They are now the Thunder Horse Empire with Xohyrissi at the helm
Yet they initially broke the Dead Priests at the height of their power.

Also best way to fight Fire is with Fire. The Xoh are strong enough to stop the Nomads from taking the entire empire, but the Nomads will likely create a new Kingdom in the North, allowing them to force the Xoh into a two front war, which it is unlikely they will win quickly
Guys, we have a Heroic Martial king, and so does everybody else. Let's use him. Go for the riskier option that has nomads fighting nomad descendants that are also baby-killers.

We need to crush the nomads ASAP.

[X] [Recruit] Mass recruitment (+6 Martial, -2 Econ, -2 Centralization, additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Drive them south-east
[X] [Library] Free Study Metal (Guaranteed breakthrough)
[X] [Boats] Increase size while maintaining portability

So you think plague (1 Centralization) and potential famine (1 Economy) are less murderous than war... interesting.
Diff Checker
Diplomacy 9 [+4]
Economy 3 [-1+4]
Econ Expansion 7 [+1-4]
Martial 6 (+1) {7}
Diplo 5 [+4] -> 9 [+4]
As expected, from salterns+trade dominance.
Econ 4 [-1+4] -> 3 [-1+4]
4 -1 (True City) + 2 (Modified Baby Boom) -1 (Library) -1 (Blackbirds) = 3. The econ going to Western Wall over us was a bit annoying :(
Econ Expansion 6 [+1-4] -> 7 [+1-4]
6 +1 (True City) - 2 (Modified Baby Boom) +1 (Library) +1 (Blackbirds) = 7.
Martial 6 {8} -> 6 (+1) {7}
6 + 2 (Blackbirds) - 2 (War mission losses). Gaining 1 next turn from increases verterancy. Also, losing 2 martial to war isn't enough to lose us econ as well, good to know.

Stability -1 (anxious)
Legitimacy 3 (max)
Stability 1 -> -1. -1 from crit fail/bad rolls on disease and/or admin, -1 from refugees...wait, did we not get any econ from refugees this turn, @Academia Nut?
Refugee activation from the eastern nomads getting wrecked.

Centralization 3
Hierarchy 6
Religious Authority 1
Centralization 4 -> 3 from political gygo
Art 4
Mysticism 5 (+1) [+1]
Prestige 19
Art 7 -> 4
7 - 3 (Library) = 4. I guess the library is not enough of an engineering feat for the Canal bonus...
Mysticism 8 [-1 + 1] -> 5 (+1) [+1]
8 -1 (Blackbirds) -3 (Library) - 1 (wisdom) +1 (temple) = 5, then (+1) next turn from the blackbird expenditure via library.
Prestige 18 -> 19
Usual +1 prestige from megaproject.
Trade Status
Luxuries Fine PotteryMinorXohyssiriFine DyeDominatingHathatynFine TextilesNoneXohyssiri, Swamp FolkGlassMarginalXohyssiriGoldMinor tradingHathatyn, Metal WorkersSilverLeadingHath, MW, XohSaltDominatingNoneWineLeadingHathStrategic CopperSignificantHath, Highlanders, Thunder Horse, MWBronzeNoneNon-tradedTinNoneMW (in), TH (in), Hath (in), HK (in)IronNon-traded dominantNoneCultural PilgrimageSignificantThunder Speakers, Xoh
Only change is the HK officially getting added to the list of tin importers.

Love of Wisdom (Maxed development)
The People have learned not just to be aware of the world around them and to follow the patterns they see, but to also carefully test the patterns to see if they are actual patterns or just coincidence.
Pros: Significantly improved use of study actions and innovation rolls
Cons: Can question social foundations
LoW is down to Gold text from red, no longer costs mysticism to maintain; AN confirmed this was directly from having library:
Yup. It's been the only long term solution to that issue from the beginning.

[X][Main] More Blackbirds
[X][Secondary] War Mission - Northern Nomads
[X][Secondary] War Mission - Northern Nomads x2

Provinces – Meagproject x3
Stallions – [Main] War Mission – Northern Nomads x2
Western – [Main] War Mission – Northern Nomads, [Main] Survey
Thats a lot of war missions... also, a main survey from our colony!
Hatriver – [Main] Build Dock, [Sec] War Mission – Anti-Bandit, [Sec] Expand Forests
Greenshore – [Main] Build Dock, [Main] Expand Econ
Yes, more docks! ...though i am worried that greenshore isn't doing any martial buildup at all...

The warm rains had remained, but they had taken a bitter turn in recent years, the timing just right to promote the growth of biting insects. The People tried to control it, but sickness had broken out in the core territories. The king fresh from inheriting from the great Gonwyllmyn and then the heir had passed away far too close together, leaving political gygo and madness. Many had fled the core territories for places like the Western Wall, which had blunted the worst of the disease spread, but it had still done considerable damage. And seeking someone who could be held up as a beacon of the People, someone who could hold up one of the few matters of success in recent times, and thus the young chief from the Stallion Tribes who had held the nomads at bay had been selected as the man for the job.

Western Wall Colony Absorbs 2 Points from the Baby Boom to shield it from disease uptick
Political chaos! -1 Stability, -1 Centralization
King is now Heroic Martial, Good Diplo, Below Average Admin
Damn...critfail/really bad rolls on admin adn/or disease? At least we got a crit on martial and have a hero...

More dudes
[] [Recruit] Mass recruitment (+6 Martial, -2 Econ, -2 Econ Expansion, -2 Centralization, additional effects)
[] [Recruit] Smaller recruitment (+3 Martial, potential additional effects)
[] [Recruit] Focus on the next generation (+4 Econ, -4 Expansion)
Some relevant WoG since the update:
You guys have never even discovered the negative centralization governments that most of your neighbours run on for much of their lifespans. Going much lower will force a shift, but Centralization 1 won't automatically blow up your government.
I'm not really sure on this one...i think i'd lean towards mass recruitment... then again, if i'm reading the fluff right, only the "Hold the center" choice is heavily helped by mass recruitment... @Academia Nut how much would mass recruitment help the "Drive them south-east" plan?
General strategy
[] [Strategy] Hold the center
[] [Strategy] Relieve the west
[] [Strategy] Drive them south-east
Relevant quote about the war in general:
Ehhh... if they hadn't taken bronze weapons off the Metal Workers and Thunder Speakers you would have probably been able to throw them back at the cost of essentially breaking your hand in doing so. As is the damage inflicted was about evened out on both sides, and their heir has proven himself a brilliant commander in the process. The Heroic Martial King doesn't think that the nomads can win, but he gives about even good odds of catastrophically fucking up the north if things don't go well.
Relevant quote about the danger to our trading post:
It's possible, but with the river in the way and the area in between not being that rich, they may not bother.

A/N: List of civs with Martial heroes
You: 1 king
Northern nomads: 1 king + 1 heir (AGAIN, and entirely naturally!)
Hathatyn: 1 king
Highlanders: 1 king
Seriously. The dice were weird again this turn
Damn, thats crazy...

Megaproject completed!
The Library
A fantastical collection of scrolls and tablets, this preserves the wisdom of the ages and ensures that not all things must be relearned by each new generation. Whenever spending mysticism, gain +1 mysticism the next turn. Can now build libraries as extended actions.
Woot! A great bonus :) I wonder what mechanical benefit extended project libraries give...
Choose a bonus
[] [Library] Evolve a random value other than Love of Wisdom
[] [Library] Free Study Metal (Guaranteed breakthrough)
[] [Library] Free Study Tailings (Guaranteed breakthrough)
[] [Library] Free Study Forests (Guaranteed breakthrough)
[] [Library] Free Survey (Guaranteed Good or better result)
Uughhhh they're all so good...Values are the hardest to get, but metal might give a super useful immediate benefit...or it might be a boost to some other metal...
Also, for the values, relevant quote:

On a more practical note, the increased sea traffic from the new trading post and Hatriver had demonstrated considerable benefits to the ship building industry, and new designs that could take greater advantage of the availability of docks and their shipbuilding capacities were already showing benefit. Some of the larger designs cropping up were quite interesting to the king, as he envisioned being able to take large groups deep into the steppes via the rivers to attack his enemies from unexpected directions.

Choose a shipbuilding advancement
[] [Boats] Increase size while maintaining portability
[] [Boats] Increase speed while maintaining portability
[] [Boats] New design: Emphasize size
[] [Boats] New design: Emphasize speed
Sweet! Definitely think we should go with the Hero's suggestion of speed+portability.
I wish people would stop ignoring how going into war with just 1 econ whilst having Quality of its own as a trait and having too low a centralisation to maintain the strategic stockpiles might cause a famine to add onto the plague

Firstly, we have +3 coming up by the start of next turn. Secondly, Quality of its own governs martial losses not related to honor of elites-IE, the martial from converted econ. We're not looking at going negative in econ terms here.
Letting the original Thunder Horse into the Lowlands was a good decision. It didn't work out for long because the dice decided to get them all killed a turn later.
Size is necessary in the long term, and really only in the long term.

We can build more docks at any point in time, and doing so will provide innovations if done as a Main.
Except we don't plan on Holding the center where such boats would be necessary. Pushing them South East won't even be able to use them.
Yet they initially broke the Dead Priests at the height of their power.

Also best way to fight Fire is with Fire. The Xoh are strong enough to stop the Nomads from taking the entire empire, but the Nomads will likely create a new Kingdom in the North, allowing them to force the Xoh into a two front war, which it is unlikely they will win quickly
Right, while also vassalizing a whole bunch of cities to the East and then swallowing up the Thunder Speakers, Xohysirri, and the Swamp Folk.
We just had two new Ports open up and we have potential problems opening up in the West and the South, both controlled by martial heroes. Why are we not Building Better boats? Bigger Portable boats would only be helpful if the strategy was to divide the two. But we aren't, leading votes are either pushing them southeast or defending the West, both helped more by having larger boats to ferry warriors with.
Our hero explicitly thinks Portable+size would help the most in fighting the nomads; note that the hard part about pushing them southeast is not the fight in the southeast, its the fight to push them there.
Firstly, we have +3 coming up by the start of next turn. Secondly, Quality of its own governs martial losses not related to honor of elites-IE, the martial from converted econ. We're not looking at going negative in econ terms here.
We are if we take enough of a military hit before that +3 comes in, and even if it's for a short while, we'd have a famine, immigrants and a plague with negative stability for a while before the +3 hit.
[X] [Recruit] Smaller recruitment (+3 Martial, potential additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Relieve the west
[X] [Library] Evolve a random value other than Love of Wisdom
[X] [Boats] Increase size while maintaining portability
Will low centralization reduce the impact of our King's heroic martial?


No Black Soil study?

Never studied black soil, so n

Stability 1 -> -1. -1 from crit fail/bad rolls on disease and/or admin, -1 from refugees...wait, did we not get any econ from refugees this turn, @Academia Nut?

Yes, but you also took Econ damage from the fighting and Quality of It's Own. I think you need one more point of Econ though.
[] [Recruit] Smaller recruitment (+3 Martial, potential additional effects)
Yeah, the long term civil war risk from Feudalization is unacceptable.
[] [Library] Free Study Forests (Guaranteed breakthrough)
I really, really want to fuck over the Nomads long term via mass forestation... But we have a significant chance of dying outright because of five Heroic Martial leaders, three of them hostile.
[] [Library] Free Study Metal (Guaranteed breakthrough)
The Riddle of Steel, here we come.
[] [Boats] Increase size while maintaining portability
What the military leader wants, he gets. I'd prefer size and speed for eventual deepwater vessels, but as said before, we mght not have a long term available.
So what decision will give us professional citizen soldiers?
Let's try to aim for more Rome and less Sparta.

Welp. As for whether we hold the center, play divide and conquer, or go halp the others... I'm uncertain.
[X] [Recruit] Smaller recruitment (+3 Martial, potential additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Drive them south-east
[X] [Library] Free Study Forests (Guaranteed breakthrough)
[X] [Boats] New design: Emphasize size
Adhoc vote count started by highs2lows on Jun 10, 2017 at 5:20 PM, finished with 51317 posts and 44 votes.
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by highs2lows on Jun 10, 2017 at 5:20 PM, finished with 51317 posts and 44 votes.
[X] [Recruit] Mass recruitment (+6 Martial, -2 Econ, -2 Econ Expansion, -2 Centralization, additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Drive them south-east
[X] [Library] Free Study Metal (Guaranteed breakthrough)
[X] [Boats] New design: Emphasize size
That's not how i read it. We can lose yeomen, people who farm.

Yeah. Where do you think the extra martial from Quantity of its own comes from?

We are if we take enough of a military hit before that +3 comes in, and even if it's for a short while, we'd have a famine, immigrants and a plague with negative stability for a while before the +3 hit.

We have a heroic martial leader, losing that much martial is pretty unlikely, and more unlikely that it'd happen after a midturn decision.

Now let's put that force against the same force, fight Baby Eater Nomads with Wilder Heroic Nomads.

Let the fire burn itself

We can't do that without the extra soldiers, from what the hero is thinking. Done incorrectly it could turn them further towards us, at which point we really want those soldiers in the way between them and our lands.

Except we don't plan on Holding the center where such boats would be necessary. Pushing them South East won't even be able to use them.

From how focused our king was on maneuvers I got the impression they'd be useful for south-east and holding the center, though you're right that reinforcing the west we'd likely want flat out bigger ships. Greenshore even has a dock now to moor them.
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Just looked at our stats and abilities and I saw something....

Mass Recruiting puts us at 13 Martial, in exchange it brings us to 1 centralisation and creates 'new issues'.

Smaller Recruitment combines with our Econ from Quality of Its Own to give us 11 Martial with 3 centralisation and a far lesser chance of 'new issues'

Just ask yourself, is 2 extra Martial really worth it?
Yes, but you also took Econ damage from the fighting and Quality of It's Own. I think you need one more point of Econ though.
Well...that's bad :/ even with only 2 martial loss, we lost an econ? ...or wait, did we also get refugees from the Hath, or otherwise gain more than 2 econ from refugees? Because if so, we lost at least as much martial as econ, in which case i dont think we can even remotely afford to go to 1 econ with the mass recruitment...
Oligarchic Ancient Kingdom
A king holds chief executive power, but is primarily drawn from and voted in by a limited set of families backed by economic might and military elites.
Pros: Good mix of central authority and provincial autonomy
Cons: Beware competing ambitions...

Yeah, lower centralization people, let the ambitious pronvince chiefs loose
Ehhh... if they hadn't taken bronze weapons off the Metal Workers and Thunder Speakers you would have probably been able to throw them back at the cost of essentially breaking your hand in doing so. As is the damage inflicted was about evened out on both sides, and their heir has proven himself a brilliant commander in the process. The Heroic Martial King doesn't think that the nomads can win, but he gives about even good odds of catastrophically fucking up the north if things don't go well.
Source on the second statement?
Yeah. Where do you think the extra martial from Quantity of its own comes from?

We have a heroic martial leader, losing that much martial is pretty unlikely, and more unlikely that it'd happen after a midturn decision.

We can't do that without the extra soldiers, from what the hero is thinking. Done incorrectly it could turn them further towards us, at which point we really want those soldiers in the way between them and our lands.
They have a Heroic Martial Leader too, and so do the Hath, which worries me

Also look at my previous post before this one, will that extra 2 Martial really help all that much?