Voting is going bloody FAST.
I hope SOME analysis can be done before it's completely runaway.
[] [War] They're on their own(-1 Stability, -1 Legitimacy, ???)
Negative Stability triggers, which will lead to panic and generally the quarantine breaking.
Then territory loss triggers next turn.
[] [War] Scramble what warriors are available (Sends a Sec War Mission and Mercenary Companies to the east)
I'm not very sure this is enough. Might just end up breaking the Banners.
[] [War] Scramble everyone (Sends warriors east, Switches to Mass Levy policy and removes Isolated Economy status)
Myranyn Reforms Result: Mass Levy Active Policy
Mass Levy - While this policy is active, the sum of Econ + Wealth + (Sum of Ironworks Levels) x2 added to Temp Martial Score one combat phase after policy activated, but Expand Econ and most Wealth generating actions disabled while this policy active. Otherwise acts as the Offensive Policy
This will be EXPENSIVE...but most of the costs of breaking quarantine hit stats we (currently) have a surplus of.
[] [React] We need more fast scouts to counter the nomads! (Sec More Spiritbonded)
We need this regardless. Fighting horse nomads with 1 cavalry is suicide.
[] [React] Forest and hill scouts are what we need! (Sec More Blackbirds)
Wrong problem.
[] [React] The armies need to not get sick! (Sec More Carrion Eaters)
Wrong problem.
[] [React] More effort! (Extra Sec War Mission, cannot be taken if east abandoned)
Not enough dudes to send.
[] [React] Keep looking for a cure! (Sec Study Health)
Pending re-analysis of the symptoms.
[] [React] The economy, fools! (Sec Expand Econ, cannot be taken with Mass Levy active)
Counters the temp econ damage.
[] [React] Stamp down on those tearing the kingdom apart! (Sec Restore Order)
Give us a stability threshold to tank things. Will immediately lose it to running out of temp econ though.
So combos:
[] [War] Scramble everyone (Sends warriors east, Switches to Mass Levy policy and removes Isolated Economy status)
[] [React] We need more fast scouts to counter the nomads! (Sec More Spiritbonded)
Wealth 16-12 = 4 next turn.
We can only do this for ONE turn and if the plague AND invasion isn't over, we'd probably burn. But it has the best chance of breaking the Khan's momentum because the two lowland rivers are the best thresholds to stop.
If we get lucky, the Khan bounces off and goes looking for the Hamurri for targets. If we don't we burn.
[] [War] Scramble what warriors are available (Sends a Sec War Mission and Mercenary Companies to the east)
[] [React] We need more fast scouts to counter the nomads! (Sec More Spiritbonded)
Delaying maneuver, we'd basically trade our Martial and possibly the Companies to try to ride out the plague first so we can activate Mass Levy next turn for them.
[] [War] Scramble what warriors are available (Sends a Sec War Mission and Mercenary Companies to the east)
[] [React] The economy, fools! (Sec Expand Econ, cannot be taken with Mass Levy active)
This PROBABLY has a risk of killing the Banners, and losing Martial, but will prevent losing further Stability to the plague(and then we lose it to the Nomads taking clay).
[X] [War] Scramble everyone (Sends warriors east, Switches to Mass Levy policy and removes Isolated Economy status)
[X] [React] We need more fast scouts to counter the nomads! (Sec More Spiritbonded)
You know what, Wealth 4 and 1d4 damage to basically everything but Martial is a problem a Heroic Admin can cope with.
This gives us a Martial of 19+11+6+2+15=53 and a Cavalry score of 2, which makes up for poorer Martial skill with sheer logistics.