We should definitely Gucabomb the Kaname's at some point since they have casual access to Madoka and thus have the best means of keeping an eye on her, but I don't think they're coming primed like Hitommy. We also ought to bomb the Miki's, but we have to be careful since they have a daughter who is Meguca and thus are very likely to have a much stronger reaction. Sayaka will be involved.
Preferably, we use our experience with the other two to build a plan on how to bomb the Miki's. We could probably even get the other adults to help, although I doubt they'd be too much good there personally - if one of Sayaka's parents flips a lid, Haruka telling them to calm down is only going to irritate them further.
TBH, we should have Haruka in the room and backing us up when we read in any other parents. Having a respected second opinion goes a long way.
Let's see, vote.
[x] When we have a moment, not urgent, just everyone is in one place and you wanted to get the ball rolling on some stuff.
[x] Get Kazumi and Sayaka to copy the privacy sphere.
-[x] Joke about naming it. Information warfare is warfare, after all, and the privacy sphere is a powerful attack.
[x] In privacy sphere: Homura timestop so you have more time.
-[x] Wanted to share your metaknowledge around more. You still don't feel good about keeping it a secret.
-[x] Hitomi, Sayaka, maybe the Asunarians.
-[x] Either tonight, with everyone here and the privacy sphere already up, or maybe another day?
[x] Check if anyone has anything they want to talk about themselves.
[x] Hold Homura for a second afterward in TS, make sure she's still doing okay.
[x] Pull Sayaka into the privacy sphere and find out if she's Rebellion-aware.
Maximum privacy-sphere mileage?
Not really sure what else would go into this vote.