Not as simple as that. Remember when a bunch of people made off with our boats and went pirate? I'd like to prevent that sort of thing too. Pirates are bad, guys. It's why we've been trying to deal with them the last few turns.

It is in our interest to supress bandits and pirates but it is not in our interest to increase administration strain or add rebellion ticker, neither should we entertain idea of massacre.
[X] [SR] Food (Colonies and vassals transfer 1 Econ/turn each)
[X] [HS] Increase Professionalism (Found Mercenary Company, Reforms advance)
[X] [Attack] Hire out mercenary company
-[X] [Attack] Both
--[X] [Attack] To Freehills
[X] [Policy] Special: Vassal Support (+1 Subordinate while active, increases Loyalty while active at less than full subordinates)
Here ya go:

I do think dealing with them is worth it. I'd certainly love to not have to constantly be hunting pirates or have a wealth drain.

Nah, I read the analysis on exactly how much each project was worth, and it's a lot. I also just see a lot of value in controlling the Black Sea and the Straits.
Hey man at the moment taking Trelli will not help us administer any of our vassals and only adds a headache that we don't need. Long term the straits will still be there and there will be a time we will take it and we would be in a much better situation then (geopolitical too many internal factions will want it) . Also AN has already told us the HK will be making a move this turn. Better to get some wealth and focus internally before dealing with rebellious vassals that we don't have time for. The state of our roads and defenses are horrendous especially if the Storm Wolves decided to continue past the WY and go after Greenshore and WW.
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Here ya go:

I do think dealing with them is worth it. I'd certainly love to not have to constantly be hunting pirates or have a wealth drain.

Nah, I read the analysis on exactly how much each project was worth, and it's a lot. I also just see a lot of value in controlling the Black Sea and the Straits.
In that case, helping Freehills take Trelli and then working together with them to take out pirates would work just as well, right?

They would control the straights, and thus have good reasons to build up a navy and want to get rid of pirates. They will also like us for helping them get the straights, so we can invite them to the Games or something similar for a low amount of investment, making the whole thing a win for both of us. They get the Straights, we get an ally on the straights that helps us with pirates.
[X] [SR] Food (Colonies and vassals transfer 1 Econ/turn each)
[X] [HS] Increase Professionalism (Found Mercenary Company, Reforms advance)
[X] [Attack] Attempt to take the Trelli Strait
[X] [Policy] Special: Vassal Support (+1 Subordinate while active, increases Loyalty while active at less than full subordinates)
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It is in our interest to supress bandits and pirates but it is not in our interest to increase administration strain or add rebellion ticker, neither should we entertain idea of massacre.
As I said earlier, I've heard these arguments. I doubt giving Freehills mercenaries to do it in our steed is going to less bloody, nor do I think it makes us morally less culpable, and increasing admin strain is not a black and white good or bad deal.
In that case, helping Freehills take Trelli and then working together with them to take out pirates would work just as well, right?

They would control the straights, and thus have good reasons to build up a navy and want to get rid of pirates. They will also like us for helping them get the straights, so we can invite them to the Games or something similar for a low amount of investment, making the whole thing a win for both of us. They get the Straights, we get an ally on the straights that helps us with pirates.
The Freehills are tiny. It's going to be a long time before they have time to do anything but digest Trell, assuming they even do it.

Like I said, I wouldn't even be upset if the Freehills vote won, and the same arguments are starting to come out again, so I'll just step back out of the argument. I think owning the Straits has a lot of value, but I'm not nearly confident enough in how things will go to beat the drum of support for a side all day.
The Dam has 1/4 chance of being finished by the guild. On the other hand, it's only 3-6 main actions to finished it, which means we could finish it if we go all in with our actions and then replace that with the Lowland Canal megaproject before finishing the guild quest.

I want to finish the Dam first so it can't be picked. Compared to the other Megaprojects available, it's going to be short and it's going to be inexpensive. Blowing our (massive) good fortune on the Dam is, I feel, a wasted opportunity. If we could get the Great Library or the Triangle Canal, it would save us more actions and resources.

I wouldn't mind doing Porcelain Works. I'm a bit hesitant about going poppies since that eats LTE and we are only at 24; we need that LTE if we are to finish the Priest Quest.

That's fine. I think Porcelain Works works better with Charcoal Kilns better than Poppies anyway. I think the Priest quest will be finished fairly soon, though. We've got 12 Econ coming in at the start of next turn and our -6 is cancelled due to our current subordinate reform choice. We're guaranteed to do a [Main] Expand Econ due to Balanced when gives +8 more. That will get us to 26 by next Mid-Turn. As long as we're careful with Econ expenditures, we're very likely to get the Priest quest done next Mid-Turn, or right after that. It depends if the Provinces Build Mills.

I suppose I could swap out the RoO and change the PG to a Festival action, but that puts us at 1 stability, which is a bit low for my tastes. I'd rather not.

You're right RoO actually does boost Stab irregardless of Walls. Stab will probably be useful as well next Mid-Turn. Western Ymaryn is likely to get steamrolled and provide a lot of refugees.

I am not comfortable doing that. Stability should be one of first priorities, higher than infrastructure of any sort, since Stability is ALWAYS useful. In a crisis, it gives us reserves to work with so we don't have to choose between multiple terrible options. Outside of a crisis, it reduces the chance of bad stuff happening and gives us something to kick with.

Not to mention that if we get to 3 stability, we get a golden age, which itself has Megaproject Tracks. I'm not going to make a big deal out of pushing for that, but as long as we have Mysticism and Culture maxed anyways, we might as well try to get stability up if we can.

I do not want to get hung up on Golden Ages. It would be super helpful, but our addiction to Golden Ages prevented us from Influencing the Thunder Twins in that past. I don't want to get stuck there.

Having said that, Infrastructure is super important I think we should put Infrastructure as our active policy for a while in order to top up. I suspect that it will finish off all of the extended projects we have hanging and that would be valuable. It might even start building palace annexes. Either way, I think we need to seriously consider just knocking away at roads for a while in order so we can make some headway.
[X] [SR] Food (Colonies and vassals transfer 1 Econ/turn each)
[X] [HS] Increase Professionalism (Found Mercenary Company, Reforms advance)
[X] [Attack] No one
[X] [Attack] Hire out mercenary company
-[X] [Attack] Both
--[X] [Attack] To Freehills
[X] [Attack] Hire out mercenary company
-[X] [Attack] Both
--[X] [Attack] To Western Ymaryn
[X] [Attack] Hire out mercenary company
-[X] [Attack] Both
--[X] [Attack] To Trelli
[X] [Policy] Infrastructure (+1 Free Progress to an infrastructure project (Aqueduct, governor's palace, saltern, etc.)/turn)
[X] [Policy] Special: Forestry (+1 Sustainable Forest and -1 Econ Expansion/2 turns) x1

Changing vote; Approval voting anything that doesn't stick us in a war with the Trelli.

(Still 32 to 30..)
@Redium - I agree that getting hung up on Golden Ages is a mistake right now. However that doesn't mean we shouldn't take advantage of the opportunity to enter one of we can.

I generally agree with your stance on roads as well. I'd be happy to spend a secondary on it each turn from henceforth; we just need those actions for stability right now.

I approve of putting the policy after this on Infrastructure. I'd like to be making 6 progress per turn at least, which means another infrastructure policy. I don't think your are right about it starting to clean things up for us, though; we are about to get a bunch more extended projects, so there is still a lot to do before we get to palace annexes.

That said, after the next infrastructure policy I'd prefer a second Vassal Policy. Those policies are strong, but slow; I'd rather have two to double their speed.

Fortunately, we are getting 2 cities back next week, so hopefully we can go both Vassal Support and Infrastructure.
I would like to remind folks that having an intrigue network will let us surface hidden information about the world at large.

So, I am eying the skullduggery policy.
@Somebodynobody10 Would you please consider changing your vote to hiring both banners to Freehills instead of just one, to consolidate votes?
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Actually, a question.

Can anyone explain what the point of the Housing Block is? I get that it enables lvl2 Ironworks, but other than that most everything about it seems bad. Am I missing something?
Noted but it's better to deal with our own problem before trying to deal with other people's problem. Responsibility is to take care of our own first before trying to overestimate our role on the world.
Blood will almost certainly be on our hand. But on the other hand, we won't have to deal with the headache that is the Trelli and we won't have to ask the players if "forceful relocation" should be done.
To be quite frank, I am not voting based on whether genocide and oppression will happen. I simply want to avoid adding additional strain to our empire, since I strongly expect it to break us.
Perfectly reasonable. We are under considerable strain right now. I don't think it will break us, but I freely admit it is a risk. I just see the benefits outweighing the costs in the long term.

There is a distinct chance that Freehills will be unable to hold onto the city anyway, since if they're likely to rebel under us, then they'll be far from quiet under their former slaves. Unless they resort to genocide, which is quite likely. If they fail then the pirates and bandits get worse. My post was basically aimed at those who were voting because they wanted to avoid a genocide. Best chance of avoiding it is by voting to take the city.

I mainly want Not!Constantinople because of its position. It solidifies our control of the Yllython and makes it considerably safer. If anyone wants to attack our core they'll have to do it via land since we control the strait access. If we avoid the genocide of most of the population then I see that as a bonus, and if we don't take it now then we might not get another chance for a considerable length of time.
Actually, a question.

Can anyone explain what the point of the Housing Block is? I get that it enables lvl2 Ironworks, but other than that most everything about it seems bad. Am I missing something?

Fuel the enormous labor demand, less likely to have squatter settlements and slums, and concentrate people into networks that will produce more innovation.
Actually, a question.

Can anyone explain what the point of the Housing Block is? I get that it enables lvl2 Ironworks, but other than that most everything about it seems bad. Am I missing something?
Probably unlocks higher tier infrastructure. But, aside from that, it allows us to build duplicate infrastructure. Extra Baths, Aqueducts, Libraries, Temples, etc. Probably would let us kick Plagues right in the balls for a while.


Forgot to mention an important point that I don't believe others have mentioned. Housing allows us more cities in total because, aside from increasing the EE threshold, the duplicate Aqueducts and Baths increase it further (unless there's a hidden rule that this doesn't work for some reason.)

More cities means more Ironworks means more econ.
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Actually, a question.

Can anyone explain what the point of the Housing Block is? I get that it enables lvl2 Ironworks, but other than that most everything about it seems bad. Am I missing something?
I've been imagining it to be something like company housing. Or in this case, Guild/State owned homes that are specifically for people working in the Ironworks. Allows for greater control of resources, which in this case means people.
Probably unlocks higher tier infrastructure. But, aside from that, it allows us to build duplicate infrastructure. Extra Baths, Aqueducts, Libraries, Temples, etc. Probably would let us kick Plagues right in the balls for a while.
Sure, extra baths and aqueducts would let us luck disease in the teeth... in that ONE city. Doesn't help us that much with how we've got a bunch more.

As for extra Libraries and Temples... why would we bother? We don't even build those in all the cities we actually have, after all.
For me, it comes down to wanting to actually stabilize the Black Sea and secure the Straits permanently. I want a nice little placid bowl of Ymaryn dominance for internal supply and transport. I have serious doubts about Freehills' ability to maintain control of their former masters, let alone do it in a less genocidal manner than we would. Best case, they continue vomiting out pirates for a while. Worst case, they lose control and they bar us both access again.

If we were in better shape currently I'd find this argument more convincing. As it stands we know we have access to the "restoring regional stability" CB, so if they do fail to control the strait, we can start another war later to take over. If you're convinced this will happen, then supporting Freehills now is just postponing the problem, but things are sufficiently on fire right now that I think postponing the problem is worth our time.
Sure, extra baths and aqueducts would let us luck disease in the teeth... in that ONE city. Doesn't help us that much with how we've got a bunch more.

As for extra Libraries and Temples... why would we bother? We don't even build those in all the cities we actually have, after all.
It would be relevent when we finish our tier one infra.
Sure, extra baths and aqueducts would let us luck disease in the teeth... in that ONE city. Doesn't help us that much with how we've got a bunch more.

As for extra Libraries and Temples... why would we bother? We don't even build those in all the cities we actually have, after all.
That's fair. See my late edit (sorry):
Forgot to mention an important point that I don't believe others have mentioned. Housing allows us more cities in total because, aside from increasing the EE threshold, the duplicate Aqueducts and Baths increase it further (unless there's a hidden rule that this doesn't work for some reason.)

More cities means more Ironworks means more econ.
It occurs to me that we are undergoing an agricultural revolution since each increases in Expand Econ give us 1+econ -1ee and -1 tech.