Type that again but slower

Fuck, thank you.

[X] [Curr] Yes, in Valleyhome
[X] [Horse] Crush it
[X] [Infra] Build aqueduct in Sacred Forest (-4 Econ, +4 Econ Expansion, increased True City threshold)
[X] [Hero] Provide sponsorship (Main Study Tailings under Mystic Hero, possible Legitimacy loss, possible Religious Authority loss)
We can never win against the Lowlanders as they stretch too wide and there are too many polities, we can beat the Trilli because they are only a single city, easy to smother in numbers if we get Major Docks
We certainly can beat the lowlands we have the archers, the chariots, and the better weapons overall and if we are willing to convert to a less centralized form of government be able to hold it and administer it what we cannot do is hold a city hundreds of kilometers away.
their ships ensuring that none could pass between without trading with them.
Not 'pay me for going through it'. Stop here you can't go though you have to do all your business where I tell you and make sure we get to reap most of the benefits, you can't try and go round us or we kill you.

You're wrong! Trade is the toll. Remember, most civs don't have a currency yet. Trading actual, physical goods is the only way to have a toll.
We get another hero afterwards, also heroic age is ending, they've reunified basically and heroic age wasn't good for them anyway
We do?
Hm. I mean, if that Mystic advisor gets to be the next chief, sure, but she most likely is not a Martial leader.
Actually, if she is Mystic Hero, we totally need to switch to Progress policy if she becomes Queen.
Seeing as she is not a Martial Hero, it is still irrelevant to Hathatyn being angry - and, with us sitting on their rivermouth, they will keep being hostile forever because of both cultural and, more importantly, geopolitical reasons.

We use longboats packed with the worlds best archers, an upgrade from major docks would let us come to just about below them whilst outnumbering them massively due to our three docks and a major dock to their one

[citation needed]
I see a lot of speculation on their level (obviously totally inferior to Ymaryn master race, of coourse) both in shipbuilding and shipbyard capacity.
For all we know they have that Docks megaproject done...scratch that, with their naval focus I would be extremely surprised if they do not have some sort of Grand Docks.

Nomads might not even come back
The Hath are bitches at the moment without their Heroic Martial Leader, not even able to push out the Highlanders, who can now focus more on them and their foothold in their territory, also Hatriver solves that issue for us
The Metal Workers can stabilise with the help of our Trading Post, they already seem to be doing so somewhat. They don't need us to Baby them forever
We'll just let them keep killing each other and they'll keep ignoring us.
There are no facts here, only wishful thinking or questionable-at-best speculation in various degrees.

Topaz? Quartz? Prehnite?
I bet it's amber.

Amber is fossilized tree resin, which has been appreciated for its color and natural beauty since Neolithic times.[2] Much valued from antiquity to the present as a gemstone, amber is made into a variety of decorative objects.[3] Amber is used in jewelry. It has also been used as a healing agent in folk medicine.

There are five classes of amber, defined on the basis of their chemical constituents. Because it originates as a soft, sticky tree resin, amber sometimes contains animal and plant material as inclusions.[4] Amber occurring in coal seams is also called resinite, and the term ambrite is applied to that found specifically within New Zealand coal seams.[5]

To confirm.
@Academia Nut , where there any parts of, say, small insects or other inclusions in the yellow stones?
I see a lot of speculation on their level (obviously totally inferior to Ymaryn master race, of coourse) both in shipbuilding and shipbyard capacity.
For all we know they have that Docks megaproject done...scratch that, with their naval focus I would be extremely surprised if they do not have some sort of Grand Docks.
And we can have Grand docks plus another two normal docks, alongside our forests and manpower we win every time
You're wrong! Trade is the toll
so they still force people to trade we're they want though?
Kay wrong on that somewhat, but that's still dickish though, we let the civs around us trade though us, Highlanders and Xoh for example trade through us to avoid the war and we don't make them trade where we want at sword point.
Still basically highway robbery
We certainly can beat the lowlands we have the archers, the chariots, and the better weapons overall and if we are willing to convert to a less centralized form of government be able to hold it and administer it what we cannot do is hold a city hundreds of kilometers away.
we've debated why taking the Lowlands is not wanted, go back though the thread because I'm not beating a dead horse for the eighteenth time
In all honesty, building a GIANT FUCKING CANAL through Turkey to the Med might be more satisfying than trying to conquer the Trelli for numerous reasons. I'd love to see them try to adapt their incredible naval power to riverine warfare.

Ymaryn in Crow Mask and Dark Robe: "With this last mile, our canal is FULLY OPERATIONAL. Soon the Ymaryn shall dominate the far Western Sea just as we do the Middle and Eastern Seas."

Ymaryn With Shovel: "Dave, are you going to help dig?"

Dave: "It BEGAN with a canal and it shall END with a canal. With this waterway, we shall dominate the world! We shall use that wealth to irrigate the very plains and FINALLY put a stop to the nomad menace! They shall drown beneath an ocean of trees!" *Eats shovelful of dirt to the face* "Damn it, Bob, have you no sense of drama?"

Bob: "Monologue after it's finished. For now, get back to digging."
Last edited:
Could even be amber.

Mica in sheets. As others has said amber.

I bet it's amber.

To confirm.
@Academia Nut , where there any parts of, say, small insects or other inclusions in the yellow stones?

Diamonds can be yellow, right?
Its amber guys, it says on the trade listing:
Kay wrong on that somewhat, but that's still dickish though, we let the civs around us trade though us, Highlanders and Xoh for example trade through us to avoid the war and we don't make them trade where we want at sword point.
The fuck are you talking about? They trade with us, not through us.

This is literally the worst case of absolute bullshit to justify stealing I've ever seen. It's like situational ethics, but the situation is that you want all of their stuff.
Equivalent would be "Nomad traders must trade with Ymaryn when passing through the Valleyhome route"

Except the sea route allows a boat to try to bypass them more easily than a caravan could on land.

There are no facts here, only wishful thinking or questionable-at-best speculation in various degrees.
Fact: Nomads might not even come back
Fact: We will never truly get rid of the Steppe Nomad attacks
Fact: The Hathatyn are at a major disadvantage against us in any war
Fact: We built Hatriver to guard against the Hathatyn
Fact: The Metal Workers are trying to fix themselves up already and at one point before the Nomads we're doing decently
Fact: The Lowlanders are back to stalemating and killing each other endlessly again, and are no threat to us whilst they continue to do what they've always done for millennia.

Facts mate, not wishful thinking, facts
we've debated why taking the Lowlands is not wanted, go back though the thread because I'm not beating a dead horse for the eighteenth time
I have known about you guy's phobia for the lowlands for a long time now and quite frankly now more than ever should we try to finally take territory haven't you noticed that the more time has passed the more united the lowlands became? first there were three then it became four now it is only two, you seem to think we can just shut ourselves away from our closest neighbors and assume that even if they do unite we can fight them of when AN clearly stated that in over all infantry they are better than us
[X] [Curr] Yes, in Valleyhome
[X] [Horse] Openly allow but regulate it (-1 Religious Authority, potential stability loss)
[X] [Infra] Build aqueduct in Sacred Forest (-4 Econ, +4 Econ Expansion, increased True City threshold)
[X] [Hero] Provide sponsorship (Main Study Tailings under Mystic Hero, possible Legitimacy loss, possible Religious Authority loss)
Adhoc vote count started by Redciv3 on Jun 11, 2017 at 7:47 PM, finished with 1057 posts and 124 votes.
The fuck are you talking about? They trade with us, not through us.

This is literally the worst case of absolute bullshit to justify stealing I've ever seen. It's like situational ethics, but the situation is that you want all of their stuff.
Really, source that shit instead of insulting me and maybe you'll have a half decent argument.

The Xoh have stuff the Highlanders want, the Highlanders alphabet stuff the Xoh want, they can't go through the western route directly because that's choked up in war. So the only safe route is through us.

This is called logic, not insulting people and swearing at them

Calm your tits and come back and debate