We're kind of a ridiculously high Cent civ. Admin compression won't be the specific problem here, since our Cent floor has plenty of room as well to wriggle down into.
Indeed. Though if I sit here and wonder about it for a bit I am becoming curious if our Max Cent is as high as it could be inside this system at this current time and level of social advancement. No way to tell really.
On the other side of things when you compare us to our neighbors:
The Storm Tribes are a loose confederacy of nomad descendants.
The Mountain Horse are a group of City States.
The Harmurri are a kingdom? We don't actually know how they do things.
The Tin Tribes are groups of unconnected tribes.
The Nomads basically don't
have a Cent score.
The Khemetri are God-Kings.
The Highland Kingdom are some kind of parliamentary kingdom, though they may have lost their parliament thing.
The Txolla run things like a confederation of villages, who'd all probably answer to a king if we weren't their liege.
The Thunder Speakers are a Theocracy.
The Thunder Horse are a City State federation.
The Saffron Islands are not really known, they may be a confederation of islands? Whatever they were probably got fucked over by Trelli conquering them.
Out of all of these only the HK are probably higher Cent than us due to the way IStO must have changed their society. That and their Hierarchy is also probably amazingly high.
And for all those people who may be new, or don't understand some mechanics and/or missed some AN info drops any country which is a group of city states or tribes is probably running negative to zero Cent. Out of all the people we know the only ones who likely have positive Cent are the Khem, Harmurri, Thunder Speakers and Highland Kingdom.
Further, Cent is used to resist disaster damage and Temp Econ damage. Interestingly a lot of our negative Cent neighbors would be tempted to adopt Mylathadysm for its Temp Econ Damage resistance due to Charity if they were run by real players. In the actual game we will probably see a surge in Mylathadysm spread after any kind of disaster which tanks our neighbors econ or if they have greedy trader problems.