As one of the very first fans of the ST I'm so glad we managed to finally get one as our King and the first thing he does is split the skull of a nomad hero with an axe!

Stereotypical weapon of the Vikings and Dwarves were battle axes, yo.

That said, wiki said spears are the most common Viking weapons.
[X] [Value] Spread value (+Hero Generation)
[X] [Main] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Restore Order
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - South-Eastern Redhills
Why are people voting for S Restore Order? It's straight up worse than Enforce Justice at the base, and also it keys off the king's inferior Admin roll. What the heck.
Too not waste the Legitimacy of PG and avoid raising Cent to far maybe? I'm doing it as a main so can't completely comment.
[X] [Value] Spread value (+Hero Generation)
[X] [Main] Restore Order
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy- Expansion

Eh, this feels more efficient to me...

Lovely that we got the census, should come after we build the palace. Libraries, meanwhile, seem hilarious as we will start gaining mysticism for most mysticism costing actions by building just one more.
Considering he was given Kingship while at battle and the southern provinces where suffering from a plague I'm guessing he ruled from the Stallion Tribes.

Vindication is always sweet and Cwird and Patryn's descendant honoured them greatly.
I think my initial feelings for the March could be summed up as: Fucking Damnit.

Then by the time of the first Pops-Son Duo, just pre-Fey mood, it was: Hey these guys are actually pretty awesome!

Now after Fey-mood it's full throttle: I love you guys!

[X] [Value] Spread value (+Hero Generation)
[X] [Main] Restore Order
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy- Expansion

Eh, this feels more efficient to me...

Lovely that we got the census, should come after we build the palace. Libraries, meanwhile, seem hilarious as we will start gaining mysticism for most mysticism costing actions by building just one more.

I may switch to that... kinda sketchy on the Expansion *remembers old problems and salt* but I could go for it. Need to think about it.

More hmm. I think we need three total libraries to get a +2 refund because the text says " every 2 after the first".
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Changing my vote for more centralization.

[X] [Value] Do not spread
[X] [Main] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Balanced

I may switch to that... kinda sketchy on the Expansion *remembers old problems and salt* but I could go for it. Need to think about it.
Expanding right before a war is kind of pointless since we won't be able to wall it up, but it also covers stuff like Expand Forest and maybe Black Soil which we always mean to do but never do, and it's econ-cheap.
It's a shame our stats don't kick in until the turn ends or else we could've afforded an annual festival instead. A proclaim glory along with an annual festival on the heels of our King personally killing the nomads hero would've been great narratively and have great synergy.
Expanding right before a war is kind of pointless since we won't be able to wall it up, but it also covers stuff like Expand Forest and maybe Black Soil which we always mean to do but never do, and it's econ-cheap.
Well if the vote wins, it may end up putting the settlement in Blackriver, which is snugly secured for the moment.

Hmm! I have a tingle to do a meander and try something fun. Be back in a while with a bigish post (spoiler-ed of course if it gets silly big).
@BungieONI, I have the feeling that we're missing each other's overall points. I don't think it's worth reopening the discussion but I didn't want to end on a bad note.
Adhoc vote count started by Arbit on Jun 11, 2017 at 4:32 AM, finished with 268 posts and 61 votes.
[X] [Value] Spread value (+Hero Generation)
[X] [Main] The Census
[X] [Secondary] Sailing Mission
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - South-eastern Redhills

I believe that with megaproject support policy we only get two megaproject actions + 1 study stars + 2 expand econ so I'm changing my vote.
[X] [Value] Spread value (+Hero Generation)
[X] [Main] The Census
[X] [Secondary] Sailing Mission
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - South-eastern Redhills

I believe that with megaproject support policy we only get two megaproject actions + 1 study stars + 2 expand econ so I'm changing my vote.
You do know we have a war that's been confirmed to be heading our way right?
Well if the vote wins, it may end up putting the settlement in Blackriver, which is snugly secured for the moment.

Hmm! I have a tingle to do a meander and try something fun. Be back in a while with a bigish post (spoiler-ed of course if it gets silly big).
Moving to an expansion policy also means our provinces won't be sending war missions to defend our territory. This is a serious issue as the nomads will almost definitely return next turn and the Hathatyn will be attacking us.
Well if the vote wins, it may end up putting the settlement in Blackriver, which is snugly secured for the moment.

Hmm! I have a tingle to do a meander and try something fun. Be back in a while with a bigish post (spoiler-ed of course if it gets silly big).
I think it's a lot more useful than New Settlement: Redhills, but it's not going to win. It has 3 votes.
@BungieONI, I have the feeling that we're missing each other's overall points. I don't think it's worth reopening the discussion but I didn't want to end on a bad note.
Thanks for the olive branch. I think we are talking around each other too, so I agree, let's just keep it closed. Apologies if I offended you, I really did not mean to.
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I may switch to that... kinda sketchy on the Expansion *remembers old problems and salt* but I could go for it. Need to think about it.
Expansion is literally the creation of money and econ slots. Currently it's most likely that the provinces will take 4 expand econ actions or 3 expand econ actions and a study stars action.

4 Expand econ would give us 12 econ slots eaten up when combined with the baby boom, and we'd gain at least 4 econ slots, 1 from true city, 1 from proclaim glory mained, and at least 2 from a new settlement to bring us up to at least 13, likely no more than 14 econ slots. This means we'll currently have 12/13 or 12/14 econ slots used up by the end of this turn. It is possible that some of this will be re-directed to the colony if our admin is smart enough. King might not be, but he does have advisers and he does listen to them. The Expansion policy's goal, meanwhile, is to gain econ and econ slots, so we're likely to see this shift over to one to two new settlements and gain enough econ slots for both this turn and next. I'm just playing it safe here.
Vindication is always sweet and Cwird and Patryn's descendant honoured them greatly.
Cwriid and Patryn could both go die in a hole. If all Cwriid did was found the Stallion Tribes I'd be a fan, but he and his son not only ran counter to our efforts at tax reform, they also tried to make hereditary land standard throughout the Ymaryn, and for that they have earned my undying hatred.

Stallion Tribes without the Young Stallions I am all for, though. They're cool guys and my favour in them was cemented when they stood between us and the first nomad father-son pair.
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[X] [Value] Do not spread

The trait won't immediately lead to hereditary/aristocracy obviously, but saying that means we can take it is kind of silly. The whole point of the trait system is that we aren't directly choosing things like that. Our traits influence how the Ymaryn evolve, so even if the trait doesn't change our society instantly, it will have an effect. Since it would push us towards things I dislike, I'm voting against it.

(Oh, Honour in Humility, I miss you...)
[X] [Value] Spread value (+Hero Generation)
[X] [Main] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Restore Order
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - South-Eastern Redhills

Ancestor measuring contests are pretty benign and I want more heroes. In addition I am a bit worried about keeping such a low level value around for too long, at some point our neighbours might just push their fancier version on us. Making sure we stay close to our march culturally also seems pretty important.