Okay I think it is time to go full conquest so I propose, after we defeat the khem we send the mercenary companies we hired from them to attack the HK and while they are doing that we send our ships and men to strike at the trelli.

No, fuck that, we need to consolidate now. We've got a fuckton of territory at this point that's relatively undeveloped, we shouldn't ever be directly trying to invade because that's a stupid thing to do, especially when there's the everpresent possible return of the steppe herpes.

Getting caught up in the conquest spiral is what leads empires to collapse. It's what started this whole mess in the first place, with the Khemetri being stuck on it and running into us and wardeccing before they realized "Oh shit we just started a fight against a peer power when our entire build revolves around never making mistakes"
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Wild guessing

Shadow king being collection of remanent Xoh, Hat, TS, and political losers from HK & The People working towards creating their own free states or reforming their defunct nation; by stirring up trouble between nations and misdirection.

That is why they have good intel and connection with seemingly magical hiding ability.
No, fuck that, we need to consolidate now. We've got a fuckton of territory at this point that's relatively undeveloped, we shouldn't ever be directly trying to invade because that's a stupid thing to do, especially when there's the everpresent possible return of the steppe herpes.
I agree with this totally since it's an especially stupid thing to do with Divine Stewards. The more land we actively take the worse off we are. Better to gain land slowly and build tall.
Actually, if we can do that, then it's a perfect opportunity to give him an official charter. That way we get rid of the criminal syndicate (it's legal and taxable now) and we get our urban intelligence network and espionage/underhandedness specialists.

If they're a relatively well developed syndicate, that would also net us proto police, urban assessors, censors and quality controls specialists.
Wild guessing

Shadow king being collection of remanent Xoh, Hat, TS, and political losers from HK & The People working towards creating their own free states or reforming their defunct nation; by stirring up trouble between nations and misdirection.

That is why they have good intel and connection with seemingly magical hiding ability.
Akatsuki PoC style.
No, fuck that, we need to consolidate now. We've got a fuckton of territory at this point that's relatively undeveloped, we shouldn't ever be directly trying to invade because that's a stupid thing to do, especially when there's the everpresent possible return of the steppe herpes.

Getting caught up in the conquest spiral is what leads empires to collapse.

This. Besides, I still have faint hope that we can shift our relationship to the HK so if we aren't allies at the very least we're not openly hostile.
Wild guessing

Shadow king being collection of remanent Xoh, Hat, TS, and political losers from HK & The People working towards creating their own free states or reforming their defunct nation; by stirring up trouble between nations and misdirection.

That is why they have good intel and connection with seemingly magical hiding ability.

Or it's your everyday criminal enterprise, except in a society with absolutely zero mechanisms for dealing with such enterprises.
Actually, y'know what, gonna change again to just a pure Study spree. Let's milk this hero for all he's got, we can swap out later.

[X] [Main] Study Metal
[X] [Secondary] Study Health
[X] [Secondary] Study Alchemy

Secondary Study Metal explicitly notes it's unlikely to get results, so boosting it to a main.
all roight boyz dis te plan
now that we got the mercs away from trelli we send an army to take trelli so we can bring our ship to bear aginst khem for i think they use ship alot to get men to the front
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No, fuck that, we need to consolidate now. We've got a fuckton of territory at this point that's relatively undeveloped, we shouldn't ever be directly trying to invade because that's a stupid thing to do, especially when there's the everpresent possible return of the steppe herpes.

Getting caught up in the conquest spiral is what leads empires to collapse. It's what started this whole mess in the first place, with the Khemetri being stuck on it and running into us and wardeccing before they realized "Oh shit we just started a fight against a peer power when our entire build revolves around never making mistakes"
Fine fine... kill joy, but still we do need to do something about our relationship with our surrounding nations. Which has gone sour over the generations and since people seem to be unwilling to do trade missions choosing instead mega projects or study actions, making sure that we have less enemies to fight by taking them out of the game permanently is our best bet that way when the nomads do show up we do not have to worry about neighboring nations taking advantage of the situation.
Care to entertain how that might work?
Not complicated. Just drop a priority message through an infiltrator.
However, we really should use our understanding of what they can do to our advantage. They're extremely good at building Palace Annexes and they should know that, so we can let them do it. It's basically trading -1 econ for completing the Aqueduct and +4 Culture, though with a chance of the policies only completing a single Arsenal and then doing something else with their leftover policy action.
Or, more likely, they prioritize the Aqueduct thats partly done and won't give benefits until done.
I mean, we got the infrastructure bonus from the Law because we emphasized "Community Health" and made it so that elites' wealth and whatnot are based on the wellbeing of those beneath them...so i'd say it makes perfect sense for the policy to focus on public health over the palace :p
A bit yeah. The need for the arsenal isn't very obvious at ground level
That they can be equipped nearly ubiquitously with Bronze suggests that they're either stupidly rich, colossal in size to the point that this probably shouldn't have been a Great Power War, or get in serious fights rarely enough that their standard drip has spread through their levies over the course of generations, and they have minimal losses from breakage and post-battle looting.
Or they are Dominant in Bronze trade and the reason their jimmies got rustled was that their Tin supply was needed to maintain dominance.

Our blackbirds sniping their juggernauts must be a horrible shock
Actually, if we can do that, then it's a perfect opportunity to give him an official charter. That way we get rid of the criminal syndicate (it's legal and taxable now) and we get our urban intelligence network and espionage/underhandedness specialists.

Hey guys I know what Golden Age innovation to spring for now!
That's boring. =3=

Why would they care about sending info to government anyway.

I like to imagine them as outer heaven actually. Or just black jack and hooker type.

A proper criminal enterprise has a symbiotic relationship with the polity it functions within. Any significant harm to the polity, would harm the syndicate.

Historically, Mafia orginisations have often lent great assistance to thier state in times of war. (that they took every possible advantage whilst doing so is of course a given)