, imagine that, except that Hijiri is serious-business trying to kill us about once a chapter. If we gem Hijiri, or even really serious restrain her, I'm calling it fifty-fifty for "she witches out" and "the thread votes to smash her gem". This incident has not improved my opinion of the thread's ability to keep its head when someone challenges it. It's almost as bad as Hijiri herself.
Even blocking her here is risky, and the only reason I'm doing it is to try to attract every vote that I can get from the "kill her and let madokami sort it out" crowd.
And I can guarantee we won't be watching her 24/7 because she's going to be continually pissing the thread off, enough so that the other fifty percent is that the thread votes to gemsmash her. After these last few days of discussion I am more than willing to believe that she can do that.
Pack it up, game's over, we're going to kill someone that we were trying to help.
And that's if she doesn't just piss the thread off enough that they push through "[x] gemsmash" no matter what the reasonable people want.
There's a reason that I'm saying that this is game over. We either end up gemsmashing Hijiri or the Pleiades never trust us again.
You mean aside from the practical problem that we have no way to make an antimagic ankle bracelet?
"And if you all want anti-magic enchantments, we're gonna be here for a while," Kirika says. "'course, Oriko already has one."
"Yes, we can all see the ring," you say, grinning at her. You admire the shade of tomato red Kirika turns for a second before turning back to Kazumi. "Do you have anything you can use?"
All the Kazumis always use their staff as a focus to channel and point their Limiti Esterni.Also, can Firn or someone familiar with Kazumi Magica say whether Limiti Externi (Kazumi's antimagic attack) is a directed beam or a radius pulse, and whether it seems to require projection from anything specific like her hands versus an arbitrary startpoint like her anklebone or neck or anything else?
This is Sabrina's experience with being Gemmed:Or if say all they know is it went dark, and a few moments later they lost conciousness and woke up later.....
And here's the same scene from Homura's side:She nods slowly, letting the hand holding your Soul Gem fall to her side. "That won't be necessary," she says, carefully untying the rope from around her waist. "I have a longer rope." She lets go of her end of the rop-
-e. You grimace. "Ugh. Never going to get used to that." Homura's tying a brightly coloured length of rope to the one currently bound around your waist, and you follow that rope with your eyes - it trails across the landscape, reaching to the top of some old, half built structure, all exposed steel and I-beams. Homura nods at you, finishing the knot, and then lets g-
-o again. "Argh," you mumble into the floor.
Wait, why are you on the floor?
You push yourself up, off the floor, and look at the old structure where the rope led to... where the rope doesn't lead to.
At a guess, Homura misjudged the distance? She's now set up on a nearer building, and is waving an arm so that you can see her. You wave back at her, and she puts her hand down.
Kirika's already successfully enchanted an antimagic item once before, as an experiment. She should be able to do so again.
You do remember This Mortal Coil pt 29 right? An anti-magic enchanted ring is how we helped Oriko deal with her wish-rejection pain, while it was Mami who made it rather than Sabrina or Kirika I don't see why she couldn't make an ankle bracelet? It wasn't even an experiment of Kirikas, it was a lasting thing.
Teleport is a thing.Sato Kimiko from Ishinomaki has lightning, but Saki also has lightning. Different flavour. And I've done work on reconciling all the Pleiades' powersets, so yes and no, Saki has the same powers as she does in PMKM - suffice it to say that she has a lightning-themed teleport.
(Sakura's and Saki's teleports might not be the same power, but I think there's a good chance Saki's teleport requires the same sort of focus Sakura's does. Most magics should need focus.)So uh, it's been pointed out to me that I made a mistake - I kind of didn't hint enough at how to stop the teleport, which hinges on the fact that Sakura needs to focus for long distance jumps. Pain, or some other means of giving her a shock, would have worked.
I didn't think much about this then, but the point, I take, is:Onmur: @Firnagzen curious. Does Hijiri's Gem feel any different while... lightningized?
Firnagzen: @Onmur nope, it's still there
Firnagzen: also, you've seen saki do this before
Firnagzen: pretty muchSayaka stands off to the side, gripping the edge of her cloak and frowning. A sharp jerk, and a twirl to the side, and there's a second Sayaka there, who grins at the original and holds up a hand for a high-five. Sayaka creates another clone and they both take off, before nodding at Saki. The platinum-blonde clenches her fist, and vanishes in a blazing crackle of lightning.
You hold Hijiri's gaze, the blazing crackle of magic inside her curling into wire-taut tension. It's activity you don't recognise, but she's preparing to use magic.
Thus, Hijiri's teleporting, not magic-travelling."You can't give me what I want," Hijiri says with a bitter smile - and dissolves into a blinding streak of lightning.