Also, @Academia Nut, if it isn't too much, could you tell us Lolwyna's stat spread? The advice she gave to us about aqueduct building makes me think she's more than meets the eye.
Do we actually want cavalry? I would have thought they were the technological predecessors to chariots rather than the other way around.
Diplo 9 [+4] -> 12 [+4]General
Diplomacy 12 [+4]
Economy 9 (+1) [-1+4]
Econ Expansion 9 [+1-4]
Martial 10 {13}
Stability -1 -> 0. As expected from enforce justice
Centralization 3->4, again, only +1 from Enforce Justice.Organizational
Centralization 4
Hierarchy 6
Religious Authority 2
Mysticism 6 -> 9
Holy shit lots of changes, because the Trelli are ridiculous.Trade Status
ResourceStatusRivalsLuxuries AmberKnown only Fine PotteryMinorXohyssiriFine DyeDominatingHathatyn, TrelliFine TextilesNoneXohyssiri, Swamp Folk, TrelliFursKnown only GlassMarginalXohyssiriGoldLesser tradingHathatyn, Metal Workers, TrelliSilverLeadingHath, MW, Xoh, TrelliSaltDominatingNone, TrelliSpicesNoneTrelliWineLeadingHath, TrelliStrategic CopperSignificantHath, Highlanders, Thunder Horse, MW, TrelliBronzeNoneTrelliTinNoneMW (in), TH (in), Hath (in), HK (in), TrelliIronNon-traded dominantNoneCultural PilgrimageSignificantThunder Speakers, Xoh
Err, i think the "none" is wrong here AN?
This got fixed to properly reflect our slots...though i'm still not sure why it isn't 4/5+1, since only one slot is specific to marches...
I love our provinces and periphery states <3.Provinces – [Main] Expand Econ, [Main] New Settlement – Southeastern Redhills, [Sec] Study Stars
Stallions – [Main] Sailing Mission – Rivers, [Sec] New Settlement, [Sec] Build Walls
Western – [Main] New Settlement, [Main] Build Iron Mine
Greenshore – [Main] Sailing Mission, [Main] Build Walls
Hatriver – [Main] Expand Forest, [Main] Survey
Hmm...I don't know enough about climate stuff to know what this means...Doesn't seem to have actually affected our econ score though.Something was distinctly odd with the weather, all records indicating that it had gone through numerous swings over the past several generations, with the general consensus being that it had grown far wetter than usual. This had resulted in a huge number of storms in and coming off the sea, disrupting fishing and trade. The weather had also made the food supply unstable, although the push to enforce the ancient rules on how to properly manage granaries and the push towards increasing the amount of black soil for use in areas where it wasn't already deeper than a grown man's leg made sure that the disruptions were more about fluctuations in what was stored rather than what was getting into the People's bellies.
!!! Currency!"Ah, yes, I suppose there may have been some confusion," the younger clerk in the group says while looking over the initial message sent to the king. At a glance from the older clerk, he says, "Right, for a while clerks have been using the unit of the bwyll in accounting, which is generally the amount of grain or equivalent needed to feed a grown man for a day. The munbwyll and the sonbwyll are larger values, thirty and four hundred bwyll each, respectively. Every person is expected to need about one sonbwyll a year to keep themselves fed."
Mysticism hero! Admittedly maybe a suspicious one...Likely to be mythologized by fusion with the Multh-name god(dess) we learned about with the temple, by solidifying said god as a goddess, in the consort advisor role.his newest advisor, Lolwyna. A protege among the shamans and priests, the younger astrologer had been instrumental in helping to deal with the biting insects that had become more populous in the wet weather that had become the norm. Obsessed with the relationships between the heavens and the earth, and with the transmutation of things, she was among the finest of astrologers and mystics. Distant, ethereal, baggy eyed from long nights watching the stars or communing with spirits, thin from her obsessions often causing her to forget to eat, her hair cut short and bleached an unnatural colour with limewater, she was distinctly not an attractive woman... and yet Rulhuthyn found her strangely alluring and her presence was almost intoxicating. Perhaps it was that as a warrior he had constantly been close to death, and as a king his position was a sacred one, but the shamans both terrified and excited him with powers he did not understand, and Lolwyna was very powerful in that regard.
!!! Holy shit horseback riding! Looks like this was the mysticism crit that spawned our hero, since its costing religious authority...The next major issue was a meeting with the king, the Spirit Chief, and several priests over an issue that had been cropping up of late, a somewhat distressing one from Rulhuthn and the priest's perspective. In short, there were stories cropping up of bored young men abusing horses. While as a charioteer the king understood that young horses could take some time getting used to a harness, the new practice that had been cropping up involved young men - typically with too much beer and wine in their systems - hopping onto the backs of horses and then trying to stay atop the poor animals as long as they could as the poor creatures were obviously frightened out of their minds by having something on their backs. It was cruel and unnecessary and the king was certain that there would be little trouble in banning it, until he had an odd dream of a chariot team without a chariot, of getting twice as many charioteers for less cost. It was a strange and troublesome dream, and he was forced to bring it up at the meeting. Were the gods speaking to him, were demons, or had some greedy part of him just imagined a way to double his cavalry forces? That set the priests to arguing with each other when he told them.
What to do about the horse abuse practice?
[] [Horse] Crush it
[] [Horse] Ignore it (-1 Religious Authority)
[] [Horse] Openly allow but regulate it (-1 Religious Authority, potential stability loss)
Fur and Amber, interesting...What friendly contact they had also allowed them to bring back new luxuries, like rich furs from animals adapted to the cold, and brilliant, translucent yellow rocks.
! Istanbul equivalent! Must have...Meanwhile, out of Greenshore the traders there had explored the shores of the sea, detailing out features that had mostly been lost on the People, but also most significantly making contact with the Trelli in the far south-west. A large, walled city and the farms around, Trell had apparently been associated with the Hathatyn in generations past but had broken off before the disasters that had split them. They sat upon what they claimed was the Gateway of the Two Seas, their ships ensuring that none could pass between without trading with them. What lay beyond the channel they protected was unknown, but judging from their wealth and the fantastical goods they had to trade from far off lands, they probably weren't lying about there being a whole other world beyond their shores.
Well, at least the Hath are failing for the most part...raiders should be easy-ish to beat...though, @Academia Nut how do the Hathatyn's ships compare to ours, assuming our people have been able to see them lately?the Hathatyn would definitely soon be at least sending raiders down the river to attempt to weaken the People's legitimacy in being in Hatriver, if perhaps not yet coming in force as they had only seized one city back from the hard pressed Highlanders.
Haha, sweet! The Thunder speakers live up to the legacy of helping break up power in the lowlands...Then again the Highlanders had received something of a break in that the Thunder Speakers had apparently decided that the Thunder Horse nobility in Xohyr had grown too enamoured with the blood thirsty demons the Xohyssiri worshiped as gods and had declared open revolt. The fortunes of war and battle were still in flux down south, although the great riches and territory the empire had to drawn upon allowed them to replenish losses quickly. In fact, if anything their greatest weakness was their relative lack of high quality weapons, constrained as they were by the availability of tin to make bronze.
Oooh, aqueduct and possible second true city sounds really nice...Infrastructure
[] [Infra] Build aqueduct in Sacred Forest (-4 Econ, +4 Econ Expansion, increased True City threshold)
[] [Infra] Build more boats (-2 Econ; +1 Econ end of turn, +1 Econ, +1 Econ Expansion and Diplo next turn, additional effects,)
[] [Infra] More chariots (-2 Econ, +4 Martial)
[] [Infra] More foot soldiers (-2 Econ, +3 Martial, potential additional effects)
[] [Infra] Farm (+4 Econ, -4 Econ Expansion)
Oooh, interesting...risky, but i think worth it?The king knew that look, and knew that it was not such a small request. She would demand much, demand resources and assistance, and that would step on toes. If she produced good enough results that might quell all dissent, but there were no sure things when dealing with the mystical, and even new insights might not be enough to quiet criticism against her and her sponsor.
Grant her request?
[] [Hero] Provide sponsorship (Main Study Tailings under Mystic Hero, possible Legitimacy loss, possible Religious Authority loss)
[] [Hero] No, that would be wrong (Unknowable Mystic Hero response)
That's a good question...they're not near the MW, or we'd know. They're not within reach of our marches mission up north...So while the king wrestled with all of these questions, taking in advise where he felt able, he and everyone else wrestled with the question of 'Where are the nomads?'
The problem being that that's not why we're doing it.
To be fair they sound like dicks, so breaking their Naval lock with a naval battle should be fun, considering they are just one city with one dock to our three they should be swamped and destroyed easily, especially due to our ranged superiority.Ugh, a trade city based on the gateway to the not!Mediterranean. And they have the ability to challenge our trading dominance. We're going to have to deal with them eventually...
Do you remember all the things needed to make a horse able to be ridden on? (I in fact have also only ridden on a horse once)Nonsense. I have in fact ridden on a horse.
(Why do you ask?)
But currency is worth it!!!! We've wanted it for ages and now your limiting it?
but I'm not so sure that encouraging risk-seeking behaviors in our populace is the way to do it.
[X] [Curr] Yes, in Vallyhome
[X] [Horse] Openly allow but regulate it (-1 Religious Authority, potential stability loss)
[X] [Infra] More foot soldiers (-2 Econ, +3 Martial, potential additional effects)
[X] [Hero] Provide sponsorship (Main Study Tailings under Mystic Hero, possible Legitimacy loss, possible Religious Authority loss)
While shiny, Hatathyn is about to attack next turn. Let us prepare ourselves to greet them in true Ymaryn fashion.
By blotting out the sun.
Diplomacy 12 [+4]
Economy 9 (+1) [-1+4]
Econ Expansion 9 [+1-4]
Martial 10 {13}
Stability 0 (neutral)
Legitimacy 3 (max)
Centralization 4
Hierarchy 6
Religious Authority 2
Art 4
Mysticism 9 [+1]
Prestige 20
Maybe because doing science is all she's good at and there's more to being a queen than being good at science? Even Princess Bubblegum has a more diversified skillset than her.Why is our Mystic hero not an heir? That's worrying...usually we would have it happen automatically or at least get the option.
she would most likely be pickable if we go with the tutoring option, if we don't though she is likely to not be pickable.Why is our Mystic hero not an heir? That's worrying...usually we would have it happen automatically or at least get the option.