A second son migrating to the city to become a member of the urban poor is undesirable. You're still poor, which is undesirable, and urban, which is an estrangement.

So the decision for the Second Sons to go and murder people in order to steal their stuff is better!?

It's okay for them to risk our entire society because they don't want to risk having a worse life than their parents, according to you. Remember, if the Second Sons had gone after the Mountain Horse or the Khemetri, we'd be in deep trouble and likely directly at war with them. That's nuts. The level of entitlement is absolutely astonishing.

Also, by going with H-Dude, you are directly committing to the estrangement of the Urban Poor. Why does the potential estrangement of the Second Sons of the yeoman matter, but not that of the Urban Poor? By creating a professional military from the Urban Poor, we give the a chance for a better life. They'll have solid wages; they can turn that into a business or use that to buy an apprenticeship for their children. They'll have a chance at a reward at the end of their service; maybe land if we have it or a long-term pension. They have the chance to become teachers and instructors if they're good at their jobs. They could catch the eye of a Patrician and come to work directly for them or advance their children's status.

Why? I thought our current martial is 2. We need less than 3. A high centralization pushes the guaranteed resolution of the Second son crisis.

We don't actually know what it is. 3 Is just the lowest our Martial has ever gotten. The value might be zero for all we know.

The alternative is doing nothing forever and hoping it works out.

Some people in the thread want to do that. They absolutely, 100% refuse to curtain the rights of the yeoman. If our Provinces and Free Cities don't let us hit Martial 0 (as they did this turn) it may not be possible to stop the crisis any other way.
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I honestly feel like being mad at the yeomen for this crisis is idiotic. We let our martial get too high. We let our cent stay too low. We never built roads. We never built temples in under-developed areas. Etc. Etc. Etc. If you want them to not cause trouble, do the things that will forestall trouble and unify our society.

Picking the option that will crush them beneath the feet of the poorly shod urban poor, armed with national-symbol iron, and fed with the fruit of the yeomen's own farms is, essentially, a reactionary, passive-aggressive response to them causing trouble.
It isn't about "blame". It doesn't matter whether you assign fault to Yeomen for committing treason in droves, or the Peripheral Governors who let them, or the Priests who shook faith in the King enough for this mess to get started, or the players for letting Centralization drop so low and Martial to raise so high. What matters is what we can do about it.

We can build centralization back up and allow martial to slip down, which we have been doing.
We can get past the dispute between the King and the Priests and recover our Legitimacy, which we have been doing.
We can reform our Peripheral States, which we did marginally by absorbing chunks of the Western Wall and are doing more of with "Subordinate Reform" this turn.
And we can suppress the martial power of the Yeomen, which is what we are trying to do NOW.
The dole means that you are fed well enough not to starve, and yeoman skills means that you are likely to advance in ranks much quicker than the regular urban poor.
Please enumerate these yeomen skills and how they transfer to being a member of this new approach to warfare. Everyone keeps bringing them up, but other than discipline - which would only exist in yeomen families who have taken part in a merc company - I can't imagine much that's applicable. Bows aren't crossbows, swords aren't crossbows, [weapon] aren't... Armored crossbow squads trained largely in an urban environment will just fight differently.

The reason people went west was because they knew that going to the cities was a dead end. Unless you could find a trade, you'd be stuck doing menial labor for the rest of your life. At best, you might get picked up by the government to work on its various infrastructure projects long term. At worst, you starve and die in a gutter.
If you read the actual writing, it appears that there were people with good military talent who weren't finding a use for it. I guess that the lack of other avenues was another reason, but I don't see how adding a shitton of competition in the cities that are dead ends will make these cities no longer be dead ends... Unless we're developing a formal army? I guess that would make sense. But large amounts of people trained en masse using low-skill weapons sounds more like a militia or a levy than an army... *shrug* Opinion?

If the military recruits from the urban poor, then it makes sense to go to the city to join the army, rather than go west and risk your life for an unlikely reward. As others have mentioned, unless the western ymaryn crush the storm tribes, they won't be getting much more land, which means they can't just steal and settle land like they did the previous generations.
If the military only recruits from the city then you've already lost in comparison to before. Considering how successful ventures to the west have been, it doesn't seem that bad. Considering how well the Western Ymaryn appear to be doing - along with the fact that we're still losing large amounts of people to them - it doesn't seem that bad. You have a low chance for risking your life going to the west, you have a high chance for risking your future going to the city. The expected cost would seem to be equivalent, if not still leaning toward the west.
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And that is the point of martial reform, to defang the yeoman so they don't invite retaliation on the People.


The fact that this is a problem is the reason why we're in a crisis and need a reform. The Second Sons are leaving because they can and we have no ability to prevent it. Forget this specific vote for a second. Any situation that resolves Second Sons is going to involve curtailing them and pissing them off. The alternative is doing nothing forever and hoping it works out.

I see Second Son crisis having two major cause, lack of new land for equivalent positions as their father and elder brother; and inability for soldiers to be control effectively.

To address the first cause we have to either:
  • Acquire new land, hopefully without any existing population
  • Open up more areas of our society and government so anyone have reasonable chance of attaining leadership position not matter how small.
  • Find ways to control population via culling or exporting or migration.
To address the second cause we have to do either the following while ensuring no other factions have control over the soldiers:
  • Improve government's ability to govern. (Admin tech)
  • Reduce reliance of military staff on Yeoman and Patrician, via increasingly expand sources of soldiers and slowly easing out existing leadership positions.
But the current Urban Poor Army reform will make the Partisans and Priests the joint owner of military, with them as leader and paymaster. This will piss off Yeoman, who were the minor leadership and bulk of the army; while trying to solve all the other crisis in -1 stability!
Please enumerate these yeomen skills and how they transfer to being a member of this new approach to warfare. Everyone keeps bringing them up, but other than discipline - which would only exist in yeomen families who have taken part in a merc company - I can't imagine much that's applicable. Bows aren't crossbows, swords aren't crossbows, [weapon] aren't... Armored crossbow squads trained largely in an urban environment will just fight differently.
Tracking? Foraging? Being more physically fit? Hell, even the bowmanship should be able to help, since I highly doubt the military is going to phase out longbowmen, considering anyone who can use a longbow is better than a crossbowman in pretty much every way.

Also, iirc, our yeomen tend to sometimes get experience fighting off bandits and other threats, so some might have a bit of combat experience if they are lucky.
If you read the actual writing, it appears that there were people with good military talent who weren't finding a use for it. I guess that the lack of other avenues was another reason, but I don't see how adding a shitton of competition in the cities that are dead ends will make these cities no longer be dead ends... Unless we're developing a formal army? I guess that would make sense. But large amounts of people trained en masse using low-skill weapons sounds more like a militia or a levy than an army... *shrug* Opinion?
Part of it is that if you open up a ton of new jobs to the urban poor, then you are going to drain a fair bit of the workforce in the cities into the army. Which means you now have new jobs that people, such as second sons, could take if needed.

Though I have to admit, I'm not quite sure how this reform will actually affect the army's layout. I assume that we have some sort of plan to use our surplus of crossbowmen effectively, but I'm not quite sure how.

I know a lot of people have been making roman legion references, so I wonder if the crossbow would work to replace the javelin? Like, have a shield wall based army like the romans, but instead of having the legion throw a javelin as they approach the enemy, instead have them unleash a hail of crossbow bolts?

Probably not even close to what is planned, but I assume that our reform isn't going to be 'we hand everyone crossbows and hope nobody ever gets close enough to stab us'.
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Wah! It has fallen behind!

[X] [Reform] Begin Harmysyn Reforms Event Chain

I honestly do not think either one will fix this, neither of these will remove Second Sons Crisis and we still need to fulfill the conditions. It is only a question of which we want to start fixing first, the class problem or the sex problem.

Let... let me get this straight.

In order to curtail the power of the Patricians long-term... you want to go the route of making them the basis of our army?
That is a pretty good strawman, he did not say that either of them curtailed the power of the Patricians. He never even mentioned the Patricians. He was talking about the Yeomen
We shouldn't be mad that the Yeoman are going off and murdering and stealing? You literally sound like you're making excuses for someone's abusive behaviour. "It's not their fault they went off and murdered all those people! I just didn't build enough roads. My temples will be better next time. It's not Yeoman-san's fault that he's deserted the army to slaughter outsiders and steal their stuff!"
It is very much our fault when those are our people and thus our responsibility.

People will people and if we do no create infrastructure to enforce law and order it is very much our fault if they do not even get a slap on the wrist for breaking it.
[X] [Reform] Begin Myranyn Reforms Event Chain
[X] [Iron] Upgrade Iron Blooded to Steel Blooded
[X] [PiA] Harmurri (Something trade related maybe [Not Center of Trade related])
[X] [GA] Subordinate reform (-10 Prestige)
[X] [Reform] Begin Myranyn Reforms Event Chain
[X] [Iron] Upgrade Iron Blooded to Steel Blooded
[X] [PiA] Harmurri (Something trade related maybe [Not Center of Trade related])
[X] [GA] Subordinate reform (-10 Prestige)
[X] [GA] Administrative innovation (-8 Wealth)

Changing my vote. To arming urban poor, and aproval voting for subordinate reform.
The Patricians become Officers that means at least 50 regular soldiers per 1 officer maybe 2-5 NCOs

The Patricians are the 'professional' soldiers; the professions that take an extremely long time to get good at. All of our Spiritbonded, Chariots, and War Catamarans will be operated by Patricians.

H-Dude's reforms are expanding this remit so that all military roles require so much training that only Patricians have the free time to devote to learning how to be a soldier.

That is a pretty good strawman, he did not say that either of them curtailed the power of the Patricians. He never even mentioned the Patricians. He was talking about the Yeomen

It's very much not. I responded explicitly to Umi's reasoning:

I do not see how the Marynyn or whatever reform actually, short- or mid-term disempowers the patricians. All it does is give them an independent source of martial power with which they can finally gain power over the yeomen and thus power over the land and thus power over the food with which they will chain their source of martial power.

The part I quoted is above. It's the first paragraph of the quote I took; the response I made was the one you then quoted that stated Patrician power wasn't mentioned. Umi explicitly stated that their reasoning was based on reducing the Patrician's power and how M-Guy's plan wouldn't reduce the Patrician's powers but, in fact, enhance them.

The rest of my statement was based on this:

"We need to reconcentrate the military power of the patrician class, and if all the best warrior sons are going to run off, I see no reason not to train our daughters! The demands of command are not so vigorous as those of the common footsoldier, and there are many an account-"

H-Dude's point is about how allowing women to take up roles in the army is merely an excuse in order to expand the Patrician's power. They don't want to have to depend on the yeoman at all, that's explicitly his goal. Training women is merely one of the required steps since the Patricians simply do not have enough sons to match the yeoman's current contribution to our military.

Thus, I reasoned, it seems extremely strange to suggest M-Guy's plan will empower the Patricians over the Yeoman when Y-Dude's plan explicitly is to claw military power back from the yeoman. Presumably so that they can then crush the deserting yeoman.

It is very much our fault when those are our people and thus our responsibility.

People will people and if we do no create infrastructure to enforce law and order it is very much our fault if they do not even get a slap on the wrist for breaking it.

Okay, and? We're going to have to fix our infrastructure, I'll give you that; if I had been in the quest earlier, I would've screamed myself horse over that. That still doesn't stop the fact that our yeoman are currently going off to murder other people. We're going to have to do something about that and that "something" is almost certainly going to curtail the privileges of the yeoman. It's exactly what we did to Txolla when they started expanding by military force; we turned them into a colony and took away their military privileges.

We have to do something about the yeoman. Arming the Urban Poor to use as our military, thus curtailing the privileges and power of the yeoman was called:

I honestly feel like being mad at the yeomen for this crisis is idiotic. We let our martial get too high. We let our cent stay too low. We never built roads. We never built temples in under-developed areas. Etc. Etc. Etc. If you want them to not cause trouble, do the things that will forestall trouble and unify our society.

Picking the option that will crush them beneath the feet of the poorly shod urban poor, armed with national-symbol iron, and fed with the fruit of the yeomen's own farms is, essentially, a reactionary, passive-aggressive response to them causing trouble.

A idiotic and reactionary, passive-aggressive behaviour. We have to curtail the yeoman's powers. If we don't the crisis continues. Look at the solutions: Military 0 eliminates the yeoman as a fighting force; Centralization Max strangles the yeoman's independence; Yeoman faction power = 0 is the ending of the yeoman as a political force. We have to take action against the yeoman to respond to the crisis.

Building up the Urban Poor as our army is creating that infrastructure. That (or Y-Dude's plan) are how we derive military power from a class that is not our yeoman. I've just argued with Umi about his premise here:

I do not see how the Marynyn or whatever reform actually, short- or mid-term disempowers the patricians. All it does is give them an independent source of martial power with which they can finally gain power over the yeomen and thus power over the land and thus power over the food with which they will chain their source of martial power.

leading to an erogenous conclusion as suggested here:

"We need to reconcentrate the military power of the patrician class, and if all the best warrior sons are going to run off, I see no reason not to train our daughters! The demands of command are not so vigorous as those of the common footsoldier, and there are many an account-"

Complaining about our lack of (non-military) infrastructure is pointless; the barn doors are open and the horse is long gone. Even having said that, our lack of infrastructure was going to cause problems somewhere. It was only by fluke of overflowing Martial that we happened to trigger this particular crisis. I'm sure Academia Nut had multiple other options. The overflow of Martial was merely the flavour of how the crisis causes by lack of infrastructure played out.
Acquire new land, hopefully without any existing population
This is unsustainable long term, and one of the major contributors to Rome's problems. Furthermore, it is uniquely dangerous for us due to our need to hold on to every piece of dirt.

Open up more areas of our society and government so anyone have reasonable chance of attaining leadership position not matter how small.
M-Dude Reforms actively encourage this by creating new positions in the army for training and leadership:

"Combined with the new armour designs the cheaper iron has spurred on, and we can raise up tens of thousands of warriors just as good at ranged combat as the yeomen, only they can come from the urban poor instead. I know you've experience with the gymnasia and the methods for a single instruct to teach a dozen youths athleticism and basic combat, and the techniques are definitely scalable to much larger groups."

The most common way to do this is to train up a small batch of new recruits and then have them train more. Yeoman are fully capable of moving to the cities to pursue these positions. Furthermore, the increased need for artisans to make all of the military equipment requires more artisans, and increased amounts of soldiery means greater need for Carrion Crows, so more priests. Finally, if everything stops burning and we can build up a Navy, then there's opportunities for advancement there. Seems like a decent way to promote social mobility.

H-Dude's plan actively discourages this by keeping the military the same, but cementing leadership roles as Patrician roles.

Find ways to control population via culling or exporting or migration.
Somehow I doubt any of these are going to go particularly well. (Unless culling was not meant to be genocide?)

Improve government's ability to govern. (Admin tech)
We're trying, but it hasn't ended the crisis yet and we have no idea if it will. But, importantly, increased ability to govern our subjects is still going to translate to telling the Yeoman to knock it off, which will piss them off regardless.

Reduce reliance of military staff on Yeoman and Patrician, via increasingly expand sources of soldiers and slowly easing out existing leadership positions.
Confused what you mean here.

But the current Urban Poor Army reform will make the Partisans and Priests the joint owner of military, with them as leader and paymaster. This will piss off Yeoman, who were the minor leadership and bulk of the army; while trying to solve all the other crisis in -1 stability!

Again, Patricians are not the government. We have a powerful, hereditary elite, and individuals from it run much of the government, but their interests are still a faction, not the ruling body. Simply assuming that the Patrician faction is going to be defacto owner of the new army makes no sense. The players run the government, not the Patricians. We can influence who has control.

Finally, I will remind people that completely removing the ability for Yeoman to become officers under H-Dude is not going to be any less disruptive.
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Oh hey. I found what our "butted maille" looks like.

The links have this neat little twist in them.
Those look downright medieval! What year OTL did they become a thing?
Huh, a quick wikiwalk actually says that butted mail was mostly a japanese thing. The reason it looks familar is that a lot of modern recreations use it. Don't see a time period though.

Edit: Found a mention of it being a pre-roman era thing.
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Oh hey. I found what our "butted maille" looks like.

Butted mail is just mail where the iron rings are physically forced closed ("Butted") against each other. Essentially you take a coiled wire and cut it so that you have rough circular sections with a small gap at one end. You then take a pair of pliers and close a ring before adding more and more rings until you get the final shape. It's kind of like knitting in the way where you constantly add to the pattern.

It makes shitty armour, though. The armour is actually so terrible, you can tear it in half with your bare hands. A gambeson (essentially layers and layers of linen woven atop each other) is a better suit of armour than butted mail is. The protect extremely well from spears, arrows (even up to English longbows!) and provide padding to all blows.

Since the rings are only "butted" closed, they're not actually locked tightly together. If you pull on them, the rings will open up and the entire mail will fall apart. It's extremely vulnerable to arrows, spears and needle-pointed swords; any type of stab. It's easy to build, though; a lay person can do it if you have a skilled smith to draw out the wire and it's relatively easy to repair.

What we want is riveted mail.

You see the knob-looking parts on each individual link? Those are rivets. This mail in this particular form is actually physically fastened closed by a piece of metal. The rings can't burst apart or come undone. It's a lot harder and slower to make. Still, it's something an apprentice can do and the Ironworks should have lots of apprentices.

Those look downright medieval! What year OTL did they become a thing?

When are we again? 2000 BC? The earliest known example that survived was found in Italy in 400 BC. So we are well ahead of our time. The question is how long it takes us to get riveted mail. Butted mail is so terrible that it was only really used as armour by the Japanese and that was because their armour was extremely poor quality in general. Since they never had to invest in ways to bypass armour, they never developed straight needle-point swords, bodkin arrows, or warhammers.
Butted mail has apparently been used as early as 400 BC, though it's a bit fuzzy. General "chain mail" was used as far back as the Roman Republic though (who probably stole it from the Gauls) so it's a pretty old idea.

Thing is, butted mail is kind of garbage. What we really want is riveted mail, which could probably carry our general troops right into he late medieval period comfortably. It's awesome stuff.


It's very much not. I responded explicitly to Umi's reasoning:

The part I quoted is above. It's the first paragraph of the quote I took; the response I made was the one you then quoted that stated Patrician power wasn't mentioned. Umi explicitly stated that their reasoning was based on reducing the Patrician's power and how M-Guy's plan wouldn't reduce the Patrician's powers but, in fact, enhance them.[/QUOTE]
It very much is when you make it sound like he said that Harmysyn curtails the patricians power when he said no such thing. He said the opposite of that
The H whatever reform theoretically gives patricians power through their daughters by continuing the ability of patricians to participate in the military.
You very much did try to put words in his mouth he did not say.

H-Dude's point is about how allowing women to take up roles in the army is merely an excuse in order to expand the Patrician's power. They don't want to have to depend on the yeoman at all, that's explicitly his goal. Training women is merely one of the required steps since the Patricians simply do not have enough sons to match the yeoman's current contribution to our military.

Thus, I reasoned, it seems extremely strange to suggest M-Guy's plan will empower the Patricians over the Yeoman when Y-Dude's plan explicitly is to claw military power back from the yeoman. Presumably so that they can then crush the deserting yeoman.
Which is why it is so strange because he did not say that.

Now as to reducing the dependency on the Yeomen, let us look at the second son crisis

Second Son Crisis - Lesser warriors are flowing outward, attacking outsiders and risk bringing retribution to the rest of the People. They must be reined in, but once the seed of the frontier has been planted it is hard to uproot. Causes trouble each turn, may end on its own but can be definitively ended with: Max Legitimacy? and 2 of (Max Cent?, Martial Less than 3?, Yeomen Power 0?); or a Civil War

That is is fact one of the victory conditions. Then think, once we have removed them who do we want in control of our military? Who else but our administration and guess who those are? The patricians.

Like, people are missing what is going on here, both options take power of the yeomen, one from the bottom, the other from the top.
Okay and you need to not say that we are not responsible for what they are doing
Arming the Urban Poor to use as our military, thus curtailing the privileges and power of the yeoman was called:

A idiotic and reactionary, passive-aggressive behaviour.


That is not what he said at all.

He said that being mad at the Yeomen is dumb because this situation is our fault. He then stated(seperate from the earlier statement) that Harmysyn Reform is a reactionary passive aggressive response. He did not say the vote was dumb, just our reaction to the situation was dumb.
Malevolo is changing!


ANYWAY. We have found out that Myranyn Reform stood for Marian reform. Has anybody come up with an idea what Harmysyn Reform stands for?
Like, people are missing what is going on here, both options take power of the yeomen, one from the bottom, the other from the top.
As far as I'm aware, the yeomen don't have power at the top though? The patricians are pretty firmly in command of that, with only a small number of other factions most talented managing to climb the ranks of the army to become a commander.

I mean, in theory, a yeoman might be good enough to rise to a command position, but they then tend to get incorporated into the patricians anyways, so it's not exactly a major source of power for the yeomen. The Harmysyn Reform just makes it so the patricians have a larger pool of people they can turn into commanders, which is good if we want a good pool of competent officers, but it really doesn't affect the yeomen as far as I can tell.
[X] [Reform] Begin Harmysyn Reforms Event Chain
[X] [Iron] Upgrade Iron Blooded to Steel Blooded
[X] [GA] Subordinate reform (-10 Prestige)
Harmysyn because I am not sure we should give another class access to weapons, but reform is certainly needed.
Steel Blooded because it seems like it would help with some of our big issues at the moment.
Subordinate reform because we really need to sort out things, and the outer states are one of the many things that need fixing.